
Showing posts with the label 224selfhelprocess

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The Subtle but Powerful Shifts of Fasting: A Journey of Discipline and Transformation

The Subtle but Powerful Shifts of Fasting: A Journey of Discipline and Transformation Fasting is often reduced to a conversation about weight loss, but my journey has been about so much more. From January 6 to January 27 , I undertook a fast that challenged not just my body, but also my mind and spirit. It wasn’t easy, but the process gave me clarity, self-discipline, and a deeper understanding of my body’s resilience. I want to share my experience—not just the numbers, but the way fasting reshaped my daily habits, my mental clarity, and my approach to health. Tracking the Physical Shifts 📉 Weight Loss During the Fast – I started at 197.8 lbs on January 6, and by January 27, I weighed 172.8 lbs . That’s over 25 pounds lost , but what mattered more was how my body felt . 💖 Blood Pressure Improvement – My BP started at 150/102 and by the end of my fast, I recorded 120/80 on January 21 and even 108/67 on January 27. My cardiovascular system was responding to the cleansing effects ...

Igniting the Power of Faith and Self-Determination: A Journey Towards Self Mastery

 Igniting the Power of Faith and Self-Determination: A Journey Towards Self Mastery Greetings, Tribe and Extended Family, Today, we come together under the auspicious aura of Imani and Kujichagulia, bathed in the wisdom and guidance of our revered Ancestors. As we pour libations to honor their sacrifice, we celebrate the transformative essence of faith and self-determination, aligning our spirits with the purpose-driven journey of the Gye-Nyame Journey Self Mastery System. Imagine faith as a bird, singing its melody of hope even as darkness blankets the sky. Faith represents this unyielding belief in ourselves, the wisdom of our Ancestors, and the divine forces guiding our journey. It's a lighthouse in the storm, a beacon illuminating the darkness, igniting within us a flame of hope and resilience. Our voyage towards self-mastery calls upon us to cultivate this faith, making it the compass guiding us through life's turbulent waves. It imparts us with the courage to weather life...

Fermented Cabbage Stew

This week I focused on showing you how to ferment some foods. I chose to start with cabbage, because it is easy and very healthy. I decided to add other food to it just to create a stew like feel. I was planning to use this food to help me break my fast, as well as give you some useful information that you can use to take some control of the food you eat. Even if you do not grow your oen food you can take charge of the nutrients you get from your food. If you cannot afford frsh vegitables, and only can get canned they can be fermented as well. I love the fermenting process because it gives the consumer some power. You get to decide what flavor you want to bring out, how long you want it to last, and etc.. Check out the video and take some time to do some of your own experiments, and feel free to share. I am always looking for tips and ideas to try.

Daily Toast- Imani 226171 (The Conspiracy Of You)

The greatest conspiracy that is never talked about is the conspiracy of "YOU". I am here to tell you as we step into Imani, that it is important that you consider this fact. Take time to reflect on your life and recognize that everything that has happened to you good or bad has lead you to this very moment. I know many of you can't believe this because we have been condition to believe that we are little cogs in a machine called the universe, and our existence is not worthy of cosmic intervention. I am here to tell you that you are worthy, and you need to etch this idea into your mind. You need to look at the evidence called your life. Look at the things that have happened in your past, I mean even before you were born that set the stage for you. You are the star of your life, and you need to embrace this fact, and wake up and catch the hints that have been coming your way, and will continue coming your way. The very universe is working on your behalf. So take some time d...

We are making Progress

We are moving forward here at Gye-Nyame Journey. Those that have been following the Podcast have noticed that I have recently started using Google Hangouts, to give listeners an opportunity to join the live show. After the show is completed, it is downloaded to spreaker. I recently was introduced to the Uberconference app, and will begin to use it in two ways. With  uberconference I will begin doing pre-recorded podcast with my dedicated audience. Of course I will continue posting up information about the shows, and re-broadcasting most of them. Some shows I will use for the Gye-Nyame Warrior Training Course that I will be releasing soon. The other way I will use uberconference is by focusing it on you. I want to use this conferencing tool to connect with my readers and listeners. The show will be called "The Line" and it will always be open and you as a listener to the show or reader of the blog will be able to call in, and contact me, and we can do a conversation that wil...

