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Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future

  Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future In a world where words often lose their meaning amidst the noise, "Honor" stands tall, embodying a profound truth that resonates deeply within the soul of our community. As we navigate the complexities of modern existence, it's essential to return to the roots that define us, leveraging the timeless principles of Honor, Loyalty, and Sacrifice to forge a path forward. This exploration isn't just about understanding a concept; it's about redefining our collective destiny through the lens of integrity and truth. As a community committed to empowerment and personal growth, we dive deep into the essence of Honor—dissecting its impact on our lives and our interactions with each other. This isn't just an article; it's a manifesto for those ready to embody the true meaning of Honor in their lives, propelling our tribe towards unprecedented heights of unity and strength. The Core of Honor: H

#NguzoSabaChallenge 6 - Description of ecourse 1

Great Kuumba:

We have made it through this cycle (3rd cycle of 2022) and allow me to share with you what has been born as we struggled through the last 7 weeks. This is the power of Kuumba and aligning ourselves with the 5 parts of being, and sticking to a process. For those who have not noticed I have been posting articles everyday for the last 7 weeks. Each article was highlighting where I was in the cycle, and gave me something to share with the family. All of these articles have been posted up on gyenyamejourney.com as well as accompanied by a show, and I will continue doing this so that we can continue sending out our free eMag each week.

I have been sitting on an idea of creating an ecourse for those that wanted to learn more about the system we use in Gye-Nyame Journey. I had to create a system that would help me move toward success and hang on to my culture. All of the motivational speakers and systems that I ran into were pulling me toward a culture-less place. Where everyone's the same, and the reason you are not succeeding is only because you are not grinding hard enough, or sleeping too much. I needed a system that allowed me to deal with the reality that I am faced with, and that a majority of the people that I work with are faced with. This forced me to create the #NguzoSabaChallenge, I simply pulled all of the things that I have been using over the years that I learned from my Ancestors and elders and created a system that reflected our Blackness by incorporating the wisdom of our Ancestors into a system that if used will get you the life changing effects that you need.

At first I was going to create one overarching system but I discovered that I had too much information that I was not using and I decided to break it down into many different cycles (7 week periods). So here is what the first ecourse looks like:

Each participant would of course receive a thank you email from myself and Gye-Nyame Journey. In the email we would also give a simple description of what the next 7 weeks would look like. They would receive a starting date as well as be informed that everything that they need is being mailed to them as well as being placed digitally into their gumroad library. Upon enrollment each student will receive: #NguzoSabaChallenge SelfMastery Journal (Book)

Warriors Handbook For Life's Journey - The Gye-Nyame Method (Book)

Join Our Email List

Player's Pyramid (Book)

Freedom Within limits (Book) 

Gye-Nyame Proverb Work Book 

7 Sticks book

Students will have access to a private morning Gathering to get writing prompts for the day (Umoja - Nia at 6:45AM est) This will be done on Telegram

Small group session on Power Day (1hour) this will be done on Telegram

Students will also receive access to all of GNJMedia digital content and students will receive weekly Exclusive eMag sent to supporters for a year. Finally If the student successfully completes the 7 week process they will receive an Exclusive Gye-Nyame Tribe t-shirt, hoodie and rank beads,  and be "Welcomed to the congregation of the mighty!!!" officially in a digital graduation.

The first ecourse would be of course broken down into 7 parts. The student would be informed through the intro email that they will be receiving an email everyday with the lessons for each day, and will be held responsible for all information in session. In the email the student will receive the main lesson, the proverb of the day, the folktale of the day, and a link to an article. Students will be responsible to view, listen, and write down ideas and questions to bring to the private session. All of the sessions will depend on the students' participation. The discussion will need to be driven by the prompts that the student was able to pull from the content. Our goal is to help the student understand and put the information to work in their lives, not sit and lecture for an hour a day.

Students will receive the lessons daily, and each one will be labeled for the order they are meant to be seen in. We only ask that each student do the work and trust the process:

Umoja Week - We will have an in depth conversation about the Nguzo Saba and each of the principles. We will discuss how to use them in our life.

Kujichagulia Week - We will be discussing the book “Player’s Pyramid”. This is the first system of GNJ. We will discuss how this will help you build the “Best Life” and assist you in your Tribe building.

Ujima Week - We will complete our discussion about the “Player’s Pyramid and then move into our discussion about the 3 r’s of relationships where we describe how a healthy relationships look from the Gye-Nyame Journey's perspective, talk about preparing for the future, and then move into discussing the principles of Maat.

Ujamaa Week - We will dive deep into the principles of Maat, and discuss how they fit into our system and how to use them.

Nia Week - We will look at the hermetic principles and how they fit into our system and more important how they fit into your life. 

Kuumba Week - We will finish our discussion of the Hermetic principles and then we will move into what are called the Virtues of Maat and these will change your life all by themselves, but of course we discuss and build upon them.

Imani Week - We will finish our discussion on the virtues and move into discussing the power of accountability and finding your tribe.

We will be making this available soon for those that are interested. Please Join our email list for they will be the first group to receive information about the release date. According to the calendar. The starting dates that are available  for the #NguzoSabaChallenge are July 18, 2022, September 5, 2022, and October 24, 2022, For those who want to start in 2023 first course will begin January 9, 2023. We will be announcing more dates soon. Each participant must be signed up and fully paid 10 days before the session begins so that we can make sure that you have all of the materials to begin. Upon completion and student passing the course they will receive their Exclusive T-shirt & Hoodie (created and printed by the tribe), student will receive official rank beads (Brother/Sister level in Gye-Nyame system) and receive certification of completion from the Gye-Nyame Tribe (This is the first step to becoming aSelfMastery Coach & Official Rites Of Passage trainer).


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