
Showing posts with the label toast

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Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future

  Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future In a world where words often lose their meaning amidst the noise, "Honor" stands tall, embodying a profound truth that resonates deeply within the soul of our community. As we navigate the complexities of modern existence, it's essential to return to the roots that define us, leveraging the timeless principles of Honor, Loyalty, and Sacrifice to forge a path forward. This exploration isn't just about understanding a concept; it's about redefining our collective destiny through the lens of integrity and truth. As a community committed to empowerment and personal growth, we dive deep into the essence of Honor—dissecting its impact on our lives and our interactions with each other. This isn't just an article; it's a manifesto for those ready to embody the true meaning of Honor in their lives, propelling our tribe towards unprecedented heights of unity and strength. The Core of Honor: H...

DAILY TOAST RITUAL - 6th Cycle week of Kujichagulia

We are at it again, come and join the Toast and keep up with Gye-Nyame Journey. 

Kujichagulia: Creativity And Determination

The power of determination and the creativity that drives it goes back to our childhood. As kids, we played games during recess and organized our blocks into towers or towers into castles. Our parents told us to stop playing but we didn't listen because we loved to play. As adults, we can apply this power of creativity and determination to any area of life. One reason why Kujichagulia has become so popular is that it provides an opportunity for us to embody these qualities in a profound way. We have all faced difficulties in our lives. These struggles may be big or they may be small but no matter how big or small, they are always there. We can get stuck at times. We may feel overwhelmed by certain problems or situations. However, no matter what the problem is, Kujichagulia provides the tools for us to empower ourselves through determination and creativity when faced with any challenge. Practicing Kujichagulia means being willing to work through difficult things in life that we enco...

Creating Your Story of Power

The Power of Unity can be enhanced by the power of the stories we tell ourselves about our circumstances. Many overlook the power of a story and the benefits of creating a story of power over a story of victimhood. These stories can help inspire us and put things into perspective. Here are 5 ways to see the power in your story: 1) Storytelling is one of the most powerful universal means for transmitting information, modeling behavior, and encouraging change in any situation. 2) Stories have an uncanny ability to generate creativity and innovation. They are vehicles for problem solving, activating dormant resources, and even developing technological breakthroughs. 3) Stories have been proven to improve focus, reduce anxiety and stress, strengthen resilience, and increase productivity through their impact on attention, mood, motivation, perception, and performance. 4) Stories are powerful tools for self-expression and personal growth. We often create them to deal with problems or challen...

Digging in with Imani (6 ways to strengthen your relationship with Imani) Sample

The principle of Imani is all about faith. In the Nguzo Saba, faith is defined as: "To believe with all our heart in our people, our parents, our teachers, our leaders, and the righteousness and victory of our struggle." Imani is the strongest bond you can have with your tribe. It's about trusting that you're on the right path for yourself, even when it's hard to see—and knowing that others are working hard to help you get there. Here are seven ways we've found to strengthen your relationship with Imani in your tribe: 1. Have faith in yourself—believe in your own strengths, and in your ability to find strength when you need it. 2. Have faith in your family—believe in them, believe they will support you and be there for you. Believe they are doing the best they can. 3. Have faith in those who came before you—know that those who came before you are still working hard to make things better for you and your community through their work on this earth and beyond it....

Tell Your Story On Purpose

Once you understand that your personal narrative is the best asset you have, and you freely share it with others, you become an even more valuable resource for the world. You will find yourself in situations and circles of people who you never dreamed possible. You'll be invited to speak on stages all over the world, consult with thought leaders and influencers, and do things you never thought possible. Sharing your story is a powerful way to connect with other people. It's also a great way to stand out in a crowded marketplace by showing people who they are working with. Your story will be a bridge over the chasm between where you are now, and where you want to go next. There are many ways to share your story: through speeches at events; writing a blog; doing interviews; or making videos and posting them on YouTube or Facebook Live. If there's one thing I want you to take away from this post, it's that sharing your story is not optional anymore. If you want to live an ...

Reaching For An Impossible Dream

To dream is to believe in you. To believe that you can achieve something, despite the odds. It takes courage to reach for what seems undoable, and audacity to attempt it anyway. Few people are comfortable with ideas that are different or unconventional. Yet, there are some who don't check their dreams at the door when they come knocking; those who dare to imagine a better future for themselves and everyone else! They're the creative thinkers and doers who know that ideas aren't just about words on a page — they're about actions in the world. Reaching for what seems impossible is risky business. But then again, anything worth doing is challenging. The best way to live is not easy. You may have to deal with difficult people, situations, or circumstances. But you can't let them dissuade you from reaching for that which inspires you most: great ideas that make a difference! And we're not talking about just having them — we're talking about making them happen! So...

