
Showing posts from August, 2010

Featured Post

It’s Okay to Be Lost

  I’ve always called my job an adventure, and I’m proud of that. I love what I do, even with all its challenges. But more than just my work, life itself is an adventure. And for anyone reading this—whether young or old—let me assure you: it’s okay to be lost . Being lost is part of the journey. It’s part of the process. Nothing is always going to line up perfectly. Things won’t always go according to plan, and that’s fine. The key is to learn how to be lost without panicking . Learn how to be lost and still keep your mind steady . Learn how to take a breath, be still, and move forward without fear . Too many of us stress out when we don’t have all the answers. We feel like if we don’t know exactly what’s next, something must be wrong. But that’s not the case. Some of the greatest growth happens in the confusion . Some of the best lessons are learned in the wandering . Embracing the Unknown Right now, I’m in a season of my own uncertainty. For a long time, I didn’t want to leav...

Control- Ha2ku by ha2tim

Image by thepluginguy via Flickr Fighting for control/ brings chaos into your life/ be like water, Flow/ Many of our lives have turned into a battlefield because we are constantly fighting for control. we feel that the world is ours to control so we make ourselves sick trying to bend it and everything on it to our will. We feel that if we scream loud enough,and push long enough we will bend the will of the world. Western society has helped to ingrain this "forward ever backward never, and no surrender attitude". To prove our control we have our battle scars that are on the inside of us, making some of our lives a living hell with hyper tension, tumors, ulcers, weakened hearts, migrains and a host of other sicknesses that plagues many especially in America. Our reward for dominating everything and everyone around us is loneliness, and sickness. We have material trophies, but when it comes to deep insight about life and spiritual awarness we have none. Why do we think...

Tribal quote

Here is your blog: Here your quote: Real generosity toward the future lies in giving all to the present. ~  Albert Camus All things must change to something new, to something strange. ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Brother Ha2tim SelfMasteryCoach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

Pushing through blocks- Ha2ku by ha2tim

Image via Wikipedia Writers block has hit/ So I will write any way/ There is no stopping/ Ha2ku by ha2tim What do we do when we run into blocks in our lives? These blocks are set before us to prepare us for what is coming. This is the time to dig in and stick it out. These blocks whether it comes in the form of writers block, relationship blocks, career blocks, and etc., when we come to these blocks we are forced to change our view. Let us stop looking at these blocks as difficulties and start looking at this blocks as negatives and begin to look at them as opportunities for growth. These blocks when looked at in this way they become our stepping stones to greatness. These blocks give us time to explore ourselves , and the many different talents and skills that we have. Sometimes we continue doing the same thing for so long that we become stuck in one way of viewing the world. The so called block gives us an opportunity to look at new solutions and new ways of viewing our prob...

Tribal quote

Here is the latest blog:                         Here is your quotes: God gives every bird a worm, but he does not throw it into the nest. -Swedish Proverb Let the spirit out – Discard all thoughts of reward, all hopes of praise and fears of blame, all awareness of one's bodily self. And, finally closing the avenues of sense perception, let the spirit out, as it will. Bruce Lee Brother Ha2tim SelfMasteryCoach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

Your purpose is calling-Ha2ku by ha2tim

Image via Wikipedia Fall in love with life/ Your purpose is calling you/ To something better/ Ha2ku by ha2tim -"Minor things campaign"-what are you waiting for! Life is wonderful when we are in love with living it. We have been blessed with an opportunity in this lifetime to effect all those around us. The issue that I run into most times doing SelfMastery™ coaching is that people have lost their way. They have lost the love of life because they are off their purpose. We live in a wonderful universe that works on purpose. So if you are in existence you can be sure that you were placed here for a reason. The challenge is to find that reason. We we loctae our reason our purpose because clear, and we can once again fall in love with this life. How do we find our purpose? For many this can be a process involving trial and error. Many times we can make it easy for ourselves if we can locate those things that we can naturally do well. Things that bring out our passion. Whe...

New life-Ha2ku by ha2tim

Image via Wikipedia New life inspires/ Watching new baby learning/ Incredible site/ Watching my new daughter attempt to figure out the basics is a wonderful experience. As I was watching her I began to realize that when we lose the sense of 'newness' of life. As we get older we begin to believe that we have arrived and cut ourselves off from the power that has helped humans advance to the point we are now. When we begin to believe that we have learned all their is to know we limit ourselves. Watching my baby reminds me of the wonder that is still out there. We begin this life with such an interest in everything around us. Life is a big puzzle that we are trying to figure out. This puzzle is full of mystery and there in lies the power. when we lose the sense of amazement and trade it for the false comfort of thinking we know we cut ourselves off from the true power of life. This power flows from the mystery. By us embracing this mystery and walking with it in our life we...

