
Showing posts with the label story

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The Subtle but Powerful Shifts of Fasting: A Journey of Discipline and Transformation

The Subtle but Powerful Shifts of Fasting: A Journey of Discipline and Transformation Fasting is often reduced to a conversation about weight loss, but my journey has been about so much more. From January 6 to January 27 , I undertook a fast that challenged not just my body, but also my mind and spirit. It wasn’t easy, but the process gave me clarity, self-discipline, and a deeper understanding of my body’s resilience. I want to share my experience—not just the numbers, but the way fasting reshaped my daily habits, my mental clarity, and my approach to health. Tracking the Physical Shifts 📉 Weight Loss During the Fast – I started at 197.8 lbs on January 6, and by January 27, I weighed 172.8 lbs . That’s over 25 pounds lost , but what mattered more was how my body felt . 💖 Blood Pressure Improvement – My BP started at 150/102 and by the end of my fast, I recorded 120/80 on January 21 and even 108/67 on January 27. My cardiovascular system was responding to the cleansing effects ...

Story & Faith

Revolutions & Revolutionaries don't just happen. It takes a combination of hard work and faith to become one. And it also takes a great storyteller, someone who understands history and knows how to craft the story that will pull us all together as a tribe, and hold us together as a nation. Do you have some around you like this? Are you someone that can craft a story that holds people together? This requires someone that can see where we are and have faith in our ability to move beyond it. This person is a perfect mixture of Kuumba and Imani walking in our world. Today we are on Kuumba, looking through the lens of Imani, the faith in the stories we tell ourselves. Hopefully you are telling stories that will move you beyond where you are now, and that won't keep you stuck. If you need help with this type of thing you need to check us out here at GNJ.Media ... Follow

Creating Your Story of Power

The Power of Unity can be enhanced by the power of the stories we tell ourselves about our circumstances. Many overlook the power of a story and the benefits of creating a story of power over a story of victimhood. These stories can help inspire us and put things into perspective. Here are 5 ways to see the power in your story: 1) Storytelling is one of the most powerful universal means for transmitting information, modeling behavior, and encouraging change in any situation. 2) Stories have an uncanny ability to generate creativity and innovation. They are vehicles for problem solving, activating dormant resources, and even developing technological breakthroughs. 3) Stories have been proven to improve focus, reduce anxiety and stress, strengthen resilience, and increase productivity through their impact on attention, mood, motivation, perception, and performance. 4) Stories are powerful tools for self-expression and personal growth. We often create them to deal with problems or challen...

Tell Your Story On Purpose

Once you understand that your personal narrative is the best asset you have, and you freely share it with others, you become an even more valuable resource for the world. You will find yourself in situations and circles of people who you never dreamed possible. You'll be invited to speak on stages all over the world, consult with thought leaders and influencers, and do things you never thought possible. Sharing your story is a powerful way to connect with other people. It's also a great way to stand out in a crowded marketplace by showing people who they are working with. Your story will be a bridge over the chasm between where you are now, and where you want to go next. There are many ways to share your story: through speeches at events; writing a blog; doing interviews; or making videos and posting them on YouTube or Facebook Live. If there's one thing I want you to take away from this post, it's that sharing your story is not optional anymore. If you want to live an ...

The Biggest Story

Being a lover of folktales I   feel it is my responsibility to share a good one when I find one. Folktales, myths, legends, and stories are important to all culture because it is the main way that the culture is taught and passed from generation to generation. Folktales connect us to our ancestors and to learning like nothing else. Our brains are wired for stories, and it is a tradition that need to be brought back. Although story telling is a billion dollar industry, we have allowed this talent go dormant in our community, unless we are talking about unhealthy activities. So my friend here is a story that I was reintroduced to, and I thought I would share it. I am asking you for your help. I need for you to view the short video and help me decide which story is the biggest. I give directions in the video, please take the time to vote, and I will share the final results on the "Daily Toast", sometime next week. Remember be bold and take the 21 Day Nguzo Saba Challenge , an...

Daily Toast- Ujamaa 32171 (Stop wasting resources)

Great Ujamaa: We will begin moving into a new phase of the #nguzosabachallenge, I will begin to focus more on some resources that I have been wasting when it comes to doing these videos. I have been jumping right over the proverbs and folktales that I podcast about weekly rather than using their wisdom to help with these daily post. I am guilty of wasting two powerful and overlooked resources in the universe. The first and most important resource that we all have access to is time. By me not helping you as well as my self focus on the words of our ancestors during our morning toast I have been wasting your time. I would do FFGF on Kujichagulia, and then Tribal Quotes on Ujima, and then jump into a discussion of the principles the following morning and rarely pull on the wisdom that came during the shows. This from my view is a terrible waste of time. Rather than helping you get a deeper understanding of the principle through the wisdom of the ancestors, I would randomly discuss issues...

