
Showing posts with the label rites of passage

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The Subtle but Powerful Shifts of Fasting: A Journey of Discipline and Transformation

The Subtle but Powerful Shifts of Fasting: A Journey of Discipline and Transformation Fasting is often reduced to a conversation about weight loss, but my journey has been about so much more. From January 6 to January 27 , I undertook a fast that challenged not just my body, but also my mind and spirit. It wasn’t easy, but the process gave me clarity, self-discipline, and a deeper understanding of my body’s resilience. I want to share my experience—not just the numbers, but the way fasting reshaped my daily habits, my mental clarity, and my approach to health. Tracking the Physical Shifts 📉 Weight Loss During the Fast – I started at 197.8 lbs on January 6, and by January 27, I weighed 172.8 lbs . That’s over 25 pounds lost , but what mattered more was how my body felt . 💖 Blood Pressure Improvement – My BP started at 150/102 and by the end of my fast, I recorded 120/80 on January 21 and even 108/67 on January 27. My cardiovascular system was responding to the cleansing effects ...

What Are You On? The Power of the Underground Railroad in Our Journey

What Are You On? The Power of the Underground Railroad in Our Journey Oh man, great, great, great! It’s a powerful day on this Gye-Nyame Journey, and today, we’re diving into question number eight . Now, before we get too deep, let me give you a little history—because, you know, everything we do is rooted in legacy. See, question number eight was actually the first question I came up with when I was putting together the Underground Railroad Rites of Passage Program. That’s right—before all the other questions, this one set the foundation. And for those who might not know, the Underground Railroad (UGR-R) was one of the early organizations I put together—maybe my second, maybe my third. Either way, it was crucial to building what we now recognize as Gye-Nyame Journey . This series of questions we’re working through? These are the original ones , the ones designed to connect us back to our history, our struggle, and ultimately, our mission . Because what is self-mastery without knowing...

Wasted Resource

Wasted Resource Introduction The youth of today are dealing with issues that we never dealt with; we are raising a generation of children who are exposed to everything. I say that our community needs to take the leadership role in molding and shaping our youth so they can become productive adults, who understand how to be leaders in their homes, communities, and workplaces. The issue is not “what do they know '' but rather “what do they know how to do” when it comes to being a man or woman. What is “rite of passage” ? Rite of passage is a ritual or ceremony to mark or celebrate the transition from one social state to another. It is commonly associated with such milestones as childbirth, puberty, marriage, and death. In a rite of passage, the initiate goes through an ordeal that challenges them physically and mentally, often involving symbolic death and rebirth into a new life. Examples of this include Christian baptism and confirmation; Jewish bar mitzvah; Confucian jinzi (son-...
Ujamaa of Rites Of Passage part 1 Week Of Ujamaa Great Ujamaa: We have made it to a double principle day. We are on Ujamaa day during the Ujamaa week, so let’s dive deep into the idea of cooperative economics. Yesterday we ended our discussion peeking into the collective resource of Rites of Passage (ROP). Believe it or not this is a crucial resource for any Culture, and since we here at GNJ we are trying to plug as many of our folks as possible back into our ancient culture. “ROP binds warriors together and allows them to grow” The culture of a people is important, because it plugs the people into their past, solidifies them in the present, and propels them toward their future. Now the culture that spawns from and with a group strives to help its peop...

The Baba - chapter 8 part II

Image via Wikipedia “Angalia” Malik yelled and everyone stopped what they were doing and faced the stairs. I went along with everyone else. Simba was coming downstairs. “At ease Brother and thank you for the respect.” Everyone in the immediate area greeted him. “Jay come with me.” I followed him out of the patio door and into the garden. He sat on the bench and I remained standing in angalia. “Relax Jay, I brought you out here to talk with you. I want to explain what is about to happen.” “Yes sir.” I sat down next to him. “The family is at a crucial point in our development, and we need people around that really have the group’s best interest at heart.” “I understand Sir.” “The next step for you is to get clarity on why you were chosen, and for you to find your Nia.” “I know my purpose, and that is to serve the club and to build this nation.” “That is what you have been taught to say. Is that what’s really in your heart?” I grew silent because in a way he was right. Ever since I ent...

The Baba - capter 8 part 1

Image via Wikipedia Chapter 8 When I made it to the Men’s House, it was time for workout . Every morning we are up for prayer, meditation, and workout. This morning Silace was leading workout. He had been in the Club four years and made it to the level of Royal. He was reaching for his promotion to Grand. He still lived in the Men’s house to save his money, for what I don’t know. He was upset with me for coming in late. We worked  out and ran 3 miles. After the workout everyone came in prepared for day and left. I waited for everyone to leave before I packed up my few belongings to keep questions down. At 7:55 Malik pulled up in a black Benz. I was waiting on the front porch. I was going to miss the house. I had spent the last six months communing with brothers from Gye-Nyame House. We did everything together, I finally found a home where I could call home and I was leaving it for what I had no idea. The best part of the Men’s House was the it was safe. I never had to worry abou...

