
Showing posts from June, 2017

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The Subtle but Powerful Shifts of Fasting: A Journey of Discipline and Transformation

The Subtle but Powerful Shifts of Fasting: A Journey of Discipline and Transformation Fasting is often reduced to a conversation about weight loss, but my journey has been about so much more. From January 6 to January 27 , I undertook a fast that challenged not just my body, but also my mind and spirit. It wasn’t easy, but the process gave me clarity, self-discipline, and a deeper understanding of my body’s resilience. I want to share my experience—not just the numbers, but the way fasting reshaped my daily habits, my mental clarity, and my approach to health. Tracking the Physical Shifts 📉 Weight Loss During the Fast – I started at 197.8 lbs on January 6, and by January 27, I weighed 172.8 lbs . That’s over 25 pounds lost , but what mattered more was how my body felt . 💖 Blood Pressure Improvement – My BP started at 150/102 and by the end of my fast, I recorded 120/80 on January 21 and even 108/67 on January 27. My cardiovascular system was responding to the cleansing effects ...

The Microbiom & Mental Health

Peace FAM: I am playing catch up but it is cool. I have a couple of moments before I see the doctor so I decided to pen this article. On this video part one and two I get into the little information I have been to gather on this thing called the microbiom. I at first thought that it was about the gut, but the microbiom covers the entire body and can even influence behaviors. This organ or system in our body is estimated to have 100 trillion cells all working with in our bodies. These cells work according to what we put inside of our body by way of eating and drinking. They effect our thinking by releasing neurochemicals that affect the mood, as well as make shifts in our personality. There have been studied that connect some mental illnesses to the second brain which is another name for the microbiom. I had to do this article so that we could look at the information and decide for ourselves if this is legit. They are still researching the microbiom and it is a relatively young fi...

Let's Take It To The Next Level - 21 Day Nguzo Saba Challenge

Peace FAM: It is time that I move to another level. I have spoke enough about sacrifice, suffering, embracing the bitter. Now it is time for us to see these things totally in action. I have decided to commit to completing another 21 Day Nguzo Saba Challenge with a fast. It is about to get hard. This time I will not be doing the intermittent fasting I will be doing a straight liquid fast. The goal is to demonstrate that it can be done, to help me workout some of my personal fears, and to solidify my vision for GNJ. I am not playing with this platform I have been blessed with, and I am not playing with this product that the Ancestors have dropped in my lap. I decided to call it the Gye-Nyame Quest. Now what I will have to workout is a system that will help me make it through the rough times. I will follow everything that we do within the challenge, plus the fast. My system will look like this: Week 1 Breathing Exercise Toast Movement Cold shower/ bath proverb & folktale of...

What Are Your Duties

Peace FAM: I greet you on this great Kuumba day. We lift our glasses and  toast our ancestors, for me this is a duty. This is something that I have to do, a duty. One early morning before the toast I was listening to NPR and heard a story about the youngest prince of England's role family. He stated that him nor none of his siblings want to step in the role of King, but would fuflill their duty if called upon. My mind started working, and I saw a direct connection between duty and purpose. So now I have to ask you what are your duties. If you have a purpose you must have duties to accompany that purpose. I am running into many Nia driven people who have no duties that lead them to their purpose. They can define their purpose to perfection, but when asked what duties accompany the purpose they fall short. Family take some time and build some duties that will help move you toward fufilling your purpose. Checkout the video and let me know your thoughts, don't be shy leave some c...

No Half Way Dreams

Peace FAM: Dreams are like wings in our youth, that help us soar through life and over problems, but if dreams are not pursued they become weights that hold us to the earth in our older years. I have dreams and had them when I was young, and often received the advice to put them on the back burner while I pursued more practical matters. I was told to get real, and as i got older and met with the bitter in life, I began to believe what I was being told, eventually we all run into major issues, and set back that appear to be holding our dreams hostage, and many of us like myself crack,and "get real". Family I need to stress that there is no such thing as half way dreams. Our dreams can not inhabit the backs of our minds caged by circumstances. They were meant to fly, and if we don't invest our heart and soul and pursue them they will soar out of our site. Leaving us to our real life based in someone else's idea of reality. We have to begin to rekindle the fire if we ...

