
Showing posts with the label expectations

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Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future

  Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future In a world where words often lose their meaning amidst the noise, "Honor" stands tall, embodying a profound truth that resonates deeply within the soul of our community. As we navigate the complexities of modern existence, it's essential to return to the roots that define us, leveraging the timeless principles of Honor, Loyalty, and Sacrifice to forge a path forward. This exploration isn't just about understanding a concept; it's about redefining our collective destiny through the lens of integrity and truth. As a community committed to empowerment and personal growth, we dive deep into the essence of Honor—dissecting its impact on our lives and our interactions with each other. This isn't just an article; it's a manifesto for those ready to embody the true meaning of Honor in their lives, propelling our tribe towards unprecedented heights of unity and strength. The Core of Honor: H...


Why spoil your children/ Then send them to public school/ Expecting some growth/ This Ha2ku is not just about spoiled kids, and then again it is. If we want to set standards for ourselves and others that is cool, but when we expect and even in some cases demand that others abide by these standards, we are not being realistic. I think that every parent, every lover, and every friend should spoil those closest to them, but to do this and not prepare them for the cold world is setting the spoiled up for a terrible crash. When the spoiled are flung into an environment that is not designed to cater to them they may not be able to handle the situation, which can lead to failure. This thought hit me as I was dealing with some young people that could not adjust to the school environment. When we spoil individuals then we need to willing to provide and give them what they need. For example, if you feel that you need to spoil and smother your child with attention then "Home Sch...

Gye-Nyame steam adventures

This Journey involves alot of experimentation, and today I reached in and started experimenting with eating as much steamed food as possible I will be sending photos to the blog so that you can see some of the stuff i have figured out how to cook. I decided to start steaming because i have been reading about the raw food diets out there. I like the flavor of cooked food and decided to try the next best thing steaming my veggies. From what i understand from the research you only loose a little of the nutrients when you expose the food to steam. I will let you know how it goes for me. I will be putting down (the junk food and the black and milds eventually... hahahaaa), I need to get back into fighting shape because I have some new challenges ahead of me. I will keep yall posted. the meal that you see on the screen is a mixture of kale and mustard greens, with onions, a little salt some old bey, and a few herbs that I could find at my mama's house. this was read...

Tribal quote

Image via Wikipedia God is the friend of silence. See how nature - trees, flowers, grass- grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence. ~ Mother Teresa Theodore Roosevelt : "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." The wind does not break a tree that bends. -Sukuma Brother Ha2tim SelfMasteryCoach Nation Builder HipHop Philosopha & Shaman

The Baba - chapter 8 part II

Image via Wikipedia “Angalia” Malik yelled and everyone stopped what they were doing and faced the stairs. I went along with everyone else. Simba was coming downstairs. “At ease Brother and thank you for the respect.” Everyone in the immediate area greeted him. “Jay come with me.” I followed him out of the patio door and into the garden. He sat on the bench and I remained standing in angalia. “Relax Jay, I brought you out here to talk with you. I want to explain what is about to happen.” “Yes sir.” I sat down next to him. “The family is at a crucial point in our development, and we need people around that really have the group’s best interest at heart.” “I understand Sir.” “The next step for you is to get clarity on why you were chosen, and for you to find your Nia.” “I know my purpose, and that is to serve the club and to build this nation.” “That is what you have been taught to say. Is that what’s really in your heart?” I grew silent because in a way he was right. Ever since I ent...
Image via Wikipedia What's new on Journey?/ continuing our writing/ and building future/ I would like to thank all regular readers and those new folks that have joined us. On this blog I try to make sure that my tribe are posting information that can link you with information that can help you on your journey. We write, and give you info that can help you move to what we call SelfMastery. So welcome.. When you read if you like and you feel like hiting the Tip jar please do. We are trying to figure out to make this a full time gig for some of us in Gye-Nyame. We had set a few goals for 2011 and we are within a arms length of reaching one. We are less than 200 hits from 10,000 views, we have a following of 13 and over 200 on FB. I did not expect to hit any of these numbers until August, so that means we are a head of schedule. as afr as publishing i have put out 4 books and i have 3 more tribe members that will be publishing within 2011-2012, i wont say no names because they don...

