
Showing posts with the label nguzo saba

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Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future

  Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future In a world where words often lose their meaning amidst the noise, "Honor" stands tall, embodying a profound truth that resonates deeply within the soul of our community. As we navigate the complexities of modern existence, it's essential to return to the roots that define us, leveraging the timeless principles of Honor, Loyalty, and Sacrifice to forge a path forward. This exploration isn't just about understanding a concept; it's about redefining our collective destiny through the lens of integrity and truth. As a community committed to empowerment and personal growth, we dive deep into the essence of Honor—dissecting its impact on our lives and our interactions with each other. This isn't just an article; it's a manifesto for those ready to embody the true meaning of Honor in their lives, propelling our tribe towards unprecedented heights of unity and strength. The Core of Honor: H...

DAILY TOAST RITUAL - 6th Cycle week of Kujichagulia

We are at it again, come and join the Toast and keep up with Gye-Nyame Journey. 

Let's talk about the #NguzoSabaChallenge

  Let's talk about the #NguzoSabaChallenge Introduction What are you doing to make this year your best yet? Are you taking time for self-care? Are you setting goals and creating action plans for those goals? Do you have a plan for maintaining your overall wellbeing in mind, body, and spirit? If not, I suggest that you give the #NguzoSabaChallenge a try. What's a daily log and how can you start a habit with it? A daily log is a tool that can help you develop and maintain a habit. It's not just about tracking your progress (though it does that), but also about reflecting on your progress. A daily log helps you see how far you've come and allows for celebration of those milestones, which will motivate you to keep going. As you begin tracking your habits, take note of the following: What is the first step in starting this habit? Is there something specific I need to do before or after this? How many times per day am I trying to practice my new habit? Is this too much or too...

A Little About The Fast

  A Little About The Fast Great Umoja in the 4th cycle of 2022 in the week of Kujichagulia. Man it is great to be back, I thought that I would be able to write and create while on my fast, but No,No,No, my mind nor my body was having it. I took a break for most of the 4th cycle of Umoja. I wrote maybe two blogs so the eMag is going to be light. Today I want to cover the structure of my fast and maybe talk a little bit about why I do it. My particular fast came about because GNJ needed something to deal with our health. Being who I am, I not only wanted to set it up, I felt that it was important for me to model. Although we talk about the 4 pillars of health in our "Drink Yo Water '' song I wanted something that could help people lose weight, stop smoking, stop harmful drugs, develop healthy habits, or destroy negative ones. The #21dayNguzoSabaChallenge does that. Using the idea that it takes 21 days to create a habit I decided to use the 21 days to build up the momentum to...

Life Care - Harnessing Your Life Force Using The Nguzo Saba

  Life Care - Harnessing Your Life Force Using The Nguzo Saba Learning to harness our life force so that we can live life to the fullest. We need to explore Culturally appropriate means of doing this. We developed the 21 Day Nguzo Saba Callange just for this reason. Let's discuss plugging into who we are so that we can collect our inheritance. "Are we walking in our purpose? Learn how to collect your inheritance with 21 Days of Nguzo Saba" The first step is to acknowledge that this is possible. The next step is to be willing to take the time to do it. Let's talk about plugging into who you are so that you can collect your inheritance.   Let's discuss what we can do to harness our life force so that we can live life to the fullest. "How to harness your life force by using the Nguzo Saba. " I want you to know that there are people in this world who would love nothing more than for you to believe that there is something wrong with you and that you have no c...

#NguzoSabaChallenge 5

#NguzoSabaChallenge 5 Great Nia: I have made it to day five of my fast, and we are in the last week of the 3rd cycle in the year of Kuumba. I know that is a mouth full, but for those that are serious about making the change this is one of the keys that we are sharing with you. Being on the day of Nia, we have to surround ourselves with meaning. We have to eliminate accidents, and begin to grasp the knowledge that is around us that can help us build the “Best Life”. I just defined how the time cycle for our challenges work, and I will post up a sample of the calendar so that you can see for yourself. We are very serious here at Gye-Nyame Tribe, we are are her to help you build your and your tribes life, but we have to get you to the point of understanding the power of Nia, and learn to not only define (Kujichagulia), but put a purpose on everything around you. Especially things that you use daily. That is what we  did with conquering the days of the week, the weeks of the year, and ...

