
Showing posts from July, 2010

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Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future

  Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future In a world where words often lose their meaning amidst the noise, "Honor" stands tall, embodying a profound truth that resonates deeply within the soul of our community. As we navigate the complexities of modern existence, it's essential to return to the roots that define us, leveraging the timeless principles of Honor, Loyalty, and Sacrifice to forge a path forward. This exploration isn't just about understanding a concept; it's about redefining our collective destiny through the lens of integrity and truth. As a community committed to empowerment and personal growth, we dive deep into the essence of Honor—dissecting its impact on our lives and our interactions with each other. This isn't just an article; it's a manifesto for those ready to embody the true meaning of Honor in their lives, propelling our tribe towards unprecedented heights of unity and strength. The Core of Honor: H...

"What is your Quest"-Ha2ku by ha2tim

Image via Wikipedia Every warrior/ Needs a quest, to hone their skills/ Find yourself a quest!! Ha2ku by ha2tim- insights from hamblacha 2010 Every warrior must take it upon him/herself to find something worth questing for. When we go on a quest, we throw ourselves into the unknown forcing ourselves to grow. I use the term warrior because in our process of SelfMastery™ we understand a warrior as one who is involved or experienced in conflict. In our culture we have been taught to avoid conflict; take the easy road. Not realizing we may be robbing ourselves of the very experience we may need to move us to the next level in our lives. When we embark on a quest we are thrown into a world of difficulties and obsticles that can bring out the best in us. Even more important these challenges can bring out the worst. I know you probably are wondering why is it important to bring out the worst. Well many of us have pushed the worst part of us so deep down inside that we can pretend and e...

"Exposed"-Ha2ku by ha2tim

Image via Wikipedia Exposed and alone/ Realized, I had all I need/ When I stopped hiding/ Ha2ku by ha2tim- hamblacha 2010 Stop hiding from your power. Wake up to the reality that you have been created with all that you need to succeed. Sitting alone during my hamblache I realized that everything that I felt that I needed to be successful i really did not need. Wake up to your power.

"Shadows"-Ha2ku by ha2tim

Image via Wikipedia Shadows trick my eyes sounds made in dark shock my soul I still say welcome - Hamblacha 2010 As I sat in the woods during my hamblacha, I experienced many lessons. This one deals with shadows and fears. In life we are surrounded by unknowns and if we are not careful these unknowns will consume us. Not because they have power but because we allow our fear to make them bigger and more dangerous than they really are.Things in this world feed off our fear, and many of us surrender our power along with our dreams to these monsters we created. Last year was my first time out on hamblacha. I was alone and scared, but I would not admit this fact and as soon as night fell I was jumping at every crack I heard in the woods. i would turn around and prepare myself for the worst and in the end I used all of that energy for nothing. What I decided to do at that time was to sit down and embrace the fact that I was alone, that I had a fear of the dark, and even accept that ...

Tribal quote group 2

It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop. ~ Confucius If you're doing your best, you won't have any time to worry about failure. ~ H. Jackson Brown, Jr. Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

"Exposed' Ha2ku by ha2tim

Image by lassi.kurkijarvi via Flickr Exposed to nature No Food or water I prayed, words had no meaning. I will be reflecting on Hamblacha 2010 and the lessons that came to me for a few blogs so bear with me. I exposed myself totally to nature, and faced what one of my elders described as the "lonely miles". The concept of the "lonely miles" was taught to me by an elder who use to be a race car driver. He stated that in the middle of a long race he would reach a point where he would start to wonder about why he chose to race. He stated that he had to battle and push through this time. He told me that this is where your mind starts playing tricks on you and if you are not totally commited to what you are doing you will quit. Because what you are doing makes no rational sense. As a race car driver he stated that he would be faced with the fact that here he is in the middle of a 500 mile race, a full grown man with responsibilities, risking his life by hurtling h...

Tribal quote

Peace:   Hey just checking in. I hope that these quotes and proverbs that I am sending out are helping you in your day to day development. I have something else to share with you today for those of you that are serious about your personal developmenat and SelfMastery. check out this video and if there is enough interest in the ideas presented we can arrange a viewing of the whole movie and discussion. You know I am always trying to find ways to raise funds to support what the Tribe is doing. so at your leisure check out this powerful video. It is about what scientist have labeled as the spiritual Molecule. There is a substance that is produced in the pineal gland called DMT, that modern science is stating is the gateway to alternate realities, but if you check the writings and rituals of ancient people as well as check out the modern shaman they have known about this for a while. We did not label it in scientific terms but we knew, and still know how to release it. This is the gatewa...

