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Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future

  Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future In a world where words often lose their meaning amidst the noise, "Honor" stands tall, embodying a profound truth that resonates deeply within the soul of our community. As we navigate the complexities of modern existence, it's essential to return to the roots that define us, leveraging the timeless principles of Honor, Loyalty, and Sacrifice to forge a path forward. This exploration isn't just about understanding a concept; it's about redefining our collective destiny through the lens of integrity and truth. As a community committed to empowerment and personal growth, we dive deep into the essence of Honor—dissecting its impact on our lives and our interactions with each other. This isn't just an article; it's a manifesto for those ready to embody the true meaning of Honor in their lives, propelling our tribe towards unprecedented heights of unity and strength. The Core of Honor: H

Daily Toast- Kuumba 318171 (Creativity resurrects)

Peace FAM: Welcome home, you have been gone a while and I want to personally welcome back to GNJ. You have been lying prostrate but I am glad you have risen. I know it took a while for you to realize that it was all about you making a simple choice. All you had to do was stand up. You laid prostrate and the legs of your Kuumba were waiting for you to embrace your Nia, and push yourself. You did and now you are here. Kuumba is powerful, and if you allow this principle to activate in your life it will change it forever. It is through this principle that resurrection takes. This is the transformative principle that our people have had an extensive relationship. I am just trying to rekindle it, so that we can start using her power to create new life rather than recycling death. So listen in pay attention and hit me up and let me know what you think. I hope you are ready for the #nguzosabachallenge, If so hit me up. Let's Build!!! nuff said Peace & 1hunidyears

Freestyle Nia- Discussion with Queen Najla Parish

Peace FAM We had a great discussion tonight. Queen Najla came on and we chopped it up about the Ancestors, spirituality, meditation, and etc.. Listen in and make sure you checkout her YouTube channel. We also had FAM call in and join the discussion make sure you catch that because brother Shaka, and brother Dame Lee from Illy ave. was droppin some jewels. Checkout the show and let me know what you think. OH YEAH i messed up and know body caught the fact that I called the show Freestyle Friday. Somebody should have checked me and reminded me that Friday is dead and Nia is the Point of focus. Peace & 1hunidyears

Daily Toast- Nia (If you not on Purpose you are a hinderance)

Peace FAM: I approach you on this beautiful day of Nia, I just need to stress that everyday is beautiful when it is yours. By taking your time back through the #nguzosabachallenge, everyday can be yours as well. For those that are interested in taking the challenge just click the link & hit me up . Those that take the 21 day challenge will receive a PDF of a calender that will help you track your progress, and some other exclusive information that will keep you motivated and moving to the next level. FAM I am serious about "This Thing Of Ours", now is the time for us to build. We have the information, we have the skills, and we have the resources collectively. Your ancestors are awaiting to assist you in your move to greatness, "Why you Stallin"!!! Today once again we hit on the proverb of the week "let shame come upon those who would hinder the rising of the dead", and I hit on the idea that those of us that are not on our purpose become a hinderi

Daily Toast- 316171 Ujamaa (Stop Hindering)

Peace FAM The proverb of the week is "Let shame come over those who hinder the rising of the dead", are you a hinderer. Are you stopping the raising of the dead in your life, by not sharing the resources that you have.  Let's discuss and Let's Build!!!

FolkTales For Grown Folks - The Wolf & The Goat

Peace FAM: I would share the video from my Youtube but the Picture qulaity is not that good so here is the footage from FB. Checkout the show and let me know what you think, and remember "These Folktales aren't just for kids". Get the wisdom and "Let's Build!!!"

Daily Toast- Ujima 315171 (Culture Cures) Warning this will blow up your Paradigm

Great Day FAM: We are on the verge of a marvelous day, and I want to be the first to greet you on this magnificent day of Ujima. We will be talking about the healing aspect of culture. We will also discuss how culture can be used against you as well. I need to stress that I believe that culture is the software that can determine our success in life, and when we build using the guiding principles of healthy culture we can overcome anything. Culture is a energy that flows from the people and forms the practice that enable a people first to strive, and once they master their culture it enables them to form reality around them. The question that each of my Journeyers should be asking themselves now, is what the culture am I following,and where is it leading me. I had the pleasure of interacting with many wise men and women in my life, and one of the most powerful lessons that I received was from Brother Albino Garcia who taught me that Culture Cures. When a people are separated from th

Daily Toast- Kujichagulia 314171

Peace Fam: Great Kujichagulia, thanks for stopping through and toasting with me. As we move forward in Self-Determination let's remember the proverb of the week "Right practice is true knowing", on this day let's continue to practice taking control of what we can control. Many times we can find ourselves wasting energy on things we have no control over rather than looking at the powerful tools that we do. By us practicing using our gifts and on a daily basis working on those few skills we move toward mastery, and with mastery comes power. If you are interested in learning to control things around you focus on controlling things within you, and the world will be your oyster. So join me for the Toast, begin some type of routine that help you get grounded, perform some breathing exercises to help you get mental clarity, and lastly through some simple movements so that you can get in tune with your body. All of these things help you explore yourself and allow you to expa

This Diet Could Save Your Life "African Heritage Diet"

