
Showing posts with the label gye-nyame

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From Victory to Momentum: My Next 21-Day Challenge

Peace, Tribe! I just came out of a 21-day fast , and let me tell you—I’m on a high! My mind is clear, my body feels lighter, and my spirit is in alignment. I’m celebrating this victory because it’s a big deal. Discipline is no small feat, and when you walk through the fire and come out stronger, you need to recognize it. But here’s the thing—this high isn’t something I want to come down from. So, I’m stepping right into my next 21-day challenge . Why? Because momentum is a gift, and when the energy is flowing, you don’t stop—you build. This next challenge is about keeping that clarity, pushing myself further, and re-dedicating to the principles that keep me grounded in the Gye-Nyame Journey . This ain’t just about me, though. I’m sharing this because I want you to walk with me. Let’s grow together. Let’s elevate. Let me break it down for you. 21 Days of Re-Commitment These next 21 days are about getting back to the practices that define who we are as a tribe. Gye-Nyame isn’t just somet...

Know Your Enemies

  Know Your Enemies In war it is very important to have scouts. These are soldiers or warriors that go ahead of the normal troops, to get an idea of what the enemy has waiting for their army. The scouts job is to gather information about the enemy and bring it back to their leaders so that they could more effectively deal with future battles. Do you have scouts in the world. I promise after this folktale you will be trying to get some. We are looking at the folktale (fable) called “The Bowman & the Lion” and the lesson that I learned pretty much sticks with the moral of this story “be on guard against men that can strike from a distance”. This is very important in all aspects of our lives. Many of us are being hit by the arrows of enemies that we didn’t even know we had. These arrows have been set on autopilot, and are triggered by us trying to get in spaces that were not designed for us. We can see these arrows flying in business, certain fields of work, in real estate, in law...

Aligning Yourself With The Cycles Of Nature

Peace FAM: Today or should I say yesterday because my post on our site is always one day behind. I started a fast in an attempt to align myself with a cycle that has been adhered to by many, if not all ancient people. For those that do not know I am talking about the solstices and the equinoxes. In particular I am talking about the summer solstice that will taking place on June 20, 2017, which is known as the longest day of the year. I want to discuss with you these "power days", that I believe  can be used to help us update our bodies and help adjust our personal software to get us back in tune with the Universe. I don't want to go to deep on this subject but I want you to know that by learning about some of the larger cycles that we have been made ignorant of, can help us get in tune with our true selves. On the solar calendar the cycle of the sun can be broken down into four parts, and if you want to go deeper we can actually break it down more, but for our purpose ...

The Why & How of "That Ambrosia"

Peace FAM: Today let's talk about the benefits of "That Ambrosia", after having all of these discussions about about the microbiome, I felt that it was the right time to remind all of my watchers, and readers that GNJ has developed a product that can help with all of the issues that we have covered. I need to stress that as far as hydration nothing comes close to water, but then to get probiotics, herbs, vitamins, and minerals  into your body. On this video I also talk about the fact we are now able to provide our supporters with their very own SCOBY's so that they can start the brewing process at home. Checkout the video for those that want to skip pass the toast I suggest jump to about 30 minutes and that is about the time the discussion starts. For all those that would like to support GNJ and get "That Ambrosia" click the link. Until the next time....

Gina Gee Project- Attack Of Tha Mosh

Peace FAM: The project continues on, but the tension between the Gye-Nyame girls is building up. Gina setup a shoot, but in the middle of filming she walks out and leaves "Tha Mosh" alone with the camera. Will Ms. Shasha leave the camera alone or will she move on and complete the show. Tune in to my hilarious children as they continue create content for their viewers. Gina is determined to make her mark on YouTube, and her little sister is right on her tail. tune in and share this with the young people in your life, and maybe even give them the camera and see what they can create. Your babies may surprise you. To edit my projects I use Power Director for android, it is an incredible tool for making videos. For those that want to go a bit deeper with making YouTube videos with your kids Checkout Cyberlink's Power Director for your computer:

