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Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future

  Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future In a world where words often lose their meaning amidst the noise, "Honor" stands tall, embodying a profound truth that resonates deeply within the soul of our community. As we navigate the complexities of modern existence, it's essential to return to the roots that define us, leveraging the timeless principles of Honor, Loyalty, and Sacrifice to forge a path forward. This exploration isn't just about understanding a concept; it's about redefining our collective destiny through the lens of integrity and truth. As a community committed to empowerment and personal growth, we dive deep into the essence of Honor—dissecting its impact on our lives and our interactions with each other. This isn't just an article; it's a manifesto for those ready to embody the true meaning of Honor in their lives, propelling our tribe towards unprecedented heights of unity and strength. The Core of Honor: H

Late Night Hookah

First, before I get into my post, I want to send shots out to my youngest daughter who made it to the world on December 27 2012 at exactly 6:14... so from this day she will be Known as Ms.614.. I don't believe in coincidence so ms.614 or Sasha confirms that I am where I supposed to be and doing what I am doing.

Some may wonder why I promote using the Internet to it's fullest.  I suggest that everyone gets a blog, twitter, face book, spreaker, g+ and what ever us is out there. "My reasons are personal" (in my Vito Corleone voice)... Legacy ladies and gents. We are living in the most dynamic time in human history, and each of us have the ability to through our voice, writing, ideas, and etc. out into the world. We have been taught to stay quiet, and not share what's on our mind, but I am saying stop hiding your light. Shine for the world, for you may project the beam that may free someone. Stop worrying about those who don't agree with you or that you may not be the best speaker, or writer. None of that shit matters anymore, if you don't believe me just turn on your radio, or the TV and see what's playing. Mindless bullshit that is disguised as entertainment. You heard me, or read what I said. With all this mindless shit being shot at us and our children we have the right and the obligation to through our hats into the fight. It appears to me that the world is being run by demons, and people set on the destruction of this planet. Now I am not on that "conspiracy shit", but I am not blind, nor stupid. I can see when people are being led or baited into following something. The question what is baiting us and where is it leading.
Now here is where my thoughts may get a little spooky, but those on the Journey should be used to this coming from me. When we look into ancient history, myth , and ritual we can see the road map. We are being led to a metaphorical alter for sacrifice. Now I won't go into the specifics of who the alter belongs to, but I will share with you this fact... the best type of sacrifice and most powerful are those that go willingly. When you willing step up to an alter offering your life,mind, and or spirit you empower the ones that are making the sacrifice. You empower what they believe and solidify there followers behind their cause, belief, and or deity. This is not new, this shit has been going on since before the beginning and will continue long after it is over. Your mind is the ultimate prize, so guard it with all your might. Don't allow your self to be led by the nose like a beast to slaughter. wake up and fight....
This is why I am telling you to use this weapon called the Internet to your advantage while you can. Get your thoughts out there, and help change this shit around. The world is big enough for all of us, and there are enough resources for us to live comfortably. As humans we are innovative enough to do these things, but we are so busy being led from fear to fear that we can't see the truth. We are involved in a global system that eats its young. it steals minds, and soul energy so that you can make a better unthinking robot. Then you surrender who you to be what this world wants you to be.
"Fuck That!"
I started the Journey to help people see who they really are, I send my thoughts out to those that are doing the same or at least looking for something different. You are the most powerful being in the Universe, but you are scared of this fact. You have been stripped down wo/man rather than being a Wo/Man. You have sold your soul for a bag of silver, and didn't even haggle about the price, because you believe that you are not worth more than some nickles and dimes. I am here to tell you that you are priceless, and should not sell your self short. Look back over your life, and remember the miracles that happened through you. remember those moments where everything made sense to you. This world's system is designed to beat this out of you... it's what we call in the street "Game"... Here is how it works...
1. pick your target
2. make them feel comfortable around you
3. slightly build there esteem with gifts
4. get them dependent on you
5. allow them to get attached and then attack their esteem and beat that shit down until only you can lift it up
6. now you got a slave that will do your bidding
 This is the simple shit (BASIC PIMP AND HO SHIT) that is being run on us by the system. It is a predatory mind-state, but here is where it is weak. This process can't happen without the perp getting just as attached as the victim. You know like the ancestors taught "you can't hold a man or woman down in the mud without getting dirty yourself". So the perp gets attached and their esteem and power is connected to the victim or victims buying into the cycle. Once the victim brakes the cycle and frees themselves from it, the perp suffers in the same way that he/she/it wanted the victim to suffer. Their power collapse and they begin to doubt and "Things Fall Apart"... They may resort to violence to get a sense of power back, but the feeling will be fleeting, and from that time on they will always harbor doubts about their true power.
The message is simply stop being a sacrificial ho, stop going to the alter of foolishness without raising your voice and speaking your mind. Even if you die your thoughts will resonate through time and space and touch others.
Now Back to why I encourage you to use this Internet and all the little gadgets that go with it. We are responsible to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, and the Internet gives us a platform to protest and rebel not just locally, but globally. What will you leave for those who come behind you. What ideas will you leave to guide them to their destiny. Don't allow your children to be led by fools who believe in "nothing ideas" that are based on what we call in Gye-Nyame the "Unbalanced 7" (fear, envy, pride, greed, sloth, lust and anger I will discuss these in an upcoming blog and podcast) these lead to destruction. Let your voice be heard and your sanity to shine through this madness acting as a light house in stormy seas. Stop giving your thought energy to others that just use it to build monuments of nothingness, for no other purpose than to fatten their bellies, live in big houses, and waste  the worlds resources.
Join me on the "Journey", and I am not talking about just reading my articles, and listening to my podcast. Hell do your own thing but seek truth and when you get nuggets share it in your own way. If you want to contribute to what I am doing by reading, listening,watching, and even purchasing I welcome you, but that is not the main reason I do what I do. If you reflect on the pic of Ms.614, ms. Gigi, and +Cleven Brown and also my older children Wisdom  ,+Ayzaia Williams+Yalonda Brooks , Kiesha, Yavaye, Gene, +Lotus Blossom , Jesse, Brian, Kareem, Mamu, Ricardo, Ron, Durrell ....... I can continue listing my children, but you get the idea. I am leaving legacy, and if I dont challenge the sheet streaming over the radio and children I would be betraying those listed and the ones not listed.
Nuff said
Now I return you to the regular scheduled bullshit....
Peace and 1hunidyears
(to all my children if you don't see your name it is a mistake of the mind and space, but not one of the heart. hopefully I have been a light in your life, and you will grow into agents of change, and truth)

p.s.s ( shots out to my grands)


  1. well damn haatim.. deep as the ocean still! congrats on the new conception and good looking on your inceptions of life through thought.

    1. Thanks sis, and thank you for taking time to read. Just a baby in what I know, but constantly learning. How is everything going?


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