
Showing posts with the label nia

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Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future

  Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future In a world where words often lose their meaning amidst the noise, "Honor" stands tall, embodying a profound truth that resonates deeply within the soul of our community. As we navigate the complexities of modern existence, it's essential to return to the roots that define us, leveraging the timeless principles of Honor, Loyalty, and Sacrifice to forge a path forward. This exploration isn't just about understanding a concept; it's about redefining our collective destiny through the lens of integrity and truth. As a community committed to empowerment and personal growth, we dive deep into the essence of Honor—dissecting its impact on our lives and our interactions with each other. This isn't just an article; it's a manifesto for those ready to embody the true meaning of Honor in their lives, propelling our tribe towards unprecedented heights of unity and strength. The Core of Honor: H

Courageously Bearing Nia

Great Nia: I was out yesterday with the Gye-Nyame girls, because Gina wanted to take a walk in the woods ( I will attach pics). She actually wanted us to go out after dark, and go for a hike. I personally was not with that yet. I have noticed more and more tents around some wooded areas and I don't want to get caught in the dark with my little ones and it end up bad either way. To make a long story short I was walking, observing the environment, and listening to a book and the author quoted Brother Cornel West. Dr. Cornel West was giving a talk about the blues and his statement set me off on this article for the FAM. Brother Cornell described the blues as "courageously bearing witness before the worms get your body". For me that is a perfect definition for living Nia. Can you stand up and say that you are courageously bearing witness to your Nia? "Once we know the truth of each principle (Umoja, Kuji, Ujima, Ujamaa) we can bear witness to our Nia" Bear witness r

Nia- The Illusion of Disunity

So today I want to focus on these trouble makers who keep us divided. Let's call them the illusionists because they are magicians of sorts. They are skilled at getting us to believe that we are separate and not united. They are masters at getting us to see and even create the differences between us and others. They know that if we see ourselves as different from each other then we will not come together as one. Now there are different types of illusionists, but for now I want to focus on the ones that come from within. These are the illusionists that in most cases we can recognize once we know what to look for. These people have a need to have drama in their lives and in our lives, so they try to create it when there is none. They do this by manipulating information and distorting reality, sometimes they do this to intentionally hurt someone or a group of people, but most of the time they do it because they don't know any other way to live. See these illusionists have been taug

The Inescapable Vision

Why it is crucial for every human being to have a vision for their lives and how my vision changed my life. I can remember myself as a lost teenager who had no direction or any clue what to do with my life. I just knew I wanted something but didn’t know how to get it. I was searching the whole time and even though I found and took part in a lot of fun things, it still wasn’t enough. Then one day I opened up a book "African Openings To The Tree Life '', read a few pages and everything changed. For the first time in my entire life things made sense to me. The ideas explained were so simple yet so effective that they not only put me at peace but deeply changed my perception of the world around me. This was the birth of Nia or should I say my awakening to Nia of which ended up changing my attitude towards everything in my life completely. By adopting this new way of thinking about myself, others and the world itself my entire world was transformed. My Nia was awakened or shoul

Kuumba: The Creative Aspect Of Purpose, Self-Discovery & Growth (Sample)

Kuumba is the Swahili word for “creativity.” Creativity is why we're here. We live in a world that's far more abundant than most people realize. The earth and heavens are overflowing with natural resources that are ready to be tapped into if we were only able to refine our skill at harvesting them by applying creativity to the mix. Nia helps us to develop skills that help us to identify opportunities and channel our creativity so that it shows up on our doorsteps in the form of money, cars, houses, career paths, relationships, answers, solutions—you name it! The more confident you become at using your creative ability at home, the more expansive you will likely feel in your everyday life—and what's a revolution without a little abundance? Follow

Separation & Nia (16 ways to deal with the "Separation Phase") sample

In the process of entering a rite of passage, the initiate is separated from their world. When this happens, they are often introduced to a new world that they must master. For most of us, this is a time of discomfort. A feeling of inadequacy and uncertainty arises. We begin to question what we have done thus far in our lives and wonder if there is more to life than what we have experienced. It is in these moments that we must reject the doubt and embrace our inner-truths. Nia requires the same thing; when we begin pursuing Nia, we experience separation and must master the new world we are presented with. 16 Ways To Deal With The "Separation Phase" 1. Use Your Circle Of Support – Have you heard of your "circle of support?" It's basically your support network: family, friends, teachers, mentors…anyone who you trust and can turn to for help! When you enter into this phase, you need to lean on these people more than ever. 2. Make Time For Reflection – Make sure you

Tell Your Story On Purpose

Once you understand that your personal narrative is the best asset you have, and you freely share it with others, you become an even more valuable resource for the world. You will find yourself in situations and circles of people who you never dreamed possible. You'll be invited to speak on stages all over the world, consult with thought leaders and influencers, and do things you never thought possible. Sharing your story is a powerful way to connect with other people. It's also a great way to stand out in a crowded marketplace by showing people who they are working with. Your story will be a bridge over the chasm between where you are now, and where you want to go next. There are many ways to share your story: through speeches at events; writing a blog; doing interviews; or making videos and posting them on YouTube or Facebook Live. If there's one thing I want you to take away from this post, it's that sharing your story is not optional anymore. If you want to live an