The Power Of Bitter

Peace FAM: The bitter parts of life help build us up, and prepare our body and mind for the goodness that eventually will come. We have been trained to avoid the bitter. We are told not to complain, and to grin and bare it, we must monitor what we say and how we say it to make sure we don't spit out bitter words. We are surrounded by food that are packed with sugar and if we go to any grocery store we will be hard pressed to find something bitter. We have advanced humanity to a point where we can possible go a life time and never experience bitter word, or bitter food. We have reached the pinnacle of civilization, for now we can shelter the members from all the bitter that life has to offer. This process is complete but we have lost a lot in this trade, and many may want to go back and make some adjustments in our lives. Bitter helps us grow, and it strengthens us. It helps get our creativity unstuck, just like physical bitters jump starts our immune system, and stimulate digest...

The Gina Gee Project- "Let's Make Popsicles" Part 2

Peace FAM: Here is part 2 of the popsicle series. This time the Mosh attempts to take the show over again. The girls are having fun, and being creative. They made the popsicles, and I thought that a part two of them eating and commenting on their creation was a good idea. Excuse the fact that I make an apperance, but the popsicles were very hard to remove and I didn't want their whole show be two little girls wrestling with candy ice. take some time and check out my girls show, and throw them a thumbs up while you are at it.

The Power Of Your No

Peace Fam: Today we had a powerful segment leaning toward you and your personal power. In my time on this planet one of the hardest things for me is telling people no. Usually I feel guilty, and feel I have to explain my reasoning behind the no. I know that I am not the only one having this issue, many of us have ruined our lives, or may have put ourselves in compromising situations because we don't feel good about sharing our NO. I want you to understand that when you say no, you are sharing. You are sharing who you are and your values, and should stop allowing individuals to pull you from that. We all have boundaries and we need to learn how to enforce them, and using the "power of no" is one of our weapons for doing this. When we say no, we are being honest about our thoughts, and being true to our feelings, but we feel that we need to justify them. I am here to tell you that you do not. Those that can not accept your no, are revealing something to you. Something th...

Aligning Yourself With The Cycles Of Nature

Peace FAM: Today or should I say yesterday because my post on our site is always one day behind. I started a fast in an attempt to align myself with a cycle that has been adhered to by many, if not all ancient people. For those that do not know I am talking about the solstices and the equinoxes. In particular I am talking about the summer solstice that will taking place on June 20, 2017, which is known as the longest day of the year. I want to discuss with you these "power days", that I believe  can be used to help us update our bodies and help adjust our personal software to get us back in tune with the Universe. I don't want to go to deep on this subject but I want you to know that by learning about some of the larger cycles that we have been made ignorant of, can help us get in tune with our true selves. On the solar calendar the cycle of the sun can be broken down into four parts, and if you want to go deeper we can actually break it down more, but for our purpose ...

The Gina Gee Project- "Let's Make Some Popsicles"

Peace FAM: The young ladies are at it again this time trying to demonstrate how to create popsicles. They are still learning how to place the camera so that the audience can get a better view, but they are making progress. The most important thing for me is that they have fun, and continue to pull on their creativity. We had quite an experience with letting Gina, and Shasha pick out the juice for the shoot. After going through about 5 different choices we finally decided on the flavors that you see in the video. Shasha & Gina would like to thank their grandmother for coming up with the idea as well as providing the prop. Shots out to the adults that are supporting these young ladies dreams. I thank you a thousand times. Now the question that I am wrestling with is how to get the video in front of children eyes. if you have any ideas leave them in the comments. The Gye-Nyame Journey channel will be focused on developing the family entertainment portion. From this channel we will...

