
Showing posts with the label 224selfhelpprocess

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The Subtle but Powerful Shifts of Fasting: A Journey of Discipline and Transformation

The Subtle but Powerful Shifts of Fasting: A Journey of Discipline and Transformation Fasting is often reduced to a conversation about weight loss, but my journey has been about so much more. From January 6 to January 27 , I undertook a fast that challenged not just my body, but also my mind and spirit. It wasn’t easy, but the process gave me clarity, self-discipline, and a deeper understanding of my body’s resilience. I want to share my experience—not just the numbers, but the way fasting reshaped my daily habits, my mental clarity, and my approach to health. Tracking the Physical Shifts 📉 Weight Loss During the Fast – I started at 197.8 lbs on January 6, and by January 27, I weighed 172.8 lbs . That’s over 25 pounds lost , but what mattered more was how my body felt . 💖 Blood Pressure Improvement – My BP started at 150/102 and by the end of my fast, I recorded 120/80 on January 21 and even 108/67 on January 27. My cardiovascular system was responding to the cleansing effects ...

Loyalty, Loyaty, Loyalty

  Loyalty, Loyalty, Loyalty This story touched my heart because loyalty is one of the pillars in Gye-Nyame Journey. This seems to be a dying thing  in these modern days and times. Sometimes I feel that everyone is for sale. But this story gives me hope. I know that it is about a little dog but to know that even back in the days of Aesop they had some of the same issues gives me hope.  For those of us seeking freedom and justice, loyalty can go a long way, and it is a practice we need. As the documents flowed out about all the leaders that were assassinated and imprisoned during our freedom struggle. We come to find out that every last one of them had traitors in their midst. It is kind of scary when you look at what people actually received for betraying our people. You would think that they would receive the world but just like judas they received a bag of minor currency. Loyalty is a valuable trait and if you can find the right person or tribe to practice it with you wi...

Sometimes Your Enemy Looks Like You

  Sometimes The Enemy Looks Like You This folktale spits a hard truth into our face, that many will find hard to head but my friend please get it. Do not allow the look of someone or the feelings of familiarity fall upon you in all situations. Just because someone looks like you and have all the right lingo does not make them your ally. History is riddled with the bodies of those that were betrayed by familiarity, and this story throws this up big time. The dogs in this story were sweet-talked to a sour death at the hands of their new partners. Many of us up to this day are being “got” by the same trap. We listen and hear all the words, we don’t pay attention to the body language, hell we don’t even look at the history. We just believe that everything is going to work out. But as old and hopeful as I am in my life I have learned that if it sounds too good to be true, then it is. We are living in a dangerous time where many wolves are able to broadcast their messages over the intern...

Know Your Enemies

  Know Your Enemies In war it is very important to have scouts. These are soldiers or warriors that go ahead of the normal troops, to get an idea of what the enemy has waiting for their army. The scouts job is to gather information about the enemy and bring it back to their leaders so that they could more effectively deal with future battles. Do you have scouts in the world. I promise after this folktale you will be trying to get some. We are looking at the folktale (fable) called “The Bowman & the Lion” and the lesson that I learned pretty much sticks with the moral of this story “be on guard against men that can strike from a distance”. This is very important in all aspects of our lives. Many of us are being hit by the arrows of enemies that we didn’t even know we had. These arrows have been set on autopilot, and are triggered by us trying to get in spaces that were not designed for us. We can see these arrows flying in business, certain fields of work, in real estate, in law...

The Unnoticed Wealth Within (lessons from an ass)

  The Unnoticed wealth Within (Lessons from an Ass) The ass is a beast of burden that Aesop frequently uses to teach lessons. This one strikes me as important, and I believe my  take on this story may have not been the original lesson, but I am sure that it will help many of those that take the time to read. In my tribe one of the first things that we strive to do is to get people to start learning not only their peoples history, but we push them to learn about their family history. Our goal in doing this is to help them develop a pride for what their personal family's history adds to the total mosaic of African and world history. Many of us, I believe, feel that our family has not added to the timeline of world events. We believe that our personal family's history should be shunned and put to the side because it is not important. That is the farthest we can get from the truth. Our family’s history is what made us, and if we would take the time to look at some of the great thi...

You Are Not

Let's talk about what you are not on this Ujima day. Many of us have been caught within the mask we have to wear to survive, and we have worn them for so long that we have forgotten that they are masks. Our belief becomes so strong that we start to believe that people's reactions to the mask we wear is actually a reaction to us. When in fact they are actually reacting to what we are pretending to be. You are not your job, you are not your car, you are not how much money you have in the bank. You are not your problems. You are not your age. You are not what other people think about you. You are not your past. You are here now, and everything else is just a thought and a story. You are what you choose to be right now. You can choose to drop the mask and start being yourself right now or you can choose to keep wearing the mask and keep pretending until it kills you (literally). Come over to GNJMedia and learn the definition we use for the Self: Follow

Imani 2721-5


The Adventures of Brother ha2tim - My new workout socks

I got me some new workout socks, and I am ready to try them out. Tune in and see where this show goes.

