
Showing posts from January, 2011

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It’s Okay to Be Lost

  I’ve always called my job an adventure, and I’m proud of that. I love what I do, even with all its challenges. But more than just my work, life itself is an adventure. And for anyone reading this—whether young or old—let me assure you: it’s okay to be lost . Being lost is part of the journey. It’s part of the process. Nothing is always going to line up perfectly. Things won’t always go according to plan, and that’s fine. The key is to learn how to be lost without panicking . Learn how to be lost and still keep your mind steady . Learn how to take a breath, be still, and move forward without fear . Too many of us stress out when we don’t have all the answers. We feel like if we don’t know exactly what’s next, something must be wrong. But that’s not the case. Some of the greatest growth happens in the confusion . Some of the best lessons are learned in the wandering . Embracing the Unknown Right now, I’m in a season of my own uncertainty. For a long time, I didn’t want to leav...

Tribal quote

Image via Wikipedia All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence. ~ Martin Luther King, Jr. As you climb the ladder of success, check occasionally to make sure it is leaning against the right wall. -Anonymous He who did not listen to a warning rode in a boat made of clay. -Swahili Brother Ha2tim SelfMasteryCoach Nation Builder HipHop Philosopha & Shaman check me out @

Social media

Image via Wikipedia What if Nat Turner/ Had a facebook or twitter/ World would be different/ Those of us on this Journey have accepted the fact that we are agents of change in this world. We have decided to develop ourselves and have realized the small changes that we make in ourselves ripple out into the world. Being a successful agent of change now-a-days has been simplified for us, but in the simplifying of our ability to reach millions we have inherited a gigantic burden. In these days we don't have the excuses that generations before have had. We unlike like our ancestors can reach out and touch thousands very inexpensively. I am one that believes that if we don't take advantage of these gifts we deserve what we get. With the introduction of social Media we have been given the power unlike any other to make change by sharing our ideas with the world. The effectiveness of this tool can be seen if we just look at what is going on in Egypt , Tunisia , and other hot spots ...

Tribal quote

Image via Wikipedia I have been through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened. ~ Mark Twain Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way round or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves. -Bruce Lee The weak warrior wearing sandals overcomes the brave with a thorn in his foot. -Uganda Brother Ha2tim SelfMasteryCoach Nation Builder HipHop Philosopha & Shaman

Tribal quote

Image via Wikipedia The older I get the more wisdom I find in the ancient rule of taking first things first. A process which often reduces the most complex human problem to a manageable proportion. -Dwight D. Eisenhower Whatever you fear most has no power - it is your fear that has the power. ~ Oprah Winfrey One who is cutting a path doesn't realize that it is crooked behind him/her. - ( Akan ) Brother Ha2tim SelfMasteryCoach Nation Builder HipHop Philosopha & Shaman

Victim or Victor

Image by sgatto via Flickr Victim or Victor/ Words that start same end different/ Which do you select/ Victims surrender their power by passively allowing injustice to continue in their life. The only action that victims take is to moan about their plight, to anyone that will listen. A victor on the other hand challenges injustice, and in the challenge take their power into their own hands. The victor is not concerned with victory or defeat, but in making sure that justice is served. Victors force themselves to face their fears. Victims pretend their fear is not their. Victors take constructive action to change their situation. Victims practice self destructive means of accepting the situation. Although Victim and Victor both start with the letter V they are different which will you choose for your life. Brother Ha2tim SelfMasteryCoach Nation Builder HipHop Philosopha & Shaman

Tribal quote

Image via Wikipedia Succeeding is the coming together of all that is beautiful. Furtherance is the agreement of all that is just. Perseverance is the foundation of all actions. ~ Lao Tzu Change in all things is sweet. ~ Aristotle The human being is a social product; he is what he eats, learns, hears, sees, feels, and lives. -Kongo Brother Ha2tim SelfMasteryCoach Nation Builder HipHop Philosopha & Shaman

MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!- story by ha2tim

Image via Wikipedia Here is a short tale that I wrote for those on their personal Journey of SelfMastery. Enjoy Stories have been used/ To teach people about life/ Let's bring storiesback/ Once there was a master, who was well known for his skill in helping his students become Conscious . It was said that he had gained his knowledge from a long forgotten people, and before they left this world the gave him the secret of Life, and Death. Some even said that he was immortal,because his legend was known by the young and old. He was known to travel a certain road on a periodic journey from the mountains to the sea. He had only 7 rules (that were known throughout the world as the 7 Be's) that his disciples where to adhere to. 1. Be Truth 2. be Just 3. be rightous 4. be mindful of reciprocity 5. be in balance 6. be order 7. Be harmony children all over were taught this 7 Be's because their parents hoped that one day they would be the Disciple of this Master, and m...

