
Showing posts from March, 2017

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Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future

  Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future In a world where words often lose their meaning amidst the noise, "Honor" stands tall, embodying a profound truth that resonates deeply within the soul of our community. As we navigate the complexities of modern existence, it's essential to return to the roots that define us, leveraging the timeless principles of Honor, Loyalty, and Sacrifice to forge a path forward. This exploration isn't just about understanding a concept; it's about redefining our collective destiny through the lens of integrity and truth. As a community committed to empowerment and personal growth, we dive deep into the essence of Honor—dissecting its impact on our lives and our interactions with each other. This isn't just an article; it's a manifesto for those ready to embody the true meaning of Honor in their lives, propelling our tribe towards unprecedented heights of unity and strength. The Core of Honor: H...

Daily Toast- Nia 331171 (Puts some Nia on it)

Peace FAM Woke up this morning, and did not want to leave the house, but I knew I still had to do my toast. I decided to do a promo for the 21 day Nguzo Saba Challenge. After going back and checking out gumroad my excitement grew because with this product I could finally take control of my digital content. On this Nia you can decide to exist on purpose. Nia is a spice that you can put on your life, to bring the flavor back. Take some time and challenge yourself to move to the next level. If you need help we are here to assist you. The Nguzo Saba Challenge is designed to help you apply Nia and the rest of the principles to your life, and in doing that change every aspect of it. You will be surprised how by applying this simple system you can change your reality. I have been working through the steps myself, and will be here to help you when you get stuck. The challenge is about taking back the symbols that shape our lives, establishing routines, and rituals on purpose, and aligning...

Daily Toast- Ujamaa (Story as a resource)

Peace FAM Had a powerful interview on "Tribal Quotes", usually I don't have interviews on my two major shows, but this was a special occasion. This brother is a story teller and understands the power of the narrative and expressed it very well. His name was brother Wekesa Madzimoyo and he is a founder of the AYA Educational Institute , and he will be in Columbus, Ohio on April 7- April 8 with some powerful workshops. It would be wise for you to be in the house. I chose to do the interview on the Tribal Quote because his message lined up with today's principle Ujamaa. He discussed the power of stories to heal and to move our people to another level. He shared that we are in the position we are in because we are not telling our tales properly. We are neglecting one of the most powerful resources that we have. The story resource is so powerful because it can inspire others to move in the way that our culture and people need. He discussed teaching people how to constru...

Dynamic Interview with Wakesa from AYA Educational Institute

If you did not get to hear it live, here is one of the best interviews I have ever had. The brother was on fire. He will be presenting in Columbus, Ohio on April 7th and  April 8th. This will be a life changing event. The cost is only $20. Check the interview, look up the Institute, and see you in April. Click link Gye-Nyame Journey Nuff Said Peace & 1hunidyears

Daily Toast- Ujima 329171 (Bull without a Herd)

Great Day Fam Last night I went to sleep wondering what I would talk about in the morning. When I woke up the folktale that I am focusing on this week popped up. The questions that hit me was where was this bull's herd. I know that cows and bulls are social animals, and exist in groups, so where was this bulls group? This bull was isolated and vunerable to the world and the lion. The only thing that kept him from being a victim was his size and strength. The lion was able to get the bull to accompany him because he was alone with friends and family being able to give advice. This situation sounds like the situation that many Black people are in. Where is your group, tribe, and family to advise you away from those lions waiting to take advantage of you. Watch the video and let me know what you think.

#nguzosabachallenge (How to and why)

Here is the first step on how to participate in the Nguzo Saba Challenge. I am sharing so that those that are in my circle can begin the process of taking their power back. We need to begin taking control of the symbols in our lives, and start connecting them back to our culture. This is just a step that I decided to take.