The Adventures Of Brother ha2tim Playlist:

Peace FAM: All this time I thought that my adventures were posting up on our site, and I am now finding out that was false. So here is a playlist to get you caught up. I apologize, I will make have to post these videos up on the blog from now on, because the system I put in place does not work like I hoped. I have decided to put up a playlist to help you catch up with our blog.  As you watch I hope that you learn, laugh ,and grow. Please do not hesitate to hit me up with any comments or questions. I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Toast&Talk Imani

We had an opportunity to Toast and also did a discussion session with Brother Shakka as he talks about his "Great Awakening" idea. via

Toast&Talk Kuumba

Today we got Toast in late, and was not able to get to many people to interact. We still of course have some good information on the stream, and most importantly we were able to Lift up our Ancestors. via

Ra rising

We caught the ritual and had a great conversation with Elder West about the ritual, and some things to watch out for in the future. via

KMTic New Year - Obervey Family

We had a great discussion with this family, it warmed my heart to be able to listen to the young people respond to the questions and ideas that were sent their way. I left this interview energized and hopeful for the future. via

The Adventures of Brother ha2tim - Ujima 73020-4 "Bitchcraft & Fuckery is expensive"

On this video I end up going shopping with my mother  for a TV, and of course it ends up turning into a long trip. After that I goto my rental office and am hit by some serious Bitchcraft & Fuckery that knocked the wind and a few dollars out my pocket. From there we pick up Brother Ayinde to install a TV into the Black Cave. Be sure to comment, and let me know if there is some stuff you would like for us to do on the show (like take a trip to Ghana, bungee cord jump, wrestle an alligator, etc...) also if you have a topic that you would like to see us discuss on one of our shows just reachout to us. 

The Adventures Of Brother ha2tim - Nia 73120-4 "The Barbershop affair, and More Electrical work"

On this day I was able to get my car to the shop, get my haircut, and finish the work on the Black Cave. Things are coming along. Checkout the Blog for Nia 73120-4, and lets continue growing together.

The Adventures Of Brother ha2tim - 72920-4 "We Building A Desktop"

All right I know that I am late, but I am documenting my adventures and will continue to do so, but I just want to make sure that it is right and look good. I am stuck in the Black Cave right now editing video from the last week, and trying to get it out to you in a timely manner. Bare with me as I learn to use these new tools. I was able to get all the parts for my new desktop so that the stream can never stop or stutter. we are growing and becoming better, and I owe it all to you. for the support that many of you that take the time to check in on me and the Gye-Nyame Tribe. We will continue to bring you quality stuff and get better which each sunrise and sunset, and who knows maybe we will grow to a point where this will be my full time gig. I really wonder sometimes how this thing would be if I invested more time, but right now time is at a premium and there is always drama that I have to deal with. No complaints because such is life. so checkout the video and let me know what you t...

The Adventures of Brother ha2tim - Shit is not working

I am a few days behind and it is hard work trying to live with a camera, and a gimbel in your hand. This was Kujichagulia, and we are finishing up moving. I am running into a lot of equipment problems, but we will survive. Stat tuned, and we will be launching our site soon. Be on the lookout for GNJ.Media.

Gye-Nyame Coffee - A Drink For The Journey

FAM, on the "Daily Toast" you often hear me talk about the 4 pillars to staying healthy, proper breathing, drinking pure water (half your weight in ounces), eating cultural appropriate food, and movement. These pillars will keep you healthy and feeling good. We stress cultural appropriate food because we believe that every culture has particular diet that helped them survive. Every culture develops a relationship with the land they inhabit, and this land (territory) strives to take care of the people (culture), and provides them with food that helps them survive. When a people follow their cultural ways of eating they avoid many of the diseases that are a scourge upon the world today. As ADOS we have a strange situation because we were stolen from our land, stripped of many of our cultural ways, and separated from our natural diet. It is up to us to piece together what we can to build back to our cultural ways, and our natural health. We are existing in an international ...

Sign up For The Black Signal

Peace Fam: It has been a struggle but I have finally figured out how to restart the "Black Signal", So take a few moments and sign in so that we can have you linked into our data base. Click the link and fill in the form and Join us on the Journey.

Why #kwanzaa365 is on GNJ

Peace Tribe: In GNJ we practice our principles 7 days a week. We are in a constant state of Nationbuilding. We have decided to take possesion of one of most important elements in this world, time. We have taken possession of our time, and using our principles we have structured our days into a weapon for liberation. Since days of the week are used, I figured we might as well put the principle of Kujichagulia to work, and define the days in a way that will empower us and our children. By taking possession of the days of the week, we symbolicly take control of our time, and with that our lives. We use the power to define to change  the titles of the days of the week into something that we can use to keep us grounded in our culture. Rather than calling on the names that have been given to us we use the Nguzo Saba. This plugs us into our principles which empowers us. For those of us who take this serious, the principles are more than something that we recite during the Kwanzaa. Thes...

Join the Tribe "GNJ"

Peace FAM It is a pleasure to sit  down and struggle through a post, I have not been posting on my blog because of all the shows and other activities. I stay busy building a legacy, it is my responsibility to leave a foundation for those that come behind me. I am striving to blaze a trail. I believe that we owe it to our personal Ancestors to celebrate them daily, and this is why I have chosen to start the "Daily Toast". For those that have Ancestors that they would like to add to our list feel free to send your list to us by texting #dailytoast to 614-300-1875. You will receive a form that will allow you to add yourself to GNJ's phonebook. You also be able to put yourself on our various list and I will take some time to explain the list here: *Our #gnj list is the #dailytoaster list. These are Family members that receive all information about what is going in with GNJ as well as within the Conscious Community here in Columbus. This group recieve text for all shows and...