Tribal quote

Image via Wikipedia Achievement seems to be connected with action. Successful men and women keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit. -Conrad Hilton Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage. ~  Anais Nin When one would climb a tree, one begins from the bottom and not the top. -Ashanti Brother Ha2tim SelfMasteryCoach Nation Builder HipHop Philosopha & Shaman

Dive in

Image via Wikipedia I dove into life/ And the ripples effected/ All eternity/ Ever feel like the little kid sitting on the side of the pool to scared to jump into the water because its to cool. Not realizing that once you get in your body would adjust and begin to feel good. I have found that life is the same way. For years i was that kid, and in some ways I still am, but unlike a lot of people every now and then I jump my ass in the water. One of the blessings I have always had in life were those type of mentors that believe in pushing you in the pool (life). They did not mind pushing me in because they knew they had the ability to jump in and save me if I began to drown. They also knew that I had the skill to swim, i just needed that rude nudge to get me in the water. Today i would like to personally thank all those that pushed and then taught me to dive into life. those brave masters that demonstrated and then forced me to learn the fact that "with nothing ventured noth...

"Axe'"-Ha2ku by ha2tim

I have linked this video to one of my older blogs, because what they call chi we call axe' so watch and let me know what you think. Check out this video. I know I am on a Kung Fu kick right now, but I love that movie. It helped shape who I am today. So parents be careful of what your kids are watching or they could grow up to be a selfMastery Coach. hahahahahaa Image via Wikipedia Breath peace in slowly/ Breath out the stress of your life/ Learn to guide axe'/ Take a breath in and allow your body to extract the life force energy that is there. The life energy is known by many names but I use the term ax'e. I just like how it rolls off my tongue, but more importantly it connects me back to my culture. today blog is very simple if you want relief from stress learn how to breath. Take some time and just Breath in and out slowly feeling the energy flow through your body. Here's another challenge, imagine that when you breath in slowly that you are pulling in...

Tribal quote

Image via Wikipedia The past is prophetic in that it asserts loudly that wars are poor chisels for carving out peaceful tomorrows. ~ Martin Luther King, Jr. A man will fight harder for his interests than for his rights. ~  Napoleon Bonaparte The youth walks faster than the elderly but the elderly knows the road. - Nilotic Brother Ha2tim SelfMasteryCoach Nation Builder HipHop Philosopha & Shaman

All you need-Ha2ku

Image via Wikipedia 12 notes in music/ 26 letters to write/ you have all you need/ I heard an interview with Quincy Jones , and the elder spoke on the fact that their only 12 notes in the music scale . I was amazed at this fact, because over the period of my life all of the different music I have been listening to was all composed or played on the spot with only 12 notes. Artist are able to take just 12 notes and combine them into an infinite amount of musical ideas. Then I began to think about the 26 letters of the alphabet and how we have been able to combine just 26 letters in different ways and create an infinite amount of stories, poems, essay, speeches, sermons, love letters and etc.. After realizing that I began to wonder what was I lacking in life. Perhaps I was looking at the quantity of things that I didn't have rather than the quality of things that I do. Just thinking about the 12 and the 26 and the infinite possibilities that flow from them. I have decided that...

Chemical burn

Chemicals can burn/ but our actions burn deeper/ leaving marks on lives/ I challenge you to really look at this video and listen to the issue that are dealt with in less than two minutes. They deal with  heroes, sacrifice, initiation, God, man relationship with God, and hitting bottom. The most critical piece for me was the question about god. "If our fathers were are models for God what does that say about God?" being a young man coming up with no father in the house this question hit a nerve when i first saw it. Then working with young men I could see how this question played out in others lives. I want go into it today maybe later, but I want you to look at this question for yourself "If our fathers were our Models for God what does that say about God?".  Let's take it a little deeper "if our parents were our models for God what does that say about God?". Just when i thought that was the toughest question my youngest son walks in the room. ...