Daily Toast- Kujichagulia 328171 ( redefine the story)

Peace FAM Here we go, another great day and a new filming technique that I have been working on. Hope you like the effect. Now to redefining the our story. On this day of Kujichagulia we are given the gift of re- framing our experience in this country. We can stick with the old story, but we have to ask the question, has it helped us. If the story is not helping us in our goals of rising in this country then we need to step back and re-frame them. I have been struggling with this for a long time, because our story maybe limiting us. Along with the studies on PTSD, and PTSS we also need to identify and look at those studies of individual and groups who have developed PTG (Post traumatic growth). There are studies on individuals who have been through traumatic incidents and have grown dramatically because of the incident. They have learned to draw strength from their trauma that has catapulted them into a new frame. They appear to prosper inspite of what they have been through, and I ...

Daily Toast- Umoja 327171

My equipment is acting up, and I am out of room, but I owe this video. I have made creating these videos, this is my move to bringing Unity to us. Watch and enjoy.

Daily Toast- Imani 326171 (interview with the Baba)

Great Day FAM It was a busy weekend, and I was blessed to be able to participate as well as share it with you. I have an opportunity to interview the Baba of the Simba/Simsa nation. This is a man who has been a guide and an example for me for the last 30 years. We discuss the power of Imani, as well as a few other things. We also send shots out to another Elder who we on our way to surprise for his birthday. You get to join us for that as well. Sorry for the lack of music, but this video turned out to be a 5 gigabyte event. Every gigbyte was worthg it. so tune in and let me know what you think.

Daily Toast- Kuumba 325171 (creating our space)

Peace FAM I'm in a car with men that I trust on my way to another city to celebrate one of my spiritual father's as well as a strong elder in his community . It feels good to have family I mean true FAM that can be depended on. These type of relationships are empowered when we have spaces that are created by us. These places are made from our blood, sweat and tears. They are formed in our Ceremonies and rituals. They provide us with pockets of space where we can commune with our ancestors. Spaces out of which we can build a reality that fits us and prepares the soil for our future generations. Sacred space that is owned and controlled by our hands. Right now we have to rent, borrow, and sometimes steal it but something in us strives to get it. As Nation Builders, Tribe Builders, or Family Builders we have to make it a major priority to get it, because every people need sanctuary a sacred space that is theirs and theirs I alone we are no different. Be sure to checkout the video...

Daily Toast- Nia 3242017 (Doing it on purpose) Brinner

Peace FAM Today's video is a little different, I cut out a lot so that I could share with you me doing what i was born to do. I am a speaker, teacher, and urban shaman that is at his best when I am in front of a crowd. Take just a few moments and checkout as I talk about my Journey with knots & ties and how they come out of a warrior tradition. Sit back and enjoy.

Daily Toast- 323171 (not Black enough)

Peace FAM A horrible realization hit me as I was about to go to bed and get ready for our Daily Toast. I am not Black enough!!! I mean we are not Black enough, let's look at the reality that we are encased in. We live on a continent named after a white man, in a cities that are named after white people, under governments that are controlled by white people, we go to stores named after white people, eat at restaurants named after white people, wear close named after white people, live on streets named after white people, spend money with white people faces on them, go to schools named after white people, look at maps centered around people, operate in a political system  created for and by white people, are subjected to curricula that are about white people, and then i have to hear that I am Too Black. Give me a break, the truth is I am not Black enough. Today we will focus on how we are not using the precious resource of Blackness to move our lives forward, because of our fear ...

Daily Toast- Ujima 322171 (Our Collective Responsibility)

Peace FAM Once again we are blessed to sit down and toast our ancestors. I am grateful that this idea hit me. This process get's me up at unspeakable times in the morning, got me learning a new skill, constantly have to be thinking, and lastly be able to free style on a single topic for long periods of time. Hard but as the ancestors teach "The best life is achieved through sytematic process" and I have system. Actually I have thank all of you that have been tuning in and checking the articles, listening to the podcast, and viewing the videos. I am feeling good about the direction and rate of growth, and I am looking forward to the future challenges that may come. So those of you that are on GNJ get ready because when the challenge hits me it will also be looking for you. Just consider the fact that challenges are what makes us move into our greatness, no one has ever made change from a comfortable position. Today we talk about Ujima, and I am stressing the fact that we...

