
Showing posts with the label leadership

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Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future

  Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future In a world where words often lose their meaning amidst the noise, "Honor" stands tall, embodying a profound truth that resonates deeply within the soul of our community. As we navigate the complexities of modern existence, it's essential to return to the roots that define us, leveraging the timeless principles of Honor, Loyalty, and Sacrifice to forge a path forward. This exploration isn't just about understanding a concept; it's about redefining our collective destiny through the lens of integrity and truth. As a community committed to empowerment and personal growth, we dive deep into the essence of Honor—dissecting its impact on our lives and our interactions with each other. This isn't just an article; it's a manifesto for those ready to embody the true meaning of Honor in their lives, propelling our tribe towards unprecedented heights of unity and strength. The Core of Honor: H...

Practice & Play Your Position

Practice & Play Your Position Introduction Leaders, we need to practice and play our position. In 2020, the definition of a “Leader” has changed so much. Everyone seems to call themselves a leader these days. How many times have you heard someone say “I’m not a leader”? Yet somehow people who consider themselves not a leader are leading entire teams! They are managing budgets and have reports on the org chart that report to them! I feel like the term leader needs to be defined again! Leaders don’t sit around and wait for things to happen. Leaders make things happen. You don’t have to do it all. Remember: you don’t have to do it all. You don’t have to be the lead and play every single position on your team. You can play one role in a variety of ways, and that's perfectly fine! Don't worry about what other people are doing, or how they're playing their positions—just focus on the best way for YOU to play YOUR position. You can’t do it all. You can’t do it all. Focus on wh...

To thine ownself be true- Hip-Hop fable

This story was inspired by a tale by Aesop called the "astronomer". Once their was a young MC, who had won many battles in his city. This MC was able to copy and style and master it. He constantly listened to the music of his favorite rhymers and could out flow them on their tracks. One day this young MC was invited to a studio of a top producer to demonstrate his skills on the mic. This was the day that this young MC had been waiting for. He listened to his favorite artist all night preparing his rhymes for his session. When the artist entered the studio, he was immediately walked to the booth by this legendary producer. The beat was dropped and the MC was challenged to drop some rhymes freestyle. The Mc felt like he was up for the challenge. The beat dropped and the MC cut into like fire and his flow seemed to him to be perfect, but the producer stopped him and said the lyrics was hot but it sounded a lot like "Lil Sam" which just happen to be one this young...

Is the cost of gas rising or is the value of the dollar Falling?

Image via Wikipedia My goal on this journey is to bring relevant information from a variety of fields to help us get a better understanding of ourselves and the world. Doing my morning search for motivation for a new Ha2ku i ran across the freakonomics site and they always seem to have something good to ponder on. After reading this story I was amazed at the consistency of the price of gas , but even more inter sting was the frightening fall in the value of the dollar. if you don't read the story checkout the graph. It reaches back to 1916 up till now. Look at both lines and read the instructions and you will see the dollar fallen off. hahahahaa Freakonomics » A Crude Guess About The Future

Tribal quote

Image via Wikipedia Arthur Schopenhauer : "To overcome difficulties is to experience the full delight of existence." "A quick temper will make a fool of you soon enough." Bruce Lee If one tree alone stands in the path of the wind, it falls. -(akan) Brother Ha2tim SelfMasteryCoach Nation Builder HipHop Philosopha & Shaman

Stop looking at my finger

Don't look at finger/ look at path that it shows you/ Now walk on your path/ I have noticed that many times when I am giving advice that people will focusing on what I am doing rather than looking at where they need to be going. This is a fatal mistake for those on the Journey. When someone is giving directions to go somewhere it is always best to listen and look toward what they are pointing to rather than focusing your attention on them. I guess this is something that come with the culture that we have come up in. Many times people are looking for scapegoats to place their mistakes and faults on rather than just taking personal responsibility for their own stuff. So they begin to focus on their guide and what the guide is doing rather than focusing their effort on getting where they need to be. We all want a perfect person to guide us and give us instructions for this life, but the fact is we are all flawed and if you are basinng your decision on success, salvation, joy, prosper...