Discussing The 21 Day Nguzo Saba Challenge - Daily Toast Umoja 619171

Peace FAM: Today we reviewed all of the information, and reflected that all of the system we spoke about in the previous week, all work together in Unity to make you a living being. Our bodies are perfect models for today's principle and when we take the time to study our bodies we can move toward mastering our lives and the world around us. I began the discussion today during the toast by discussion the verdict of the recent trial for the murderer of Philando Castile. I shared the fact of how I was not shocked, and then began the discussion about tribe building, developing a culture, and being willing to support those that sacrifice for our communtiy. I have been struggling with the fact for a while that people only do to us (Black Folks in America) what they can get away with. The whole society nows that they can violate our women, mistreat our children, and murder the men and get nothing but a protest. We will notice immediate changes in behavior toward us when individuals a...

Water & Dehydration

Peace FAM: Water the most important substance that we can put in our body outside of air. This session was very informative, it demonstrate how far we have fallen from who we are supposed to be. Many of the complicated diseases we are afflicted by in our community may have a very simple solution, drink more water. Water makes up over 70% of our body and is a necessary part of our lives, or it should be. It is apparent that many of us have replaced water with other substances that contribute in no way to our health. These other drinks although they feel good on the palate, are actually wreaking havoc on our internal life. They are robbing of us life, and giving us temporary highs. According to the article I shared many of us are suffering from Dehydration, and this is breaking our bodies down causing sicknesses that are bankrupting us. We receive medicines that help prolong our suffering, but still encourage the underlying ailment to persist. This article also challenges the not...

The Why & How of "That Ambrosia"

Peace FAM: Today let's talk about the benefits of "That Ambrosia", after having all of these discussions about about the microbiome, I felt that it was the right time to remind all of my watchers, and readers that GNJ has developed a product that can help with all of the issues that we have covered. I need to stress that as far as hydration nothing comes close to water, but then to get probiotics, herbs, vitamins, and minerals  into your body. On this video I also talk about the fact we are now able to provide our supporters with their very own SCOBY's so that they can start the brewing process at home. Checkout the video for those that want to skip pass the toast I suggest jump to about 30 minutes and that is about the time the discussion starts. For all those that would like to support GNJ and get "That Ambrosia" click the link. Until the next time....

Microbiom Part 2 - Daily Toast Nia 616171

Peace FAM: We are at it again talking about that gut health and secret power of your microbiome. Today we focus on the part of the microbiome in the lungs. The microbiome covers basically all of your internal organs. The body is far from the sterile monolith that we have been taught about. These microorganism inhabit and assist you in every step of your life. We need to learn how to take care of them so that we can have a great life. These organism help you break down and get all the nutrients that you need from your food. Family by us learning to work with the system we have been gifted with we can overcome and conquer all ailments. This little bit of information can be life changing if we start to use it. Every article that I read suggest that you begin adding probiotics to your diet. Probiotics add healthy and helpful microorganisms. Of course you know by now that GNJ has developed a product that can help with this process. The original reason that I started brewing "That A...

Gut Health Is The Key To A Long & Healthy Life- Did I Mention Sex

Peace FAM: Today we toasted up Ujamaa, and looked at another wasted resource in our community. Unlike the other resources I have talked about, this resource is heavily under research. The resource that I am speaking of today is the gut. We have neglected and it has come back to haunt us. It was said by Hippocrates (who was a student of the KMT mystery system) "that all disease begins in the gut", and finally science is catching up with the sages of old. Just in the little time that we have been talking about the gut, we have run into at least 15 common ailments that can be traced back to our microbiome. We have been taught to break our body down into parts, and these parts work together in groups, and these groups work together to form a whole, but modern science and ancient wisdom is shutting that illusion down. The human body has it's own ecology, and this ecology works together to form us. When our ecology falls out of balance then the whole system is out of wack. W...

