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From Victory to Momentum: My Next 21-Day Challenge

Peace, Tribe! I just came out of a 21-day fast , and let me tell you—I’m on a high! My mind is clear, my body feels lighter, and my spirit is in alignment. I’m celebrating this victory because it’s a big deal. Discipline is no small feat, and when you walk through the fire and come out stronger, you need to recognize it. But here’s the thing—this high isn’t something I want to come down from. So, I’m stepping right into my next 21-day challenge . Why? Because momentum is a gift, and when the energy is flowing, you don’t stop—you build. This next challenge is about keeping that clarity, pushing myself further, and re-dedicating to the principles that keep me grounded in the Gye-Nyame Journey . This ain’t just about me, though. I’m sharing this because I want you to walk with me. Let’s grow together. Let’s elevate. Let me break it down for you. 21 Days of Re-Commitment These next 21 days are about getting back to the practices that define who we are as a tribe. Gye-Nyame isn’t just somet...

A Little About The Fast

 A Little About The Fast

Great Umoja in the 4th cycle of 2022 in the week of Kujichagulia. Man it is great to be back, I thought that I would be able to write and create while on my fast, but No,No,No, my mind nor my body was having it. I took a break for most of the 4th cycle of Umoja. I wrote maybe two blogs so the eMag is going to be light.

Today I want to cover the structure of my fast and maybe talk a little bit about why I do it. My particular fast came about because GNJ needed something to deal with our health. Being who I am, I not only wanted to set it up, I felt that it was important for me to model. Although we talk about the 4 pillars of health in our "Drink Yo Water '' song I wanted something that could help people lose weight, stop smoking, stop harmful drugs, develop healthy habits, or destroy negative ones. The #21dayNguzoSabaChallenge does that. Using the idea that it takes 21 days to create a habit I decided to use the 21 days to build up the momentum to achieve the escape velocity that they needed to leave their old self behind.

I personally decided to do a fast because I felt I needed to give my system some time to recuperate from the year of eating and drinking and the other fuckery I find myself in. I was only planning to do it once but it has blossomed into a personal quest that I take the week after our children get out for summer break. The fast includes reflection and some writing and this particular fast gave me the reason to not stream or write for a whole week which has really done me some good. I have found out that it is as important to give the body rest, but we must rest the other 4 parts of our being as well.

The 21 days was a long enough period of time to suffer for a purpose without killing myself. It also would allow me to commune with each of my principles 3 times in a very intimate way. We may be surprised at how mean you can get when you are hungry and you constantly need to remind yourself about who you are and what you represent. Because people will attempt to try you, or get on your nerves a lot more once the hunger gets in, and it is in those moments you need to pull on the principle of the day and know the principle of the week.

Take The Course

I break my fast down now into 3 weeks. When I first started I would just do a straight 21 days of water and at the apex I would do 3 days nothing. This was very hard but doable, but as I got older (I am now 54) I decided that there was a better way. Where I could get close to the same effect without turning into a scarecrow. For the first 2 years I scared the hell out of my family and friends because I would lose so much wait that folks started to ask if I was on drugs. So I decided to restructure my fast so that I could continue with my life and not have people trying to do an intervention (I am serious, I had a few people who threatened to try to make me eat if they saw me). I sat down and created a pyramid with the 21 days. The 11th day would be the peak of the pyramid that landed on you... Those who have been around know where the power day of my fast landed, Ujamaa! Now what let me know that this was the power day is that during my fast something always fell in place for my life at this point and time. The weeks of the fast are broken down to the first week liquids (smoothies, broths, juice, and of course water). Second week would be nothing but water and the final week mirrored the first. This helped to limit the weight loss, as well as the weakening I would often experience.

This gives me time to take inventory of my life and allows me to pull time to deal with my issues. Those that may want to attempt this please know that as soon as you start you will receive massive temptations to eat as well as other people will be calling you with issues to solve in their life, but you have to learn to say no to both. One will throw you off your path and personal promise you have made and the other will drain you of energy and possibly put you in harm's way, especially if you are a tribe leader. You can simply let people know you are fasting and to stay up off you for the next 21 days.

For anyone that wants to take this quest and you need guidance feel free to hit me up so we can set something up for you. Remember the 21 day challenge doesn't have to be set for a fast. You might want to develop an exercise habit, read more, stop smoking or whatever. You may need someone to help you as an accountability partner and we can assist you with that. 

Peace see you tomorrow


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