Mother's Hum- Ha2ku by ha2tim

Image via Wikipedia Have you ever took the time to listen to the hum of mother Earth?If you take the time to listen, she will teach you alot about yourself and the world around you. While I was out doing my Hamblacha I had to listen. The sounds that I heard were amazing, but nothing unusual. It seems that all these sounds when you take the time to listen tell you a story.  In the city I would walk right pass a bird chirp, cricket song, and a mosquito's buzz. But on my short journey these sounds combined with the Hum of Mother Earth helped heal my heart and carry my prayers to their destination. When we take the time to listen we will see that our mother is singing for us all the time, and this hum can help us heal all the pains in in our lives. Whether they have taken the guise of emotional or physical. Our healing is waiting for us, as a matter of fact it is calling us if we can slow down and listen. The Earth is humming singing 2 songs, day and Night you can hear.... listen...

Tribal quotes

Patience is the key to contentment. ~  Muhammad It is a man's own mind, not his enemy or foe, that lures him to evil ways. Buddha Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

Ants under the Tree-Ha2ku by ha2tim

This is a ha2ku dedicated to the ants that ate me up during my hambalche. These tiny ones taught me that the small may not be able to beat the large, but they can irritate them to a point of surrender. thank you ants for forcing me to surrender, because when we pray shouldn't we be in a state of surrender? Thank you ants for humbling me. When we pray shouldn't we be humble? These ants were able to teach me a college level spirituality course in less than 48 hours. The Spirit is marvelous. Sitting in circle/ Under the trees protection/ From sun but not ants/ Ha2ku by ha2tim - Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

Tribal quoe

Love is anterior to life, posterior to death, initial of creation, and the exponent of breath. ~  Emily Dickinson The value of an idea lies in the using of it. ~  Thomas Edison I'm back!!! Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

Ha2ku by ha2tim

Watching butterfly/ Learned a secret for conflict/ Don't resist just float/ Ha2ku by ha2tim-hamblacha 2010 Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

Ha2ku by ha2tim

Sunset and moonrise/ I sit , moonset and sunrise/ Learning through cycles/ Ha2ku by ha2tim- hamblacha 2010 Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

Ha2ku by ha2tim

Hamblacha is near/ Tomorrow I go on hill/ Alone I will sit/ Ha2ku by ha2tim Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

Ha2ku by ha2tim

For 2 days I will/ Face my fears and my biggest/ Enemy...MYSELF Ha2ku by ha2tim- count down to hamblacha....Axe' Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

Tribal quote

Being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise. ~  Sigmund Freud Everybody thinks of changing humanity and nobody thinks of changing himself. ~  Leo Tolstoy Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

Ha2ku by ha2tim

Today libations/ Poured onto a smiling earth/ Circle blessed today/ Ha2ku by ha2tim Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

pulling it all together

As I sit and think about what is coming toward our tribe i cant help but to smile inside. We have been blessed with opportunity after opporunity. all this has of course been accompanied with struggle, but you cant enjoy the sweet without the bitter. We have many projects that we are working on and it is very important that we pull everything together. We must realize that although each project has it's own name that all flows from and through Gye-Nyame. We have to develope the insight and the vision to all these things working toward our over arching goals. First SelfMastery and Nation building. When we loose site of those two keys we can begin to get caught up in the confusion and illusion that will definately rise. so whether we are working on the food coop, poetry fm, poetry am, cleaning business, selling plates,and etc.. the end goal is to better the life of the Tribe. Making sure that the main thing stays the main thing, and not get caught up in ego and power trips. So fam hol...

Tribal quote

Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. ~  T. S. Eliot Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds. ~  Franklin D. Roosevelt Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

Tribal quotes

I have not failed.  I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. ~  Thomas Edison Let us so live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry. Mark Twain Quote Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

Tribal quotes

Forgiveness is a virtue of the brave. ~ Indira Gandhi Doing easily what others find difficult is talent; doing what is impossible for talent is genius. ~  Henri Frederic Amiel Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

Ha2ku by ha2tim

Ant crawls on window/ Wondering if she thinks that/ She's walking on air/ Ha2ku by ha2tim Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

Tribal quotes

What the superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in others. ~ Confucius "Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions" - Albert Einstein Click Here For Success Tip # 082   Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

Tribal quote

Take full account of the excellencies which you possess, and in gratitude remember how you would hanker after them, if you had them not. ~  Marcus Aurelius The superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions. ~  Confucius Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

Ha2ku by ha2tim

Existence wears mask When you really stop and look you see one actor Question for the day: Have you ever took the time to appreciate the oneness of Creation? Really took time to see the threads that bind us all together. If you take time to look deep enough you will see that it is just one marvolous Actor with an ability to play many roles. When you are able to do this some of the labels we have for people places and things (nouns in our life) will begin to fade, and our actions (verbs) will be more considerate and focused. Because when you take a moment to look at the interdependence of creation you realize that you are one with this great actor and the falsities of your life fade away. if even for just a moment.