Curse of Fortuna part 1- short fictional tale

My father was a different type of dude. He often referred to stories to teach me important life lessons, many of them I didn't understand until after he passed away. This story is one of those, and has proven to be the best so far. On my 18th birthday my father did not show up for my birthday party, but instead asked me to meet him at a coffee shop the day after. Being upset about him missing another major event in my life I showed up with an attitude. When I entered the coffee shop he was sitting at a table alone drinking and reading a book. I approached the table and took a seat, but he didn't immediately notice me. I sat quietly brooding, planning my verbal assault on this man that I felt never really paid any attention to me. Finally looking up at me, and smiling. " I'm glad you came, happy belated birthday." He said reaching his hand out in a gesture of peace. I shook his hand and for some reason my anger subsided, and he began to giggle. "Your 18 y...

Initiation by Imagination- Lost story of Gye

“Elder we hear many stories in Gye-Nyame, but very few about Gye himself.” I stated as we sat in the shop drinking coffee and smoking hookah. This elder was hard to catch up with, and even if you caught up with him you were not guaranteed to be blessed with a conversation. So I planed to take advantage of every minute that he blessed me with. “You are right young man there are not many stories about Gye that we share, but they do exist, and at the right time they appear to those who earnestly seek them.” the elder said as he sat back holding the hookah stem enjoying the flavor he had chosen. “Elder will you share one with me?” I asked hoping for a yes... “Young man it will be my pleasure, I have heard a lot about you and the work you have been doing in the tribe, so I feel it is time for you to get more info about our mythic founder.” He then passed me the hookah, and took a sip of his coffee. Looking at me very seriously, “make sure you take care of this story and do not pass it to ...

Thank you

Thank you very much/ For within your behaviors/ Lies a lesson for me/ I have not posted in a while. I don't know if it is because of frustration or just plain laziness. Today the inspiration hit me and I didn't have time to write at work but I felt it was important enough to pen my thoughts on this situation. Modern tech has made it so easy to share and I have been investing a lot of time on my spreaker station, but this Ha2ku needed to be discussed through the pen or should I say the key board. While working with young people today I ran into a young man whose behaviors were irrateing me to no end. He couldn't or wouldn't (I don't know which) stop moving or talking with me. He was a case study for persistence. He had it set in his mind that he was going to get what he wanted and started asking me for it over and over and over and over..... hopefully you get the idea. I noticed my breathing began to shift and became shallow I noticed my body began to heat up,...

Golden MC- Hip-Hop fable

Any similarities to any real life situations is purely a coincidence. This tale is simply an adaption of "the goose who laid the golden eggs." Once upon a time when the Game was pure and the Love for the art and culture was still alive, there was an rapper who was called the "Golden MC", because all his ryhmes seemed to turn to gold. His fans flocked to stores to buy everything he put out, and his shows would always sell out. When he wrote a song it seemed to touch his listeners hearts, sparked their imaginations and excited thier passions. When he put out an album it seemed that he shaped reality. He developed a cult like following to the point that everything he touched and wore people seemed to flock to copy which meant that he not only sold records, but he was able to sell clothes, glasses, alcohol, and etc.. This golden MC belonged to a crew of friends that was led by a power hungry individual, and he wanted all the money he could get now. He didn'...

Gye-Nyame Talks- update

Here is a new chapter in the Journey. I will begin doing interviews of people who have had some success on their personal journey. I am doing this to help all of us on the journey to find motivation, and possible some secrets that we can use to improve what we are doing, and take it to the next level. So here is the intro feel free to let me know what you think.I will be doing the internet radio broadcast if you look on the top left hand part of my screen you will see my media player. Tune in to whats going on when you dont have time. I will still be using ever note, but I will link it directly into My spreaker account. Check out my show and let me know what you think. I will be making post about upcoming shows so be sure to check me out. If at all possible I will be taping while I am at Simba and speak with some truly wise people so check me out. Gye-Nyame Talks Intro

Baba- Chapter 9 part 1

Chapter 9 “Jay, wake up!!!” Simba was shaking me. I must have fell asleep reading. I looked outside and the sun must have just rose. “The council is waiting for you. Clean yourself up and report downstairs.” He stood up and walked out of the door. I got up, brushed my teeth and washed my face. I made up my bed and reported downstairs as I was ordered. Sitting around the table were four more people I had never seen before. Simba and Kwesi were also sitting at the table with them. There was a chair sitting in front of the table and I assumed it was for me. “Jay, I want to introduce you to the council that will take you through your vision quest.” After saying that Simba stood up and began pointing to the people sitting at the table.   “This is Sister Auset from Milwaukee. She is a Grand Master….from the House of Chete.” She was  a very dark and beautiful woman looking as if she wasn’t a day over forty. Her locks caught my attention; they were beautiful and long with a...