Can you teach your Nia

At GNJMedia we encourage the idea of learning something new every day — and I am all for personal growth. However, there is something that takes an already important part of our practice to a higher level. Teaching what you have mastered to others and seeing them flourish, is where real personal growth happens. If a tree fell in the woods and no one was there to hear it, did it make a sound? If you are able to teach students through your knowledge of your nia and they can do what you do as well or better than you, then they have become a master. And that’s because I believe that when we teach someone something, we assume responsibility for their actions with the knowledge we just gave them. We know that when someone learns from us, they are going to make their own way with what they just learned — and if we’ve done our job right, they will be using our knowledge in ways that are more advanced than what we first taught them. In other words: We can get out of the way and let them take of

How to miss your purpose (7 reasons why you should) sample

Today I am writing about the need to miss your purpose. I believe that having the ability to disappear and do something else for a little while can give you space to grow. Sometimes we can get so involved in our purpose that we begin to lose the vision, and in these times we need to take a break. Leave the work and go on vacation. Allow for the universe to work it's magic on us while we are gone. There is nothing wrong with doing something like traveling to give yourself space to grow. The problem with staying busy all of the time is that we never give ourselves time to think about our purpose or our passions, or even what we want out of life. It's important that as humans we are not limited by our pasts and our experiences but also by our futures and what is yet to come. To get it all you have to join the email list.... Follow

6 Ways To Stop Being Punked By Life (sample)

Do you ever feel like you're stuck in a rut? Like nothing is happening—like you're just going through the motions? Many believe that they are on their purpose, but they are on the easy route that they were punked into believing was their own choice. This route is a simple path that leads to comfort, laziness, and mediocrity. When you wake up and go to work, do you feel like your life is fulfilling? If it isn't, don't worry! You've been punked into thinking this is what you want, but there's something inside of you screaming at you that it isn't. All of us have been punked by life at some point and time; we're all capable of more than what we see in front of us. Even if a person thinks they have no choice in the matter—that their actions are guided by external forces—they still have a chance to change their destiny. Yes, things may seem bleak right now, but there's always a way to get back on your Nia (purpose).... That is good , but the rest is waiti

Nia 3521-5

 It has been hard adjusting to this new schedule, but I will do it. I am trying to build my stamina for all the things I have to pursue over the next few months, but still remain on course. With my birthday passing I have enter a new phase in my life and I want to get this year right because it will be the catapult that sends me into the things that I have slowly been building on.  In this blog I am thinking about order, purpose, and the concept of Nationbuilding. I am going to go deeper with this in some future videos, so stay tuned:

The Power Of Tart Cherry- Nia Daily Toast 62171

Peace FAM: Once again their is a powerful natural helper out there that we have been walking by everyday. I remember climbing and eating those tart cherries right from the branches. He would have thought that those nasty cherries that use to give me the runs would end up being something that could help my community. So let's find some tart cherry trees and have our kids climb them and bring down the fruit so that we can eat together. Checkout the video, Like, Subscribe, and more Importantly SHARE. I wish Power, Peace, Joy, & 1hunidyears

Daily Toast- Nia 55171 "The Tao Of Ignorance"

Peace FAM: Great Nia, and welcome to GNJ. I was excited about this video, it came together in a dream. I began to question the idea of ignorance, and the role it plays in the life of my people. After reflecting I began to notice the role it plays in my own personal development. I have been held back because of my ignorance, or my ability to ignore. As a people we have been well trained in the art of ignoring. Ignorance when I think about it is an art, and has been perfected by certain segments of our family. Checkout the video, join the 21 Day Nguzo Saba Challenge , and be on the lookout for GNJ's 21 week warrior training click the link to stay in the loop.

Daily Toast- Nia 428171 "African Red Palm Oil"

Peace FAM: I must apologize for the late post. Yesterday I fell ill suddenly why I was completing my video and in the process of uploading. The pressure behind my left ear was horrible, and I took the rest of the day to rest. Now i know those that have been watching and reading are like "Brother, how can you fall sick with all of "That Ambrosia" and with you taking those supplements?" The answer is complicated, and I am still looking into it, but I have narrowed it down to some possibilities that I feel that it is important to share with those that will be taking the 21 Day Nguzo Saba challenge. On Ujamaa evening at about 5pm I indulged on a mud pie, and a strawberry pie, that was presented to the staff as a gift. I had two healthy pieces, and at the time it was good. Now for those that are doing the challenge beware of over doing your meals if you are attempting the "Warrior Diet", I figured since I had kept my diet, then the pies would not hurt me. I

Daily Toast - Nia 421171 "The fox that thought he was a Lion"

