
Showing posts with the label creativity

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Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future

  Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future In a world where words often lose their meaning amidst the noise, "Honor" stands tall, embodying a profound truth that resonates deeply within the soul of our community. As we navigate the complexities of modern existence, it's essential to return to the roots that define us, leveraging the timeless principles of Honor, Loyalty, and Sacrifice to forge a path forward. This exploration isn't just about understanding a concept; it's about redefining our collective destiny through the lens of integrity and truth. As a community committed to empowerment and personal growth, we dive deep into the essence of Honor—dissecting its impact on our lives and our interactions with each other. This isn't just an article; it's a manifesto for those ready to embody the true meaning of Honor in their lives, propelling our tribe towards unprecedented heights of unity and strength. The Core of Honor: H

Kuumba & Purpose

  Kuumba & Purpose Great Kuumba: Being on Nia requires us to be able to adjust our plans, and a lot of times this may happen in the midst of action. This means that of course we have to have a close relationship with Kuumba. Kuumba is directly linked to our intuition which allows us to plug into the ancestral realm, and pull on wisdom much older than we are. Kuumba will begin to flow in us as we establish our Imani in ourselves, and begin to trust our skills. This happens because in the pursuit of our Nia we begin to practice, and from the practice we develop the confidence in our skills, and this allows us to fall in the “Zone”. This is also described in the  literature as the flow state. When We are able to reach this state in the pursuit of our purpose we can begin to release our creativity. The act of creation feeds on confidence, and the flow state happens because we have done the work necessary to move on to a kind of auto pilot, and since we don’t have to focus on what we ar

Kuumba Can Free Us!......Maybe

  Kuumba Can Free Us!......Maybe Great Kuumba: It is the start of another day, and I want to greet you and thank you for checking out this blog and hopefully you have joined the email list or maybe even considered becoming a supporter. We have made it to our Kuumba post and eventual show. We are in the week of Ujamaa and it flew through. I can't say it was easy, but it was fast. In changing up my schedule I have thrown myself totally off, right now I am at my adventure, and have on the wrong day shirt. I guess it will take a few more weeks before I am totally in sync with my style. Every day I am trying to create content of value for you to get and use. The most surprising thing for me is that I am not a Kuumba baby, because I spend a lot of time at her altar. Each and every day is a creative event for me so believe me when I say I am no stranger to Ms. Kuumba. Now Let's get to the discussion. “Ujamaa is about more than just living in a community. It is truly about working toge
  Great Kuumba Congratulations you have been born in a legendary time. I am serious, we are standing in the midst of a crisis point in history, and you have the opportunity to take action that will mark you down in the historical memory of your people. But before you go out and conquer the world please take some time to conquer yourself, or better yet align yourself with your Culture, and principles. The world is in the middle of changes that are happening so fast that people are lost. If you don't believe me just take some time and think about the changes you have experienced in your life. It used to be that the only way you could be heard was to be selected by a big corporation and pushed. We are now standing in a time where we can actually share our talents, and skills with the world (no middle man needed). When I was young I used to dream about being on TV. Now I get up every morning and do a show. I never thought that I would be able to do something like that, but that is the

Kuumba - The Illusion Of Disunity 2

  Great Kuumba: Second day without a podcast I am going to have to make this one twofer. We are going to continue with the discussion about the illusion of disunity. Today of course coming from the principle of Kuumba. Kuumba for those of you that are new to the culture means creativity. I am throwing out the idea that disunity is not a problem in our community. I believe that it is a manufactured illusion that is being powered by us. Wisdom — as it goes — is knowing what to do next. And creativity is the ability to seek out solutions to our problems. Consequently, wisdom and creativity go together like peanut butter and jelly. But what happens when we use our creative powers to create ignorance? What happens when we use our wisdom to create foolishness? We get ideas running through our communities and lives causing pain and suffering. The illusion of disunity is a major focus for today, although I could hit on many others. The reason why it's important is because it affects how we

Story & Faith

Revolutions & Revolutionaries don't just happen. It takes a combination of hard work and faith to become one. And it also takes a great storyteller, someone who understands history and knows how to craft the story that will pull us all together as a tribe, and hold us together as a nation. Do you have some around you like this? Are you someone that can craft a story that holds people together? This requires someone that can see where we are and have faith in our ability to move beyond it. This person is a perfect mixture of Kuumba and Imani walking in our world. Today we are on Kuumba, looking through the lens of Imani, the faith in the stories we tell ourselves. Hopefully you are telling stories that will move you beyond where you are now, and that won't keep you stuck. If you need help with this type of thing you need to check us out here at GNJ.Media ... Follow