Haatim sent you this page: Osho meets China--The Old Man Who Lost His Horse

being a lover of good tales thought I would share this with those on the Journey. Enjoy...   View Now > Osho meets China--The Old Man Who Lost His Horse StumbleUpon is a discovery engine that finds the best of the web, recommended just for you. Learn more If you do not wish to receive emails sent by StumbleUpon, please click here © StumbleUpon 2001 - 2011

Superhero Spirituality: 7 Life Lessons from Great Comic Book Teachers-

Image via Wikipedia Just happened to be driving today, and thinking about the impact comics had on my life. here is a story from belief net that covered what I was thinking about. they only cover some of the moral Messages, for me and my personal development comics taught me the importance of myths, improved my vocabulary,sparked my imagination, and made me want to read. Superhero Spirituality: 7 Life Lessons from Great Comic Book Teachers-

The Baba - chapter 8 part II

Image via Wikipedia “Angalia” Malik yelled and everyone stopped what they were doing and faced the stairs. I went along with everyone else. Simba was coming downstairs. “At ease Brother and thank you for the respect.” Everyone in the immediate area greeted him. “Jay come with me.” I followed him out of the patio door and into the garden. He sat on the bench and I remained standing in angalia. “Relax Jay, I brought you out here to talk with you. I want to explain what is about to happen.” “Yes sir.” I sat down next to him. “The family is at a crucial point in our development, and we need people around that really have the group’s best interest at heart.” “I understand Sir.” “The next step for you is to get clarity on why you were chosen, and for you to find your Nia.” “I know my purpose, and that is to serve the club and to build this nation.” “That is what you have been taught to say. Is that what’s really in your heart?” I grew silent because in a way he was right. Ever since I ent...
Image via Wikipedia What's new on Journey?/ continuing our writing/ and building future/ I would like to thank all regular readers and those new folks that have joined us. On this blog I try to make sure that my tribe are posting information that can link you with information that can help you on your journey. We write, and give you info that can help you move to what we call SelfMastery. So welcome.. When you read if you like and you feel like hiting the Tip jar please do. We are trying to figure out to make this a full time gig for some of us in Gye-Nyame. We had set a few goals for 2011 and we are within a arms length of reaching one. We are less than 200 hits from 10,000 views, we have a following of 13 and over 200 on FB. I did not expect to hit any of these numbers until August, so that means we are a head of schedule. as afr as publishing i have put out 4 books and i have 3 more tribe members that will be publishing within 2011-2012, i wont say no names because they don...

Tribal quote

Image via Wikipedia Sigmund Freud : "Life as we find it is too hard for us; it entails too much pain, too many disappointments, impossible tasks. We cannot do without palliative remedies." Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love. ~ Lao Tzu Until the rotten tooth is pulled out the mouth must chew with caution. Brother Ha2tim SelfMasteryCoach Nation Builder HipHop Philosopha & Shaman check me out @

Lost Civilizations Found in the Jungle | Archaeology | DISCOVER Magazine

check out this article. Just when you think there is nothing left to find. Humanity pops up with a civilization in the middle of the Amazon. Lost Civilizations Found in the Jungle | Archaeology | DISCOVER Magazine

Stop looking at my finger

Don't look at finger/ look at path that it shows you/ Now walk on your path/ I have noticed that many times when I am giving advice that people will focusing on what I am doing rather than looking at where they need to be going. This is a fatal mistake for those on the Journey. When someone is giving directions to go somewhere it is always best to listen and look toward what they are pointing to rather than focusing your attention on them. I guess this is something that come with the culture that we have come up in. Many times people are looking for scapegoats to place their mistakes and faults on rather than just taking personal responsibility for their own stuff. So they begin to focus on their guide and what the guide is doing rather than focusing their effort on getting where they need to be. We all want a perfect person to guide us and give us instructions for this life, but the fact is we are all flawed and if you are basinng your decision on success, salvation, joy, prosper...
Image via Wikipedia Here another mix from a DJ on the Journey. Listen and surf the internet. ....HOT.... For those writers on the journey if you have some writers block Tune in to  Djdaleford Chadbourne.  I will be posting stuff from him as he sends it out from the lab:   Encantado 9 - DJ daleford chad by DJ daleford chad  

The Baba - Chapter 6 part 2

Image by FreeWine via Flickr   Chapter 6 cont. It was almost six months before Simba stepped back into Brother’s. He looked as if he was under a lot of stress. He checked the books, and reviewed a report on everyone from Wise. Then he disappeared again. Wise came into the kitchen and called me outside. “Jay I don’t like prying into your business, but what is your relationship with Baba Simba?” “He is my sponsor.” “What!? How long have you been in our house?”                         “I completed my initiation 6 ½ months ago.” “Well Baba asked me to give you this.” He reached into his pocket, and gave me a cowry shell . Cowry shells in the club represent rank. After my initiation I received one shell signifying I was a Brother in the organization. Receiving my second shell was a sign that I was being moved up to the level of Majestic. “He asked me ...