Peace Fam: GNJ is all about helping you change your mental diet. I'm always trying to provide thought provoking ideas that are designed to help you start seeing the world in a new way. I figured I would leave the physical diet to the experts, but then I ran into this article about the African Heritage Diet  and I had to share this information. Now there are plenty of healthy diets out there, but this one rang a bell for me because they are taking the cultural route. The fact is that human beings developed over thousands of years eating certain foods, and each group have cultural foods that they lean on, except African people in America. Our diet was forced upon us with no concern about the effects on the 5 parts of our being. Now I believe it is time for us to start snatching back this important part of our legacy. I especially like when they stress eating in groups, as a matter of fact they described the dinner table as "the healing table" Goto the site for yourself a

Daily Toast- Umoja 313171 (take time to review)

Peace FAM: Great Umoja, and welcome to the start of new cycle. Take time in this cycle and review all of the principles and how you have practiced each one. Now is the time of manifesting all of the work from the previous cycle. We also talk about being careful about what we allow into our minds, and how by not monitoring our thoughts we allow things into our mind that manifest in our lives to hold us back. Checkout the video and let me know what you think. Peace &1hunidyears

Daily Toast- Imani 312171 (Focused Faith)

Peace FAM; Here is the Vlog from Imani, sorry it is late but it has been up on YouTube all night, just waiting for some eyes to hit it. Yesterday was one of the rare days where I did not have anything to do so me and my kids once again got busy and had a pancake breakfast (Broke my Diet today's in a row, but now I'm back on). I love spending time with these little folks even though it can be challenging at times. I have to always remember that we are generational people, and my goal to help them remember why they are here. Today I try to keep the theme of the week in mind and discuss learning to focus our faith.  I wish you peace hope you enjoy, and feel free to commit. Nuff said Peace & 1hunidyears

Daily Toast- Kuumba 311171 (Release the magician)

Peace Fam Man we are coming off a great Nia, and moving into this Kuumba. I feel like a magician, I don't know why, but I have been humming this capoeira song "Assaulta Manginga" which means release the magician. Maybe it is because I just reached 100 subscribers on YouTube, maybe because I am finally getting comments on my blog, or maybe because I just had my afternoon meal. Whatever it is I am going to ride the feeling until I can't anymore. Now it is time for you to release the magician in your life.  Magician before they were connected to parlor tricks and morphed into politicians, were at one time very skilled workmen. They mastered there craft to a point to where it appeared they could perform miracles. They didn't have one trade they were the masters of their age. They got so good at what they did that people called them magi, which means wise. Magi is also the root word of magician, this word through time became associated with terms like super natural

Daily Toast- Nia 310171 (Play & practice your position)

Peace Fam Today's toast is a celebration of the follower, those unnamed heroes who have made civilization possible. Those people who may have known more and spoke better than the person they were following but kept their mouth shut, and played their part. Many of you may cringe when you read these words, but you have to face the fact that everyone is not a leader, in fact most people are not. I know you will probably fall into the "we are all leaders in our own life" argument but I could argue you there as well. History or at least the way we want to see it does not hoist the follower into the spot light. They teach us to focus on the leader, rather than looking at individuals that gave him the very thing that he needed, people to lead. It is these people who bring the know how to make the vision of the leader possible. It is these individuals that help and remind the leader to stay in line. It is these individuals that raise the money, and balance the books. It is the

Daily Toast- Ujamaa 38171 (You Inc.)

Peace Fam: Taking my time to review the proverb of the week , and attemping to connect it with the principle of the day. "Right practice is true knowing", in this practice is the key. The question I want my family to focus on is what are you practicing daily. We have to begin to look at ourselves as vaulable businesses, that have a story to tell. Many of us our not active in building our brand because deep down inside we may feel that we are not worthy. Wake up and face the fact that many of your struggles were not given to you for just you, but to teach others. Get up and begin to share your most powerful resource beside your time, yourself and your story.  Let's bring to practice living, and sharing our life lessons. We have been born in a time where we can leave tons, of information for our children and for those in need. Stop wasting your time and your storage space on looking for the next fight, and point the camera at your life and begin to record history in the

Daily Toast- Ujima 38171 (3 levels of Learning)

Peace Fam: Today we start out with the proverb that will take the lead this week "Right practice is true knowing". This proverb is definitely needed in these days and times of the slick talker. We have plenty of speakers and no leaders. Checkout the video let me know what you think and be sure to join the show tonight @ 9pm streaming live on my FB page. Hopefully in the next week we will be able to stream live through the site again.

Daily Toast- Kujichagulia 36171 (5 parts of Being)

Peace Fam: It was an exciting week, and I have been getting hits about "That Ambrosia" and question in general. Today let's look at the 5 aspect of our being (Intuition, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual, and Physical). Staying aligned with the Proverb of the week "Say the knowledge-holders, true home is the place which the sun breaks", for many people this is cryptic, but for the few who have been studying this proverb is clear. To me it speaks about the unseen part of reality which makes up at least 90% of existence. That is right, a majority of the universe can not be perceived by us. Our ancestors through altered states of consciousness were able to become aware of this bigger reality, and was able to incorporate this knowledge into their daily lives. We lost our way and need to focus in on some basics so that we can get back in touch. With today being Kujichagulia and the Hermetic law being correspondence we can look at breaking through some of the mysteries