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Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future

  Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future In a world where words often lose their meaning amidst the noise, "Honor" stands tall, embodying a profound truth that resonates deeply within the soul of our community. As we navigate the complexities of modern existence, it's essential to return to the roots that define us, leveraging the timeless principles of Honor, Loyalty, and Sacrifice to forge a path forward. This exploration isn't just about understanding a concept; it's about redefining our collective destiny through the lens of integrity and truth. As a community committed to empowerment and personal growth, we dive deep into the essence of Honor—dissecting its impact on our lives and our interactions with each other. This isn't just an article; it's a manifesto for those ready to embody the true meaning of Honor in their lives, propelling our tribe towards unprecedented heights of unity and strength. The Core of Honor: H

Separation & Nia (16 ways to deal with the "Separation Phase") sample

In the process of entering a rite of passage, the initiate is separated from their world. When this happens, they are often introduced to a new world that they must master. For most of us, this is a time of discomfort. A feeling of inadequacy and uncertainty arises. We begin to question what we have done thus far in our lives and wonder if there is more to life than what we have experienced. It is in these moments that we must reject the doubt and embrace our inner-truths. Nia requires the same thing; when we begin pursuing Nia, we experience separation and must master the new world we are presented with. 16 Ways To Deal With The "Separation Phase" 1. Use Your Circle Of Support – Have you heard of your "circle of support?" It's basically your support network: family, friends, teachers, mentors…anyone who you trust and can turn to for help! When you enter into this phase, you need to lean on these people more than ever. 2. Make Time For Reflection – Make sure you

You Don't Owe Anyone $#!+ For Free. (sample)

  You Don't Owe Anyone $#!+ For Free. This might sound harsh, but it's not—it's inspiring. It's liberating. It means that you don't have to do things just because they want you to. You don't have to conform. You don't have to give in or give up your dreams and goals. Everyone is trying to get you to give up something of value to them, whether it's your time, your money, or even just your attention. But you don't owe anyone any of that. You can choose to do what you want, when you want, and how you want. You can choose to be selfish and self-centered if you want. It's all a matter of choice. The world is made of people who choose to make choices that benefit themselves in both a good as well as a bad way. And because everyone has a different set of values and things they're looking for in this world, the best way for us to create wealth is to make sure we have something valuable to offer and then make sure others have access to it. That requir

The Tribe Is Changing (sample)

We are in the midst of another change here at GNJMedia. I personally had to rethink how I was approaching the process of sending out information. I started to understand that I was putting out too much content too fast. I have heard that some people are getting "Ding fatigue" and don't even look at what I post. Nevertheless We are building a collective to bring you information that can aid you in your personal development, as well as keep you informed about the world and the Tribe. We are striving to set an example for others that are trying to build within their communities. This is why we do what we do here at GNJMedia. Our goal is to inform the masses of knowledge and wisdom that has been kept from us, to discover new things, and build the next generation of leaders. We are living in a time where it appears people have become too scared to think for themselves, and we strive to empower everyone we come into contact with. We are here to share our truths of what we have

Remember Your Family (sample)

Today is called Kujichagulia (32222-6). This is the day when we celebrate our self-determination and family. As a member of the tribe, I'm always thinking about how I can best improve my life so that I can build something that is lasting. If my internal supports are collapsing, then what's the point? And to me, family is a huge part of that support. It's important to have both people and community in your life that you can rely on when you're facing hard times or need advice for how to move forward. I want to encourage all of you to take some time this weekend to not only connect with your family, but also reflect on some of the things they've taught you over the years: What are their values? How do they express them? What lessons have they learned that they want to pass down to you? This knowledge will be helpful whether or not your family is still around by your side. Sometimes there are people in our lives who we love and respect, but for one reason or another, w

Mind's Eye (sample)

Imagine a community that truly understands itself. A community where people know what they're good at, and understand how to help others be the best they can be. That's what we're building, one person at a time, with the Five Parts of Being, key to our organization's mission of creating a more unified and empathetic society. You can't build unity without first having a strong bond of understanding amongst each other. That's why we start by asking everyone to learn about their individual strengths and passions—and we give them the tools to do it, with our 5-part framework for your soul. Through understanding your soul, you can unlock your potential in all kinds of wonderful ways. Follow

Always Opportunities for Teaching and Learning (sample)

Sharing knowledge is not about the quantity of information given, but how that information is received and used. We should always strive to learn something new or different when we can. It is a great disservice to yourself to assume that you know everything there is to know, and this can be seen in your attitudes towards those who may seem different from you. If you refuse to learn from the fool what not to do, or from the wise man how something is supposed to be done, then you are without a doubt a fool yourself. If you assume that there is nothing you can learn from someone or some situation, then you will only hinder your own growth. You will be ignorant of what has been shared with you, and also shut yourself off from learning anything new about yourself or about your community as a whole. When you go into any exchange with an open mind and heart, ready to listen and ask questions in order to challenge ourself, then everyone benefits. We should encourage questions and a sense of re

Tribe Talk 1

This is an episode of Tribe Talk that we use at GNJMedia to talk about current events as we focus on our culture and principles. We focus on the positives and negatives that are happening in the world today, sometimes with humor and other times with a serious tone. Today we are doing a converstaion about relationships, intergration, as well as give a tutorial on using Canva. I believe that we will do more shows like these where I can teach a basic skill using the programs that I use to create my show. Follow us on telegram to get more:

