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From Victory to Momentum: My Next 21-Day Challenge

Peace, Tribe! I just came out of a 21-day fast , and let me tell you—I’m on a high! My mind is clear, my body feels lighter, and my spirit is in alignment. I’m celebrating this victory because it’s a big deal. Discipline is no small feat, and when you walk through the fire and come out stronger, you need to recognize it. But here’s the thing—this high isn’t something I want to come down from. So, I’m stepping right into my next 21-day challenge . Why? Because momentum is a gift, and when the energy is flowing, you don’t stop—you build. This next challenge is about keeping that clarity, pushing myself further, and re-dedicating to the principles that keep me grounded in the Gye-Nyame Journey . This ain’t just about me, though. I’m sharing this because I want you to walk with me. Let’s grow together. Let’s elevate. Let me break it down for you. 21 Days of Re-Commitment These next 21 days are about getting back to the practices that define who we are as a tribe. Gye-Nyame isn’t just somet...

#qotdu Rant 2

And another thing….Let's just say for shits and giggles that the latest victim of the police murder gang was not following orders. He did not comply with the orders from law enforcement (which he did) and was not cooperating. So fucking what!! We are human. We are Americans whether they like it or not. We have the same rights as the rest of the country. One does NOT deserve a death sentence for not complying. If you are being questioned, detained or even arrested by police officers then you have a right to know why. You have a right to ask why you are being detained. If there is no legal reason you also have the right to leave.

If you are not breaking the law what makes people think that we are just supposed to quietly lie down and die? Why aren’t we allowed to ask questions, to retain our rights as Americans and as human beings? So a cop can just walk up with guns drawn and demand that I relinquish my freedom because it's Tuesday and he is having a bad day? Why were they walking up on this man with guns drawn in the first place? What right had they to make him defend his very life and existence because his car was broken down? What law had been broken? What about his person was deemed such a threat that they felt justified taking his life? They actually had neither right nor reason to even Taser him in the first place.

 If a police officer pulls up behind Zack Smith (Zack is the male version of a Becky, keep up) who is clearly having car trouble does he immediately pull his weapon or walk up and ask if Zack needs assistance? Let's just say this cop is an asshole and having a bad day. He asks Zack for license and registration. Zack is going to respond with "what the fuck for? This is a free country! I'm not breaking the law. Go away!"  In the state of Ohio one is required to provide the police with identification if they ask for it by the way. Zack is now breaking the law. Does officer asshole now pull out his weapon and execute Zack? No of course not. So why then is it acceptable for officer asshole to shoot a black man who has done nothing more than wonder "what the fuck for?"  Why must we comply with the orders of a clearly unstable individual? The answer is its not acceptable and we don't. We shouldn't have to. But the rules are clearly different for us. As much as I want to tell my black sons that he has rights and he should exercise them I know that would be a quick way to get my son killed. So I have to teach them to approach these situations just like you would with any other criminal on the street who is pointing a gun at you and demanding your wallet. You comply. Give the criminal what he is asking for and live to fight another day. Is that going to guarantee his safety? No of course not. Criminals are an unpredictable and violent group. But indeed try to live to fight another day.

We need a new tactic. I am open to suggestions. Who is down for a city wide shut out? No work, no school, no public transportation, not one dollar spent in the entire city for a day. Make them see and feel our outrage. We cannot continue to be silent. Like I said they only understand two things money and violence. Go for their pockets first.

Queen Of The Damn Universe


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