#NguzoSabaChallenge 4

  #NguzoSabaChallenge 4 Great Ujamaa: We have embarked on a journey, and took this Imani week to talk about the #NguzoSabaChallenge, of course staying true to the game and making sure we talk about the principle of the day. Speaking of the principle of the day, we are on the principle of Ujamaa. Ujamaa to us is the green key to the whole system. It was the way that Ujamaa lined up in our system that let us know that the Ancestors were with us. Ujamaa in our system aligns with gratitude, reciprocity and the color green. I would also throw out the hermetic principle that it lines up with but that might be a little overkill. So Let’s look at the spiritual resources that are opened up when we apply ourselves to this system.  "If we apply ourselves to the principles tied to Ujamaa in a revolutionary way and use the resources that are opened up to us, we can build the kind of world that our Ancestors would have wanted for us." In the #NguzoSabaChallenge system we introduce the user...

#NguzoSabaChallenge 2

  #NguzoSabaChallenge 2 Great Kujichagulia: We are continuing the discussion today, so to get a better understanding please go back and read part 1 From there we got into the #NguzoSabaChallenge, this came about because I read somewhere that it takes 21 days for you to develop a habit (scientifically it is not true, but it sounds good). I wanted to present folks with a simple system that they could walk themselves through and make the personal changes that they needed in their lives. Plus I wanted to help them establish a connection with their culture. Through my personal use of the Nguzo Saba  I had experienced some of the same success that many people experienced using different systems, but this one allowed me to explore my own culture, and become the best Black man I could be. Not just plug into a system that moved toward the “universal man'' concept that is at its heart attempting to make you into the best servant of west asian capitalist you could be. So the #21DayNguzoS...

#NguzoSabaChallenge 1

  #NguzoSabaChallenge 1 Great Umoja: We are in the final week of this cycle. So let me explain how this #NguzoSabaChallenge system works before we get into the Rant. actually it will fit right in with our exploration of Umoja & Imani today. This whole system came out of following the process and as I went through it I logged in to my rants, blogs and discussion with the tribe. Especially with my mindset group, that helped me line it all up and they forced me to ask questions that I never would have really explored before. Oftentimes I get trapped in my own head and it is good for me to talk with others that have taken on the responsibility of this journey so that we can flesh out the idea and apply the system. Please understand that some of the stuff I write about I am not only talking to you I am also talking to myself. The whole piece on Kuumba/Imani was about the importance and power of asking questions, and for the last few months through the mindset I had to do this for my...

Creating, living, & Defending The Best Life

  Creating, living, & Defending The Best Life Great Nia: Peace Fam! Before we jump into this article I want to make sure that the readers understand how this system works, With this system the goal is to expand the way that we look at the Nguzo Saba, Each principle has to be explored through all of the other principles, that way we can create discussions, get new ideas, and develop a deeper understanding of our principles. Sometimes it appears to me that we allow these principles to lie stagnant for 358 days, and in late December pull them out of their holding pins and celebrate. Not here!!! At Gye-Nyame Journey we have discovered the power behind these principles and have figured out how to use them in building community, and that goes farther than just being able to memorize the meaning. We have constructed a 7 week cycle wherein you can sharpen your skills through looking at the principles through the other principles, and spark the creation of a new understanding that you c...
  Creative Economics Great Nia: Let's start this conversation by using some of our crystalized wisdom that has made it to us from our Ancestors, we will be using the idea of Sankofa. Sankofa for those who are new to this journey is the Akan symbol with a long necked bird stretching its head back to grab an egg off of its back. This is defined as going back and fetching it. It for us is cultural wisdom, and I want to reach back and remind you that wealth for us traditionally was in the people, and believe it or not it still is! Nothing of value is found, created, shaped, molded or whatever can be done to it without the touch of a human being, or groups of human beings.   “Wealth exists in the people and we need to reclaim that value,  to help us build pathways for real wealth.” The smart phone you are reading this article was made and created through a process hundreds of individuals through their combined effort was able to put together. The components that were put ...