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Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future

  Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future In a world where words often lose their meaning amidst the noise, "Honor" stands tall, embodying a profound truth that resonates deeply within the soul of our community. As we navigate the complexities of modern existence, it's essential to return to the roots that define us, leveraging the timeless principles of Honor, Loyalty, and Sacrifice to forge a path forward. This exploration isn't just about understanding a concept; it's about redefining our collective destiny through the lens of integrity and truth. As a community committed to empowerment and personal growth, we dive deep into the essence of Honor—dissecting its impact on our lives and our interactions with each other. This isn't just an article; it's a manifesto for those ready to embody the true meaning of Honor in their lives, propelling our tribe towards unprecedented heights of unity and strength. The Core of Honor: H

Tribal quote

Image via Wikipedia click cover to support Journey Miguel de Cervantes : "A stout heart breaks bad luck." History records the successes of men with objectives and a sense of direction. Oblivion is the position of small men overwhelmed by obstacles. - William Danforth It is the calm and silent water that drowns a man. -Ashanti of Ghana Brother Ha2tim SelfMasteryCoach Nation Builder HipHop Philosopha & Shaman check me out @

What a difference a day makes- By PeeJay

Image via Wikipedia Click cover to support the Journey Here is another piece from my dear brother. He is standing up to the challeng and bold enough to bare his soul through the pen, and being a friend I want to share the beauty his soul holds with the world. We will be working on a book project to that will help raise funds for a foundation he will be starting in the near future through his company OXYwater  (click the link to get more info, and for some of you entrepreneurs you will find a business opportunity...get in before it blows), the title for the book will be "Ink as Oxygen" read and enjoy What a difference a day makes. That sentiment is relative to the course a day takes. Yesterday seemed disastrous, this morning's mood is glorious. All is well in my household, the family was victorious. My good friend came to show me, why I do call him just that. In the times when I need magic, out comes a rabbit from his hat. Not for nothing, all for nothing

No room for spectators

Click cover to purchase Image via Wikipedia Some just like to watch/ Move !! No room for spectators/ Your stopping progress/ As you walk this Journey you will find that you will have many spectators. They are waiting to see how it will turnout for you. Sometimes these spectators can get in your way with their critiques, and advice. You can listen and learn from some of this, but sometimes you will have to invite these spectators to get out your way. Everyone on this Journey will eventually run into a rough time, and at times like this you don't need spectators you need help. This is when you will have to ask the spectators to clear the stands to make room for those people that will and can help you. I recently had coffee and  a hookah (at the Shi-Sha lounge  in columbus oh) with a few friends. As many of you know I  just published a series of books on SelfMastery™. One of my friends wanted me to explain the idea behind my books. He listened and then after we finished sp

" My Aspiration "

click to support cover journey Image via Wikipedia Here is another brother on the Journey he saw a good effort and he jumped of the sidelines into the game. Welcome to your Hero's Journey . I have known this brother for many years and he never ceases to amaze me with skills and talents. So prepare your mind, body and soul for the words of Rashid. He took my invitation to write for the Journey, and I extend that same invite to all those who have blessed the blog with your eye's. Now take the step and blessed those on the Journey with your thoughts. It can be a poem, article, mad rant, story, pictures, music, videoes, and etc.. Let us help you put your stuff out for the world to see. If you just want to address me privately you can do that as well. just hit me up I, or someone one in my Tribe will respond. Hahahahahaahahahaa..... and now ladies and gentlemen I present to you:  Rashid I aspire to be forever wise/ and only roam where the shade lies/ and if I choose to


Image by UggBoy♥UggGirl [ PHOTO : WORLD : SENSE ] via Flickr Thought inspired by a sip of OXYwater Daydreaming My mind floats atop of this misty brew. My hands lose grip of old realities. My body shifts, my heart flutters. My soul engages to find it all true. Preston J. Harrison

Check archives

Image via Wikipedia Gye- Nyame Journey/ Feel free to go through archives/ Read, share, learn and grow/ Feel free to  go through our archives as the Journey grows we have over 400 post all the way back to 2008. You can look at the growth of the idea behind this blog. We have also reached over 5000 hits. I would like to personally welcome all new readers and thank the regulars. Our Journey family has grown tremendously. It has been read in Canada , France , China , Ghana , Australia , Spain , India , and s few more that I can't think of while I'm driving. So if I missed where you are give me a shout and I will shout out your country. Hopefully our Journies will cross and we will meet. I would like to visit every country that has readers of the Journey. So once again if you keep reading I will continue writing. If you wish to share your ideas send them in and I will post them if they fit. Poetry, essays, jokes, and pictures with a SelfMastery™ theme. Nuff said Peace and

Tribal quote

Image via Wikipedia support the Journey click cover to purchase Frederick Douglass : "It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men. " Ambition is like love, impatient both of delays and rivals. ~ Buddha The ruin of a nation begins in the home of its people. -( Ashanti ) Brother Ha2tim SelfMasteryCoach Nation Builder HipHop Philosopha & Shaman