Daily Toast- Kujichagulia 321171 (Who is defining you/we)

Peace FAM The thought that hit me when I rose from my sleep this day, was who defines us, and how do we benefit from it? When looking at how we deal with each other and the world I can't help but be puzzled, because it appears that we operate outside of our own interest. Any people that operate outside of their own benefit is crazy, because their is no way that they can survive. This type of people put their children at risk, and set them up for future oppression, and debt slavery. A people's Kujichagulia is a protection against outside forces, when the force of Kujichagulia is stripped away a people are subject to outside definition. Now here is where the hustle gets real, if an outside force or group (group 1) can define another group (group 2), the definition that is set on group 2 will always work for the benefit of group 1. This means that everything that group 2 knows about itself or even think about it self will benefit group 1. The only end that I can see for group ...

Daily Toast- Umoja 320171 (The importance of Ceremonies, Rituals, and Routines)

Peace FAM Great day and Great Umoja. We move into a new week focused on our proverb and principles. Mental illness has been on my mind for the last 12 hours so I felt I needed to find a way to tie this in to our discussion. Our community is under constant attack, and we have to act as if this is normal. Is there any wonder why many of our family members are losing touch with reality. We come into this world and our whole life it seems is a battle against unwinable  odds.We strive and push forward and even when we give beyond our best, it appears life throws us it's worst. I personally am surprised that more of our community don't lose touch with their sanity. The statistics alone are enough to make some of us want to give up. I know that this is difficult for many to understand, but I have come to terms with the fact that my people are at war. It is a cold war but a war none the less. When a group benefits from your groups demise, and creates whole institutions that are fuel...

Daily Toast- Imani 319171 Imani (Faith is the power behind Resurrection)

Peace FAM I wish you a great Imani, and pray that everything is going your way. On this day we salute our ancestors and align ourselves with our other worldly allies. Keeping in mind the proverb that we are working with in this week "Let shame come upon those that would hinder the rising of the dead", I want to remind you about our short discussion from yesterday about the power of Kuumba when it comes to resurrection. Now as we move into Imani I want to stress that today's principle is what provides the fuel for resurrection. Imani is required in this process, but must be applied properly. It is beyond just believing, but carrying oneself in a way that shows that you know that resurrection is possible. When we know something, and act as if we provide the extra force required to bring something into existence. Some just believe and that is it, but faith requires action to be activated. in the process of resurrecting something we have to believe that it is possible, but...

Daily Toast- Kuumba 318171 (Creativity resurrects)

Peace FAM: Welcome home, you have been gone a while and I want to personally welcome back to GNJ. You have been lying prostrate but I am glad you have risen. I know it took a while for you to realize that it was all about you making a simple choice. All you had to do was stand up. You laid prostrate and the legs of your Kuumba were waiting for you to embrace your Nia, and push yourself. You did and now you are here. Kuumba is powerful, and if you allow this principle to activate in your life it will change it forever. It is through this principle that resurrection takes. This is the transformative principle that our people have had an extensive relationship. I am just trying to rekindle it, so that we can start using her power to create new life rather than recycling death. So listen in pay attention and hit me up and let me know what you think. I hope you are ready for the #nguzosabachallenge, If so hit me up. Let's Build!!! nuff said Peace & 1hunidyears

Freestyle Nia- Discussion with Queen Najla Parish

Peace FAM We had a great discussion tonight. Queen Najla came on and we chopped it up about the Ancestors, spirituality, meditation, and etc.. Listen in and make sure you checkout her YouTube channel. We also had FAM call in and join the discussion make sure you catch that because brother Shaka, and brother Dame Lee from Illy ave. was droppin some jewels. Checkout the show and let me know what you think. OH YEAH i messed up and know body caught the fact that I called the show Freestyle Friday. Somebody should have checked me and reminded me that Friday is dead and Nia is the Point of focus. Peace & 1hunidyears

Daily Toast- Nia (If you not on Purpose you are a hinderance)

Peace FAM: I approach you on this beautiful day of Nia, I just need to stress that everyday is beautiful when it is yours. By taking your time back through the #nguzosabachallenge, everyday can be yours as well. For those that are interested in taking the challenge just click the link & hit me up . Those that take the 21 day challenge will receive a PDF of a calender that will help you track your progress, and some other exclusive information that will keep you motivated and moving to the next level. FAM I am serious about "This Thing Of Ours", now is the time for us to build. We have the information, we have the skills, and we have the resources collectively. Your ancestors are awaiting to assist you in your move to greatness, "Why you Stallin"!!! Today once again we hit on the proverb of the week "let shame come upon those who would hinder the rising of the dead", and I hit on the idea that those of us that are not on our purpose become a hinderi...