Peace FAM: "Greatness is forged in the heart, the heat is provided by the trials and tibulations of your life. It is shaped by the 5 tools of our being, cooled by our mastery of the 6 emotions, and formed into shape by our adherence to the 7 Principles." quote from a future book by ha2tim We are up and toasting those ancestors, I want to send shots out to all those that join me for the feed at 4:15 am est on Facebook. I am trying to let yall know that I am not playing with this. Slowly but surely we will change ourselves and by doing that we will will impact the world. Today I bottled some Ambrosia for one of the daily viewers of the Toast on FB. Those who have already placed their orders for this batch, know that you have not been forgotten. I have some of my best SCOBYs working on it as we speak. I will be bottling tonight and they will be ready by Sunday evening, depending on the weather, and how well they are breathing in the second brewing. Now today I cover to

Daily Toast - Nia 414171 224 Self Help Process

Peace FAM: Nia is purpose as you all know by now, and it is important that we begin existing on purpose. It appears to me that for the last century, we have carried on as if we are stumbling through life. Of course their have been some bright spots but for some reason we have refused to pick up the flame of those times. It appears that we like groveling in the dark, waiting for luck to drop us an opportunity. Ladies and gentlemen their is no luck, either we change our position or we will stay stuck, and when society no longer needs us we will be discarded upon the trash heap of history. Only remembered because our enemies will have constructed false monument to salute our people. I for one will work against this. I have for the last 20 years  been working on developing organizations, plans, and etc., to help set my people free, but I am beginning to understand that just because you look like me does not mean that you are of me. I have had to change my focus, and begin to look at how

Daily Toast- Nia 46171 (Helping Others Find There Nia Through A Challenge)

Peace FAM: I greet you on this beautiful Day of Nia. I am up and ready to get at the world. I have recently launched the 21 Day Nguzo Saba Challenge , and I feel good. I have Identified my purpose and now I have found a mechanism to share it with the world. Click the link and allow me to help you identify your purpose, or if you know your purpose already allow me to help you intensify your pursuit. It is time that we stop living our lives according to other peoples rules. Especially when those others base their economic growth on your failure. Nia is the day where we are able to refocus our efforts and get after what it is we were born to do. Stop wasting the little bit of time you have on this earth making others reality better, future secure. Let's begin to plug into our true power and unleash it on the world. This is exactly why I have developed the challenge . I have spent my life watching my people struggle under others banners, we learned the language and that wasn't eno

Daily Toast- Nia 331171 (Puts some Nia on it)

Peace FAM Woke up this morning, and did not want to leave the house, but I knew I still had to do my toast. I decided to do a promo for the 21 day Nguzo Saba Challenge. After going back and checking out gumroad my excitement grew because with this product I could finally take control of my digital content. On this Nia you can decide to exist on purpose. Nia is a spice that you can put on your life, to bring the flavor back. Take some time and challenge yourself to move to the next level. If you need help we are here to assist you. The Nguzo Saba Challenge is designed to help you apply Nia and the rest of the principles to your life, and in doing that change every aspect of it. You will be surprised how by applying this simple system you can change your reality. I have been working through the steps myself, and will be here to help you when you get stuck. The challenge is about taking back the symbols that shape our lives, establishing routines, and rituals on purpose, and aligning

Daily Toast- Nia 3242017 (Doing it on purpose) Brinner

Peace FAM Today's video is a little different, I cut out a lot so that I could share with you me doing what i was born to do. I am a speaker, teacher, and urban shaman that is at his best when I am in front of a crowd. Take just a few moments and checkout as I talk about my Journey with knots & ties and how they come out of a warrior tradition. Sit back and enjoy.

Freestyle Nia- Discussion with Queen Najla Parish

Peace FAM We had a great discussion tonight. Queen Najla came on and we chopped it up about the Ancestors, spirituality, meditation, and etc.. Listen in and make sure you checkout her YouTube channel. We also had FAM call in and join the discussion make sure you catch that because brother Shaka, and brother Dame Lee from Illy ave. was droppin some jewels. Checkout the show and let me know what you think. OH YEAH i messed up and know body caught the fact that I called the show Freestyle Friday. Somebody should have checked me and reminded me that Friday is dead and Nia is the Point of focus. Peace & 1hunidyears

Daily Toast- Nia 310171 (Play & practice your position)

Peace Fam Today's toast is a celebration of the follower, those unnamed heroes who have made civilization possible. Those people who may have known more and spoke better than the person they were following but kept their mouth shut, and played their part. Many of you may cringe when you read these words, but you have to face the fact that everyone is not a leader, in fact most people are not. I know you will probably fall into the "we are all leaders in our own life" argument but I could argue you there as well. History or at least the way we want to see it does not hoist the follower into the spot light. They teach us to focus on the leader, rather than looking at individuals that gave him the very thing that he needed, people to lead. It is these people who bring the know how to make the vision of the leader possible. It is these individuals that help and remind the leader to stay in line. It is these individuals that raise the money, and balance the books. It is the