4 Steps for Cultivating Creativity (Sample)

  Cultivating your creativity is a skill you can learn, and one that can help you build a world that reflects your culture. Here are four steps to get you started: 1. Embrace your culture and yourself. 2. Be aware of forces that seek to destroy you by attacking everything about you, including your mind, body, emotions, spirit, culture and tradition. Don't let those forces convince you that everything about you is bad, wrong and/or evil! 3. Focus on creating balanced growth and change in yourself and the community around you—this will make a difference! 4. Have faith in your personal power and the power of your collective To go more in depth with this concept and get some more tips check us out at: Follow

Kuumba: The Creative Aspect Of Purpose, Self-Discovery & Growth (Sample)

Kuumba is the Swahili word for “creativity.” Creativity is why we're here. We live in a world that's far more abundant than most people realize. The earth and heavens are overflowing with natural resources that are ready to be tapped into if we were only able to refine our skill at harvesting them by applying creativity to the mix. Nia helps us to develop skills that help us to identify opportunities and channel our creativity so that it shows up on our doorsteps in the form of money, cars, houses, career paths, relationships, answers, solutions—you name it! The more confident you become at using your creative ability at home, the more expansive you will likely feel in your everyday life—and what's a revolution without a little abundance? Follow

Kujichagulia: Creativity And Determination

The power of determination and the creativity that drives it goes back to our childhood. As kids, we played games during recess and organized our blocks into towers or towers into castles. Our parents told us to stop playing but we didn't listen because we loved to play. As adults, we can apply this power of creativity and determination to any area of life. One reason why Kujichagulia has become so popular is that it provides an opportunity for us to embody these qualities in a profound way. We have all faced difficulties in our lives. These struggles may be big or they may be small but no matter how big or small, they are always there. We can get stuck at times. We may feel overwhelmed by certain problems or situations. However, no matter what the problem is, Kujichagulia provides the tools for us to empower ourselves through determination and creativity when faced with any challenge. Practicing Kujichagulia means being willing to work through difficult things in life that we enco
We have the power to create our lives. Our creativity (kuumba) is a tool that will build us up and help us achieve the impossible when we take the time to learn to use it properly. Unfortunately many have allowed their creativity to be either hijacked and used by others, or have allowed themselves to be mastered by creativity rather than master it. When this happens, we become people who are either slaves to others' opinions or slaves to our own egos; when we master our creativity, we are able to use our power of creation (kuumba) as intended –to make our lives a better place for ourselves and others. If you want your life to reflect what you intend, start by taking charge of your ideas. Your ideas can manifest in any form you choose, but there's no guarantee they will manifest in the form you want unless you nurture them through every step of development. The first step is transforming your ideas into actionable steps. You may have heard the saying "an idea without action

5 Creative Failures To Avoid

Creative failure is an interesting phenomenon. It seems to happen most often when you are on the cusp of a breakthrough or important event in your life. I believe it could be argued that creative failure is an overall good because it gives us a shot at redemption and gives us different ways of looking at things. To get the rest get on our email list: Follow Listen to "5 Creative Failures To Avoid" on Spreaker.

Kuumba Toast - Countering Oppression with Creativity (Sample)

  Creativity is how we process the world. It's a by-product of our existence and something we just do. It's also something that can be developed and honed to have a more profound impact on the way we interact with our surroundings. Creativity is often associated with artistic endeavors, but the most powerful creativity is one that goes beyond art. Tapping into your creative potential can be done in many ways. Some people take up hobbies such as painting or music to get them through life. Others take part in political activism and social movements. In today's show, I will examine creativity as an alternative tool with which we can confront institutions of oppression and exploitation, create new communities of mutual aid and cooperation, provide alternative sources of employment, and generate models for human development that are consistent with our high potential as a tribe. Join us for todays discussion and be sure to get on the email list so that you can get the full artic

Tha Sample "The Kuumba Concept: Creating A Culture"

The Kuumba concept is rooted in the idea that we are all artists, I dare say creators; our collective consciousness is a canvas on which we paint with our thoughts and emotions. We live in a culture that does not encourage us to express ourselves freely. If you don't fit into the mold, if you don't do what you're "supposed to," if you don't think exactly how others want you to think, then you are ostracized. This understanding, that we are all artists, creators and that art is everywhere, may be a source of freedom. In Kuumba , we are truly free to express all our emotions, to celebrate the beauty of life from birth to death. Freedom is the bridge between what exists and what could be. When given freedom and space, our imagination can thrive and with this strength we can face challenges head on. We must take responsibility for who we are and where we are going. So before you spend $15 on another book, instead try some freestyling; paint your canvas with whatev