Daily Toast- 316171 Ujamaa (Stop Hindering)

Peace FAM The proverb of the week is "Let shame come over those who hinder the rising of the dead", are you a hinderer. Are you stopping the raising of the dead in your life, by not sharing the resources that you have.  Let's discuss and Let's Build!!!

FolkTales For Grown Folks - The Wolf & The Goat

Peace FAM: I would share the video from my Youtube but the Picture qulaity is not that good so here is the footage from FB. Checkout the show and let me know what you think, and remember "These Folktales aren't just for kids". Get the wisdom and "Let's Build!!!"

Daily Toast- Ujima 315171 (Culture Cures) Warning this will blow up your Paradigm

Great Day FAM: We are on the verge of a marvelous day, and I want to be the first to greet you on this magnificent day of Ujima. We will be talking about the healing aspect of culture. We will also discuss how culture can be used against you as well. I need to stress that I believe that culture is the software that can determine our success in life, and when we build using the guiding principles of healthy culture we can overcome anything. Culture is a energy that flows from the people and forms the practice that enable a people first to strive, and once they master their culture it enables them to form reality around them. The question that each of my Journeyers should be asking themselves now, is what the culture am I following,and where is it leading me. I had the pleasure of interacting with many wise men and women in my life, and one of the most powerful lessons that I received was from Brother Albino Garcia who taught me that Culture Cures. When a people are separated from th...

Daily Toast- Kujichagulia 314171

Peace Fam: Great Kujichagulia, thanks for stopping through and toasting with me. As we move forward in Self-Determination let's remember the proverb of the week "Right practice is true knowing", on this day let's continue to practice taking control of what we can control. Many times we can find ourselves wasting energy on things we have no control over rather than looking at the powerful tools that we do. By us practicing using our gifts and on a daily basis working on those few skills we move toward mastery, and with mastery comes power. If you are interested in learning to control things around you focus on controlling things within you, and the world will be your oyster. So join me for the Toast, begin some type of routine that help you get grounded, perform some breathing exercises to help you get mental clarity, and lastly through some simple movements so that you can get in tune with your body. All of these things help you explore yourself and allow you to expa...

This Diet Could Save Your Life "African Heritage Diet"

Peace Fam: GNJ is all about helping you change your mental diet. I'm always trying to provide thought provoking ideas that are designed to help you start seeing the world in a new way. I figured I would leave the physical diet to the experts, but then I ran into this article about the African Heritage Diet  and I had to share this information. Now there are plenty of healthy diets out there, but this one rang a bell for me because they are taking the cultural route. The fact is that human beings developed over thousands of years eating certain foods, and each group have cultural foods that they lean on, except African people in America. Our diet was forced upon us with no concern about the effects on the 5 parts of our being. Now I believe it is time for us to start snatching back this important part of our legacy. I especially like when they stress eating in groups, as a matter of fact they described the dinner table as "the healing table" Goto the site for yourself a...

Daily Toast- Umoja 313171 (take time to review)

Peace FAM: Great Umoja, and welcome to the start of new cycle. Take time in this cycle and review all of the principles and how you have practiced each one. Now is the time of manifesting all of the work from the previous cycle. We also talk about being careful about what we allow into our minds, and how by not monitoring our thoughts we allow things into our mind that manifest in our lives to hold us back. Checkout the video and let me know what you think. Peace &1hunidyears

Daily Toast- Imani 312171 (Focused Faith)