Others opinions

Other's opinions/ Of you do not matter much/ Follow what you know/ Check out video: Have you built your life around how others see you. as doctor Phil would ask "how is that working for you?". Many people are running around wearing mask pretending, rather than seeking authenticity. Why is it that this world encourage us to be the same. We should dress alike, act alike, and etc.. In these modern times we have learned to extend our lives through modern science, but I don't think we are really living. Shaping our lives to fit into the small views of others. Many of us live our lives like superman hiding our true power, and pulling it out only in emergencies. We don't want to outshine those around us. I say let your your light shine starting today. Start your Journey. Brother Ha2tim SelfMasteryCoach Nation Builder HipHop Philosopha & Shaman

Tribal quote

Image via Wikipedia The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another. ~ William James The doorstep to the temple of wisdom is a knowledge of our own ignorance. -Benjamin Franklin One who falls into a hole teaches everyone else wisdom. -Yoruba Brother Ha2tim SelfMasteryCoach Nation Builder HipHop Philosopha & Shaman

Jaws of defeat-Ha2ku

Image via Wikipedia Opportunity/ Lie in the jaws of defeat/ A beast with no teeth/ We can get so involved in life that we can overlook the creation spot for opportunity. Defeat is a part of this journey, and the problem is that we don't get from it what we need. We are looking constantly to get everything right the first, second, and third time. When faced with defeat we may put our heads down, and miss the opportunity that is lieng right in front of us. While studying myths I noticed that the s/hero were constantly confronted by defeat, but were able to transform this defeat by noticing the lesson that came with it. When we do the same thing we can improve our lives. Defeat is not the end of the road in many cases it is a chance for a new beginning. By learning to seek out the lessons in defeat we become masters. Remember it takes 10,000  (check out the blog) tries to become a master of something. If fact we made need to learn how to celebrate our defeats because they not on...

Tribal quote

Image via Wikipedia The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook. -William James A good decision is based on knowledge and not on numbers. ~ Plato If you and a fool have an argument, he succeeds. -Akan (Afrikan) proverb Brother Ha2tim SelfMasteryCoach Nation Builder HipHop Philosopha & Shaman

Fear is the only darkness

Eyes working but blind/ fear is the only darkness/ so leave fear and see? Check video blew my mind when I first saw it and still blows it today....ENJOY Let's follow master Po's advice and abandon the cause of darkness in our life. Fear.... we will discuss fear and her children in blogs to come. Check with you later grasshopper hahahahahahahahaaa. Peace & 1hunidyears

Tribal quote

Image via Wikipedia A friend may well be reckoned the masterpiece of nature. ~  Ralph Waldo Emerson Everything should be as simple as it is, but not simpler. ~ Albert Einstein Suffering and happiness are twins. -Ewe Brother Ha2tim SelfMasteryCoach Nation Builder HipHop Philosopha & Shaman


Image by Dave Makes via Flickr I am tired now/ World closes in for the kill/ Fuck it , and live dreams/ I wanted to call this post "forget it", but that did not move me like FUCK IT!!! I needed something to  get the juices flowing because this conversation requires emotional content. I have noticed that people need to get their emotions involved in order to make necessary changes in their life. Intellectually we can present idea after idea, but if we never touch the emotions all we are doing is intellectually masturbating. So I needed a term that would get you involved with this post, and "FUCK IT" works perfectly. In some of you it may cause a feeling of revulsion  and for others it may make you laugh, but if it evokes any emotional response that is what I was shooting for. Emotion is powerful tool that can help build an empire or destroy it. The important thing to remember is the emotions and thought have to align for successful...

