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The Subtle but Powerful Shifts of Fasting: A Journey of Discipline and Transformation

The Subtle but Powerful Shifts of Fasting: A Journey of Discipline and Transformation Fasting is often reduced to a conversation about weight loss, but my journey has been about so much more. From January 6 to January 27 , I undertook a fast that challenged not just my body, but also my mind and spirit. It wasn’t easy, but the process gave me clarity, self-discipline, and a deeper understanding of my body’s resilience. I want to share my experience—not just the numbers, but the way fasting reshaped my daily habits, my mental clarity, and my approach to health. Tracking the Physical Shifts 📉 Weight Loss During the Fast – I started at 197.8 lbs on January 6, and by January 27, I weighed 172.8 lbs . That’s over 25 pounds lost , but what mattered more was how my body felt . 💖 Blood Pressure Improvement – My BP started at 150/102 and by the end of my fast, I recorded 120/80 on January 21 and even 108/67 on January 27. My cardiovascular system was responding to the cleansing effects ...

Hu$tler'$ In$piration 4-27

Hu$tler'$ In$piration 4-27-14
Hu$tler'$ In$piration 4-27-14 -

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Hu$tler'$ In$piration 4-27-14



I hope this weeks e-letter catches while you are on the rise. I developed this letter to motivate the hustler in alll of us. I believe that deep down inside, there lies a desire to accomplish what we were sent here to do. Unfortunately many of us have become comfortable with what the world has to offer, and fallen victim to our self imposed limitation. Hopeful this e-newsletter will help you push to the next level. I will be sharing information not only provided by Gye-Nyame Journey, but also from the many sights I use to research for my podcast. So sit back skim the articles, read what you like, share info with your network, and remember to support the Journey.

Also be on the lookout for the latest podcast from Gye-Nyame Journey:




ha2tim Gye-Nyame | Spreaker - Be Heard

I am a Nation Builder on the warriors path. I have reached the level of Master Nation Builder in the Gye-Nyame system of ROP. I am also a Self-Mastery coach



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Magic Hour | Spreaker - Be Heard

After years of being behind the scenes in the lab creating music, DJ Kid Magic Rock has decided to share with the world the talent that has graced his studio. Tune in and see what is happening in hip-hop via Columbus, Ohio.



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Here are a few helpful life hacks that I have stumbled across. check out and apply to your life.





5 Hacks To Speed Up The Learning Process

The ability to learn things quickly is a tremendous asset. People who can rapidly grasp new concepts, learn and apply new and effective skills, and process new information in a short amount of time have a distinct advantage over those who struggle to learn.



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How To Study Hard Without Burning Out

Let's face it: studying is hard. It's not fun, and sometimes it can be really hard to stay focused on the task at hand. However, it's vital to doing well in classes and staying well-informed. Although studying is no one's favorite activity, there are ways to study more efficiently.



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8 Simple Steps to Resolve Any Conflict Like a Zen Master

If you're like most people, you dread conflict. Your ears burn and you start to sweat just thinking about it. It's a combat zone, where somebody wins and somebody loses. Somebody's right, and somebody's wrong. Maybe you avoid conflict, fearing hurt feelings, bruised egos and lost tempers.



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24 Brilliant Psychological Life Hacks That Successful People Have Been Using Forever

Attitude is everything. Change your state of mind and you can change your world.



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14 Things Mentally Strong People Do Differently To Be More Successful

We've all had our moments in life when we feel like we just can't take it anymore. Life gets us down. We feel beaten, broken, and like there's no way out. But what is the difference between the people who can turn it around and make lemonade out of lemons?



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Now remember to tune in daily to "#giveyourselfpermission" as we lookm at different methods and ideas that will assist you change your life.






This is a morning podcast designed to help get you ready for the day. The podcast will be under 5 minutes and it will inspire you to move #aboveandbeyond the craziness in the world. Tune in and get your morning booster shot. So after listening to the show get in front of your favorite mirror and #giveyourselfpermission.



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This last week we explored the power of using a pledge. Tune into sessions 84-88 for more information. Also checkout the T-shirt developed for the show...

Now here is a blast from the past. This particular episode helped to give birth to the podcast "Folktales For Grown Folks". This show also takes another step into the history of Gye as well as the history of the mythic Gye-Nyame People. Check it out and leave a comment. Don't be scared off by the title.





The Transformation of the Demon

Here is a continuation of the Gye tale. Many have asked for more so here is a tale for you. Leave the mess and get the message.



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Now let's look at the process of pouring libations. This is a ritual that helps empower our people by helping us remember who we are, where we come from, and give us a deeper look at our connection to the universe in which we live. During libations we are able to reflect and give thanks to those that came before us, and lay the ground work for those that will come after us. 

I will share here  Dr. Carr pouring and an article from my blog explaining how to do it.





Dr. Carr Does Libation

Dr. Carr, Kwame Toure Sociey and others from Howard University pouring out libation at New Yorks Afrikan Burial ground



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Gye-Nyame Journey

to connect with all that is/ and to cleanse our hearts/ I need to start this article by stating this information is based on my personal experience. I have been pouring libations for at least 20 years all over the country and personally.



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Here is some other information that you may find interesting. 





How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big

(no description provided)



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bruce lee - clikr

clikr.co - click the picture and you'll be served with fresh entertainment



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Luther Standing Bear

This system is dedicated to the indigenous peoples of the worldand to the enrichment it can bring to all people.



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Thanks for tuning in and remember to Support the Journey. Also join us for our study groups:



Adult planning and Study session - Google+

Join us as we explore Hip-Hop: Is Hip-Hop a culture and as some say the re-birth of an ancient civilization? What are the elements of Hip-Hop? What is Hip-Hop's role in society? What is the spiritual roots of Hip-Hop? Can the true knowkedge of Hip-Hop improve your life?



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Hip-Hop Through ROP - Google+

Several groups have come together to build a process that embraces Hip-Hop culture and the process of ROP. The group is a partnership between Gye-Nyame Journey, Spiritual Roots Society, and the Columbus Chapter of SIMBA Circle. We will explore Hip-Hop culture using the book "Hip-Hop Decoded" by Black Dot.



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Mailing address: Gye-Nyame Journey, 3500 refugee rd., columbus, 0hio, 43232, united states
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