
Showing posts with the label change

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Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future

  Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future In a world where words often lose their meaning amidst the noise, "Honor" stands tall, embodying a profound truth that resonates deeply within the soul of our community. As we navigate the complexities of modern existence, it's essential to return to the roots that define us, leveraging the timeless principles of Honor, Loyalty, and Sacrifice to forge a path forward. This exploration isn't just about understanding a concept; it's about redefining our collective destiny through the lens of integrity and truth. As a community committed to empowerment and personal growth, we dive deep into the essence of Honor—dissecting its impact on our lives and our interactions with each other. This isn't just an article; it's a manifesto for those ready to embody the true meaning of Honor in their lives, propelling our tribe towards unprecedented heights of unity and strength. The Core of Honor: H

The Tribe Is Changing (sample)

We are in the midst of another change here at GNJMedia. I personally had to rethink how I was approaching the process of sending out information. I started to understand that I was putting out too much content too fast. I have heard that some people are getting "Ding fatigue" and don't even look at what I post. Nevertheless We are building a collective to bring you information that can aid you in your personal development, as well as keep you informed about the world and the Tribe. We are striving to set an example for others that are trying to build within their communities. This is why we do what we do here at GNJMedia. Our goal is to inform the masses of knowledge and wisdom that has been kept from us, to discover new things, and build the next generation of leaders. We are living in a time where it appears people have become too scared to think for themselves, and we strive to empower everyone we come into contact with. We are here to share our truths of what we have

Kuumba Toast - Countering Oppression with Creativity (Sample)

  Creativity is how we process the world. It's a by-product of our existence and something we just do. It's also something that can be developed and honed to have a more profound impact on the way we interact with our surroundings. Creativity is often associated with artistic endeavors, but the most powerful creativity is one that goes beyond art. Tapping into your creative potential can be done in many ways. Some people take up hobbies such as painting or music to get them through life. Others take part in political activism and social movements. In today's show, I will examine creativity as an alternative tool with which we can confront institutions of oppression and exploitation, create new communities of mutual aid and cooperation, provide alternative sources of employment, and generate models for human development that are consistent with our high potential as a tribe. Join us for todays discussion and be sure to get on the email list so that you can get the full artic

Sword and Sheild

I haven't been writing on my blog or doing my radio shows for over a month. I have been engaged in a personal conflict, now I know that the uninitiated will hear this and be concerned. If you have been traveling with me on this Journey then you know that conflicts are good for a warriors soul. I have been engaged in figuring out how to help young people educate themselves using the internet. We are living in an amazing time and it is time that we start preparing ourselves and our future for it. I have taken the challenge, and will be successful at it. New challenges are good for several reasons: 1. They help us find out what we are made of 2. They force us to use our imagination, and channel our creativity into a new place 3. They force us to grow in new ways that may be uncomfortable but good 4. They prepare us for the next step in our life, and in many occasions they open the road for us to take the next step. For those who are on the Journey find yourself a challenge, som

Using Technology to Help Students Educate Themselves

Technology has come a long way and we now have tools that was not even a dream when i was in school. Just like technology it is time for education to leap forward. Schools are still using the same technology they have been using since the beginning. If we are going to prepare our children for the future we need to embrace new technology to move them forward. I recently accepted a challenge to work with some young people using some up to date technology, and I am finding that children can figure out anything if given the time. All they need is a challenge, and some subtle nudging. Of course we still have to help them adjust some behaviors, but the reality is that after they learn to read and can do basic math they can pretty much pick up on other skills. The technology that is in the world can be used to help them discover that the world is bigger than their neighborhood. In my search for tools I had the pleasure of running into Khan Academy, the concept of SOLE (a Self Organizin

Late Night Hookah

First, before I get into my post, I want to send shots out to my youngest daughter who made it to the world on December 27 2012 at exactly 6:14... so from this day she will be Known as Ms.614.. I don't believe in coincidence so ms.614 or Sasha confirms that I am where I supposed to be and doing what I am doing. Some may wonder why I promote using the Internet to it's fullest.  I suggest that everyone gets a blog, twitter, face book, spreaker, g+ and what ever us is out there. "My reasons are personal" (in my Vito Corleone voice)... Legacy ladies and gents. We are living in the most dynamic time in human history, and each of us have the ability to through our voice, writing, ideas, and etc. out into the world. We have been taught to stay quiet, and not share what's on our mind, but I am saying stop hiding your light. Shine for the world, for you may project the beam that may free someone. Stop worrying about those who don't agree with you or that you may not

The End Didn't Come, or Did It???

Well it is the 12-25-2012 and the world didn't end. So that means that I will have to pay these damn billls... Well since we are still here this simply means that we have more time to get life right. We can make changes in our lives that will move us toward what we view as happiness. For some of us the world did end, some of us watched the old world die and a new one emerge from the flames like a phoenix. I love the symbolism of the phoenix because it teaches us that life is a cycle of birth and death, and the cycle never ends. The death that I am referring to is the death of the reason to stay ignorant. With all this social networking, all this access to information by way of the internet, and the world getting smaller their is only one way that people can stay in the old world and that is by choosing to stay blind. Yes this is a choice, and by choosing to close our eyes we will doom ourselves to the way things were rather the how they could be. As people being born in this dynami

"Your Lever Is Long Enough"

I know that this sounds strange but the idea came to me as I was doing research and found a Greek philosopher by the name of Archimedes. Archimedes was quoted to have said "give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world". In this modern time a lever and a fulcrum big enough to move the world has been presented to us all. The lever I'm speaking of is the internet. This lever if it is used properly can help you move your business, your personal life, and anything else you want to move. Through the social network aspect we can set up support networks for just about anything that we want, and leverage the information and inspiration that they provide. We can seek out information that just 10 years ago would have belong to a rare few, and use it on a daily basis to bring success, peace, and happiness into our lives if we choose to. The fulcrum in this idea is the devices that have been developed to experience the internet. The lapto