Peace FAM; Here is the Vlog from Imani, sorry it is late but it has been up on YouTube all night, just waiting for some eyes to hit it. Yesterday was one of the rare days where I did not have anything to do so me and my kids once again got busy and had a pancake breakfast (Broke my Diet today's in a row, but now I'm back on). I love spending time with these little folks even though it can be challenging at times. I have to always remember that we are generational people, and my goal to help them remember why they are here. Today I try to keep the theme of the week in mind and discuss learning to focus our faith.  I wish you peace hope you enjoy, and feel free to commit. Nuff said Peace & 1hunidyears

Daily Toast- Kuumba 311171 (Release the magician)

Peace Fam Man we are coming off a great Nia, and moving into this Kuumba. I feel like a magician, I don't know why, but I have been humming this capoeira song "Assaulta Manginga" which means release the magician. Maybe it is because I just reached 100 subscribers on YouTube, maybe because I am finally getting comments on my blog, or maybe because I just had my afternoon meal. Whatever it is I am going to ride the feeling until I can't anymore. Now it is time for you to release the magician in your life.  Magician before they were connected to parlor tricks and morphed into politicians, were at one time very skilled workmen. They mastered there craft to a point to where it appeared they could perform miracles. They didn't have one trade they were the masters of their age. They got so good at what they did that people called them magi, which means wise. Magi is also the root word of magician, this word through time became associated with terms like super natural...

Daily Toast- Nia 310171 (Play & practice your position)

Peace Fam Today's toast is a celebration of the follower, those unnamed heroes who have made civilization possible. Those people who may have known more and spoke better than the person they were following but kept their mouth shut, and played their part. Many of you may cringe when you read these words, but you have to face the fact that everyone is not a leader, in fact most people are not. I know you will probably fall into the "we are all leaders in our own life" argument but I could argue you there as well. History or at least the way we want to see it does not hoist the follower into the spot light. They teach us to focus on the leader, rather than looking at individuals that gave him the very thing that he needed, people to lead. It is these people who bring the know how to make the vision of the leader possible. It is these individuals that help and remind the leader to stay in line. It is these individuals that raise the money, and balance the books. It is the...

Daily Toast- Ujamaa 38171 (You Inc.)

Peace Fam: Taking my time to review the proverb of the week , and attemping to connect it with the principle of the day. "Right practice is true knowing", in this practice is the key. The question I want my family to focus on is what are you practicing daily. We have to begin to look at ourselves as vaulable businesses, that have a story to tell. Many of us our not active in building our brand because deep down inside we may feel that we are not worthy. Wake up and face the fact that many of your struggles were not given to you for just you, but to teach others. Get up and begin to share your most powerful resource beside your time, yourself and your story.  Let's bring to practice living, and sharing our life lessons. We have been born in a time where we can leave tons, of information for our children and for those in need. Stop wasting your time and your storage space on looking for the next fight, and point the camera at your life and begin to record history in the ...

Daily Toast- Ujima 38171 (3 levels of Learning)

Peace Fam: Today we start out with the proverb that will take the lead this week "Right practice is true knowing". This proverb is definitely needed in these days and times of the slick talker. We have plenty of speakers and no leaders. Checkout the video let me know what you think and be sure to join the show tonight @ 9pm streaming live on my FB page. Hopefully in the next week we will be able to stream live through the site again.

Daily Toast- Kujichagulia 36171 (5 parts of Being)

Peace Fam: It was an exciting week, and I have been getting hits about "That Ambrosia" and question in general. Today let's look at the 5 aspect of our being (Intuition, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual, and Physical). Staying aligned with the Proverb of the week "Say the knowledge-holders, true home is the place which the sun breaks", for many people this is cryptic, but for the few who have been studying this proverb is clear. To me it speaks about the unseen part of reality which makes up at least 90% of existence. That is right, a majority of the universe can not be perceived by us. Our ancestors through altered states of consciousness were able to become aware of this bigger reality, and was able to incorporate this knowledge into their daily lives. We lost our way and need to focus in on some basics so that we can get back in touch. With today being Kujichagulia and the Hermetic law being correspondence we can look at breaking through some of the mysteries ...