Psalms 82 by Afua Lummba

Image via Wikipedia Here is a paper written about the meaning of Psalm 82. Afua took the time on her Journey tocomplete some homework assigned to her during a SelfMastery session. I salute her and her work (peace Royalty). Check it out and feel free to make comments and share some of your ideas. Psalms 82 A Rebuke of Unjust Judgments Psalms 82 simply teaches us that we (“Human Beings”) have the purest form of God’s manifested Holy Spirit and/or Axe’ (Life energy) dwelling within each and every one of our lives here on earth which is why we are superior. It also shows that we should conduct ourselves as such and hold each other accountable for whatever unjust, wrong doing and/or immoral action we commit… One thing I clearly understand about the bible is that all the stories depicted in “The Good Book” are simply metaphors, (figures of speech in which a term or phrase is applied to something to which it is not literally applicable in order to suggest a resemblance, as in “A ...

Dream crushers

Image via Wikipedia Dream crushers , thank you/ thank you for letting me know/ I am on right path/ When the haters gather around you, feel assured that you are on the right path. When the vultures gather around to talk about you,  know that you are doing what you are supposed to do. those that are not on the Journey can never comprehend the path you walk. So they can only criticize , and judge you. Understand that the path that you are walking was designed for you. You pulled it from your dreams and was born to walk it. Your path can't be seen or understood by those that are following the herd. If you spend your time waiting for external validation for you being different, you will die unfufilled. You will fall to the wayside of life incomplete and broken. In order to get the most from your journey you have to be willing to face the dream crushers. They come in all shapes and sizes, some come directly and others are very suttle. You have to be able to face them and thank them...

Tribal Quote

Image via Wikipedia Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers. -Alfred Lord Tennyson Each one prays to God according to his own light. ~ Mohandas Gandhi Do not let what you cannot do tear from your hands what you can. -( Ashanti ) Brother Ha2tim SelfMasteryCoach Nation Builder HipHop Philosopha & Shaman

Cycles of life

Image via Wikipedia Studying cycles/ Using reference points set by/ the seasons of life/ Through my many experiences I have been noticing the cycles that we travel through so I want to share this info and maybe one day pen it in a book. Cycles are intervals of time during which a characteristic, often regularly repeated event or sequence of events occurs. When things happen in cycles they can be predicted. This is where our power lie, in the ability to look into a cycle and know what is most likely to come. I know this is an old system, but I love looking at old wisdom and throwing the Ha2 touch on it. I believe that many things that we can use in life to make us happy, healthy, and wiser have been made to complicated. This was to keep common folks like ourselves away from it so that we could be taken advantage of. When you look at some of the systems that have been put into the realm of occult and made mysterious, you would probably be surprised by the fact that these systems we...

Tribal quote

Image by peterjr1961 via Flickr Success is not permanent. The same is also true of failure. - Dell Crossword Chance favors the prepared mind. ~ Louis Pasture The one who asks questions doesn't lose his way. -( Akan ) Brother Ha2tim SelfMasteryCoach Nation Builder HipHop Philosopha & Shaman

Tribal quote

Image via Wikipedia Socrates : "Let him that would move the world first move himself." We must expect reverses, even defeats. They are sent to teach us wisdom and prudence, to call forth greater energies, and to prevent our falling into greater disasters. -Robert E. Lee When the archer was born, he did not hold a bow. - Ashanti Brother Ha2tim SelfMasteryCoach Nation Builder HipHop Philosopha & Shaman

Oh shit

Image via Wikipedia Car finally starts/ white smoke and bubbles in coolant/ Oh Shit, storm begins/ Check out this scenario: You have everything moving. Your career appears to be moving forward. Your finances are coming around, and you have made plans for a future venture that will move you toward your life dream. Then out the blue it seems that a stray blow from life comes and attempts to shatters everything. whether its your car, finances, relationship, friend in need, and we can go on forever. Life's storms flow in and it seems that we may need to change course. We are forced into a rough spot and have to make a tough choice. Now the world tells us that we need to do the sensible thing, follow common sense and change course. No one can make it through the storm that you are facing. Step back and wait for the water's of life to calm down, let the storm clouds of destiny clear before you begin your journey. For many of us this is nothing, it seems that life is designe...

Tribal quote

Image via Wikipedia Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens. -Jimi Hendrix Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm. ~ Abraham Lincoln It is the fool who says, they mean my friend, not me. -Ashanti Brother Ha2tim SelfMasteryCoach Nation Builder HipHop Philosopha & Shaman