5 Reasons To Set Up Rituals In Your Life

To start with, rituals are an important part of any and all success. Now you might be thinking, "Oh wow this guy is going to get all religious on us" Not quite. Rituals are a way that we focus our energies towards a desired outcome and they are definitely not just for religious folks. The thing about rituals is that anyone can do them, and you don't have to have any religious beliefs to use them-actually it's better if you don't have religious beliefs when it comes to doing rituals. If you are starting out on the path of personal development my book ``The Player's Pyramid" would be a great place for you to start and then after reading my book it would be good to start reading other books on personal development. Once you understand how rituals work in your life they can be an incredibly powerful tool to help you achieve whatever you desire. Some of the things that might be keeping you from setting up some rituals in your life right now might be: 1.) You ...
We have the power to create our lives. Our creativity (kuumba) is a tool that will build us up and help us achieve the impossible when we take the time to learn to use it properly. Unfortunately many have allowed their creativity to be either hijacked and used by others, or have allowed themselves to be mastered by creativity rather than master it. When this happens, we become people who are either slaves to others' opinions or slaves to our own egos; when we master our creativity, we are able to use our power of creation (kuumba) as intended –to make our lives a better place for ourselves and others. If you want your life to reflect what you intend, start by taking charge of your ideas. Your ideas can manifest in any form you choose, but there's no guarantee they will manifest in the form you want unless you nurture them through every step of development. The first step is transforming your ideas into actionable steps. You may have heard the saying "an idea without action...

Can you teach your Nia

At GNJMedia we encourage the idea of learning something new every day — and I am all for personal growth. However, there is something that takes an already important part of our practice to a higher level. Teaching what you have mastered to others and seeing them flourish, is where real personal growth happens. If a tree fell in the woods and no one was there to hear it, did it make a sound? If you are able to teach students through your knowledge of your nia and they can do what you do as well or better than you, then they have become a master. And that’s because I believe that when we teach someone something, we assume responsibility for their actions with the knowledge we just gave them. We know that when someone learns from us, they are going to make their own way with what they just learned — and if we’ve done our job right, they will be using our knowledge in ways that are more advanced than what we first taught them. In other words: We can get out of the way and let them take of...

Tribal Calling (sample)

We've all heard people speak about their personal calling, the vocation that has screamed out into the world at them. But tonight I want to spend some time looking into your tribe's vocation. What has your group been called to bring and share with the world? I believe that this is a great topic for Ujima. We are in a time of great turmoil, but also of great potential change. We are witnessing an explosion in technological advancement and scientific discovery, but we're also seeing a rise in violent nationalism and extreme political tribalism. The question of who gets to control the technology and knowledge being created is wide open, but what does seem evident is that the current systems of power have no intention of giving up that control anytime soon. There's only one way for us to take back control over our shared future: WE NEED TO ORGANIZE AND ACT AS TRIBES! Learn more at>>>> Follow

Who Determines You?

While it's good to have heroes and role models, you need to ask the question: Who are you trying to be like? I find this question pops up a lot when I talk with young people. They go to great lengths to be like the people they admire and respect. It sounds reasonable, right? Do what your heroes do and you will be just as great. But there is a problem: Who determines who you are trying to become? You or those around you? Are the models you follow good for you or your culture? Although this thought started with young people it does not stop with them. We all need to look at who is helping us determine who we act like. Is the person you are trying to be like a person who is proud of their time on this planet? Are they doing things that make sense for your life? If not, then why try to be like them? You need someone that can help point you in the right direction for your life. Someone that will challenge you, encourage and support you!!! Take the free ecourse and get on our email list ...

How To Use Your Tribe To Motivate You When You Are Feeling Low

I'm here to give you permission to take a break. It's not that it's hard to find things to talk about—it's that sometimes we just don't feel like talking. And that's okay! Sometimes, we need to take time off from our broadcast schedule and just listen instead of speak. We can turn the mic over to someone else, or we can keep it shut off while we observe the world around us and recharge. But even taking a break, we still have a responsibility: to do what we do best. For me, that means being an observer, a listener, and an advocate for others. It means keeping my eyes open at all times so I can affirm the people I know are out there doing their part, too. I didn't make it through this past year by pretending as though nothing was happening outside of my own little bubble—in fact, I made it by getting out there and meeting everyone else who is also braving this time in history with me and for me. And my tribe is out there inspiring me every day. So when I come ...

The "Self" in Kujichagulia

  In our culture, the self is a powerful being. Kujichagulia or self-determination is that power of the self. The power to control one's destiny and create one's own path in life without fear or guilt. To be able to live freely in your own skin without the fear of being controlled by other people's opinions, judgments or expectations. The self is the ultimate being and as such, it should not be oppressed. It is the most perfect aspect of being and as such, nothing can be greater than it. Our oppressors want us to believe that they are larger than life and that they are in control of our destinies. They want us to believe that we are powerless, unworthy and incapable of making decisions for ourselves. They want to control our minds so that we become followers instead of leaders, but this does not have to be so. Follow Listen to "Kujichagulia Toast - The "Self" in Kujichagulia" on Spreaker.