Digging in with Imani (6 ways to strengthen your relationship with Imani) Sample

The principle of Imani is all about faith. In the Nguzo Saba, faith is defined as: "To believe with all our heart in our people, our parents, our teachers, our leaders, and the righteousness and victory of our struggle." Imani is the strongest bond you can have with your tribe. It's about trusting that you're on the right path for yourself, even when it's hard to see—and knowing that others are working hard to help you get there. Here are seven ways we've found to strengthen your relationship with Imani in your tribe: 1. Have faith in yourself—believe in your own strengths, and in your ability to find strength when you need it. 2. Have faith in your family—believe in them, believe they will support you and be there for you. Believe they are doing the best they can. 3. Have faith in those who came before you—know that those who came before you are still working hard to make things better for you and your community through their work on this earth and beyond it.

"Let There Be" 7 ways to ceate the life you want


Tell Your Story On Purpose

Once you understand that your personal narrative is the best asset you have, and you freely share it with others, you become an even more valuable resource for the world. You will find yourself in situations and circles of people who you never dreamed possible. You'll be invited to speak on stages all over the world, consult with thought leaders and influencers, and do things you never thought possible. Sharing your story is a powerful way to connect with other people. It's also a great way to stand out in a crowded marketplace by showing people who they are working with. Your story will be a bridge over the chasm between where you are now, and where you want to go next. There are many ways to share your story: through speeches at events; writing a blog; doing interviews; or making videos and posting them on YouTube or Facebook Live. If there's one thing I want you to take away from this post, it's that sharing your story is not optional anymore. If you want to live an

Sowing and Reaping (7 Ways to unleash the power of reciprocity) sample

"How can we overcome failure if not through action?" Today we are called to look at the power within the cycle of reciprocity. The power to overcome failure, the power to lead yourself and those around you, and the power to build strong communities that break the shackles of poverty. The cycle of reciprocity is built on a fundamental truth: Sow what you want to reap. What this means is if you want to reap something in your life, you must sow it first. As Marcus Garvey would say: "A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots." So first we must understand where we come from and what our history has been in order to change our future. It is our goal today to learn more about the roots of reciprocity so that we can continue to sow seeds of success for ourselves and others. In order for us to create a healthy environment for our children, there must be an understanding that we have all sown some good and some bad i

You Are Not

Let's talk about what you are not on this Ujima day. Many of us have been caught within the mask we have to wear to survive, and we have worn them for so long that we have forgotten that they are masks. Our belief becomes so strong that we start to believe that people's reactions to the mask we wear is actually a reaction to us. When in fact they are actually reacting to what we are pretending to be. You are not your job, you are not your car, you are not how much money you have in the bank. You are not your problems. You are not your age. You are not what other people think about you. You are not your past. You are here now, and everything else is just a thought and a story. You are what you choose to be right now. You can choose to drop the mask and start being yourself right now or you can choose to keep wearing the mask and keep pretending until it kills you (literally). Come over to GNJMedia and learn the definition we use for the Self: Follow

Reaching For An Impossible Dream

To dream is to believe in you. To believe that you can achieve something, despite the odds. It takes courage to reach for what seems undoable, and audacity to attempt it anyway. Few people are comfortable with ideas that are different or unconventional. Yet, there are some who don't check their dreams at the door when they come knocking; those who dare to imagine a better future for themselves and everyone else! They're the creative thinkers and doers who know that ideas aren't just about words on a page — they're about actions in the world. Reaching for what seems impossible is risky business. But then again, anything worth doing is challenging. The best way to live is not easy. You may have to deal with difficult people, situations, or circumstances. But you can't let them dissuade you from reaching for that which inspires you most: great ideas that make a difference! And we're not talking about just having them — we're talking about making them happen! So

5 Reasons To Set Up Rituals In Your Life

To start with, rituals are an important part of any and all success. Now you might be thinking, "Oh wow this guy is going to get all religious on us" Not quite. Rituals are a way that we focus our energies towards a desired outcome and they are definitely not just for religious folks. The thing about rituals is that anyone can do them, and you don't have to have any religious beliefs to use them-actually it's better if you don't have religious beliefs when it comes to doing rituals. If you are starting out on the path of personal development my book ``The Player's Pyramid" would be a great place for you to start and then after reading my book it would be good to start reading other books on personal development. Once you understand how rituals work in your life they can be an incredibly powerful tool to help you achieve whatever you desire. Some of the things that might be keeping you from setting up some rituals in your life right now might be: 1.) You
We have the power to create our lives. Our creativity (kuumba) is a tool that will build us up and help us achieve the impossible when we take the time to learn to use it properly. Unfortunately many have allowed their creativity to be either hijacked and used by others, or have allowed themselves to be mastered by creativity rather than master it. When this happens, we become people who are either slaves to others' opinions or slaves to our own egos; when we master our creativity, we are able to use our power of creation (kuumba) as intended –to make our lives a better place for ourselves and others. If you want your life to reflect what you intend, start by taking charge of your ideas. Your ideas can manifest in any form you choose, but there's no guarantee they will manifest in the form you want unless you nurture them through every step of development. The first step is transforming your ideas into actionable steps. You may have heard the saying "an idea without action