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Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future

  Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future In a world where words often lose their meaning amidst the noise, "Honor" stands tall, embodying a profound truth that resonates deeply within the soul of our community. As we navigate the complexities of modern existence, it's essential to return to the roots that define us, leveraging the timeless principles of Honor, Loyalty, and Sacrifice to forge a path forward. This exploration isn't just about understanding a concept; it's about redefining our collective destiny through the lens of integrity and truth. As a community committed to empowerment and personal growth, we dive deep into the essence of Honor—dissecting its impact on our lives and our interactions with each other. This isn't just an article; it's a manifesto for those ready to embody the true meaning of Honor in their lives, propelling our tribe towards unprecedented heights of unity and strength. The Core of Honor: H

Sometimes Your Enemy Looks Like You

  Sometimes The Enemy Looks Like You This folktale spits a hard truth into our face, that many will find hard to head but my friend please get it. Do not allow the look of someone or the feelings of familiarity fall upon you in all situations. Just because someone looks like you and have all the right lingo does not make them your ally. History is riddled with the bodies of those that were betrayed by familiarity, and this story throws this up big time. The dogs in this story were sweet-talked to a sour death at the hands of their new partners. Many of us up to this day are being “got” by the same trap. We listen and hear all the words, we don’t pay attention to the body language, hell we don’t even look at the history. We just believe that everything is going to work out. But as old and hopeful as I am in my life I have learned that if it sounds too good to be true, then it is. We are living in a dangerous time where many wolves are able to broadcast their messages over the internet,

You Can't Be Fooled If You Know Who You Are!

  You can’t Be Fooled If You Know Who You Are Here we are with another story about the ass. I told you that the ass provided much material for Aesop, and has produced many nuggets of wisdom for us. The ass in this story demonstrated I believe a lesson that we all need to get. Now remember I am looking at this folktale through my lens, my view is not the only view as you will here in the attached video or podcast. This is a story that touches on the maxim that states “Know Thyself”.  In this story unlike the last time we met with the ass, this ass knows who he is and his lot in life. He appears to have harmonized himself with it. Rather than wasting time and energy to run with the old shepherd, this ass appears to have made a choice that lined up with who he is. The lesson for all of us is to take time to learn about us. Know who we are, where we are, and then make decisions from that point. I know many people will disagree with me on this point, because they will say that the ass shoul

Are You Feeding Your Heart Or Your Stomach

  Are You feeding Your Heart Or Your Stomach The folktale we will look at here is important because it focuses on one of the unbalanced passions (this is what we call them in Gye-Nyame training) that has destroyed more lives and broken more homes than any other vice. We are talking about greed. Striving to get more than you deserve and in many cases more than you could use. Greed is a deadly vice that will keep you hungry in the midst of a cornucopia. I have personally felt the sting and seen its actions in my life. Greed will constantly whisper “more” to you and if you have not been taught to recognize it,  it will lead you to ruin. We can see greeds effect all around us, and we can hear it in the speeches of politicians, and business persons. The constant move toward growth, and expansion is nothing but one of the disguises for greed. In Gye-Nyame we describe this as an unbalanced passion. Because at times there are moments for greed, but we must be fortified in our other principles

Know Your Enemies

  Know Your Enemies In war it is very important to have scouts. These are soldiers or warriors that go ahead of the normal troops, to get an idea of what the enemy has waiting for their army. The scouts job is to gather information about the enemy and bring it back to their leaders so that they could more effectively deal with future battles. Do you have scouts in the world. I promise after this folktale you will be trying to get some. We are looking at the folktale (fable) called “The Bowman & the Lion” and the lesson that I learned pretty much sticks with the moral of this story “be on guard against men that can strike from a distance”. This is very important in all aspects of our lives. Many of us are being hit by the arrows of enemies that we didn’t even know we had. These arrows have been set on autopilot, and are triggered by us trying to get in spaces that were not designed for us. We can see these arrows flying in business, certain fields of work, in real estate, in laws, e

The Unnoticed Wealth Within (lessons from an ass)

  The Unnoticed wealth Within (Lessons from an Ass) The ass is a beast of burden that Aesop frequently uses to teach lessons. This one strikes me as important, and I believe my  take on this story may have not been the original lesson, but I am sure that it will help many of those that take the time to read. In my tribe one of the first things that we strive to do is to get people to start learning not only their peoples history, but we push them to learn about their family history. Our goal in doing this is to help them develop a pride for what their personal family's history adds to the total mosaic of African and world history. Many of us, I believe, feel that our family has not added to the timeline of world events. We believe that our personal family's history should be shunned and put to the side because it is not important. That is the farthest we can get from the truth. Our family’s history is what made us, and if we would take the time to look at some of the great thin