Black Woman, You Can Never Be As Beautiful As A white woman

I know that some will not even read this post, and I understand. It is hard to be hit by the truth. Some will argue before and may even throw insults, and  I understand that as well. For those that will take the time to read what I am trying to say I thank you in advance. This idea was spawned as I was going threw Aesop fables. Aesop dropped some powerful wisdom for those with "Ears to hear, and eyes to see". Aesop had quite a few fables about animals that had an identity crisis. A powerful example of this is the story entitled "The Raven and the Swan" (check out the story on my YouTube Channel, and push that Subscribe as well). I believe that most people do not know where or when they are. Let me explain, Black Women we are in the heart of a western imperialistic system. At this point and time we are at the height of this systems power. The idea that keeps this system in motion are and were generated in the minds of white men, and given birth out of the womb ...

Not Versus but And

One day I went to learn from one of my elders. This was over 20 years ago, but I still hold onto this memory, this was a critical shift in my life. This elder was very wise, and he proved it by his work in the community. Let's just say he was an alchemist. Long before people were talking about juice diets he had developed a line of juice and smoothies that could improve your health. I was blessed to receive an invitation from him to sit and conversate with him often. The idea that I wanted to share was brought to mind during a meeting that I was involved in.  I threw out a symbolic idea, that could not be grasped. Not that it did not make sense, but because the images I used were offensive and scary to some.  I dared to discuss a myth that I learned about Satan. I simply stated that in some cultures "Satan is known as the whisperer, and he or it had no power other than being able to present ideas (whisper) to the listener." Now to many of you out there that might throw y...

Curse of Fortuna part 1- short fictional tale

My father was a different type of dude. He often referred to stories to teach me important life lessons, many of them I didn't understand until after he passed away. This story is one of those, and has proven to be the best so far. On my 18th birthday my father did not show up for my birthday party, but instead asked me to meet him at a coffee shop the day after. Being upset about him missing another major event in my life I showed up with an attitude. When I entered the coffee shop he was sitting at a table alone drinking and reading a book. I approached the table and took a seat, but he didn't immediately notice me. I sat quietly brooding, planning my verbal assault on this man that I felt never really paid any attention to me. Finally looking up at me, and smiling. " I'm glad you came, happy belated birthday." He said reaching his hand out in a gesture of peace. I shook his hand and for some reason my anger subsided, and he began to giggle. "Your 18 y...

Great Days

Great days don't just come to us we have to get up and make them. Greatness comes to those that seek it.


Push yourself to Greatness.....

Your Time Is Now

I just got word that my site was accepted as an Affiliate with Eric Thomas & Associates. I am glad to be able to offer those that come to my site some other powerful words, and merchandise. If you have never heard of Eric Thomas aka E.T. he is an inspiring brother from Detroit. I figured since I was having ads on my site that I should play a bigger role on deciding  what pops up for my listeners and and readers. Be sure to checkout E.T. and his message, I guarantee it will help you make the changes in your life that you want. If you need a sample look him up on YouTube, and make sure you checkout his series called T.G.I.M (Thank God It's Monday), I tune in on a regular basis and also have his app on my phone.     I also had an opportunity to checkout his 1st book, and I must say that I am impressed. I am waiting for his second book to hit audible so that I can listen while I run and ride in the car.  So take some time and check ET, his gear, and his books just ...

On Purpose

Stop surviving and start living. falling from one event to the other. Allowing outsiders to determine where you go, and what you become. Find your purpose and be on it.

The Journey Continues

A hard truth for some, but a very present and sad reality for others. Here at the Journey we strive to bring the truth, as uncomfortable as it can be. The fact is that we are in an economy that feeds off of our labor but refuses to pay fair wages. Every company is in a race for the bottom, and the measuring tool that is used is the reduction in the pay and care for employees, or should I say slaves. Many of you may feel that this does not apply to you because you are not black, but the modern day slave machine does not care about your color. So continue to stay on your treadmill or get to running for freedom. Hopefully I will see you on the Journey, and we can sit and rest and encourage each other, but I can no longer afford to wait for yall I'm gone. Nuff Said Peace and 1hunid years

Your Hustle

No matter what your hustle is the more you practice, the stronger you get at it. So build those IMESP muscle as you live life. Welcome to the Journey.

M-7 Principle System

This is the principle system that we developed for the "Millennium Community School"

The Downside Of Hope

Be careful of hope peddlers that will sell you on the power of hope alone. Hope to become active needs the power of our courage to bring it to life, or it will become poisonous and destroy us. So in all your wishing, praying, meditating, and hoping make sure that you include a dash of courage to move you to action. Nuff said Peace and 1hunid years

Under Construction


Catch Up

Many awaken believing that they are owed the day, but those on the Journey realize that each day is an opportunity for  growth, and most importantly Greatness. This particular saying is one that I developed through my youngest sun. He rises early with me and seems to never have a problem rising no matter what time I awaken him. One day he was moving slower than usual and this statement came out.





Create Your Day
