From Victory to Momentum: My Next 21-Day Challenge

GNJMedia is dedicated to fostering African American empowerment and cultural consciousness. We specialize in personal growth and community development, drawing from ancestral wisdom and the Gye-Nyame journey. Our offerings include educational content, cultural workshops, and empowerment initiatives, all designed to strengthen and uplift the African American community.
You Better Define Your Purpose & Yo Name
In this week of purpose we are going to focus on you finding you. I mean the real “You” and what you were born to do. At least strive to get you to begin to ask the question of why you choose to manifest in this day and time. The key word that I am using is choose. I need you to assume that your being here today is not an accident. Nia is the principle that speaks of purpose. So let's assume that there is a higher purpose to your existence. If we are a generational people and we return, then there is a specific reason that we came back to this world. When we identify this reason we now have our why, and this is empowering. If we eliminate the idea of being a victim of chemistry between our parents, and apply the idea that we came here by choice it enables us to look at other possibilities in life. This thought alone can help us move through hard times because it means that we are divine and many of the trials are needed and not just random events.
When we give in to the idea of being an accident of chemistry or random event that just popped into the universe. We surrender ourselves to the hand of chaos. This means that all things involving me are just a series of accidents caused by an entropic universe, so my life does not matter. Thankfully most of us don't think totally like this but we surrender enough of our world view to this system to block us from making progress in our lives. We begin to believe in things like luck, and they become our overall theology for how the world works. When in fact when we read our Ancestors we get a different perspective. We read about an orderly universe guided by a Higher. We hear myths about us being divine, but just forgetting and striving to find our way home. We hear stories about our ancestors coming back to join us, and we having a special relationship with death. Overall we learn that our Ancestors were not at the whim of a random cosmos, things happened and in the end there was always a purpose. We at Gye-Nyame are here to make sure you know that there is a purpose for your existence. You just may not have found it yet, but when you do, the whole world had better watch out.
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The major issue is that many of us yield our names as just sounds that identify us. In fact many of the people that I come across have names that are stripped of meaning. Rather than allowing them to stay stuck, I assign them to define their names for themselves. Our names should act as signpost to our purpose. By giving people the ability to define their name I give them an opportunity to use a word that is called several times a day, as a mnemonic device. This is a word, sound, or idea that assists the user to remember who they are, and why they are here. We have other tools that we use that can be found within African cultures all over the word. Although most people are oblivious to it. Nicknames, & day names are fit here. They are only effective when the user is aware of their power. In Gye-Nyame every member is familiar with their day of power and the principles that go with them, If we go back to the idea about us choosing to be here, it stands that we define the when of our birth, This in ancient times would be used to help the community to identify talents early, and give the young person a group of people to look at, and to for an example on how they should be living their lives.
The challenge for the reader is to take some time and define their name. Use the internet, the library, etc., take some real time to learn about the word you carry around and answer too. If you don’t like the definition, change it, or even change your name. After you have completed this journey, Join our email list and let us know about your Journey. It will be motivating to new people who are out there wondering if this is worth it. I know many of you will be scared to do this, because you think that you may be disrespecting your parents. Unfortunately I don’t know what to tell you, except that “a good name is better than gold”, especially for those that are trying to move up in life.
Tomorrow we will begin working on Ujima in connection. I plan to keep it focused in this vein. We are going to look at the power of our Ancestors as they relate to our purpose, and Ujima by going over the family pyramid.
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