The Gina Gee Project- Fidget Spinner & Tricks

Peace FAM: Gina Gee and tha Mosh are at it again. This time they are sharing their fidget spinners that they received from their grandmother. Gina starts off the video by chasing her little sister away from the video camera and then gets into doing her tricks with the fidget spinner. My kids appear to enjoy the spinners, but I strongly suggest that they keep them at home rather than bring them to school. I have notices that they are big distraction in the classroom, especially the ones with the lights. I allow my Gina and the crew to use them in the car and the house. The spinner helped keep a little confusion down in the car especially since everyone has their own. Now I can't wait to see what the next fad will be. Hopefully this time I can get Gina Gee & Shasha Mosh a head of the curve, but they are new at this video production thing. Gina request that those that take the time to watch and read this post help her get up to 3000 views and likes, now I don't believe in...

What Is Fascia?

Peace FAM: Today we talk about the mysterious organ that rest inside of us. If you have ever been told by someone that they would cut you to the "White Meat", today I introduce you to the white meat, and what it does. This is some powerful information that you can use to change your life. Tune in and let's talk about Fascia. Remember to sign up for the 21 Day Nguzo Saba Challenge :

The Skin & African Sponge - Daily Toast Kujichagulia 613171

Peace FAM: I shared some information about the largest organ in the body, and the importance of its care. Most people do not think of the skin as an organ, but it is. In fact when you start learning about it is incredible. It is our bodies first line of defense from the world. It helps regulate the temperature of the body, and helps eliminate toxic waste. On top of all that it helps us look good. Unfortunately we are poisining ourselves with all of the products that we are putting on our skin. Not really reading about the chemicals that we are absorbing into our bodies. The skin is super absorbent, you may just think that you are putting on deodorant orrubbing in lotion, but the fact is you our introducing poison to your system. I also talk about my personal experience with what is called the African sponge. It is great for helping you clean your skin, it also helps with blood flow, and helps remove dead cells. This simple tool or cloth that I found being used in Ghana everywhere ...

Setting Rituals/Routines Will Change Your Life - Daily Toast Umoja 612171

Peace FAM: I often say "Let's Build", but many people don't understand that I am talking about building ourselves. We have to realize that from a Gye-Nyame Journey Perspective, all of our principles start within the individual. We have to find Umoja within before we can find it in the world. We have to pull the five parts of ourselves together so that we can direct that power toward achieving our goals. The second method that I am going to share with you (first was SelfMastery moment) to help you along this journey is simply setting up a ritual. A ritual is defined as an established or prescribed procedure for a religion or other rite, the main reason I connected the word routine into this discussion is that with routine you don't get the religious under tone. Many people believe that you can't have rituals or rites without religion, and that is a trick that is played on you. When look at what religions were created for we see that they help the user salute...

How Your Feelings Stop You From Growing - Daily Toast 611171

Peace FAM: On this powerful day of Imani, I was hit by the thought of feelings. I know the power of feelings when they are properly directed, but I have been held hostage by them as well. Often times we find that how we feel about some task will freeze us up, and stop us from doing certain task. We have to learn to push past how we feel on some of our quest, because our feelings are helping to hold us back. It is human instinct to want to stay comfortable, we seek comfortable position, and we thrive in predictable situations. Even if the thriving is moving us on  a long train ride to destruction. We hang on to old habits even though we can see that they are making us obeist, lazy, sick, miserable, and etc.. We have to be willing sometimes to jump over how we are feeling and get things accomplished. This is a tough process but often for us to make break throughs we have to do this. Our feelings are a guidance system, not a ruler that should command our lives and limit our actions....