Capoeria a model for new world

Image via Wikipedia Play capoeria/ And with each Roda watch life/ Change before your eyes/ Being blessed to have been involved with capoeria, I have a model of life that works for me. Capoeria is an art that teaches you how to play rather than fight. Don't get me wrong you learn to defend yourself, but the vibe is different from other martial arts. In capoeria you view conflict differently, by you making it a game you are more willing to try new things. In trying new things the art becomes you as you develop your style of play. This feeling , this idea can't help but to come into your regular life. Your life begins to become your roda (ring were we play) and you are constantly in the game. Knowing the rules of the roda or life makes the game more spectacular as you do your moves, and take advantage of what is being given to you. i had to recently look at my life and remeber my training. Some time when life seems to become overwhelming I have to take advantage of the rules ...

Tribal quote

Image via Wikipedia James Russell Lowell : "One thorn of experience is worth a whole wilderness of warning." What we call wisdom is the result of all the wisdom of past ages. Our best institutions are like young trees growing upon the roots of the old trunks that have crumbled away. - Henry Ward Beecher The community must pay a particular attention to its youth as well as to its land, the fundamental capitals of a society. -( Kongo ) Brother Ha2tim SelfMasteryCoach Nation Builder HipHop Philosopha & Shaman

Jasiri X - Ascension

Here is another of my talented brother. I know you thinking that i have a big and talented family, i guess i was just lucky at birth. so Check out brother Jasiri X:

GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY GENOME.....TED talk- Neo- evolution

The future is fast approaching and it looks like some major choices will have to be made by the human race. Get a glimpse at what is coming down the pike. How will these changes be made? Who will decide? In a world where everyone is super where is the specialness? These are just a few questions that we will have to face when the time comes, or at least those of us who have the money to make them. I can see the day when the backyard geneticist will be giving those in poverty the hook up... hahahahahaaa....check out the video:

the 50th law

Image by Getty Images via @daylife Check out 50 cent... for those that don't know 50 wrote a book with Robert Greene . this is an interesting combination check them out as they discuss the book. it was a good read for me, and for those that work with Youth it may be a good book to motivate young people to read. Especially those that have a entrepreneurial spirit (of course I mean legal), because in this New Economy we have to prepare our youth for whats coming. Robert Greene is an excellent writer. He connects the past and strategies that people in history have used, to what is going on today. From personal experience, I have seen young people that you would never believe would read a book, actually steal his book from my library. I didn't mind because my goal was to get them to read in the first place. So check out video and let me know what you think.

The Baba - Chapter 6 part 2

Image by FreeWine via Flickr   Chapter 6 cont. It was almost six months before Simba stepped back into Brother’s. He looked as if he was under a lot of stress. He checked the books, and reviewed a report on everyone from Wise. Then he disappeared again. Wise came into the kitchen and called me outside. “Jay I don’t like prying into your business, but what is your relationship with Baba Simba?” “He is my sponsor.” “What!? How long have you been in our house?”                         “I completed my initiation 6 ½ months ago.” “Well Baba asked me to give you this.” He reached into his pocket, and gave me a cowry shell . Cowry shells in the club represent rank. After my initiation I received one shell signifying I was a Brother in the organization. Receiving my second shell was a sign that I was being moved up to the level of Majestic. “He asked me ...

How the Illusion of Being Observed Can Make You a Better Person: Scientific American

Image by scottwills via Flickr This an interesting article for those o the journey. the question for me is how can I use information like this to improve my life? How could I use the fact that someone watching me even an inanimate object could force me to be at my best. This reminds me of what religion use to do for society. When everyone is convinced  that they are being watched by a higher being it motivates them to alwas do their best, and more importantly do what's right. Where has this feeling gone? Have we advance so far that we have dropped the idea that we are being watched by other worldly beings that monitor and judge our every step. Sounds intrusive, but it serves it purpose. I often state that we need to operate as if the next seven generations depends on our action now I am switching this statement to " My Ancestors and the 7 generations to come are all watching me and depending on me to be the best person I can be." How you choose to use this info is your...
Friday night Tribal Talk  (Hookah,tea, coffe, and good conversation) Why do we believe/ That people have to be on/ The same page as us/ Why do some people believe that in order for us to work together we have to be on the same page. why is this necessary? I have found that when people stress that we must be on the same page to work or even conversate what they are really telling me is that i have to think like them. This is a very limited way to see the Universe. Actually what you are dealing is in the uverse, and have cut everyone else off because you are stuck on your page. Why do we have to be on the same page? Can't we be reading the same book (speaking of books dont forget to support the Journey by purchasing some books...hahahahaa), or even be reading the in the same subject. Lets open up our dialogs so that we can allow growth. Stop trying to change others, and work on your growth. Different perspectives are good, new ideas are good, and can promote ...

