
Showing posts from February, 2022

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Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future

  Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future In a world where words often lose their meaning amidst the noise, "Honor" stands tall, embodying a profound truth that resonates deeply within the soul of our community. As we navigate the complexities of modern existence, it's essential to return to the roots that define us, leveraging the timeless principles of Honor, Loyalty, and Sacrifice to forge a path forward. This exploration isn't just about understanding a concept; it's about redefining our collective destiny through the lens of integrity and truth. As a community committed to empowerment and personal growth, we dive deep into the essence of Honor—dissecting its impact on our lives and our interactions with each other. This isn't just an article; it's a manifesto for those ready to embody the true meaning of Honor in their lives, propelling our tribe towards unprecedented heights of unity and strength. The Core of Honor: H...

The Science of Why You Should Not Spend Energy Being Jealous

When I was a kid I was always angry at the kids who got better grades than me. It wasn't their fault they studied harder and did their homework. They earned those good grades with hard work, not because they got lucky. Anger is a useless emotion, but one that we all experience. As a child I couldn't understand why I had to suffer so that some other child could succeed. But as an adult sharing my information online I've learned about getting results regardless of whether someone else is getting in my way. I know that when it comes to trying to be the best, most of us have the same problem. We're trying to be better than somebody else. We're trying to get in front of someone else, so that we can be seen and we can succeed. And if you compare the stories of great success with jealous people who haven't accomplished what they want, you'll find that they don't line up. You don't get results by being jealous or angry. Those emotions are only useful when th...

5 ways to live into your name

We want to be known for our greatness. We want to feel like we belong, that we are not alone in our struggles. Intellectually, we might know this to be true — that other people struggle as we do — but emotionally, we aren't so sure. We worry that if they knew the real us, they wouldn't accept us. So we hide parts of ourselves away, assuming those parts make us unworthy of connection and belonging. We need to be authentic. We need to share the real us with the real world. The battle is never won when we hide parts of the real us away. We are not great because of our accomplishments or our accolades. We are great because of who we become and what we give in the inherent process of becoming. If we sell ourselves short, we're cheating everyone out of a piece of greatness that we never even discovered was available for us to create. To get the rest of this article and others like this be sure to sign up for our email list: Follow Listen to "5 ways to live into your nam...

So Much For True Unity & Loyalty: 6 Ways To Know If Your Group Has It (sample)

Unity. It's something people talk a lot about but not much can be done to ensure it. In order for a group to be united, they need to be in love—not just between members of the group, but with something bigger than all of them. Anyone can say that they're united, but if their hearts are disconnected from one another, then they'll just be a gathering of mindless sheep. What's needed is a common goal that people feel needed and useful towards. It needs to be attainable, pleasurable, and fulfilling for everyone involved. OOOHHHH man you need to get on the email list as well as checkout our 7 day free ecourse to get more.... Follow Listen to "So Much For True Unity & Loyalty: 6 Ways To Know If Your Group Has It" on Spreaker.

5 Creative Failures To Avoid

Creative failure is an interesting phenomenon. It seems to happen most often when you are on the cusp of a breakthrough or important event in your life. I believe it could be argued that creative failure is an overall good because it gives us a shot at redemption and gives us different ways of looking at things. To get the rest get on our email list: Follow Listen to "5 Creative Failures To Avoid" on Spreaker.

6 Ways To Stop Being Punked By Life (sample)

Do you ever feel like you're stuck in a rut? Like nothing is happening—like you're just going through the motions? Many believe that they are on their purpose, but they are on the easy route that they were punked into believing was their own choice. This route is a simple path that leads to comfort, laziness, and mediocrity. When you wake up and go to work, do you feel like your life is fulfilling? If it isn't, don't worry! You've been punked into thinking this is what you want, but there's something inside of you screaming at you that it isn't. All of us have been punked by life at some point and time; we're all capable of more than what we see in front of us. Even if a person thinks they have no choice in the matter—that their actions are guided by external forces—they still have a chance to change their destiny. Yes, things may seem bleak right now, but there's always a way to get back on your Nia (purpose).... That is good , but the rest is waiti...

