Join this blog and join me on this Journey. Also join us at our ning site posted up above. Before I get into the subject that I was scheduled to discuss, I need to announce that Gye-Nyame Tribe is not something you belong to when it is convenient for you. You are either part or not. Either you are helping us build or you are not. I have been part of many organizations that have been destroyed by fringe membership it is ridiculous. There is a process of membership if you have not been through it or are not going through it now you are not in the Tribe. So please do not throw membership up in my face if you are not. The history of this tribe is something that I need to go into so that people can really understand.
Gye-Nyame Tribe is the result of years of work and study of what was going on in our community. It belongs to and owes a lot to several organizations that came before it. I will take you for a brief walk in the history of our tribe so hold on. The beginning of our tribe roots rest with an organization called M.A.C.K which stands for Men acquiring courage and knowledge. This was an organization started on OSU campus around 1989. This organization was developed to try to bridge the gap that I noticed existed between the streets and campus. The goal was to create an organization that would be just as appealing to someone in a college dorm as it would be to someone chilling on the block. M.A.C.K grew rapidly as a matter of fact to rapidly(this could be an adventure novel, and would make a good movie script). To make a long story very short, M.A.C.K was forced underground. For those that can remember for a long time I carried the name MACK 1. This organization is where I got that name. I will not go into detail about the circumstances but it is an interesting and in some ways entertaining and definitely movie worthy. Being forced underground and split, what was left of M.A.C.K became the Underground RailRoad (UGRR), we used pieces of the process from MACK, and started developing our style of ROP (rites of passage)as a matter of fact it was this process and the work the UGRR did that got us noticed on a national level through a documentary called "Making Peace". UGRR continued growing and eventually connected with an organization called the 35th dynasty around this time the UGRR was running a successful food coop and had a powerful partnership with a community church. The UGRR began to separate (another book)and slowly the organization just stop growing and then stopped altogether.
Here was a Pivotal point in the history of our tribe. At this point I was introduced to SIMBA, and from my experience at Simba I formed the GNBC (Gye-Nyame Nation Builders Club), the story of Gye and from their we now have Gye-Nyame Tribe.
Each of these organization were steps that lead to this Tribe, each of these organizations had their process for entering, and just like those organization our process will be respected. If you are from the early years you are more than welcome to join but you still need to go through the membership process, and after you have completed the process(SelfMastery) you can receive the rank you were in or what ever is equal to it in the tribe.
Now to the regularly scheduled Blogs.......
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