Tribal quote

We do not learn; and what we call learning is only a process of recollection. ~ Plato Love is of all passions the strongest, for it attacks simultaneously the head, the heart and the senses. ~ Lao Tzu Brother Ha2tim SelfMastery™Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

Re: Tribal quote

Op Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile From: Haatim <> Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2010 09:00:44 -0400 To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <> Subject: Tribal quote Here's your morning blog: Here's your quote: By the work one knows the workman. ~  Jean de la Fontaine Early in life I had learned that if you want some...

Tribal quote

Here's your morning blog: Here's your quote: By the work one knows the workman. ~  Jean de la Fontaine Early in life I had learned that if you want something, you had better make some noise. -Malcolm X Brother Ha2tim SelfMastery™Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

Demons-Ha2ku by ha2tim

Image via Wikipedia Demons attacked me/ With only a pen I fought/ Dreams often come true/ Ha2ku by ha2tim Don't worry it was only a dream, but in many ways it is true for those that do the work of "Change" (changing world, changing community and changing self and others) we often are confronted not only by our own demons, but the demons that oppose our work. In my dream I was in a familiar house with my family. The demons were coming for me because I had participated in this work of "change". I knew the demons were coming looking for me, so I sent my my family out the basement door to safety. My sister laid on the floor sleep and I had to wake her up and convince her to leave me as well. I called on my Creator and all my Ancestors and prepared for the worst. I was blessed with a weapon that I was told would help me in the coming onslaught and all I received was a pen. Think about the symbolism, a writer , nationbuilder on the warrior path, and a urban sha...

Tribal quotes

Here's your blog: Here's your quote: However many holy words you read, however many you speak, what good will they do you if you do not act on upon them? ~ Buddha All thought is partial, it can never be total. Thought is the response of memory, and memory is always partial, because memory is the result of experience; so thought is the reaction of a mind which is conditioned by experience. Bruce Lee Brother Ha2tim SelfMastery™Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

'Moving toward 2020 vision on purpose'- ha2ku by ha2tim

Image via Wikipedia Moving toward future/ With 20/20 vision/ Feet planted in now/ Ha2ku by ha2tim Moving toward the future on purpose. This is what we need to begin doing. It appears to me that we stumbled through the 80's,tripped through the 90's and accidentally made it through the first 10 years of the 21st century. Now we can begin focusing on where we want to be. I have learned from my many years of life that the only way to get somewhere is to focus on where you want to go. I no longer want to roll in a community, group, or an organization that does not know where it is going or even worst be part of a collective/community whose future is shaped by parties outside of itself. At this moment we have to take charge of our destiny and set a course for 2020. Not only talk about getting there but set it in our minds what it will look like for us when we reach it. Fear has been a major factor in us floating in this ocean of confusion. Fear has been set loose in our co...

Tribal Quote

You have not recieved anything from me lately because my phone went beserk. I also have been blessed with a new daughter (the youngest in the bunch). I apologize to those who read the daily quotes and those that read my blog. I love your comments, retweets, postings on fb. If you have not checked out my blog now is your opportunity. If you dont read it for yourself read it and make comments because i want to improve on my writing. Announcements: Gye-Nyame Tribe in partnership with League of Young Voters, AAMI (Urban Warriors), Columbus Urban League,and the Gathering for Justice will be having our: State of "The Hood" address and Hood Survival Training: The focus of this 2 day meeting /training will be "Building our Community on Purpose with a 20/20 vision". Come help us move toward 2020 as we learn the organizational skills necessary to control the area we live in. We have a National Representative from the "League of you...

Live on purpose

Accidental life/ Poor child, wake up and live life/ Try life on purpose/ Ha2ku by ha2tim

Tribal quote

Phone has been down.... Here's your quote: A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer. Bruce Lee No man was ever wise by chance. -Lucius Annaeus Seneca

"Rites" Ha2ku by ha2tim

Image via Wikipedia First seperation/ Next initiation,then/ Reintroduction/ Haku by ha2tim This is the cycle of a warrior, where are you in your journey? As warrios we must be willing to face these cycles they are unavoidable in life. We are forced to deal with the conflict that is inherent in this life cycle. These conflicts provides us with opportunities we need to grow if we embrace them. Throughout the ancient world; tribes developed a system to help their warriors face these steps in a structured fashion. The warriors would be introduced to the myths and sysytems that held their society together. After the warriors went through this system they were willing to give their all to defend their society and what they learned. Let's take brief look at each step of this process because we go through this process either on purpose or by accident:ASeperation- the warrior is first seperated from all they know and enter into what could be called "another world". This ot...