8 Habits For Building Generational Wealth

Today we will discuss the importance of individual involvement with a tribe to be focused on creation of generational wealth. First, we need to recognize that wealth is more than just money. We can define wealth as the accumulation of properties and assets that represents a store of value for its owner. This means that you have something else of value that you can exchange for what you need or want. When we take a look at this definition, it becomes clear that wealth is much more than money. To be wealthy, you must have stores of value in several forms: You know you need to get our free ecourse: Follow

5 Reasons To Create Life Drills

 Great Ujima: We are constantly talking about the quote "The best life is achieved with engagement with systematic processes", but now let’s look at setting up these systematic processes and why. To make it simple, the process that our ancestors used to describe is basically a drill, and a drill is a practice. In other words, when we discuss life on this level, you can think of it like taking a martial arts class. You aren't just reading a book, getting the knowledge from an instructor, and then expecting to do well in combat. That's not how it works! You take class after class after class: you get your butt kicked over and over again until you finally figure out what your instructor was trying to teach you all along. Then you go back to class and practice some more until it becomes second nature. One of the biggest issues we see with people trying to do their own thing is that they spend hours studying and planning before finally putting anything into practice. This ...

4 Simple Steps To Becoming Dedicated In Life (Sample)

Dedication is not just a word—it's an action. And that's what we're all about. The concept of dedication stems from the idea that you have to be devoted to an idea, cause, or person for it to be successful. It goes beyond just saying something; it's repeated action which builds upon itself. It's dedication that has made the world what it is today. Dedication is a defining feature of a tribe, and it can also be a defining feature of your life. In fact, the two are often directly related. The tribe that you choose to dedicate yourself to can have a direct impact on your life, giving you purpose and meaning in it. To get more articles and discussions like this get our free ecourse and join the Journey: Follow Listen to "4 Simple Steps To Becoming Dedicated In Life" on Spreaker.

Creating A Tribe Mind

  The tribal mind is a powerful way to think and solve problems. The tribe can see things that no one person in the group can see. We have all heard of the old adage that "two heads are better than one". Imagine multiplying that by five or ten. When we get into our tribe mind we are able to achieve a synergistic effect where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. When we are in our tribes we also have more fun, enjoy more laughter and have more joy in life. It is much easier to communicate when we are with others who are like us. It is easy to fall into rapport with people who share your values and principles. You can go deeper and faster when you are with people who are on the same path as you are. It is important to find your tribe and be involved in their activities. Follow Listen to "Creating A Tribe Mind" on Spreaker.

Trust Is Not Enough (Sample)

Trust is a very important part of tribe. If a member is not trustworthy, they can bring the whole community down. It's not enough to rely on trust alone, however. To build fully functional communities we need to have 'trust' and 'responsibility'. Responsibility includes the ability to fulfill tasks in a timely manner, deliver honest feedback, seek support when challenged, set clear and realistic expectations, and act in accordance with your core values in all situations. To get the more complete article join the our email list: Follow Listen to "Trust Is Not Enough" on Spreaker.

The Creator's Dilemma (sample)

  The story of creation is often misunderstood, but the truth is it is a story which repeats itself in every one of our lives. The world we live in was created. It was not always here. It was created by god and by man. For a moment think of this earth as it was before it was made: an empty space, nothingness, and yet with such possibility. If you were to ask God what he wanted to do with this empty space, he would say without hesitation, "I want to make a heaven." This is the dream of a creator. But man's dreams are not all the same; they vary from person to person. Some may wish to make paradise, but others wish to make hell. Some believe that the world is inherently good and some believe that it is inherently evil. But whatever each one believes about the world, they have the power to shape it as they see fit. We have all come into this life as creators; we have come full of ideas and ambitions for ourselves and for others around us. And if we could achieve our goals, w...

