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Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future

  Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future In a world where words often lose their meaning amidst the noise, "Honor" stands tall, embodying a profound truth that resonates deeply within the soul of our community. As we navigate the complexities of modern existence, it's essential to return to the roots that define us, leveraging the timeless principles of Honor, Loyalty, and Sacrifice to forge a path forward. This exploration isn't just about understanding a concept; it's about redefining our collective destiny through the lens of integrity and truth. As a community committed to empowerment and personal growth, we dive deep into the essence of Honor—dissecting its impact on our lives and our interactions with each other. This isn't just an article; it's a manifesto for those ready to embody the true meaning of Honor in their lives, propelling our tribe towards unprecedented heights of unity and strength. The Core of Honor: H

Final GoodBye III- Writing Stories To Help

The Scroll

Once in the Gye-Nyame Nation there existed a man named Elder who was respected far and wide for his wisdom. He was so wise that his name was used after his death as the definition of a wise old person. Everyone in an important position whether it was in government, business, military and etc., gave him credit for helping them in their journey toward success. Elder would put together beautiful scrolls for his patrons. In the scroll he would create some beautiful artwork, and within the artwork there would be a quote, short poem, or ancient proverb, that the receiver (it was said) could adopt as their own mantra and if followed would bring great success. No one knew how long Elder had been producing these scrolls, but it seemed as if everybody who was somebody in the Nation was in possession of one.
One day a poor man with a great vision, but little money approached Elder for a personal scroll. Elder charged a high price for his scroll for he believed that the level of the user success was determined by how much they was willing to sacrifice. Needless to say the poor man did not have enough money to buy a scroll, but he did have the tenacity and determination that demonstrated he took his life and success seriously. So Elder took the little money that the man could offer and had the man volunteer around his house, and in other places in the Nation. It took two years of work for the man to pay for his scroll, but he did it with smile on his face and joy in his heart because he believed that once he received the scroll his circumstances would change. When he finally received his scroll it had an ancient proverb that seemed to provide the wisdom and motivation for the man to become a great success.
Years later when this man had a son of his own he brought the young man to Elder to receive a scroll as well. After spending the beginning of his life with his father's stories of how he got the scroll, and witnessing his father's success. He adopted his scroll and followed its advice and his success overshadowed his fathers. When the son had a son of his own the grandfather and now father came together to get a scroll for the new family member but the boy was still a toddler so he could not go with them.
The father and grandfather gathered their servants and embarked on the journey to get the newest member of their family a scroll of his own. Elder was rumored to have went into retirement and the fathers wanted to get this last scroll before Elder made his transition. When they arrived the Elder tried to turn them away, but  they refused and offered Elder a fortune. Elder agreed and sat with the men and had them describe the nature of the boy. They described the boy as rambunctious and a challenge to work with. After three days of discussion Elder was hit by an inspiration and created what he called his "Masterpiece" and gave it to the men with specific instructions. They were to not open the scroll until they were in the young sons presence. Then they were to have the scroll read to the child everyday until he became old enough to read it for himself. They agreed and left on their journey home.
When they made it home they got the child and sat him down and opened the scroll. The father looked at the grandfather and the grandfather returned the look. They were upset by what the scroll said. They called their servants back and immediately made the journey back to Elder. When they arrived they expressed their dissatisfaction and asked Elder what was the meaning of the insulting verse he created for their child.

Elder told them that this was his "Masterpiece" and asked them why they were so upset, what did the scroll say that  was so offensive to the grandfather and the father. They unrolled the scroll and read what it said out loud:
Grandfather dies
Father dies
And son dies
Elder began to laugh, but they could not see the humor. Then Elder explained the meaning. He told them that these words of wisdom would help  their youngest understand the order of life. He then stated looking at both of them no father ever wants to bury his son, but every son should be prepared to bury the father at the end of his life. He also explained that after the son understands this order he would be able to notice the order of heaven and earth and utilize this wisdom to have a successful life. Plus the child also have a powerful story about how he received his scroll from his grandfather and father.
Then Elder offered to buy back the scroll since they thought it was offensive. The fathers refused.  Elder then double their price and they refused. Elder then offered to pay four times the amount. The fathers refused, apologized and returned home. They taught the youngest boy the quote and as he grew he memorized it and was able to expand on it. This son became a wise man and his success in life and business out did the grandfather's and father's combined.


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