
Showing posts with the label haiku

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Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future

  Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future In a world where words often lose their meaning amidst the noise, "Honor" stands tall, embodying a profound truth that resonates deeply within the soul of our community. As we navigate the complexities of modern existence, it's essential to return to the roots that define us, leveraging the timeless principles of Honor, Loyalty, and Sacrifice to forge a path forward. This exploration isn't just about understanding a concept; it's about redefining our collective destiny through the lens of integrity and truth. As a community committed to empowerment and personal growth, we dive deep into the essence of Honor—dissecting its impact on our lives and our interactions with each other. This isn't just an article; it's a manifesto for those ready to embody the true meaning of Honor in their lives, propelling our tribe towards unprecedented heights of unity and strength. The Core of Honor: H

Eclipse 2014- Ha2ku are back

Ha2ku by ha2tim- Partial eclipse will be visible in Columbus beginning at 5:46 pm and the max will appear at 6:39 pm 10/23/2014

JOY - Ha2ku by ha2tim

Joy comes constantly/ if we are open to the/ the wonder of life/ Just when I thought my Ha2ku (my play on the word haiku for those new to the Journey) muse had left me I was hit by a flurry of new ones. When we consider that right before our eyes life dances in the veil of infinite forms we can plug into our joy. Look around you and even in the dark night of your soul you can find something that can make you smile. The challenge for those on the Journey is to hold on to it. Joy is yours to claim at anytime as a matter of fact regardless of your situation in life you can access your Joy. I would dare to say you can hold on to the feeling and have it feel your life. Because unlike happiness which is determined by outside situations Joy is sparked internally and can radiate from your soul at all times. So plug into Joy... Nuff said * here is the inspiration of this post (the bush blooming in the picture).

Meditation Balances the Body's Systems

Image via Wikipedia I happened to be looking up some info about meditatition  for a group that I was doing, and decided to share an article I found. Actually this article started a few days ago when one of my elders sent me a video about transcedental meditation. Since I use some meditation techniques in my classes I decided to share  this information on my blog as well. I have decided that for the next 30 days I will meditate at least twice a day and blog about my experience. I am also challenging all my co authors, and members of  Gye-Nyame to do the same. Science is not only showing the healing properties of meditation on the individual's body, but has also shown that meditation also effects the world around us as well. So if I can get 50 people meditating with me for 30 days twice a day we can change the world. hahahahaa. Seriously I am putting out the challenge to all those on  the Journey, Meditate with me for the next 30 days or how ever many days our left. i started thur


Image by photosteve101 via Flickr Nothing comes through pen/ Inspiration appears to / Have abandoned me/ As I sit down to write once again I have run into the thing known by all writers. The blockage that prevents me from being able to share my thoughts in the mode I like. The question I periodically face is how to break through this " writers block "? What works for me is to write about it, and then the thoughts begin to flow for me again. This time my blockage is not because a shortage of ideas, this time I am faced by the on rush of ideas all wanting me to express what it is that they want to say. I realized that although the thoughts come to my mind the ideas are not mine. They have selected my being to express themselves through me. For the last two weeks I have been presenting either old ideas or others writing because I don't want to leave my regular readers hanging, nor do I want to break my circle of sharing things. This helps me probably more than it h

Stop looking at my finger

Don't look at finger/ look at path that it shows you/ Now walk on your path/ I have noticed that many times when I am giving advice that people will focusing on what I am doing rather than looking at where they need to be going. This is a fatal mistake for those on the Journey. When someone is giving directions to go somewhere it is always best to listen and look toward what they are pointing to rather than focusing your attention on them. I guess this is something that come with the culture that we have come up in. Many times people are looking for scapegoats to place their mistakes and faults on rather than just taking personal responsibility for their own stuff. So they begin to focus on their guide and what the guide is doing rather than focusing their effort on getting where they need to be. We all want a perfect person to guide us and give us instructions for this life, but the fact is we are all flawed and if you are basinng your decision on success, salvation, joy, prosper
Friday night Tribal Talk  (Hookah,tea, coffe, and good conversation) Why do we believe/ That people have to be on/ The same page as us/ Why do some people believe that in order for us to work together we have to be on the same page. why is this necessary? I have found that when people stress that we must be on the same page to work or even conversate what they are really telling me is that i have to think like them. This is a very limited way to see the Universe. Actually what you are dealing is in the uverse, and have cut everyone else off because you are stuck on your page. Why do we have to be on the same page? Can't we be reading the same book (speaking of books dont forget to support the Journey by purchasing some books...hahahahaa), or even be reading the in the same subject. Lets open up our dialogs so that we can allow growth. Stop trying to change others, and work on your growth. Different perspectives are good, new ideas are good, and can promote your and others grow

Road blocks or stepping stones

Image via Wikipedia Road blocks always come/ welcome them and use them as/ stepping stone to top/ First I need to apologize for the mix up for the venue for the training for those that came out and was on their way. At this moment I am re-planning the training and You will be receiving notice of the location and the time for the new start date.  This event  reminded me of one of the major lessons of SelfMastery, being able to take what seems like an obstacle and transforming (alchemy at its most basic level) it into an opportunity. for those that do not know what happened. The venue was double booked and i had to cancel our session because of the mix up. know i could be upset, and just sink down into the "why me" syndrome. Instead I took that time to re-think my approach to the training. i also had an opportunity to discuss the future of SelfMastery with the people that came out. I got to see who was serious about the training, and moving forward with this endeavor. These th

Fear is back

click to get help over the hump Fear is a weapon/ Used to confuse ignorant!!/ Are you ignorant?/ Ha2ku by ha2tim Guess who has reared its ugly head again. Our old friend Fear, yep one of the deadly seven. Actually Fear is the seven (fear, envy, pride,greed ,sloth, lust and anger). fear manifest itself through each one of these seven. it comes into our lives and freezes us in place. keeps us stuck in things we know we need to move beyond. The good news is that fear is a signal that change is coming. we just have gird our loins and push through. When we stand before fear we are presented with a gift that we have to take a risk to get. look fear in the face that it presents you and chase it away. because it is a coward, it, will not stand before moves made boldly. it will nag you from behind the battlefeild, and your task is too keep moving leaving it so far behind you that you cant even hear its echoe. move boldly on your journey. As Joseph Campbell says " The cave you fear to


Image by Dave Makes via Flickr I am tired now/ World closes in for the kill/ Fuck it , and live dreams/ I wanted to call this post "forget it", but that did not move me like FUCK IT!!! I needed something to  get the juices flowing because this conversation requires emotional content. I have noticed that people need to get their emotions involved in order to make necessary changes in their life. Intellectually we can present idea after idea, but if we never touch the emotions all we are doing is intellectually masturbating. So I needed a term that would get you involved with this post, and "FUCK IT" works perfectly. In some of you it may cause a feeling of revulsion  and for others it may make you laugh, but if it evokes any emotional response that is what I was shooting for. Emotion is powerful tool that can help build an empire or destroy it. The important thing to remember is the emotions and thought have to align for successful continuous action to take pl