Ha2tim Gye-Nyame thought you'd like this Qik video

Hey there - Ha2tim Gye-Nyame has shared this Qik video, What the hell? 32. To watch this video and leave a comment for Ha2tim Gye-Nyame click . Best, - The Qik Team ---- Qik is the easiest way to record and share your life as it happens with your friends and family. Start Qikking today by signing up at

Tribal quote

Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so shall you become.  Your vision is the promise of what you shall at last unveil. ~  John Ruskin Whatever the universal nature assigns to any man at any time is for the good of that man at that time. ~  Marcus Aurelius Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

Ha2ku by ha2tim

Sometime the best way/ To help someone or thing grow/ Is to let them go/ Haku by ha2tim what do you think? Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

Tribal quote

A poor person isn't he who has little, but he who needs a lot. ~ German Proverb If you're in a hole, stop digging. ~ English Proverb Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

Tribal quote

The significance of a man is not in what he attains but rather in what he longs to attain. ~  Kahlil Gibran They conquer who believe they can. ~  John Dryden Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

Tribal quote

Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?' ~ Martin Luther King, Jr. Be honest to those who are honest, and be also honest to those who are not honest. Thus honesty is attained. Lao Tzu Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

Tribal quote

Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character. Einstein Nothing in life is more remarkable than the unnecessary anxiety which we endure, and generally create ourselves. ~  Benjamin Disraeli Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

Tribal quote

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. Lao tzu Virtue is persecuted more by the wicked than it is loved by the good. Buddha Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman


Image via Wikipedia Honor is such a beautiful word. But what is it and how does it apply to our tribe ? As i get older i am never surprised to find people using things especially words that they really do not understand. The 3 keys to nation building is Honor, loyalty, and sacrifice. Three very powerful words especially when they are understood and used in our lives and our dealings with one another. What is Honor? it can be defined as honesty , fairness, or integrity in one's beliefs and actions. In order for our tribe to grow we have to first be honest with ourselves. We have to ask ourselves those tough questions about who we truly are and why are we here (NIA). Then we have to ask ourselves why do we want to belong to this tribe? being absolutely honest with ourselves. because the true answer will let you know whether or not Gye- Nyame is your true home. Tribes were built and have always been built on and around honesty. When tribes first started developing it was out of a ...

Tribal quote

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear. Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman Forgiveness is a virtue of the brave. ~ Indira Gandhi Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

Ha2ku by ha2tim-meditation

I had the pleasure today to teach a short mediation session in a small group that I lead. We were able to take a good walk and found a piece of heaven in the middle of the city. I taught the young men about the concept of axe'(chi,ki,yao, and prana) and how the breath helps replenish this energy in each of us. I also spoke on the power of axe' when focused and gave some real life examples. Young men were receptive and were able to do the breathing exercise for at least 10 minutes. This event inspired me to think about how blessed I was in my youth to be interested in things like meditation to pursue it and learn it. Now I am blessed enough to pass on the practice to others around me. I guess this is one of the ways that I choose to spread peace one breathing lesson at a time. Now I hope that this blog finds you in a good state of mind and maybe motivate you to sit still for 10 minutes and just breath. Take time to feel your breath and the effects that it has on your body. ...

Ha2ku by ha2tim

Is freedom a dream/ Painted into the walls of mind/ By society/ Ha2ku by ha2tim Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

Tribal quote

He who is to be a good ruler must have first been ruled. ~ Aristotle A man can't ride your back unless it's bent. ~  Martin Luther King Jr. Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

Ha2ku by ha2tim

Bill collectors seem to want to much information. This makes no since to me. I paid my car note this morning and the collector asked me why was I late. I responded what. He said "your payment was due Friday, we want to know why you are late." Hahahahaha Of course I kept my composure and stated I'm paying now, but he persisted. I then stated no reason. Considering I'm paying for a car that I haven't driven in 11 months, I'm $50 ahead on my payments, and really don't care if they come get the car they need to just except my little bit of money and keep it moving. He motivated my ha2ku(this is my personal style of haiku maintaining the rules as much as possible, but talking about anything that moves me in 17 sylables) for the day: Bill collectors stop/ Ringing my phone askig for/ Money I don't have/ Ha2ku by ha2tim- if california can't pay its  bills I can't either...hahahaha Be on the look out for my blog on the three keys to Nation build...