Freakonomics » Sexual Fidelity = Brand Loyalty?

this article brings out an excellent question that all of us in relationships need to ask. HOW GOOD IS YOUR BRAND??? If your brand is not good and fresh then dont be mad when your signifiicant other goes out looking for others. hahahahahaaaa.... Protect your brand, are you in demand or sitting on the shelf. maybe you might need to hire a marketing team, or even a COACH....hahahahahaaa. hit me up I will hook you and your brand up, knock the dust off, change the look and more importantly explore the internals of your brand, help get you moving at light speed , better yet the speed of thought, or even faster than that the speed of BLACK (that is for another time and blog. Freakonomics » Sexual Fidelity = Brand Loyalty?

Number 7

Image by Leo Reynolds via Flickr Seven looks backward/ Study, rest, and perfection/ It's view of the world/ Discovered that I had not completed the number system so here you go and we complete the reat of the numbers before the end of the year. After this one we only have 2 more to go, and then maybe in 2012 I will try to wrestle with the zero... Seven is the masculine number that represents study rest and perfection. This is a crucial number in the process of development. Because in order to move forward it mus look to the past. This number is very similar to the indinkra symbol Sankofa. To look back the number 7 must stop, and rest and in its resting it builds power to move to the next level.  Perfection is a process that requires proper rest and study. When we study we sit still and focus our mind, and that is important when we are dealing with this number. It is said that if we do not obey the mandate of 7 and continue to try to move forward. The universe will find...

Change the story

Image via Wikipedia Unhappy with life/ Be bold and use your magic/ To change the story/ Many are held prisoner to their story. This interesting to me. Those that follow the Journey know how important stories are as we travel the road of life. So we must move to control our narrative. This is not a new concept. If you have been paying attention to the news you will hear about and see the importance of the story (narrative). In the marketing world  I see that those with the best stories rule. When the story no longer fits the product either the story needs to change or the product suffers. In the same way that coperations and countries strive to control their stories, you have the same power. If the story of your life no longer fits where you are or where you are going you need to simply change your story. Your life in a sense is your brand and you are the CEO and marketing executive in charge of your brand. So move forward and change it if you need to. Of course you will have pe...

Tribal quote

Ralph Waldo Emerson : "Great men are they who see that the spiritual is stronger than any material force, that thoughts rule the world." What happens is not as important as how you react to what happens. ~ Thaddeus Golas Vast differences among people are in the realm of character, not anatomy. -uknown Brother Ha2tim SelfMasteryCoach Nation Builder HipHop Philosopha & Shaman

Meditation Balances the Body's Systems

Image via Wikipedia I happened to be looking up some info about meditatition  for a group that I was doing, and decided to share an article I found. Actually this article started a few days ago when one of my elders sent me a video about transcedental meditation. Since I use some meditation techniques in my classes I decided to share  this information on my blog as well. I have decided that for the next 30 days I will meditate at least twice a day and blog about my experience. I am also challenging all my co authors, and members of  Gye-Nyame to do the same. Science is not only showing the healing properties of meditation on the individual's body, but has also shown that meditation also effects the world around us as well. So if I can get 50 people meditating with me for 30 days twice a day we can change the world. hahahahaa. Seriously I am putting out the challenge to all those on  the Journey, Meditate with me for the next 30 days or how ever many days our left....


Image by photosteve101 via Flickr Nothing comes through pen/ Inspiration appears to / Have abandoned me/ As I sit down to write once again I have run into the thing known by all writers. The blockage that prevents me from being able to share my thoughts in the mode I like. The question I periodically face is how to break through this " writers block "? What works for me is to write about it, and then the thoughts begin to flow for me again. This time my blockage is not because a shortage of ideas, this time I am faced by the on rush of ideas all wanting me to express what it is that they want to say. I realized that although the thoughts come to my mind the ideas are not mine. They have selected my being to express themselves through me. For the last two weeks I have been presenting either old ideas or others writing because I don't want to leave my regular readers hanging, nor do I want to break my circle of sharing things. This helps me probably more than it h...