Parasitic Invasion- Daily Toast Kujichagulia 530171

Peace FAM: I have the creeps, after doing this research looking into parasites. I am shocked that these little critters effect almost every part of our body. They are even known to influence our choices, as far as food, and even effect our emotions. There are Protozoan parasites that are famous for causing  sickneses like malaria, tapeworms, flukes, roundworms, and the many different varities that each of these bugs come in. They sit inside of us growing off of us causing all forms illness, and now is the tie for you to take control back. In Gye-Nyame Journey I constantly stress that all of the principles we practice start from with in. I guess liberation starts within as well. We have to make major moves to get rid of these critters within us, so that we can focus the energy to take our lives and tribes back. What bothers me the most is that these little bastards inside of us appear to be working for our enemies. They contribute to us eating less vegitables, by making them unde...

Music & Culture - Daily Toast Kuumba 527171

Peace FAM: We once again talk about culture, at the beginning I was joined by my girls, but they soon abandoned ship for a movie. This left me the space to have some adult conversation with y'all. We are neglecting the power of culture and the tools of culture, and we will not be able to march very much further in this highly competitive, and race based world if we don't start learning the lessons, and building for our future. Music is such a powerful tool that we have allowed to be hijacked. I recently was at a talent show, and the young people sang, and danced, but all of the songs that my (our) children chose were from white artist. All the songs were about pushing beyond limits and inspirational. I had to laugh because I could not think of any age appropriate songs by a Black artist that my kids could sing that fit that model. We have allowed our culture to be pimped, and turned into a weapon against us. I for one will not stand for it. We have radio stations in our com...

The Ambrosia Chronicles

Here is a view of what goes on behind the scenes of GNJ's "That Ambrosia", come on in and  checkout part of the brewing process. For those who want to brew their own Jun, I am now able to provide SCOBYs. Hit me up also if you are interested in getting the super ginseng. This Ginseng drink will sit longer and have the root in it. This of course will be more expensive but if you know what ginseng does you know that it will be worth it. Right now this will only be available in the gallon, and half gallon, I'm still working out the price, but for those that are interested hit me up @ That Ambrosia . Peace, Power, Joy & 1hunidyears Don't forget to sign up for the 21 Day Nguzo Saba Challenge  also be sure to link up with us on Blaqspot , a social network with us in mind. Gye-Nyame Journey, and Brother ha2tim is on the site and we are loving it, so join and support the creation of a Black Digital Territory.

Daily Toast- Kuumba 513171 Nitric Oxide & Sex

Great Kuumba FAM Although I am in Imani now I want to make sure that my readers have access to the information that I shared on Kuumba. We talked about nitric oxide and sex. Family the power of the breath is incredible, and we need to begin harnessing it for our personal and tribal "come up". When we learn to work with and eventually control our breath we can heal ourselves, lose weight, overcome stress, increase energy, and improve our sexual performance, and all this is free. It is just a matter of sitting down and breathing through our nose. Forcing ourselves to become conscious of a process that many of us overlook. Changing our diet, and other habits pale in comparison to just changing our breathing pattern. Start breathing through your nose, take the 21 Day Nguzo Saba Challenge and change your life.

Daily Toast- Kujichagulia 59171 "Mouth Breathing is killing you"

Peace FAM: I am running into some powerful information about the power of the breath. I have been dealing with the concept of axe' in the breath for a long time, but now I have found scientific proof of the power of the breath, and even more importantly how the breath is taken in the body. My friends and family it has finally been proven that breathing through the nose is the best way to breath, but it has also been shown to help an individual over come or better control obesity, impotence in life as well as erectiel dysfunction, diabetes, insomnia, anxiety, depression,      cardiovascular issues, GI disorders, and etc.. Proper Nostril breathing  helps strengthen  the immune system. This is a simple process that each of us can do to take control of our health. Proper breathing is powerful enough to move you toward health. There is absolutely no reason  why anyone can not take advantage of this. It is free, it is relaxing, and it can get you high, what m...

