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Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future

  Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future In a world where words often lose their meaning amidst the noise, "Honor" stands tall, embodying a profound truth that resonates deeply within the soul of our community. As we navigate the complexities of modern existence, it's essential to return to the roots that define us, leveraging the timeless principles of Honor, Loyalty, and Sacrifice to forge a path forward. This exploration isn't just about understanding a concept; it's about redefining our collective destiny through the lens of integrity and truth. As a community committed to empowerment and personal growth, we dive deep into the essence of Honor—dissecting its impact on our lives and our interactions with each other. This isn't just an article; it's a manifesto for those ready to embody the true meaning of Honor in their lives, propelling our tribe towards unprecedented heights of unity and strength. The Core of Honor: H

The Right Of Descension


The right of descension is something that we don't talk about much these days. It is a principle from our past when we were tribes who had no clear boundaries or territories. If a group wanted to leave their tribe, they would have to get permission from the tribal council, and then there was another requirement: at least 30 members of the tribe willing to go with them. This ensured that there was strength in numbers with this new tribe as they set up camp somewhere else in their vicinity, away from the main group.

In times gone by, this was necessary because it ensured survival of all members of the tribe by allowing them to split off into smaller groups if needed! But now things have changed drastically due to environmental factors and political upheavals elsewhere in our world—our planet has become less hospitable than ever before for most forms of life on it including humans! We must adapt quickly or perish together as one species; splitting off into smaller groups will not help us survive long-term as everyone knows...

The right of descension is the right to start a new organization, separate from the tribe and set up camp in a different location.

You may have heard the term "descension" before, but you probably didn't know what it meant. Descension is the act of leaving your tribe and starting a new one. It's been happening since before the Incursions.

It's important to note that descension is only possible if your tribe allows it; otherwise, you'll be committing an offense against them and their community as well as yourself! A good way to get permission is by approaching your leader with an idea that they find compelling--perhaps something like converting an abandoned building into a new settlement? Or maybe you have some innovative ideas about how we should use our resources? Whatever it may be, don't be afraid to ask questions!

The right of descension was used by many tribes long ago. When they were nomadic, and before we had territories with clear boundaries.

The right of descension was used by many tribes long ago. When they were nomadic, and before we had territories with clear boundaries. The reason why it works so well is because it gives every member of the tribe equal access to resources. It's not like who you know or how much money you have has anything to do with who gets what food or water. Everyone has an equal chance at survival and everyone knows that, which makes them more likely to work together and help each other out when needed rather than fight over it all the time.

It also works well because there are no territories, meaning that no one owns any land or resources specifically but rather just shares them as a community where everybody contributes equally into building shelters together or hunting together as a group instead of having one person controlling everything while everyone else waits around hoping he'll let them have some scraps when he's done eating his own meal first...

There were two rules to descension. First, it could not be
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done without approval of the tribal council and second, there had to be at least 30 members of the tribe who wanted to leave.

There were two rules to descension. First, it could not be done without approval of the tribal council and second, there had to be at least 30 members of the tribe who wanted to leave.

These rules were in place because descension was a serious decision that could have dire consequences for both parties involved. It was in everyone's best interest to make sure only those who had no other choice would leave, while also assuring that they would want to return someday.

Once these conditions were met, the new tribe would ask for permission, and off they would go! They would find a new territory to inhabit and no harm no foul. If not for the rules of descension, there would have been many more small tribes instead of larger ones that made more sense for survival.

Descension is the right to start a new organization, separate from the tribe and set up camp in a different location. For example, you can think of descension as how your family gets together on holidays. The most important part of descension is that it's voluntary; no one will force you to leave if you don't want to go, and no one will force anyone else to stay if they've had enough or are ready for something new.

The first time this concept was used may have been when our ancestors started traveling around on their own instead of staying with their parent group. This was an early form of descension because there weren't any clear boundaries or territories yet; people just found places where they thought they could survive better than where they were currently located (i.e., different climates).

But times have changed. We are running out of resources fast and we need all hands on deck to survive in our current climate.

But times have changed. We are running out of resources fast and we need all hands on deck to survive in our current climate.

We are existing in a global society, we need to work together to solve our problems and find solutions that will benefit everyone's needs. The right of Descent is not only an outdated tradition but also it's holding us back from doing what needs to be done for the good of our community as a whole.

The incursions created a new reality that we all must adapt to to survive as a species. We just do not have enough food or other resources to be splintering off into smaller groups now. It is dangerous at best and fatal at worst if we do this on a large scale now.

The incursions have changed the game. We now must adapt to this new reality if we are to survive as a group. We just do not have enough resources to be splintering off into smaller groups now. It is dangerous at best and fatal at worst if we do this on a large scale now.

We need all hands on deck now!


So, when it comes to descension, it is best to stick with the tribe. It is safe and secure here, but most importantly- it's sustainable!



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