
Showing posts from July, 2012

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Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future

  Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future In a world where words often lose their meaning amidst the noise, "Honor" stands tall, embodying a profound truth that resonates deeply within the soul of our community. As we navigate the complexities of modern existence, it's essential to return to the roots that define us, leveraging the timeless principles of Honor, Loyalty, and Sacrifice to forge a path forward. This exploration isn't just about understanding a concept; it's about redefining our collective destiny through the lens of integrity and truth. As a community committed to empowerment and personal growth, we dive deep into the essence of Honor—dissecting its impact on our lives and our interactions with each other. This isn't just an article; it's a manifesto for those ready to embody the true meaning of Honor in their lives, propelling our tribe towards unprecedented heights of unity and strength. The Core of Honor: H...

The Blessing In Being Stuck

In each of our lives we reach a point where it feels as if we are stuck, and no matter what we do we cant seem to move forward. It is at these times we may need to slow down, and even stop struggling. I have found that the more we struggle at these times the worse we get entangled in life's net. Just stop and take some time to rest and to gain some perspective. At these times the universe may be trying to talk with us but because we are so busy trying to stay moving we cant hear. We have been taught that it is our duty to keep moving and never stop. If you are sick so what "get up and go to work" because we believe that our job needs us or that we will be fired. If you are stuck on a project keeping beating yourself over the head until a new idea comes forth. We have heard the stories of those who have pushed through major obstacles and now the world sing their praise, and we may want to be just like them. Because many of us feel that success is purely connecte...

Oldest Spiral Galaxy: Hubble Telescope, Dates Back 10.7 Billion Years Forms a Gye-Nyame Symbol

Just wanted to share this article and point out "Gye-Nyame symbol" in the picture look close. Oldest Spiral Galaxy: Star Cluster BX442, Spied By Hubble Telescope, Dates Back 10.7 Billion Years : 'via Blog this'

Have You Shaken The Dust From Your Feet

Shaking the Dust from your feet is a command that I learned that Jesus gave to his disciples. They were instructed to shake the dust from there feet when they left a town, or house where people did not accept what they had to offer. When you look at it from a purely physical level this command can be confusing, but when we put on our symbolic glasses we see a whole new idea. Dust is defined as " Fine, dry powder consisting of tiny particles of earth or waste matter lying on the ground or on surfaces or carried in the air."   By shaking the dust from your feet when leaving a place means to leave the waste matter, and decayed particles where you found them.  On the Journey we have to have the same mind state, we want to begin shaking the dust from our feet when we leave not just places, but also when we leave negative people. We don't want to be carrying around the old waste from past situations because they may contaminate any new situation that we may enter. shaking t...

Checkout FreeStyle Friday

This week show was packed and we had a good time. I need to stress that these events are open to the public and i would love to meet some of my listeners in Columbus, Oh. We had an Open discussion we hit on the dark knight rampage, the new batman movie, pet goat video, conspiracy, symbolism and etc..Enjoy and feel free to share. Open discussion we hit on the dark knight rampage, the new batman movie, pet goat video, conspiracy, symbolism and etc..Enjoy and feel free to share Hopefully I will see you or hear from you next week, you can send me a message through the spreaker message bar, or you can text in comments or questions, just be sure to share your name 614-594-9422. This is also my business number, so if you want more info about the books or the Journey feel free to hit me up or text.

"Your Lever Is Long Enough"

I know that this sounds strange but the idea came to me as I was doing research and found a Greek philosopher by the name of Archimedes. Archimedes was quoted to have said "give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world". In this modern time a lever and a fulcrum big enough to move the world has been presented to us all. The lever I'm speaking of is the internet. This lever if it is used properly can help you move your business, your personal life, and anything else you want to move. Through the social network aspect we can set up support networks for just about anything that we want, and leverage the information and inspiration that they provide. We can seek out information that just 10 years ago would have belong to a rare few, and use it on a daily basis to bring success, peace, and happiness into our lives if we choose to. The fulcrum in this idea is the devices that have been developed to experience the internet....

Till we meet again

I havent poured a libation since you left, My tears are the testament of the sorrow that I feel, and pray they will push you threw. These are the tears of a selfish man. For they are not for you but for the empty space left by your living this life. But we will meet again Your life has etched the map for me to follow to the ultimate place of rest, and i am grateful for the time we spent and i glance at the picture of you holding and now I hold your memory as tightly. I wont and cant say goodbye, lets just part and say till we meet again....

The Player's Pyramid - 5th Block (Ujima) podcast

I have decided to share an old post about Ujima to prepare for the podcast. Check it out and leave comments and ideas, here is the link: Ujima Here is the podcast: The Player's Pyramid- The 5th Block (Ujima) Join and support the Journey

Player's Pyramid- 4th Block "Ujamaa" | Spreaker Online Radio

We have made it to the 4th block, and moving fast. the response on my podcast is incredible. So lets build our pyramids to success. Player's Pyramid- 4th Block "Ujamaa" | Spreaker Online Radio : 'via Blog this'

Most Popular Podcast - Player's Pyramid Series

for all those that have been following the journey I thank you. for those of you that are new let me take this time and welcome you to the Tribe. I have  been slowly putting out my book "The Player's Pyramid", and now I have been putting together a Podcast based on the system that i developed. For those who would like to follow along I will post all of the information for you to go through and begin your Journey. For all those that want to support the Journey you can purchase the book as a PDF at PLAYER'S PDF  if you want to purchase the paperback click PLAYER'S PAPERBACK  : for  those that want a free peak goto the page listed on this site Player's Pyramid... to checkout my podcast join me on spreaker by clicking " Gye-Nyame Journey Podcast " you can follow the show or follow me ha2tim for those that want quick access to the pod cast here you go:

Final GoodBye III- Writing Stories To Help

The Scroll Once in the Gye-Nyame Nation there existed a man named Elder who was respected far and wide for his wisdom. He was so wise that his name was used after his death as the definition of a wise old person. Everyone in an important position whether it was in government, business, military and etc., gave him credit for helping them in their journey toward success. Elder would put together beautiful scrolls for his patrons. In the scroll he would create some beautiful artwork, and within the artwork there would be a quote, short poem, or ancient proverb, that the receiver (it was said) could adopt as their own mantra and if followed would bring great success. No one knew how long Elder had been producing these scrolls, but it seemed as if everybody who was somebody in the Nation was in possession of one. One day a poor man with a great vision, but little money approached Elder for a personal scroll. Elder charged a high price for his scroll for he believed that the level of...

Final GoodBye III- Writing for Healing

His Story is Mine His story is mines, Better yet my story is his, For now I can no longer deal with what was, Now I have to deal with what is. A great tree has fallen in the forest of life, A tree that provided shade for many and a shelter from strife. But this is not the end of his tory for his story is mine, And his story will live through his bloodline for all time. His story is not over because his story is mine, and I need for his loved ones to read between the lines. Although his body is gone his spirit is strong, that explains why through the pain and confusion he lived so long. Fear not because his story is not over because his story is mine, He has made it to peace and he rest with the divine We are the seeds and saplings grafted from his tree and now he can rest in comfort for his story can be told by we. His story is not over, because his story belongs to me For I am a proud branch on his family tree, I will always remember those that came before, those that...