Gina Gee Project- Attack Of Tha Mosh

Peace FAM: The project continues on, but the tension between the Gye-Nyame girls is building up. Gina setup a shoot, but in the middle of filming she walks out and leaves "Tha Mosh" alone with the camera. Will Ms. Shasha leave the camera alone or will she move on and complete the show. Tune in to my hilarious children as they continue create content for their viewers. Gina is determined to make her mark on YouTube, and her little sister is right on her tail. tune in and share this with the young people in your life, and maybe even give them the camera and see what they can create. Your babies may surprise you. To edit my projects I use Power Director for android, it is an incredible tool for making videos. For those that want to go a bit deeper with making YouTube videos with your kids Checkout Cyberlink's Power Director for your computer:

Social Media Responsibility- Daily Toast 610171

Peace FAM: Today we discuss the responsibility of Social Media. I am focusing on all the platforms and how we can use them to move us to where we and others want to be. The most important thing I can share with you is for you to SHARE. If you find something that is motivating Share it. It's just that simple.

Folktales & Proverbs - Daily Toast Nia 69171

Peace FAM: I have been on the grind for years now with, blogging, podcasting, vlogging and now brewing I am finally making inroads on a platform, but I feel I need to explain why I do what I do. I believe that I need to express the Nia that is flowing through me at this time. My purpose is to enlighten, uplift, encourage, and I must be honest to talk. Those that know me, know that this the truth. I believe and have believed for a long time that I was born to talk. I have supported my family with my mouth, I have provided jobs with my mouth, I have raised money with my mouth, and I can continue but I won't. I am driven to do this, and to the dismay of many in my life I continue. I will get up early in the morning to make sure that I am able to reach those that are taking the time out to listen. Hell I will do a show if no one is there, and I fell I need to explain this desire. Because the fact is that I am not alone, many if not all of my readers, listeners, viewers, and drinkers h...

The P's Of Politricks- Daily Journey 69171

Peace FAM: I am proud to say that today was the day that I decided to begin shipping "That Ambrosia", first shipment was sent out west, and i mean way out west. The shipping cost is workable, and for those that want to get their hands on this drink, it is worth it. i have decided that the goal of GNJ's "That Ambrosia" is to help heal all ailments affecting our Tribe that are connected to gut health. The list of those type of diseases is long and I will not go into it. I will save that for another video. For those family & friends that want to get hold of "That Ambrosia" it is as a simple process. By you supporting our efforts you get access to the drink. For those interested feel free to click the link "That Ambrosia" , and follow the instructions. Now to the P's of politricks, these are simply my observation. check them out and let, me know what you think: Politics vs. Policy Politicians (personalities) vs. Platforms Parties...

Let's Talk About The Life Force - Daily Toast Ujamaa 68171

Peace FAM: You hear me use the term axe' (also written ase', ache'), now is the times for us to build on this concept. Let's talk about this all present life force that coonnects us to everything. This force once it is plugged into will heal us, prolong our lives and attract what we need into our life. Our ancestors recognized this power and called it different things in different cultures, but they all agree that when we learn to control it, we are capable of miraculous things. We have to look deep into this force, and learn to use it to help us in our quest for Peace, Power, and Joy. So tune in family and let's build. Nuff Said I wish you Peace, Power, Joy & 1hunidyears Axe' Axe' Axe'

The Black Woman Public Enemy #1 - Daily Toast Kujichagulia 66171

"All warfare is based on deception" Sun Tzu Peace FAM: Once again I greet you in Peace, Power, Joy & 1hunidyears. I know that many will read the title and come on the page looking for me to go on the attack, since everywhere we look online the Black woman is our oppenent, but you will not get that here, especially today. I chose to start this post of with the Sun Tzu quote, to put it clearly in your mind that we are at war, and if war is about deception then we have to watch the world to see how we are being attacked. Now for years we have thought the Black man was under the gun in America. We have the statistics to prove it, but I want to take some time and question this idea, especially in the light of the quote that is hanging over this whole post. The keyword that I need you to focus on is, deception. How do we know that we are not being deceived by all the information that is being gathered on the plight of the Black man. I know that this may rub some of my ...