Learning To Trust in Your Ability

In today's podcast I want to talk about trusting yourself. We are all so worried about what others think of us that we lose sight of who we are and our abilities. The more you work on mastering your ability the more you understand that it doesn't matter what other people think. You can create the life you want to live regardless of what others may say or do. When you trust in your ability everything else will falls into place. You will stop worrying about others and feel empowered to make the changes that need to be made for yourself. The best part is once you can trust in your ability it will become easier and easier until one day you wake up and realize that life is not half as bad as it seemed before. Trust in your ability to live a better life. Follow Listen to "Imani Toast - Learning To Trust in Your Ability" on Spreaker.

Taking Ourselves Seriously

 Great Ujamaa: In this episode we explore the difference between being serious and taking ourselves seriously. Taking our history seriously, really looking at it, and understanding how we got to where we are today is essential. Taking our principles seriously is also essential. Being serious about them, however, will not get us anywhere. What will? Taking ourselves personally seriously, being accountable and responsible for everything that we do and say, realizing that what truly matters is how we live. If we live with integrity – if we are kind and compassionate towards others – the rest will follow. We can change the world by changing ourselves first. And when I say "we", I mean "you", because you are in charge of your own life. Responsibility and accountability are the keys to making things happen in our own lives. How much do you take yourself personally seriously? How much do you really want to make a change in your life? Do you have enough responsibility and a...

Keep The Faith (Sample)

 The thing about faith is that it is invisible. It’s not tangible, but we all have it. Sometimes we need to remind ourselves of the faith we already have. When I was younger, I had a hard time with this. I wanted to know why things happened, and why certain people were born or died. And then I learned that some questions are better left unanswered. Faith itself is the shield around us that protects us from those things we don’t understand. Faith isn’t just about believing in something you can’t see; it’s about believing in yourself and never giving up on your dreams. It’s about fighting for what you believe in and staying strong when everything seems to be going wrong. On todays show we are going to discuss keeping the Faith, Come on in and join us.... Follow Listen to "Imani Toast - Keep The Faith" on Spreaker.

Music & Culture - Daily Toast Kuumba 527171

Peace FAM: We once again talk about culture, at the beginning I was joined by my girls, but they soon abandoned ship for a movie. This left me the space to have some adult conversation with y'all. We are neglecting the power of culture and the tools of culture, and we will not be able to march very much further in this highly competitive, and race based world if we don't start learning the lessons, and building for our future. Music is such a powerful tool that we have allowed to be hijacked. I recently was at a talent show, and the young people sang, and danced, but all of the songs that my (our) children chose were from white artist. All the songs were about pushing beyond limits and inspirational. I had to laugh because I could not think of any age appropriate songs by a Black artist that my kids could sing that fit that model. We have allowed our culture to be pimped, and turned into a weapon against us. I for one will not stand for it. We have radio stations in our com...

Daily Toast- Imani 521171

Peace Fam: Today me and the girls just had fun, but we were able to discuss the concept of faith in the process that you are practicing. Faith, and trust are important in the process of Selfmastery. Two of the Ten virtues of Maat stress these concepts: "Having faith in our masters ability to teach us (or reveal) the truth." "Having faith in our ability to assimilate the truth" Being able to invest our trust in the process that we are following is paramount, and we have to begin to practice this principle, so that we can move to the next level of our development. Take some time and evaluate some of the processes that you working in your life, and the ones that are worthy to continue, because you have seen the fruit in your life, as well as in other live's, and begin to invest trust in them. View video and feel free to leave comments. me and my daughters wish you Peace, Power, Joy, and 1hunidyears. Brother ha2tim

Daily Toast- Kujichagulia 516171 "This World Is Ours"

We have to change our mindset about the world we exist in. We live here as if we are visitors or this planet, when in fact this entire planet is ours. When we start changing this mind state we can start moving as a group in the direction that we need. When we act as a beggar in the world the world treats you as such. Human rights cant be given, freedom can't be given, sovereignty can't be given, all of these must be taken. In order to take these things we have to activate the power of Kujichagulia. We have to re-establish a collective sense of ownership. The fact is that this planet is ours, and we have been allowing others to squat on our inheritance. We have been trained to not compete, and to be satisfied, better yet feel luck to come in last place. We believe other peoples myths, treat them as fact, and allow them to take hold of land, possessions, our children, and even our lives with a fight. No one has more right to the land and resources of this planet than you. The on...

Daily Toast- 58171 "Benefits Of Steaming"

Peace FAM: Great Umoja, let's take some time and talk about the power of steaming and how you can use it in your life to get healthier, and to make cooking easier. i personally cook everything in it. As a matter of fact I made my kids some eggs in it this morning. Of course they were hard boiled, but I have made omellets as well as poached. I cook my rice, quinoa, and etc.. I also take care of my fish in this contraption. My favorite thing to prepare though is beans, man I can prepare some beans in less than 2 hours and if they are soaked even sooner. By adding some extra water and vegitables I can make it a soup. The best part about the steamer is that I can warm up my veggies, and not kill or wash away the health benefits. So those of you taking that 21 Day Nguzo Saba Challenge  go to a thrift store or find one of your friends who love buying gadgets and only use them for a few times, and get it from their. I just want to stress that you do not have to go out and buy and bran...