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Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future

  Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future In a world where words often lose their meaning amidst the noise, "Honor" stands tall, embodying a profound truth that resonates deeply within the soul of our community. As we navigate the complexities of modern existence, it's essential to return to the roots that define us, leveraging the timeless principles of Honor, Loyalty, and Sacrifice to forge a path forward. This exploration isn't just about understanding a concept; it's about redefining our collective destiny through the lens of integrity and truth. As a community committed to empowerment and personal growth, we dive deep into the essence of Honor—dissecting its impact on our lives and our interactions with each other. This isn't just an article; it's a manifesto for those ready to embody the true meaning of Honor in their lives, propelling our tribe towards unprecedented heights of unity and strength. The Core of Honor: H

The 5 Most Powerful Resources You Will Ever Have


Unifying Your Resources

Great week of Ujamaa on this great day of Umoja:

Man I am excited to jump into this week but I have a challenge that I personally have to overcome. For those that know me personally I have been struggling with a tobacco habit for years. Last week I fell off the wagon, and have been puffing like a dragon. Now I will have to reconquer this issue again. I will use the next 7 day cycle to begin the process of eliminating this habit. This is what the #NguzoSabaChallenge is for, it gives us a process that we can continuously work on ourselves and our goals. So I have a challenge in front of me, especially since my 21 day personal #NguzoSabaChallenge fast will begin on May 23, 2021. Now that is enough about me now let's get to today's rant.

Well, we are in the week of Ujamaa, and now is the time where we get to where the rubber hits the road. For those that are not familiar with Gye-Nyame's system we work with the Nguzo Saba to change our lives, from what others designed it to be, to what we want it to be. Each of the principles is a step that can be used to build the life that we want, and our tribe needs. This process came into being because of the principle of Ujamaa. Ujamaa lined up in our system in a powerpoint that informed us that we were on the right track.

Today we are  tasked with dealing with Umoja through the lense of Ujamaa. Which is not hard, because for us ujamaa is about managing resources, and the most powerful resources for each individual is the resources that we have been sent here with, the five parts of being. These are the most powerful although they are overlooked by nearly everyone.

When we look at Ujamaa (principle of the week) many of us automatically move straight to money. Not realizing that the most powerful resources that we have are the 5 parts of our being which are:






These five resources are very powerful by themselves but when they are combined and unified. They become unstoppable. They open doors that you may have believed were locked to you. I came into the knowledge of this indirectly in my younger days. I was able to do things and change environments and I did not know how, until I was able to step back and look at my life as an observer. I noticed that when my emotions were running things I made no progress, I noticed that when my mind was running things again I made no progress, and I can go through each one of the parts and get the same results. I noticed that when I was able to enter any situation with all parts working together miracles happen.

What brung this home for me was a recent encounter that i had with a young man at a hotel. i was their doing work for a conference, and the young man came in to greet me. he first asked if I was brother ha2tim, and I replied yes. He reached out to hug me and said that he was glad to see me and that I changed his life. Not trying to be rude I asked him his name, and he began to tell the story. it turns out that he was friends with one of my sons, and use to come to the house to eat. Not I need to state at this point and time I was running with a balance between all parts of my being. Because I was doing this I was able to bless everyone that came to my house. I had a saying "Gye-Nyame house feeds the nation" although we weren't feeding the nations we were able to feed our tribe and guest. he came to the house one day and I had a conversation with him, and gave him a book. Now this sounded like a small thing but it made an impact on his life. Now I was not able to give him riches, nor could I offer him a place to stay, but the little resources that I was able to provide made a big difference, and I was able to provide them because I had Unified the most powerful resources at my disposal.

Once you take time to realize the power that you are holding within your body and begin sharing that with the world, you will become a force to reckon with. The Creator has already given you all you need, and if you need anything else you are learning to use the principle of Umoja in your life will bring it to your doorstep.


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