To Thine OwnSelf Be True

  To Thine OwnSelf Be True I actually did not pick this fable as my first choice, but it just happened to be the first one that I relistened to when I was putting my playlist together. It popped up and I gave the discussion a listen and it blew my wig back. Please understand when I do my shows I rarely go back and listen to them. Most of the time I press the button and go, and after the show I move to the next one. You see, I was taught content was king, and for almost 8 years I would create a show a day. In fact on some days I would do as many as 3 shows a day. In 2022 I decided to change how I did content because doing all this creating and not making headway in social media began to wear on me. Don’t get me wrong I had built up a group of supporters who understood what I was doing, and supported me every step of the way, but I was nowhere near where I had hoped to be. When I started this journey I had planned for this to be my retirement gig, and that through GNJMedia I would be abl

An Old Walk In The Woods During A New World Order

  An Old Walk In The Woods During A New World Order Introduction I love going to the woods. For me, it's not just a way to get some exercise and enjoy nature—it's also a form of therapy that helps me clear my mind and relax. Going for a walk or hike in the woods delivers all kinds of benefits: better health, better mood, improved sleep—the list goes on and on. I know that going for a walk in the woods can do more than improve my overall health; it's also good for my mental health. Who knew that walking in the woods could be so therapeutic? Going to the woods can be a peaceful and a relaxing pastime. Going to the woods can be a peaceful and relaxing pastime. It’s an excellent way to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, get some exercise, experience nature and enjoy peace and quiet. For older people in particular, walking in the woods is a great form of exercise because it requires very little effort. You don’t have to lift weights or run on a treadmill; you
The Right Of Descension Introduction The right of descension is something that we don't talk about much these days. It is a principle from our past when we were tribes who had no clear boundaries or territories. If a group wanted to leave their tribe, they would have to get permission from the tribal council, and then there was another requirement: at least 30 members of the tribe willing to go with them. This ensured that there was strength in numbers with this new tribe as they set up camp somewhere else in their vicinity, away from the main group. In times gone by, this was necessary because it ensured survival of all members of the tribe by allowing them to split off into smaller groups if needed! But now things have changed drastically due to environmental factors and political upheavals elsewhere in our world—our planet has become less hospitable than ever before for most forms of life on it including humans! We must adapt quickly or perish together as one species; splitting

No Halfway Dreams

  No Halfway Dreams Introduction The mind is the key to success. You can be the strongest person in the world, but if you don't believe in yourself, your dreams will stay just that—dreams. I've been through many battles with my mind and body, but now I'm coming out on top because I know when to give up and when not too. In this article, we'll go over tips for staying motivated and achieving your goals through hard work and faith! The Mind is the Key The mind is the key to success. The mind is what keeps you going, day in and day out. The mind is what keeps your motivation alive when things are tough. And the mind is what will get you through those tough times, no matter how tired or depressed you may be feeling! Putting in the work What separates the great from the good? The difference between a half-way dream and a fully realized ambition is putting in the work. When it comes to changing your life, there’s no substitute for hard work. That doesn’t mean that you have to

Parasites Are Everywhere

Parasites are Everywhere Introduction As you may know, I'm always looking for ways to improve my health. In this article, we will be focusing on parasites and how they affect us. We all have them, but what most people don't realize is that there are natural remedies that can treat the symptoms caused by parasites! I had no idea that we all were dealing with parasites, but once I did my research, it was a real eye opener. I had no idea that we all were dealing with parasites, but once I did my research, it was a real eye opener. Parasites can be very serious and harmful to your health. We may not know when or even how we become infected with some types of parasites, but you should always be aware of them. If you want to get rid of parasites in your life, try one of these methods: When you start to look for parasites, you will be able to see them everywhere. You’re going to find parasites in your food, your water, and your home. You’re going to find them in pets and in food produ

Mimetic Virus

  The Mimetic Virus Great Ujima: I thought that reviewing this video as well as creating this article fit the theme of the day. Memes are a double edged sword that can be used to help us in our proces, but just like any other tool if it is used incorrectly it can cause a lot of damage. In the article I do not focus on ways that we can use memes to build, I focused on how the virus can do damage because we have many ideas that we have to cure ourselves of before we can move forward. Checkout the article and let us know what you think. Also be sure to sign up for our email list or take our seven day free ecourse. We need to get some healthy memes out here that will work for us rather than hold us hostage and impoverished. GNJ Free ecourse and email list Introduction There's a theory about human psychology that says we're all under the influence of invisible ideas—and some of these ideas can be dangerous. The idea of mimetic viruses (or memes) comes from French anthropologist Marc