Daily Toast- Umoja 424171 "Drama"

Peace FAM: I hope this day finds you standing in Peace, Power, & Joy, our true natural state. Unfortunately we are bombarded with anti-virtues that strives to pull us from this natural state into a spiral that often ends in a wreck. One of these your anti-virtues that i will focus on today is "drama". Drama is an inescapable part of life, but the issue is when it is magnified, stressed upon by others, and then thrust into your existence. FAM the truth of the matter is that you do not have to buy into others over dramatization of life events. Actually it will benefit you greatly if you did not. We are surrounded by these over dramatic episodes today in ways that our ancestors never were. We are bombraded with news, timelines, comments, phone calls, tweets, photos, and etc., that strive to keep us involved and a part of needless drama. This need is driven by a lack of attention, and a lack of purpose. the drama springs up and begin to eat at the unity of the group, and eve...

Daliy Toast- Kujichagulia 411171 "The game is not fair because we are not playing"

Peace FAM In my book "The Player's Pyramid" I describe life as a game, and state that those that know the rules win the game. Today I want to go a little deeper, FAM  the game appears to be unfair to us because we are not playing. It appears that we are not even attempting to compete. By us surrendering to our competition we are throwing the whole universe out of balance. We are required to put up the best fight we possible can, and trust our ancestors. We have to begin to compete, and begin to make other groups feel uncomfortable around us. The game we are born into requires us to act as a group, and get rid of this universal man concept, we have a role and when we don't play that role we expose our future generations to servitude. Now I want to clarify the role, as Black people in America we are a group that has economic, business, political, social, educational, and warfare responsibilities. We have to begin to train ourselves and our children to compete. Many gro...

Daily Toast- Umoja 410171 (confusing being scared with being mad is stopping Unity in our communiity)

Peace, Power, and Joy FAM Umoja has swooped in upon me like a hawk, and snatched me up before I was ready. Now I am playing catch up, but I am grateful for another opportunity to greet you on this Great day. It is incredible what new information can do for you. It is like having a blind spot your whole life and someone comes around with a cure, and all of the sudden you can see of the world. I feel that another blind spot has been cleared up for me after  this weekends WHB workshop. I received information this weekend that has changed my view of the world, and if I put it to work it will change the world I'm in. Confusion is a powerful force, that cause us to mislabel and misplace things. In our confusion about our emotions we have mislabeled scared, and misplaced it in the wrong emotions group. This has caused so much confusion for me. For years I thought I was angry, and I get never understand fully why. I struggled with this anger, I fought with this anger, and  I spoke a...

Daily Toast- Ujamaa 46171 (Misplaced Emotinal Energy)

Peace FAM: Pardon the lateness, but the files with the effects are bigger than I imagined and this one took 2 hours to upload, so that throws off my time table and I have to wait for a break to post. Break time and today is moving in slow motion for me. I am struggling on the warrior diet, because my body is telling me that it wants to eat, but it is more of a want than a need. Yesterday I ate my meal, and could not finish it. This was shocking because I thought I was hungry then as well. Taming the body is a Herculean task but I am up for it. I know you are reading this wondering what does the warrior diet have to do with today's topic. I am discovering that I am eating to feel emotional lacks in my life. Eating gives me a sense of comfort. Like many of you who will take the Challenge , you will begin to discover new things about yourself, and you will begin to recognize where you are wasting alot of energy. Our emotions are the driving force in our lives, and if we don't l...

Daily Toast- Kujichagulia 44171 (Steaming food)

Peace Fam Today was one of those days when I woke up with no idea of what to talk about. I struggle, and then the idea hit me to introduce the world to one of my favorite things, especially with the way I eat, my steamer, so during the conversation I discuss steaming and how to use it to assist on the warrior diet. So here is to a great Kujichagulia, and by the way I owe 14 push ups so as soon as finish this post I will knock them out. Nuff said Peace & 1hunidyears For those interested in seeing the final product from the "steaming" conversation. I Found some quiona after I shut the camera down so in less than an hour:     

