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Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future

  Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future In a world where words often lose their meaning amidst the noise, "Honor" stands tall, embodying a profound truth that resonates deeply within the soul of our community. As we navigate the complexities of modern existence, it's essential to return to the roots that define us, leveraging the timeless principles of Honor, Loyalty, and Sacrifice to forge a path forward. This exploration isn't just about understanding a concept; it's about redefining our collective destiny through the lens of integrity and truth. As a community committed to empowerment and personal growth, we dive deep into the essence of Honor—dissecting its impact on our lives and our interactions with each other. This isn't just an article; it's a manifesto for those ready to embody the true meaning of Honor in their lives, propelling our tribe towards unprecedented heights of unity and strength. The Core of Honor: H

Ujamaa of Rites Of Passage part 1

Week Of Ujamaa

Great Ujamaa:

We have made it to a double principle day. We are on Ujamaa day during the Ujamaa week, so let’s dive deep into the idea of cooperative economics. Yesterday we ended our discussion peeking into the collective resource of Rites of Passage (ROP). Believe it or not this is a crucial resource for any Culture, and since we here at GNJ we are trying to plug as many of our folks as possible back into our ancient culture.

“ROP binds warriors together and allows them to grow”

The culture of a people is important, because it plugs the people into their past, solidifies them in the present, and propels them toward their future. Now the culture that spawns from and with a group strives to help its people survive. I need to stress the fact that I believe that a culture is a living entity that develops a symbiotic relationship with its group. The ultimate goal of this relationship is to not just survive but to thrive. Culture is one of the key resources that a people develops, because it is culture that pushes the skill and technique forward in a group that makes it easier for both to survive and eventually thrive. When the people grow, and thrive, so does the culture and vice versa. Now we have to look at the way a culture passes on its genes/memes(for a lack of words to describe) forward to each generation. This is where the ROP comes into play. This is the process that one generation passes on all of the pertinent information about the culture, survival, and advancement of the Culture  to the following generations. When this process is interrupted a culture begins to degenerate, because the people lack the information to create a successful society. Culture can be interrupted by natural factors such as climate change, extinction of staples, or incursions by other groups. Culture operates much like humans in their interactions with each other, and outsiders.

“The culture of a people is important, because it plugs the people into their past, solidifies them in the present, and propels them toward their future.”

Now in our case African people our cultures were interrupted first by natural collapses, and then incursions from central and west asia causing in some cases a total cultural collapse. Bringing specifically to those cultures that were caught up in the slave trade and ended up in America, our culture and many of the ROP systems were the casualty. Now another point that I want to hit on before we move fully into discussing the ROP as a resource in connection with Ujamaa. I want to point out that other cultures will move in on a culture and warp it into a subculture that serves it. With this being done, people who have been placed into this subservient status now only know how to serve the dominant Culture. Even if serving the dominant culture means destroying yourself and feeding your children as a sacrifice to the dominant culture. This is what GNJ was formed to talk about and come up with methods to combat this and reawaken our culture to jump start our life giving ROP traditions. The hardest part has been getting people within the subculture here in America to realize that they are working against their long term good, even if they are receiving short term benefits. 

Gye-Nyame Journey

Building succes through our culture & inspiration.

“This potential has been interrupted by natural collapses and incursions from central and west asia causing in some cases a complete cultural collapse”

Economics is about managing  resources, and culture is the ultimate resource. The way that culture grows is through passing on the accumulated knowledge to the following generations. Once again the mechanism for passing on culture is the ROP. So for us to really get a hold on our future, we must go to our past and resurrect the ROP process, and if needed update it for the modern world. The issue for our people is again to get them to realize what is going on. Because we have been disconnected so long that we don’t recognize that we are being programmed against ourselves. We have fallen into the Universal vision of humanity that has a core that is pure white supremacy. History shows us that the culture of white supremacy does not play well with other cultures in the play pin of humanity. So for us to believe that this common vision that we have been fed is really going to work out for us is going against all the documented history that we have. We must form our identity from our cultural roots, and immerse ourselves in the vast wealth of who we were, deal with who we are , and shape who we will become. 

“The way that culture grows is through passing on the accumulated knowledge to the following generations”

We will continue this conversation tomorrow and look a little more into the purpose of ROP, and connect it back to the idea of Ujamaa.


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