Tribal quote

He who is afraid to ask is ashamed of learning. ~  Danish Proverb Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts. ~ Arnold Bennett Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

Poetry tonight

Poetry FM at the drexel Radio Cafe every monday@8pm Gye-Nyame will be in the house tonight. Peace One hundred years Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

Tribal quote

Come join us tonite for Poetry FM at Radio Cafe right next to the drexel theater on east main st. In bexely Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love. ~ Lao Tzu To a quick question, give a slow answer. ~  Italian Proverb Brother ha2tim

Tribal quotes

Great acts are made up of small deeds. Lao Tzu When men speak ill of thee, live so as nobody may believe them. ~ Plato Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

Ha2ku by ha2tim- Misery

Where is Misery? She hides in your heart, angry Ambushing your dreams Ha2ku by ha2tim One of the definitions of Misery is a mental or emotional unhappiness or distress. This haiku hit me  while i was fasting for the camping trip. Trying to prepare my mind and body for the work that was coming. I took a cruise through facebook and saw that my life was going good even in the midst of a fast compared to some of the things that were being posted. Misery is all about being unhappy, and I'm noticing that although the culture we live in is screaming for independence in all of the ways of materialism we seem to have become more dependent when it comes to our emotional needs. I'm noticing that people believe that it is someones responsibility to make them happy rather a personal responsibility. The fact of the matter is that if you are waiting for someone or something to make you happy, you have surrendered your personal power. In surrendering your personal power happiness will always...

Tribal quote

Join our site @ You can also follow my blog on look up gye-nyame journey Have a nice weekend Don't throw away the old bucket until you know whether the new one holds water. ~  Swedish Proverb Faith doesn't mean that you don't have doubts. ~  Barack Obama Brother Ha2tim Self Mastery Coach Nation Builder Urban Shaman

Come join me on Gye-Nyame Tribe

Join me on Gye-Nyame Tribe HA2TIM GYE-NYAME has: 7 friends 1 photo 1 video 14 blog posts Peace join us on our Gye-Nyame Tribe site. Click to Join Members on Gye-Nyame Tribe: Sista Ras rochelle williams robert walker DJ Daylon favours gye-nyame warrior About Gye-Nyame Tribe ...

Gye-Nyame Tribe

Join this blog and join me on this Journey. Also join us at our ning site posted up above. Before I get into the subject that I was scheduled to discuss, I need to announce that Gye-Nyame Tribe is not something you belong to when it is convenient for you. You are either part or not. Either you are helping us build or you are not. I have been part of many organizations that have been destroyed by fringe membership it is ridiculous. There is a process of membership if you have not been through it or are not going through it now you are not in the Tribe. So please do not throw membership up in my face if you are not. The history of this tribe is something that I need to go into so that people can really understand. Gye-Nyame Tribe is the result of years of work and study of what was going on in our community. It belongs to and owes a lot to several organizations that came before it. I will take you for a brief walk in the history of our tribe so hold on. The beginning of our tribe roots r...

Tribal quotes

Peace: I'm sending your quotes with a link to one of my blogs as well as a sample of one of my blogs so check it out: This the blog for the day: Thank your haters I: Don't worry about/ The haters in life, they are/ Dead fruit on your vine/ Ha2ku by ha2tim Take some time today to thank the haters in your life. They are giving you free advertisement. They are sending you axe'(life force), so go ahead and use it to make your life better. Please don't waste your energy or thoughts worring about how to get them back. Continue on working on your dreams and ventures. Use that energy to fuel your next hero journey. Your life, time, and mental energy and most importantly your axe' is much to important to waste on someone hating someone else. Instead of finding away to hate the person that is hating on you find someone in your life to praise and lift up. Help a child feel better about themselves, help a coworker through a hard project, be friend to the friendless, ...

Thank the haters in your life I

Don't worry about/ The haters in life, they are/ Dead fruit on your vine/ Ha2ku by ha2tim Take some time today to thank the haters in your life. They are giving you free advertisement. They are sending you axe'(life force), so go ahead and use it to make your life better. Please don't waste your energy or thoughts worring about how to get them back. Continue on working on your dreams and ventures. Use that energy to fuel your next hero journey. Your life, time, and mental energy and most importantly your axe' is much to important to waste on someone hating someone else. Instead of finding away to hate the person that is hating on you find someone in your life to praise and lift up. Help a child feel better about themselves, help a coworker through a hard project, be friend to the friendless, and/or a father/mother to those that don't have one. Your life is to precious to be wasted on hate. Love is so much better and has been scientifically proven to make you ...