Deep Purpose part 2

 No write up today, something happened and i lost everything that I wrote. So we will be going raw this morning with an attitude. Follow Listen to "Deep Purpose (Part 2)" on Spreaker.

8 Ways to Connect with your "Deep Purpose" (Part 1)

Deep purpose is the ability to connect all of your actions directly to your ultimate goal in life. An example of this would be a doctor who makes sure that every patient she sees knows about the benefits of eating healthy, and then sends them home with recipes for heart-healthy food. Another example would be a teacher who helps their freshman students with their college applications, and gives them a little extra push when it comes to their essay writing. Both people are doing what they love, and working towards their ultimate dreams—and that's the deep purpose. I want to dive into the idea of Cooperative economics looking at using our resources in a focused way. Deep purpose allows us to apply all of our time and efforts into the ultimate goal of our lives. I want to give you 8 ways to connect with your "Deep Purpose": Get more insight by joining our GNJ Email List and/or learn more about us by taking our : Follow Listen to "8 Ways to Connect...

7 Ways To Create A Positive First Impression And Change People's Perception Of You (using Ujima) sample

The principle of Ujima, which translates to collective work and responsibility. This is the third principle of the Nguzo Saba, and is a very important one. Being a part of something bigger than yourself, taking on the responsibilities that come with that, and being responsible for those around you are all things that we should strive to do. In setting good first impressions we have already looked at power dressing and how it affects the way people perceive us, but there's more to this than we have covered before. There are some other factors that can affect whether or not someone will like you off the bat, and here are some of them: Get the rest of the article by joining our GNJ Email list Follow Listen to "Ujima Toast -7 Ways To Create A Positive First Impression And Change People's Perception Of You (using Ujima)" on Spreaker.

How To Turn Your Obstacles Into Opportunities

I have been surprised many times in my life by an obstacle that seemed insurmountable. The problem would just side-swipe me, and I would feel like my life was over, but then the thing I thought was a curse turned out to be one of the biggest blessings. I would be presented with an opportunity that I didn't know that I needed. Today's Toast is dedicated to looking at the opportunities that arise from meeting obstacles head on. I wish you a great day, and if you are interested in learning more about this podcast, sign up for our and/or get on our GNJ Email List: Follow Listen to "Kujichagulia Toast - How To Turn Your Obstacles Into Opportunities" on Spreaker.

The Power Of Story: A Guide To Using Storytelling For Building Unity

One of the foundations of building a successful tribe is unity and, as humans we have been using story to bring this unity from the beginning. We use it everyday without even realizing it. Story is everywhere if we take the time to notice. Stories are one of the main reasons why all human religions are so similar. They speak of love, hope and overcoming adversity. They use symbols and metaphors to help teach their followers certain principles that they should live by, which in turn helps create a community based on these beliefs. Get the rest of these ideas by signing up for our GNJMedia Email List and /or you can sign up for our Follow Listen to "Umoja Toast - The Power Of Story: A Guide To Using Storytelling For Building Unity" on Spreaker.

Self-Belief: The Key to Your True Potential

Imani is a word that means faith, trust, and confidence. It is one of the seven principles of Kwanzaa. But Imani is not blind faith. It is knowing that there are things in this universe that are so powerful, we have to have faith in them. When we have Imani, we see the goodness in life. We feel connected to all things. If you pick up a single blade of grass or look at an ant crawling on the ground, you realize these tiny things are just as important as the big things in life. Imani helps us believe in ourselves and the people around us. Here are some ways having Imani can help us: We can stop being afraid of failure if we know that even if we fail today, we can succeed tomorrow. We can find happiness when times are tough if we know that better days will come. We can continue working toward goals that seem impossible because our belief pushes us onward. You can get more of this when you join our  and/or  join our GNJ Email List  Follow Listen to "Im...