Tribal quote

Image via Wikipedia Arthur Schopenhauer : "It is in trifles, and when he is off his guard, that a man best shows his character." An individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust is in reality expressing the highest respect for the law. ~ Martin Luther King, Jr. Mahatma Gandhi : "It is better to be violent , if there is violence in our hearts, than to put on the cloak of non-violence to cover impotence." Brother Ha2tim SelfMasteryCoach Nation Builder HipHop Philosopha & Shaman

Tribal quote

Image via Wikipedia Anything that keeps you away from being yourself causes stress. ~ Maya Tatareva Life is the only real counselor; wisdom unfiltered through personal experience does not become a part of the moral tissue. - Edith Wharton On the day of poverty it is then you perceive who is a friend. - Ashanti Brother Ha2tim SelfMasteryCoach Nation Builder HipHop Philosopha & Shaman

New economy

Image by Office of Governor Patrick via Flickr New economy/ forces us to change or die/ which choice will you make?/  There are certain things that we have to learn to survive in this new economy . First we have to realize that this is a new economy, and we will  never be going back to the old way. So if you are waiting for a job to be created in the way it has been for the last 80 years, my friend it is not going to happen. So here is a list of things that will help you in this new economy: 1. stop talking hustle, and get one. 2. best way to get and keep a job is to create one 3. join or build a tribe 4. learn to use Internet for more than fb, and tweeting 5. create something that you can sale over Internet. 6. find ways to help others that are trying to help themselves 7. work on developing multiple streams of income. 8. look for opportunities on the Internet, not your next date 9. be on cutting edge in your field 10. stop looking for security in a job, and find it in...

Tribal quotes

Image via Wikipedia Marcus Aurelius : "It is not death that a man should fear, he should fear never beginning to live." Motivation is the fuel, necessary to keep the human engine running. ~ Zig Ziglar When a fly does not get up off a dead body, it is buried with it. -Ashanti Brother Ha2tim SelfMasteryCoach Nation Builder HipHop Philosopha & Shaman

Elder seeking answers- Part II

Image via Wikipedia Recieving visions/ from dedicated mission/ teaching by doing/ After years of dedication to her tasked. the Elder received a visit from the Spirit realm . her Ancestors through the power of the Creator came to her while asleep. Her deceased grandmother took the lead role because she would recognize her. Our Elder was amazed at the Axe' of this being it flowed around her and through her grandmother. It Shined so bright that the Elder had to cover her eyes. The ancestor then announced to the Elder that she was there to answer her question and show her the key to righting things in the world again. the Ancestor embraced the elder and took her first to see what the ancestor called a community in hell.  When they arrived the place was in total disaray. trash littered the area, nothing appeared to be taking care of. The community of adults and children sat at a gigantic round table and you could hear the arguing, and disrespect taking place. Youth did not...

Road blocks or stepping stones

Image via Wikipedia Road blocks always come/ welcome them and use them as/ stepping stone to top/ First I need to apologize for the mix up for the venue for the training for those that came out and was on their way. At this moment I am re-planning the training and You will be receiving notice of the location and the time for the new start date.  This event  reminded me of one of the major lessons of SelfMastery, being able to take what seems like an obstacle and transforming (alchemy at its most basic level) it into an opportunity. for those that do not know what happened. The venue was double booked and i had to cancel our session because of the mix up. know i could be upset, and just sink down into the "why me" syndrome. Instead I took that time to re-think my approach to the training. i also had an opportunity to discuss the future of SelfMastery with the people that came out. I got to see who was serious about the training, and moving forward with this endeavor. These th...

How to pour Libations

We pour libations/ to connect with all that is/ and to cleanse our hearts/ I need to start this article by stating this information is based on my personal experience. I have been pouring libations for at least 20 years all over the country and personally. Libations for me is a process of remembering, and connecting or re-connecting to not only the Spirit but everything around us . When we pour libations we are opening ourselves as well as the group to the axe ' of the entire Universe . I first must admit that I do not belong to a group, sect or religious order. I am a lay man who have made a personal connection with the world, and the spirit. By pouring Libations we strengthen these relationship. So let me define a few things first so that we can be on the same page. Libations - the process of pouring or giving a sacrifice to form a connection with this world and the spiritual realm. Spirituality - the state of establishing and maintaining relationships Axe...