Daily Toast- Umoja 43171

Peace FAM We have made it into another week, and I have lost count, but I thank you for reading these post, and following me on my personal challenge, and journey. Hopefully you have found some inspiration, and we have brought some value to your life. Unity is a powerful principle that when applied can conquer any obstacle that is placed before you as an individual. Unity is a principle that has to be exercise individually before it can be effective as a group. Unity empowers us to work as a whole unity, pulling on all the resources of our whole being (IMESP). I have to stress this because many of us look for collective groups, families or tribes, but have not truly unified within. When this happen the group dissolves because all of the members are looking for a wholeness from the group, that can only start from within. Now is the time to begin working on yourself, learning to harness the Umoja force. When you begin doing this you will start attracting other whole people, and from t...

Daily Toast- Imani 42171

Peace FAM Here is another edition of the Daily Toast, This episode I am joined by my lively Daughters Shasha & GiGi. I Try to go a little deeper with the Nguzo Saba Challenge and the order of events for those that will participate. I am going to develop a checklist of things to do and you can decide for yourself how far down the rabbit whole you want to go. The deeper you go the more powerful the effect will be for you. In short each day will begin with you waking and focusing on the principle of the day, making sure that you state it aloud, and focus on what type of day it will be for you. Remember we are seeking to take control of the energy of the day and guide the symbols associated with that day in our favor. Then we will move tour our daily toast, this is an internal libations that we pour to align our body with our purpose. We start this part by drinking some water. The drinking of water is the most important part of this ritual. Water is the key to health and if we are not...

Daily Toast- Nia 331171 (Puts some Nia on it)

Peace FAM Woke up this morning, and did not want to leave the house, but I knew I still had to do my toast. I decided to do a promo for the 21 day Nguzo Saba Challenge. After going back and checking out gumroad my excitement grew because with this product I could finally take control of my digital content. On this Nia you can decide to exist on purpose. Nia is a spice that you can put on your life, to bring the flavor back. Take some time and challenge yourself to move to the next level. If you need help we are here to assist you. The Nguzo Saba Challenge is designed to help you apply Nia and the rest of the principles to your life, and in doing that change every aspect of it. You will be surprised how by applying this simple system you can change your reality. I have been working through the steps myself, and will be here to help you when you get stuck. The challenge is about taking back the symbols that shape our lives, establishing routines, and rituals on purpose, and aligning...

Daily Toast- Ujamaa (Story as a resource)

Peace FAM Had a powerful interview on "Tribal Quotes", usually I don't have interviews on my two major shows, but this was a special occasion. This brother is a story teller and understands the power of the narrative and expressed it very well. His name was brother Wekesa Madzimoyo and he is a founder of the AYA Educational Institute , and he will be in Columbus, Ohio on April 7- April 8 with some powerful workshops. It would be wise for you to be in the house. I chose to do the interview on the Tribal Quote because his message lined up with today's principle Ujamaa. He discussed the power of stories to heal and to move our people to another level. He shared that we are in the position we are in because we are not telling our tales properly. We are neglecting one of the most powerful resources that we have. The story resource is so powerful because it can inspire others to move in the way that our culture and people need. He discussed teaching people how to constru...

Daily Toast- Ujima 329171 (Bull without a Herd)

Great Day Fam Last night I went to sleep wondering what I would talk about in the morning. When I woke up the folktale that I am focusing on this week popped up. The questions that hit me was where was this bull's herd. I know that cows and bulls are social animals, and exist in groups, so where was this bulls group? This bull was isolated and vunerable to the world and the lion. The only thing that kept him from being a victim was his size and strength. The lion was able to get the bull to accompany him because he was alone with friends and family being able to give advice. This situation sounds like the situation that many Black people are in. Where is your group, tribe, and family to advise you away from those lions waiting to take advantage of you. Watch the video and let me know what you think.

#nguzosabachallenge (How to and why)

Here is the first step on how to participate in the Nguzo Saba Challenge. I am sharing so that those that are in my circle can begin the process of taking their power back. We need to begin taking control of the symbols in our lives, and start connecting them back to our culture. This is just a step that I decided to take.