"Lesson from a young Man"-Ha2ku by ha2tim

Image via Wikipedia Life is a Garden/ your seeds are ideas that grow/ nurture & protect/ Hey: I was blessed today to have a conversation with a young man, and he taught me a lot about life. This young man had started a garden and he had developed a succesful plot this summer. He took me out to see it and I could see the pride in his face. This was SelfMastery in action. This young man had never heard of the concept but in that instant of sharing his garden, his work, his passion he became my master teacher. As we began our conversation I asked him what were the steps that he took to make his garden the success it was, and he proudly shared his secrets. He smiled, then he proudly told me step by step. After he completed his story, I challenged him to apply that same process, that beautiful system to life, and give anyone that wants to use it the keys to success. He thought about and rattled off the steps: 1. Lay out everything- he stated that in order to start his garden h...

Tribal quote

Here's the latest blog: Here's your quotes: All the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come. ~ Victor Hugo The only real failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows. ~ Buddha Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

Tribal quote

Here is a new blog: Here's your quotes: Knowledge becomes evil if the aim be not virtuous. ~ Plato History is a pact between the dead, the living, and the yet unborn. ~ Edmund Burke Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

"Minor things campaign" Ha2ku by ha2tim

Injustice is like/ The rain, when it falls it hits/ Everything gets wet/ Ha2ku by ha2tim- inspired by Lauren Hill & a African proverb Injustice is like/ Fire, when it is burning/ No ones house is safe/ Ha2ku by ha2tim- inspired by  African proverb.  "Minor things campaign" I know that you are looking at these 2 ha2kus and saying ,hey these don't have anything to do with the title, but trust me they do. The minor things campaign is a idea that hit me on a hot saturday while watching people interact. I started noticing that people dont always acknowledge the simple fact of others humanity. I believe that their is  some negative programming going on. People are being programed to look past each others humanity, and focus on the business at hand. This got the wheels turning in my head and i had to wonder what are we overlooking and why. At first big gigantic issues began to pop up in my head. Then i remembered a statement that goes "deal with a mole hill bef...

Tribal quote

Here's your quotes: Love your enemies because they bring out the best in you. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche In times of stress, be bold and valiant. ~ Horace Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

"Defeat" Ha2ku by ha2tim

Image via Wikipedia If not for defeat/ We would not know victory/ So continue on/ Defeat is a word that many don't want to hear, nor a subject that people want to discuss. Today I want to take the time to celebrate that word and help others recognize what it does for them. Defeat, and failure both help us along our path in life by giving us the feed back we need to succed. We just need to re-learn how we deal with them. Where did you learn how to deal with defeat? Why is it so hard to look at these things in a new light? In our personal development we have to begin to not worry about what others think. It is a shame that so many dreams, and good ideas have been assasinated by what "other people" think. I also believe the same goes for defeat we have become more concerned with what others think rather than using the time to learn from our defeat, loss, or failures. We run from these things not realizing that many times the only way to success is through them. Defea...

"Minor Things Campaign"-Ha2ku by ha2tim

Injustice is like/ The rain, when it falls it hits/ Everything gets wet/ Ha2ku by ha2tim- inspired by Lauren Hill & African proverb Injustice is like/ Fire, when it is burning/ No ones house is safe/ Ha2ku by ha2tim- inspired by  African proverb.  "Minor things campaign" Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

Tribal quote

Here is latest blog, if u did not check out the blog called "god of our times" please do would love your feedback and speaking of feedback : Success is a science; if you have the conditions, you get the result. ~ Oscar Wilde Do not shorten the morning by getting up late; look upon it as the quintessence of life, and to a certain extent sacred. ~ Arthur Schopenhauer Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

"A 2020 vision" Ha2ku by ha2tim

Vision is needed/ A 2020 vision/ The future is ours/ Ha2ku by ha2tim- idea by Kwesi Lo...... Minor things campaine Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