Image by Parvin ♣( OFF for a while ) via Flickr click cover to support My brother is sharing his work with us, for those other poetry writer's out there that want to be heard and seen send me your work. I will be putting out "Poetry is my Religion II ", if I get enough new writers. so check out his work , and check out his product as well. Just like his Poetry OXYwater soothes the soul, and nourishes the mind. The Truth The truth no one can tell me, as I find it in my ways. A lie they try to tell me, while conspiring through my days. The truth they only see when it's native to their perspective. The truth I know is not singular but resides in the collective. The truth will be the truth whether you claim it fact or fiction. For the truth is not a fable, legend, myth or a depiction. I'll always speak the truth and seek to be and know it well. For me, that is the reason some succeed where others fail. Preston J. Harrison

Blame shame and guilt

Image by Tsuki-chama via Flickr click book to purchase Death is not worst thing/ That can happen living with/ Blame, Shame, and Guilt is/ Many of the people that i work with feel that death is the end, and the worst thing that can happen to a person. They are shocked when I reveal that death is not the worst thing. As a matter of fact death is a natural part of our evolution. Death is the door way to mystery , and because we fear the mystery we try to hold on to the life that we have. Even if that life is filled with pain and sorrow. First let's take a look at the process of life it is a very simple process that we try to battle. First step of Life for us (at least in this plane) will surprise most of my readers so bare with me. The first step is we decide that we want to return here. Then we select who we will come through. Now I know some of you are screaming mad swearing up and down that you did not choose to come here to this earth and experience this hell. I would cha


Image by Getty Images via @daylife Here is another poem by my brother. Check the link for this poem so that you can find out about  OXYwater . Redemption Stagnate places and broken dreams, all just fade away. Redemption happens where truth is lit, the flame then lights the way. The path is random, holy, quiet and sacret. Redemption happens while you stand naked. Redemption happens when opinions fail to matter, lies, illusions and fearful thoughts scatter. It's all bound together in a singular event, absorbed into the soul. The timing is perfect when fractures mend, the pieces return to whole. Preston J. Harrison

Tribal quote

Image via Wikipedia Click cover to purchase  Sorry for lateness, here's your daily quotes... John Milton : "A good book is the precious life-blood of a master spirit, embalmed and treasured up on purpose to a life beyond life." Wisdom and deep intelligence require an honest appreciation of mystery. -Thomas Moore Only what you have combated for will last. -Yoruba Brother Ha2tim SelfMasteryCoach Nation Builder HipHop Philosopha & Shaman

Magic word- solve the mystery

Image by bazzmann via Flickr  Magic word of life/ that controls our destiny/ constantly ignored/ What is this magic word? I won't tell you that, but I will tell you that you use it everyday, and it is so close to you that you overlook its power and influence over your life. What is this word?  That rings so true to us that we know it in a crowd, but if asked to define it we look at it as if it was unfamiliar. This word that many have died protecting, now-a-days we are neglecting it. Given to us as a gift. We allow the dust of time and the rust of ignorance to fall on it. We dont shine and clean this word as we should. We shorten this word, we give it, and some in frustration change it. What is this word?  Feel free to comment on what you think the word is..... Brother Ha2tim SelfMasteryCoach Nation Builder HipHop Philosopha & Shaman


click picture to get a real look at OXYwater Here is another poem from my brother doin big thangs. I decided to share some more info with you about OXYwater. I had a sample and it was good so I snapped a pic of my sample bottle (it was so good I held on to the bottle hoping for more)and will link it into the larger website check it out. A solemn turn and soulful twist. A chilling thought to subtle mist. My heart is light, my life is charmed. My thoughts are bright, my spirit's armed. My job's begun; a chore it's not. A title's fun, the one I've got. What makes it worth no recompense: A dream's not built on dimes and cents. Preston J. Harrison Brother Ha2tim SelfMasteryCoach Nation Builder HipHop Philosopha & Shaman

Tribal quote

Cover of Martin Luther King, Jr. As the births of living creatures at first are ill-shapen, so are all innovations, which are the births of time. ~ Francis Bacon get the work book to help you with your SelfMastery program Click cover A lie can not live. Martin Luther King, Jr There is no medicine to cure hatred. -Ashanti of Ghana Brother Ha2tim SelfMasteryCoach Nation Builder HipHop Philosopha & Shaman

Enemies dissolve

Image by rogiro via Flickr Click cover to purchase and support the Journey Enemies dissolve / In the midst of battle feild/ From power of Love/  The power of love is a vcery powerful force when we learn how to apply it. When we erase the illusioms of what we believe love looks like. I can actually say that I have witnessed enemies dissolve on the battlefield because of Love. i will quickly give you two examples. 1. I have been able to win conflict after conflict physically mentally, and spiritually because of my love for what I stood for, and myself. I loved so intensely that my enemies vanished in the hit of battle because ultimately they did not exist in the first place. to break down so that I want be accused of being to deep and philosophical. At certain times of my life because of my Love for myself and those I was defending I have totally destroyed my opposition. In other words I was able to kicvk their ass and they basically vanished and then there was nothing there b