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Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future

  Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future In a world where words often lose their meaning amidst the noise, "Honor" stands tall, embodying a profound truth that resonates deeply within the soul of our community. As we navigate the complexities of modern existence, it's essential to return to the roots that define us, leveraging the timeless principles of Honor, Loyalty, and Sacrifice to forge a path forward. This exploration isn't just about understanding a concept; it's about redefining our collective destiny through the lens of integrity and truth. As a community committed to empowerment and personal growth, we dive deep into the essence of Honor—dissecting its impact on our lives and our interactions with each other. This isn't just an article; it's a manifesto for those ready to embody the true meaning of Honor in their lives, propelling our tribe towards unprecedented heights of unity and strength. The Core of Honor: H

Daily Toast- Umoja 227171

We have made it to another Umoja, and almost made it through another month. We are going strong with these toast, and by now you should be seeing the effects. Umoja is the point in our principle system where all of the principles we have been working on come together to produce results. Today take some time to notice where the principle Umoja has been working in your life. Where have things been coming together for you. Umoja is unity, but also on this day we deal with the Maatic principle of Truth, and the Hermetic Law of Mentalism.
Speaking of the Law Of Mentalism, let's explore this law throught the lense of Umoja. The principle of Umoja reminds that everything is connected and and interdependent. If we take this as Truth (Maat) we can take our principles to another level.  The Law of Metalism states that "Everything is mental, and everything is a mental creation of the All", now this means that the entire Creation is formed through mental energy. Mental energy proceeds from the mind, and can be manipulated with mind. Our Creator is described as the The All in all, in the hermetic writings, and this mean that this All is within you. This "All" is waiting to be activated by you, the only thing that is preventing this is your lack of unity within yourself, and your lack of consciousness. We can look back at the proverb that has been spurring me this week, "Awake out of thy suffering, O thou who liest prostrate! Awake thou! Thy head is in the horizon". I know that I have been on this for the last few days, but the truth (Maatic principle) rings so loud for me that I want, better yet I need you to get it. In our unconscious state, our walking sleep we miss out on the power that lie within us. We our lying prostrate suffering, but why are we suffering. We suffer because we do not realize that all of the pain, torment, horror, sadness, and grief are creations of our own making. We are caught within a mental illusion that is being cast over us, by ourselves. In our prostrate postion we can not see this, and others take advantage of our lack of site. They profit from our suffering, not because they have escaped the trap, but because their illusions have convinced them that they can releave some of their suffering by tormenting others, but it doesn't.
When we as individuals, and groups begin to rise from our prostrate positon, by unifying the five elements of our being (IMESP), and become conscious of where, when, and most importantly who we are, the shackles fall off and the suffering ceases. So on this powerful day once again let's focus on getting our mind right, and learn to master the other elements within us, so that we can turn this world from what it is to what we and our children need it to be.
Nuff said
Peace & 1hunidyears


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