Let's Talk Nation Building

Peace  FAM: I decided that while I was recovering to attempt to experiment with periscope. Yep I took a day off from the adventure, but I wanted to do something creative. So after the interview and speaking with brother Yarima I decided to try periscope. So I wanted to see how to work it and see if I can use it for my live broadcast. It is compatible, and I will be streaming over periscope for my Kujichagulia, and Ujima shows. So I will be seeing some of yall through the periscope.

Daily Toast- Umoja 36171 (Attack Of Soreness & The Voices)

Peace FAM I woke up this morning and began moving on the toast, but I was sore beyond belief. I feel like I was in a car accident. I attempted to do my workout after the axe' breaths, and had to give up the ghost. At that time I took some advice that one of my elders gave me about health. He told me that when ever he didn't feel right that he would back track 3 days, and find what brought on the ailment. Of course I followed this wisdom and found what was going on. Except mine did not start 3 days ago, but maybe 6 months. For a majority of my adult life I had been sleeping on a futon, a firm mat that was laid over wood or directly on the floor. When we moved I started sleeping on a bed, and the mattress is wearing me out. Combine that with not getting enough sleep over the past few days, keeping a regular light workout regiment, and viola'. Today you will get the toast, clean up, axe' breath, and discussion. I had to keep it short. My apologies. stay tuned because we ...

Daily Toast- Kuumba 34171 Warrior Training)

Today I thought I would share some of the training we have going on in Columbus, Ohio. Checkout the video and if you want more info about our bi weekly meeting hit me up. We have Boxing lead by Brother Anthony Nesbit, Vedic math lead By Mz. Traci Ford, African drum and dance (was canceled today), and lastly Discussion lead by myself. Checkout the video and let me know what you think, Let's Build!!!


"Say the Knowledge holders, true home is the place from which the sun breaks" Fam, it has been a busy 48 hours, as you can see I had to work over time to get you this video, and I am still running behind. I have started to focus all my post for 7 days on a proverb or story, and up above is the proverb of this week.  Dealing with suffering consciously, denying ourselves for the greater good, and moving toward freedom requires us to suffer. All suffering is not bad, when we are able to suffer for those things and people that matter, we transform that pain into something divine. We have problems with suffering because many of us have forgot where home is. Home is not our bodies, not the houses or apartments that we reside in. Home is beyond this plane of existence. We are here for a time, and we have a mission to complete. This requires us to suffer from time to time. Always being able to reflect back on our Nia will help you/us pull through. Checkout the video and let me k...

Daily Toast- Ujamaa 32171 (Stop wasting resources)

Great Ujamaa: We will begin moving into a new phase of the #nguzosabachallenge, I will begin to focus more on some resources that I have been wasting when it comes to doing these videos. I have been jumping right over the proverbs and folktales that I podcast about weekly rather than using their wisdom to help with these daily post. I am guilty of wasting two powerful and overlooked resources in the universe. The first and most important resource that we all have access to is time. By me not helping you as well as my self focus on the words of our ancestors during our morning toast I have been wasting your time. I would do FFGF on Kujichagulia, and then Tribal Quotes on Ujima, and then jump into a discussion of the principles the following morning and rarely pull on the wisdom that came during the shows. This from my view is a terrible waste of time. Rather than helping you get a deeper understanding of the principle through the wisdom of the ancestors, I would randomly discuss issues...

Daily Toast- Ujima 229171(Collaberation is the Key)

Already we are on another marvelous day,  and it just happens to be Ujima. When we study this principle we find the keys for us as individuals as well as a tribe. It was the power of Ujima, that guided us to develop civilization and all the arts that define it. It is Ujima that holds culture together and even more importantly when she is ignored cultures collapse. The individual is guided by Ujima to greatness. When the individual can get his/her whole being working as a unit they can push themselves to do unbelievable things. Now let's looks at the fact that Ujima is all about collaberation, it's about geting different individuals to cooperate and work toward a common goal. We as a people have a goal, and it is to rise above our present station in this country. In order for us to reach it we have to cooperate, and it is from this cooperation that we will win. Now the fact is that this cooperation does not take all of us. It only requires a critical mass of about 5%. The same ...