Kuumba 13021-5


Culture & Food- Daily Toast Kuumba 63171

My FAM: I appreciate your eyes & the time you spend reading my post. It is amazing that through your dedication and inspiration I have been able to post daily. I thank you a thousand times and pray and toast that our ancestors will push you on your chosen path to success. Yesterday we had an opportunity to discuss the connection between food and Culture. We were introduced to a field that was created to explore this relationship and with that information I believe help in further conquest of other's Culture. We explored the difference between one feeding and one eating, and I ask the question which one are you involved with. Because one is directly linked to culture and the other is just about getting energy to work. Our relationship with food defines us as well as our connection with our ancestors and have direct effects on our health. So take some time and and view this long video ( I promise I am trying to reduce the amount of time I spend on the video but sometimes m

Music & Culture - Daily Toast Kuumba 527171

Peace FAM: We once again talk about culture, at the beginning I was joined by my girls, but they soon abandoned ship for a movie. This left me the space to have some adult conversation with y'all. We are neglecting the power of culture and the tools of culture, and we will not be able to march very much further in this highly competitive, and race based world if we don't start learning the lessons, and building for our future. Music is such a powerful tool that we have allowed to be hijacked. I recently was at a talent show, and the young people sang, and danced, but all of the songs that my (our) children chose were from white artist. All the songs were about pushing beyond limits and inspirational. I had to laugh because I could not think of any age appropriate songs by a Black artist that my kids could sing that fit that model. We have allowed our culture to be pimped, and turned into a weapon against us. I for one will not stand for it. We have radio stations in our com

Daily Toast- Kuumba 422171

Peace FAM: It is a brew day, and I am far behind. I was supposed to bottle up the ambrosia last night, but I was tired and went to bed. Now I am moving slow, and trying to do the best I kind with this shifting weather. my SCOBYs are holding up but being horribly slowed down by the huge jumps in temperature. I got them bottled up, and know to post up the video and get it to you. I am slowly moving toward the point of making my first shipments outside of Columbus, and I am excited. Today we toasted this marvelous day of Kuumba, and I was able to talk a little bit more about the process of making the kombucha/jun. We also talked about the danger of misdiagnosing our emotional states. When we misdiagnose we get the wrong solution, which means we apply force in the wrong direction. This causes us to fall deeper into the whole of oppression, and moves us into a depressed state. These types of states drain our power, and moves us toward surrendering. It is important that we create situati

Daily Toast- Kuumba 415171 Self Deception

Peace FAM: This is going to be short one, but we need to be aware of self deception, that can come with us exercising the power of Kuumba.

Daily Toast- Kuumba 48171 "Who does your Kuumba serve"

Peace FAM: Every now and again your are forced to face some difficult facts, and have to ask yourself some difficult questions. The answers that ring back can sometimes make you sick, but that feeling if faced and embraced can bring about healing. I was hit by one of those questions this morning when I was creating this video. I had to ask who does my/our creativity serve, and the answer that reverberated into my soul was not comforting.  Our creativity has been hijacked and has been put to work to help build and maintain nations for others, and in turn destroying us. We have to do some deep soul searching to figure out how to get control of our Kuumba so that we can put it to work for us. Part of the reason I developed the Challenge  was to help people snatch control of the power that lies in them, and the power to create is something we need to definitely grasp. Our creativity is the source of our wealth, and we will never be able to get to where we need to be without it. At this

Daily Toast- Kuumba 325171 (creating our space)

Peace FAM I'm in a car with men that I trust on my way to another city to celebrate one of my spiritual father's as well as a strong elder in his community . It feels good to have family I mean true FAM that can be depended on. These type of relationships are empowered when we have spaces that are created by us. These places are made from our blood, sweat and tears. They are formed in our Ceremonies and rituals. They provide us with pockets of space where we can commune with our ancestors. Spaces out of which we can build a reality that fits us and prepares the soil for our future generations. Sacred space that is owned and controlled by our hands. Right now we have to rent, borrow, and sometimes steal it but something in us strives to get it. As Nation Builders, Tribe Builders, or Family Builders we have to make it a major priority to get it, because every people need sanctuary a sacred space that is theirs and theirs I alone we are no different. Be sure to checkout the video

Daily Toast- Kuumba 318171 (Creativity resurrects)

Peace FAM: Welcome home, you have been gone a while and I want to personally welcome back to GNJ. You have been lying prostrate but I am glad you have risen. I know it took a while for you to realize that it was all about you making a simple choice. All you had to do was stand up. You laid prostrate and the legs of your Kuumba were waiting for you to embrace your Nia, and push yourself. You did and now you are here. Kuumba is powerful, and if you allow this principle to activate in your life it will change it forever. It is through this principle that resurrection takes. This is the transformative principle that our people have had an extensive relationship. I am just trying to rekindle it, so that we can start using her power to create new life rather than recycling death. So listen in pay attention and hit me up and let me know what you think. I hope you are ready for the #nguzosabachallenge, If so hit me up. Let's Build!!! nuff said Peace & 1hunidyears