"Minor things campaign"-Ha2ku by ha2tim

Have you noticed that/ Our young people do not know/ How to greet others/ Ha2ku by ha2tim- lets teach a young person the power of wishing someone a "good morning". Handle minor things and major things will fall in line. Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

Tribal quote

Hey here is your blog, check this one out and let me know what you think. I spent some time on this one and would love your opion if you like it pass it on. Free some minds. Remember I typed it on my phone so forgive mistakes: In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure. ~ Bill Cosby Initiative is doing the right thing without being told. ~ Victor Hugo Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

"Shooting stars"-ha2ku by ha2tim

I see shooting stars/ Everyday on this planet/ They just don't know it/ Ha2ku by ha2tim Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

Tribal quote

Here's the latest blog: Here's your quote: Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go. ~ William Feather As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. ~  English Proverb Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

"The god of this day and time"- Ha2ku by ha2tim

Image by th.omas via Flickr I have discovered/ The god of this day and time/ It's economy/ I need you take a short journey with me as we look into ancient times and compare some of our modern behaviors. It is important that everyont that is on the SelfMastery™ journey with Gye-Nyame under stand the power of belief, and begin to see the effects that belief have on our everyday existence. Belief is the foundation of many peoples lives and depending on the belief they can have a happy or sad existence. We are driven by our beliefs and form prejudgements based on belief, but we never focus or at least I feel we never focus on how this beliefs truly effect our lives. Maybe many of us Belive we are to advanced to be stuck where we are because of our belies as we wake up and go to worship service (hahaha had to slide that in). I have been watching world events and began to notice that what applied in older times still applies today. Belief and system that direct the energy of beli...

"Live on purpose"-Ha2tim by ha2tim

Image via Wikipedia Some of us Live Life/ Accidentally, stop now!!/ Live Life on purpose!!!/ I was talking with a young man and this thought hit me again so i decided to write on it again. It seems that this lifestyle is tearing up communities all over the world. You know it when you see it. These are the people who are always waiting for something to happen. That sit around waiting for something to pop, like somebody with some weed, some money to borrow, some liquor, for a miraculos job to appear, for that magically lottery ticket to hit, for their music to get picked up,to launch their acting career, and I can go on and on. This shit has to STOP. When you waiting for something you are wasting one of the only commodities that you have, your time. When we live our lives by accident we give up our power as the creator of our lives ( let me say that again " WE GIVE UP OUR POWER AS CREATORS OF OUR LIVES), and then we end up being pawns in others game. Waiting for a raise, waiti...

Tribal quote

Here your blog: Here's your quote: Friendship improves happiness, and abates misery, by doubling our joy, and dividing our grief. ~ Joseph Addison One must try to escape from the darkness of ignorance and suffering, and seek the light of Enlightenment. ~ Dalai Lama Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

Tribal quote

Here is your blog, if you have not been keeping up I am trying to write consistently at least 6 blogs per week. I am putting the SelfMastery™ concepts down to be discussed and studied. The other part of my task is to continue writting a haiku per day for a year, and base the blogs on the Ha2ku by ha2tim.  When I have compiled enough blogs I will publish another book.Gye-Nyame tribe is not playing we out here trying to create a healthy lifestyle based on SelfMastery™.Feel free to make comments forward interesting blogs, and haikus that you like. Peace Here is an interesting article on meditation and deep breathing interesting info: Here's your quotes: When you're going through hell, keep going. ~ Winston Churchill To live happily is an inward power of the soul. ~ Marcus Aurelius Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

Abracadabra-Ha2ku by ha2tim

Image via Wikipedia Abracadabra/ Magic words flow from your mouth/ Your problems vanish/ Magic words have come to us from ancient times. They were known for their ability to help us when they were applied properly. Man has always sought something that he could instill his hope into and depend on in times of trouble. Hence we have magic words, lucky charms, talisments, and etc.. These are supposedly tools of ancient people and serve no function in our modern society, but I wonder. What is magic? when I look at the word I see the word Magi, which means wise person (which is also the root word for terms like magistrate). A wise person in ancient time was viewed to be connected with some type of divine power, hence they would know the unknowable and henced be respected for their power to divine the future and manipulate forces that regular men and women could not. As time went by the the word "magic" was created to describe the art these wise (Wizards) person practiced. Br...