The Baba - Chapter 6 part 2

Image by FreeWine via Flickr   Chapter 6 cont. It was almost six months before Simba stepped back into Brother’s. He looked as if he was under a lot of stress. He checked the books, and reviewed a report on everyone from Wise. Then he disappeared again. Wise came into the kitchen and called me outside. “Jay I don’t like prying into your business, but what is your relationship with Baba Simba?” “He is my sponsor.” “What!? How long have you been in our house?”                         “I completed my initiation 6 ½ months ago.” “Well Baba asked me to give you this.” He reached into his pocket, and gave me a cowry shell . Cowry shells in the club represent rank. After my initiation I received one shell signifying I was a Brother in the organization. Receiving my second shell was a sign that I was being moved up to the level of Majestic. “He asked me ...
Friday night Tribal Talk  (Hookah,tea, coffe, and good conversation) Why do we believe/ That people have to be on/ The same page as us/ Why do some people believe that in order for us to work together we have to be on the same page. why is this necessary? I have found that when people stress that we must be on the same page to work or even conversate what they are really telling me is that i have to think like them. This is a very limited way to see the Universe. Actually what you are dealing is in the uverse, and have cut everyone else off because you are stuck on your page. Why do we have to be on the same page? Can't we be reading the same book (speaking of books dont forget to support the Journey by purchasing some books...hahahahaa), or even be reading the in the same subject. Lets open up our dialogs so that we can allow growth. Stop trying to change others, and work on your growth. Different perspectives are good, new ideas are good, and can promote ...

The Baba- chapter 6 part 1

Image via Wikipedia Chapter 6 I have completed basic training and was assigned to work in Brother’s where I first met Simba . I also have been assigned to the male house where my training continued, but seems less intense. Every now and then I see Simba, but he has been traveling a lot lately. I work all day in the kitchen with four other brothers and two beautiful sisters. All are nation builders. Two belong to Gye Nyame House, and the other 4 belong to the House of MChugangi. “Peace my name is Jay Kwabena.” Since I was the new face, I thought it would be proper for me to break the ice. “Peace god”, one of the brothers said with a smile. “ I am Kofi, also known as David . What house do you belong to?” “Im Gye-Nyame.” “Um, I am MChugangi, and that is Leroy he also Kwabena. He’s MChugangi. The two sisters are Jasmine, and Zendria. They also are MChugangi as well.” “How about the other two brothers?” “That is Siles and Wise of Gye-Nyame.” “Cool….nice meeting of you.” I b...

Road blocks or stepping stones

Image via Wikipedia Road blocks always come/ welcome them and use them as/ stepping stone to top/ First I need to apologize for the mix up for the venue for the training for those that came out and was on their way. At this moment I am re-planning the training and You will be receiving notice of the location and the time for the new start date.  This event  reminded me of one of the major lessons of SelfMastery, being able to take what seems like an obstacle and transforming (alchemy at its most basic level) it into an opportunity. for those that do not know what happened. The venue was double booked and i had to cancel our session because of the mix up. know i could be upset, and just sink down into the "why me" syndrome. Instead I took that time to re-think my approach to the training. i also had an opportunity to discuss the future of SelfMastery with the people that came out. I got to see who was serious about the training, and moving forward with this endeavor. These th...

How to pour Libations

We pour libations/ to connect with all that is/ and to cleanse our hearts/ I need to start this article by stating this information is based on my personal experience. I have been pouring libations for at least 20 years all over the country and personally. Libations for me is a process of remembering, and connecting or re-connecting to not only the Spirit but everything around us . When we pour libations we are opening ourselves as well as the group to the axe ' of the entire Universe . I first must admit that I do not belong to a group, sect or religious order. I am a lay man who have made a personal connection with the world, and the spirit. By pouring Libations we strengthen these relationship. So let me define a few things first so that we can be on the same page. Libations - the process of pouring or giving a sacrifice to form a connection with this world and the spiritual realm. Spirituality - the state of establishing and maintaining relationships Axe...

Tribal quote

Image via Wikipedia Francis Bacon : "The lame man who keeps the right road outstrips the runner who takes a wrong one... the more active and swift the latter is, the further he will go astray." Don't chain your worries to your body.  The burden soon becomes heavy and your health will give too much of itself to pick up the extra load. ~ Astrid Alauda You only make a bridge where there is a river. - Kenya Brother Ha2tim SelfMasteryCoach Nation Builder HipHop Philosopha & Shaman

Fear is back

click to get help over the hump Fear is a weapon/ Used to confuse ignorant!!/ Are you ignorant?/ Ha2ku by ha2tim Guess who has reared its ugly head again. Our old friend Fear, yep one of the deadly seven. Actually Fear is the seven (fear, envy, pride,greed ,sloth, lust and anger). fear manifest itself through each one of these seven. it comes into our lives and freezes us in place. keeps us stuck in things we know we need to move beyond. The good news is that fear is a signal that change is coming. we just have gird our loins and push through. When we stand before fear we are presented with a gift that we have to take a risk to get. look fear in the face that it presents you and chase it away. because it is a coward, it, will not stand before moves made boldly. it will nag you from behind the battlefeild, and your task is too keep moving leaving it so far behind you that you cant even hear its echoe. move boldly on your journey. As Joseph Campbell says " The cave you fear...