Whole Grain As A Metaphor- Daily Toast Umoja 65171

Peace FAM: Great Umoja, and I wish you Peace, Power, Joy, and of course 1hunidyears. We start this week with some powerful momentum being provided by you, the readers. Many of you have taken the time to click and sign up for our mailing list and have also taken the 21 Day Nguzo Saba Challenge. I am looking forward to your comments, and critique of the process so that we can make it better. The only way this tribe is going to grow and move into prosperity is with your input, and many of you are providing just that, and once a gain I thank you. it has been a long and arduous journey for me as a blogger, podcaster, and vlogger. I have sat on the side lines learning to use these platforms, and finally I am getting the hang of it. Keep on  doing what you are doing , and let's build a culture that will out live us, and provide a viable future for our children here now, and yet to come. Family I lift my glass to you on this Daily Toast. I pray that our ancestors move in your life and h...

Food & Culture Part 2 -Daily Toast Imani 64171

Peace FAM: The rant rolled over into the next day. I tried to stop it, but the passion over took me and took over the show. Tune in and feel free to like, subscribe, and most importantly share.

Culture & Food- Daily Toast Kuumba 63171

My FAM: I appreciate your eyes & the time you spend reading my post. It is amazing that through your dedication and inspiration I have been able to post daily. I thank you a thousand times and pray and toast that our ancestors will push you on your chosen path to success. Yesterday we had an opportunity to discuss the connection between food and Culture. We were introduced to a field that was created to explore this relationship and with that information I believe help in further conquest of other's Culture. We explored the difference between one feeding and one eating, and I ask the question which one are you involved with. Because one is directly linked to culture and the other is just about getting energy to work. Our relationship with food defines us as well as our connection with our ancestors and have direct effects on our health. So take some time and and view this long video ( I promise I am trying to reduce the amount of time I spend on the video but sometimes m...

The Power Of Tart Cherry- Nia Daily Toast 62171

Peace FAM: Once again their is a powerful natural helper out there that we have been walking by everyday. I remember climbing and eating those tart cherries right from the branches. He would have thought that those nasty cherries that use to give me the runs would end up being something that could help my community. So let's find some tart cherry trees and have our kids climb them and bring down the fruit so that we can eat together. Checkout the video, Like, Subscribe, and more Importantly SHARE. I wish Power, Peace, Joy, & 1hunidyears

Dandelion Root & Other Tonics (take control of your life) - Ujamaa Daily Toast 61171

Peace FAM: Of courser you know that if you follow my videos, I am always a day behind with the post. Morning rush catches up with me, and a majority of the stuff that I do is from the heart (except when I am reading to you). It is marvelous that we are growing, I believe that "If it comes fast it don't last, but if it comes slow it's good to go".  I personally believe that as the audience builds we will be able to do great things. As more people begin to read, and take the 21 Day Nguzo Saba Challenge , we will build a tribe like no other on the Internet. My goal is to eventually be able to meet with some of my distant family members in workshops, and on my travels. Just the other day I was sitting sleep in the barber chair when a Young man came in and woke me up asking was "I the guy that do the Daily Toast", I couldn't do anything but smile because slowly but surely the message is getting out. The fact of the matter is that we lift our Ancestors up the...

Parasites Are Everywhere - Daily Toast Ujima 531171

Peace FAM: We toasted the ancestors in a grand fashion this morning. I Love and Appreciate my FAM coming out and support this daily ritual. We have been doing this since the beginning of the New Year, and have been rolling along. I finally have a platform where I can share what I know, and more importantly what I know. I have to apologize because some days I get caught up, and hit one of my rants, but those that have been rolling with me on GNJ, already know what it is. I feel that "My people perish because of a lack of knowledge", and I am here to challenge that. So Join GNJ, like and subscribe and let's learn and share together. Today I went another tangent about these parasites. I have been freaked out every since I started reading about them, and the many forms that they take. I was also amazed at how many ailments they are connected to. Many of us are suffering needlessly, and taking medical treatments that may be breaking our bodies down. Family I think that it is...