Tribal quote

Here is a good video about modern cures for cancer check it: Here us your blog sorry it took so long: Here is your morning quotes: God doesn't require us to succeed; he only requires that you try. ~ Mother Teresa Whatever you fear most has no power - it is your fear that has the power. ~ Oprah Winfrey Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

"Other's Opinions"-Ha2ku by ha2tim

Image by loswl via Flickr Other's opinions/ about you don't count unless/ you accept their truth/ This verse allows me to deal with one of my favorite subjects. Before I get into dealing with anything let us recap. I need to make clear that I am basically gearing you up for battle. Every good warrior is always taking care of her/his weapons. The weapon we explored last week was the imagination and how this weapon was mightier than any sword if weilded by the right champion, but was very dangerous if weilded by a chump. Today this verse gives me the opportunity to talk about self definition. This very idea allows you to free up your imagination so that you can use it to better your life. The power to define is very important, but I find it strange that it is often overlooked and so easily given away. I remember being in church and hearing that one of the first gifts that God gave Adam was the power to name and define all the animals. This gave Adam dominion over all of ...

Tribal quote

Stress is basically a disconnection from the earth, a forgetting of the breath. Nothing is that important. Just lie down. ~ Natalie Goldberg The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people. ~ Theodore Roosevelt Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

Tribal quote

Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

Tribal quote

Here is your blog: Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. ~ Thomas Edison A lie runs until it is overtaken by the truth. ~  Cuban Proverb Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

"Death is coming" Ha2ku by ha2tim

Image by doug88888 via Flickr Every warrior/ Knows that death is stalking him/her Embrace fact & live Ha2ku by ha2tim- blog coming soon The unavoidable end. Why do we even try to escape what is real. Warriors empower themselves when they embrace the fact of death. When we do this we are able to live life to its fullest. Not just hide our heads in the sand like many people do. Warriors are able to put all of their power and energy in the moment, because they know nothing is promised. Warriors live in this way because it gives you personal power to use to help yourself and others. When we live our life as if we are promised tomorrow, this makes us weak. When we think we are promised tomorrow we may not give our all because we are trying to save the best for later. A true warrior lives on the edge and know that death is stalking him. Recognizing this fact gives true warriors an edge in every feild that they invest their time.Why are you not fufilling your dreams, could it be y...

Tribal quote

Here is your blog: Do not be afraid of tomorrow; for God is already there. ~ Author Unknown Eyes that see do not grow old. ~ Nicaraguan Proverb Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

"Miracle happen" Ha2ku by ha2tim

Image via Wikipedia Miracles happen/ Every moment of the day/ Just open your heart/ Well this is my one hundreth post. This is a miracle for me. Although I can speak for hours it is hard for me to sit down and put my words to paper. Maybe that is why I like haiku because it is just 17 short syllables and I am done. Today I will be writng about Miracles, and how they are everywhere but we just need to develop the eyes to see them and more importantly develop the heart to feel them. We have been born in a time when technology has developed to the point where it can inhabit our whole life. We can literal spend 24 hours, involved with some of the gadgets that are availible to us. Miracles are all around us happening every moment of the day, but if we are not really tuned in then we miss them and begin to take life for granted. We have put a mystical twist on miracles and we have such high expectations that we miss the miracles that happen in our lives. For some reason if it is small...

Tribal quote

Here's another blog: Live as if you were to die tomorrow.  Learn as if you were to live forever.  ~  Mahatma Gandhi He who is unable to live in society, or who has no need because he is sufficient for himself, must be either a beast or a god. ~ Aristotle Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

"Imagination" Ha2ku by ha2tim

Image via Wikipedia Imagination/ A tool to be used to build/ Now build a good life/ Ha2ku by ha2tim- a blog is coming We have been blessed with a powerful tool for improving our existence on this planet. We seem to ignore this tool as if it plays no role in our personal life, but the imagination plays a major role in making or breaking our lives. properly used it can be guided to not only relax us, but to guide what happens in our lives. The imagination can also be used to prepare us for future events. Our Creator has installed into us a portable holideck (star trek reference) and some of us refuse to use it. even with all of the research that has been done on how powerful a tool this part of us is. I would like to give you a warning. If you are not using your imagination for your betterment it may be helping to destroy your life. If you are not using it you better believe that media is using it to make you a consumer. I once heard a quote that states " your imagination is ...