Tribal quote

Image via Wikipedia Arthur Schopenhauer : "To overcome difficulties is to experience the full delight of existence." "A quick temper will make a fool of you soon enough." Bruce Lee If one tree alone stands in the path of the wind, it falls. -(akan) Brother Ha2tim SelfMasteryCoach Nation Builder HipHop Philosopha & Shaman

Stop looking at my finger

Don't look at finger/ look at path that it shows you/ Now walk on your path/ I have noticed that many times when I am giving advice that people will focusing on what I am doing rather than looking at where they need to be going. This is a fatal mistake for those on the Journey. When someone is giving directions to go somewhere it is always best to listen and look toward what they are pointing to rather than focusing your attention on them. I guess this is something that come with the culture that we have come up in. Many times people are looking for scapegoats to place their mistakes and faults on rather than just taking personal responsibility for their own stuff. So they begin to focus on their guide and what the guide is doing rather than focusing their effort on getting where they need to be. We all want a perfect person to guide us and give us instructions for this life, but the fact is we are all flawed and if you are basinng your decision on success, salvation, joy, prosper...

Tribal quote

Image via Wikipedia James Russell Lowell : "One thorn of experience is worth a whole wilderness of warning." What we call wisdom is the result of all the wisdom of past ages. Our best institutions are like young trees growing upon the roots of the old trunks that have crumbled away. - Henry Ward Beecher The community must pay a particular attention to its youth as well as to its land, the fundamental capitals of a society. -( Kongo ) Brother Ha2tim SelfMasteryCoach Nation Builder HipHop Philosopha & Shaman

Jasiri X - Ascension

Here is another of my talented brother. I know you thinking that i have a big and talented family, i guess i was just lucky at birth. so Check out brother Jasiri X:

the 50th law

Image by Getty Images via @daylife Check out 50 cent... for those that don't know 50 wrote a book with Robert Greene . this is an interesting combination check them out as they discuss the book. it was a good read for me, and for those that work with Youth it may be a good book to motivate young people to read. Especially those that have a entrepreneurial spirit (of course I mean legal), because in this New Economy we have to prepare our youth for whats coming. Robert Greene is an excellent writer. He connects the past and strategies that people in history have used, to what is going on today. From personal experience, I have seen young people that you would never believe would read a book, actually steal his book from my library. I didn't mind because my goal was to get them to read in the first place. So check out video and let me know what you think.

Tribal quote

Image via Wikipedia Love is anterior to life, posterior to death, initial of creation, and the exponent of breath. ~  Emily Dickinson A politician divides mankind into two classes: tools and enemies. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche You cannot throw one thing while you are holding many other things. - Burundi Brother Ha2tim SelfMasteryCoach Nation Builder HipHop Philosopha & Shaman

The Baba - Chapter 6 part 2

Image by FreeWine via Flickr   Chapter 6 cont. It was almost six months before Simba stepped back into Brother’s. He looked as if he was under a lot of stress. He checked the books, and reviewed a report on everyone from Wise. Then he disappeared again. Wise came into the kitchen and called me outside. “Jay I don’t like prying into your business, but what is your relationship with Baba Simba?” “He is my sponsor.” “What!? How long have you been in our house?”                         “I completed my initiation 6 ½ months ago.” “Well Baba asked me to give you this.” He reached into his pocket, and gave me a cowry shell . Cowry shells in the club represent rank. After my initiation I received one shell signifying I was a Brother in the organization. Receiving my second shell was a sign that I was being moved up to the level of Majestic. “He asked me ...

Tribal quote

Image via Wikipedia Truth has no path. Truth is living, and therefore, changing. It has no resting place, no form, no organized institution, no philosophy.    Bruce Lee Charles Caleb Colton : "Pure truth, like pure gold, has been found unfit for circulation because men have discovered that it is far more convenient to adulterate the truth than to refine themselves." When you are rich, you are hated; when you are poor, you are despised. -Ashanti of Ghana Brother Ha2tim SelfMasteryCoach Nation Builder HipHop Philosopha & Shaman

Tribal quote

Image via Wikipedia Arthur Schopenhauer : "It is in trifles, and when he is off his guard, that a man best shows his character." An individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust is in reality expressing the highest respect for the law. ~ Martin Luther King, Jr. Mahatma Gandhi : "It is better to be violent , if there is violence in our hearts, than to put on the cloak of non-violence to cover impotence." Brother Ha2tim SelfMasteryCoach Nation Builder HipHop Philosopha & Shaman