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Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future

  Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future In a world where words often lose their meaning amidst the noise, "Honor" stands tall, embodying a profound truth that resonates deeply within the soul of our community. As we navigate the complexities of modern existence, it's essential to return to the roots that define us, leveraging the timeless principles of Honor, Loyalty, and Sacrifice to forge a path forward. This exploration isn't just about understanding a concept; it's about redefining our collective destiny through the lens of integrity and truth. As a community committed to empowerment and personal growth, we dive deep into the essence of Honor—dissecting its impact on our lives and our interactions with each other. This isn't just an article; it's a manifesto for those ready to embody the true meaning of Honor in their lives, propelling our tribe towards unprecedented heights of unity and strength. The Core of Honor: H

Defining Our Time

Defining Our Time

Great Kujichagulia

We are in the first week of the 4th cycle of the year of Kuumba 2022, and today we are on the day of Kujichagulia, during the week of Umoja. Which requires us to reflect on Kuji through the lens of Umoja. This system is great because it requires us to engage with each of our principles in 7 different ways, which helps us increase our knowledge about each one, and most importantly gives us tools for success.

"This system is great because it requires us to engage with each of our principles in 7 different ways, which helps us increase our knowledge about each one, and most importantly gives us tools for success."

Remember the goal of GNJMedia is to help you live the best life, and the method that we use is by helping you build a systematic process for your life. We have done a lot of the heavy lifting by breaking the year down into 7 week cycles, breaking the weeks down by each principle, and each day also has a principle. This makes it easy for the user to know where they are, and what principles to focus on.

"Your 7 week guide to intentional living."

For me this is an example of using Kujichagulia to bring Umoja to our community. We used our creativity to define the time that we are in. For those that follow us understand that the most valuable resource that we have is time, and we here at Gye-Nyame Journey have used our Self-Determination (tribe determination) to define the time that we are in.

"Time: the greatest resource of our times."

We have put our claim on our time once again, and we have also been creating spaces on the internet where you hear about you and your people. The next step is for us to parlay what we have built online, and purchase some actual physical property that we can use within our community (in the future communities because we will be growing moving to new cities soon).

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"The purpose of this is to create actual physical spaces where we can go to learn about us, and for us."

While sitting with one of my brothers over the holiday he said something to me that made a lot of sense and I want to share it with you especially since this is Kuji day. He said, "You know when our ancestors were enslaved and put on ships to come over here they left everything behind.

"As part of the African Diaspora we were taught to be quiet, never talk about our issues, and to never make a fuss. We were brainwashed into thinking that our culture is inferior to others."

Even though we have been through so much as a people since then, sometimes it seems like we are still in that frame of mind where we don't think that it's possible for us to own anything." He went on to say, "The work you all are doing is changing that mindset because now we see that it is possible for US (Black people)to create what WE want and not just be reactive but proactive". I thought about how powerful those words were and how true they rang in my ear.

"Black people changed the world not because of slavery and segregation but because of their ingenuity and ability."

We have always been told what we can do/be/have by other groups but it's time for OUR voice to have the final say. This matters because it means that we as a people are finally starting to take control of our own narrative and create our own destiny. We have always been at the mercy of others, but now we are breaking free and charting our own course.

"It doesn't have to be like this forever, here's why we should take a stand and start telling our own story."

This is important because it allows us to define ourselves on our terms and not be limited by what others think or say about us. It also has implications for the future; as we continue to assert our power and control, we will only become more successful in achieving justice for all Black people.

See you tomorrow..... subject for Ujima "We either Bring each other up or pull each other down"


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