5 Steps To Keeping It Real & Firing Up Your Kuumba

Creativity is the foundation on which meaningful lives are built. Society tends to overvalue the importance of technical knowledge and underemphasize creativity, while diluting, deemphasizing, or ignoring value in all things artistic and basic learning processes that are not directly associated with career goals. By favoring materialistic and monetary achievements as markers of success and as guides for learning, we have left a gap in our education systems, which greatly limits our students’ potential. This limited education denies creativity, stifles an interest in intellectual pursuits, produces individuals who don’t enjoy their work, and makes it difficult for them to know who they are or what they want from life. When I speak of creativity, I am not referring only to the arts. People often mistakenly believe that creativity is restricted to the visual arts, music, dance, drama and other forms of art applied with talent. While these are certainly forms of creative expression, creati...

Daily Toast Ritual - Nia 2422-6


How To Move With Purpose And Conquer Any Goal

You are a leader. You are one of the few people who can make a difference in this world. Good leaders don't follow the crowd, they set their own path and inspire others to follow it. They don't wait for someone else to take the first step, they take it themselves. There's no reason why you can't be a good leader. In fact, you are already leading your life in some way or another. Maybe you're not leading thousands of people like some politicians do, but you're still making an impact in your own small way. You might be leading by example. You might be leading by motivating others to do what they love or work towards their goals. The point is that we all lead, whether we realize it or not. There are many times where I see people complain about things they don't like and wish that others would fix it for them or wait for someone else to fix it instead of taking the initiative themselves and fixing it themselves, but the reality is that complaining doesn't ac...

Daily Toast Ritual - Ujamaa 2322-6


How do we Practice Ujamaa without Addressing our Lack of Cooperation

 Great Ujamaa What is Ujamaa and how do we practice it in our communities? We are a generation that has been taught to compete with one another, but have forgotten that when we work together as a community, we can accomplish more than we ever thought possible. Ujamaa is Swahili for cooperation. It means working together, being a part of the community, and making sure everyone has what they need to survive. It's important to understand that Ujamaa is not charity or handouts. It's about all members of the tribe contributing whatever resources they have to ensure the survival of all members. The idea behind Ujamaa is simple: if I do well, then you do well. If you do well, then I do well. When we place our needs above those of others and act in competition with each other, we are practicing "individualism". Individualism says that every man is an island and must look out only for himself and his family. This philosophy teaches us to hoard our resources, keep what little w...

Kujichagulia Toast - Your False Treasures Are Holding You Back (Rebroadcast)


Daily Toast Ritual - Ujima 2222-6


Stop Being Afraid Of The Work

 Great Ujima: There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. The way we see the world shapes us. It's a good idea to look at the world with awe and astonishment because of how truly miraculous it is. However, sometimes I feel like there's an epidemic of people who don't want to do the work. They want success and they want all the trappings of success, but they don't want to work for it. They're too afraid of failure or rejection. They're not willing to face their fears. I know that sounds crazy, but you'd be surprised by how many people just don't want to do the hard work required to get ahead in life and business. People are afraid that if they push themselves they'll reach their limits and fail, so they just keep doing what they're doing even if it makes them miserable. If you can relate to this fear, don't worry! There's a cure! To learn about it join our ema...

Kujichagulia Toast - Your False Treasures are holding you back


Daily Toast Ritual - Kujichagulia 2122-6


False Treasures Are Holding You Back

It's Kujichagulia day, which sparks the idea that we can define ourselves and achieve the kind of world we want to live in. It's all about self-determination. All of us, to varying degrees, have false treasures. What is a false treasure? It's any idea or concept in our minds that keeps us from reaching our full potential. It's an idea that keeps your thinking small. Your mind is your greatest power. The words you speak create your world. Be mindful of your words, of what you allow yourself to even think about. In this post, I will inform and inspire you on how to recognize these false treasures and release them so that they can no longer block you from your greatness. To get the rest of this article you need to join the GNJ Email list, or checkout and join the Tribe... Follow Listen to "Kujichagulia Toast - False Treasures Are Holding You Back" on Spreaker.

Imani Toast- How can I have Imani when I don't know who I am or why I am