Tribal quote 2

Here's my Blogg: Every minute of life carries with it its miraculous value, and its face of eternal youth. ~ Albert Camus Our faults irritate us most when we see them in others. ~ Dutch Proverb Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

"The fact about youth"Ha2ku by

The fact about youth/ They reflect our shortcomings/ Adults must change first/ Ha2ku by ha2tim Do you agree or disagree? Why? Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

"Life is easy" Ha2ku by ha2tim

Image via Wikipedia Watching dragonfly/ Wings flutter without thinking/ Life is that easy/ Haku by ha2tim- blog is coming Life is very easy once we start leaving some of the baggage that we have picked up on our journey through life. This thought came to me as I was watching a dragonfly play in a feild. This funny looking creature made flying look so easy, but when you think about the mechanics behind it's flying you are confronted by the complexities of this little insect. Let's slow down that is where the problem come in to the picture for us. We begin to look at life and we want to understand, and be able to break it down rather than being like the dragonfly and just getting out there and doing it. We have developed this long checklist of do's and don'ts, and have established all of these expectations of where we are supposed to be in life by what time or even what age. We have have developed these beliefs or picked them up, and the question I want to ask today...

Tribal quote

Here's your blog: And here's your quote: If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man. ~ Mark Twain The miracle is not that we do this work, but that we are happy to do it. ~ Mother Teresa Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

"Joy" Ha2ku by ha2tim

Image by -RejiK via Flickr Joy belongs to you/ Unless you give it away/ It can't be taken/ Joy... just the sound of the word can bring a smile on peoples face. Joy is the ultimate goal of many, but to bad most people  look in the wrong place. We seek it in our relationships, we seek it in our jobs, we seek it in our churches, we seek it in the mosque, we seek it in the possessions we own, or even in the possession we pursue. But joy seems to allude us, or doesnt stay around to long. That new relationship doesnt spark you the way it use to, or that job is not as exciting as it was when you started. Joy has flown away, and we put on chase trying to find her and seduce her back into our lives. This is the mistake.... We have been programed to seek this gift from the Creator outside of ourselves. When in fact, we were born with  Joy. Joy is a birthright and we have allowed it to be snatched out of us and dangled in our face. Maybe from all the programing that goes on "nowad...

Tribal quote 2

Here is my blog of the day I should have named it "out of the mouths of babes", but I chose "hiding reality": Here's your quotes: Time is a fluid condition which has no existence except in the momentary avatars of individual people. ~ William Faulkner Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage. ~ Anais Nin Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

"Hiding reality"-Ha2ku by ha2tim

Image via Wikipedia Whispering begins/ Then they hide reality/ Next they steal your time/ Ha2ku by ha2tim When i challenged myself to write a blog a day i didn't know where the topics would come from. By dedicating myself to my writing i have been paying more attention to everything that happens around me. This has helped me with my spiritual practice as well because i have to do something out side of my comfort zone for at least 30 days. My ancestors state "that wisdom can be found even around the washing stone", and i get to witness this for myself on a daily basis as a SelfMastery™Coach. What i have found out is that listening is the most important part of coaching. Many people who work in this field feel that they have the answer,but the fact of the matter is that all the answer lie in each of us. We just need to be reminded, how to plug in. Each day i send out proverbs and these same proverbs i use to work with those interested in SelfMastery™. I challenge the...

Tribal quote 2

Here is another blog:"Trapped" Prayer is not an old woman's idle amusement. Properly understood and applied, it is the most potent instrument of action. ~ Mohandas Gandhi One day in retrospect the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful. ~ Sigmund Freud Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

"Trapped"-Ha2ku by ha2tim

Image via Wikipedia Trapped behind shadows/ Your real life is telling you/ To turn on the lights/ Ha2ku by ha2tim Have you ever felt trapped into something and felt you had no choice? That your freedom had some how been removed from you, and you were powerless. Well let me help you out. Life is very simple and we make it hard for ourselves. We surrender our power to outside forces with out a second thought, and we use the excuse i had no choice. Let me turn on the light to help dispel those shadows in your life. We always have a choice. We may not like the consequences that come with the choices but we still have them. Many of us have trapped ourselves in the darkroom of our lives because we refuse to turn on the light. I cant speak for everyone else but I would refuse to turn on the light because i personally was afraid of what i might see. Once i decided to turn on the light of my life, what i saw was not really that bad. The question that i ask you today is what is keeping y...

Tribal quote 2

Peace: Check out my blog on Gye-Nyame Journey "What is your Quest" Also check out our tribe @ gyenyame.ning .com A gem is not polished without rubbing, nor a man perfected without trials. ~  Chinese Proverb Stress is the trash of modern life - we all generate it but if you don't dispose of it properly, it will pile up and overtake your life. ~ Danzae Pace Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman