
Showing posts with the label unity

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Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future

  Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future In a world where words often lose their meaning amidst the noise, "Honor" stands tall, embodying a profound truth that resonates deeply within the soul of our community. As we navigate the complexities of modern existence, it's essential to return to the roots that define us, leveraging the timeless principles of Honor, Loyalty, and Sacrifice to forge a path forward. This exploration isn't just about understanding a concept; it's about redefining our collective destiny through the lens of integrity and truth. As a community committed to empowerment and personal growth, we dive deep into the essence of Honor—dissecting its impact on our lives and our interactions with each other. This isn't just an article; it's a manifesto for those ready to embody the true meaning of Honor in their lives, propelling our tribe towards unprecedented heights of unity and strength. The Core of Honor: H

The 5 Most Powerful Resources You Will Ever Have

  Unifying Your Resources Great week of Ujamaa on this great day of Umoja: Man I am excited to jump into this week but I have a challenge that I personally have to overcome. For those that know me personally I have been struggling with a tobacco habit for years. Last week I fell off the wagon, and have been puffing like a dragon. Now I will have to reconquer this issue again. I will use the next 7 day cycle to begin the process of eliminating this habit. This is what the #NguzoSabaChallenge is for, it gives us a process that we can continuously work on ourselves and our goals. So I have a challenge in front of me, especially since my 21 day personal #NguzoSabaChallenge fast will begin on May 23, 2021. Now that is enough about me now let's get to today's rant. Well, we are in the week of Ujamaa, and now is the time where we get to where the rubber hits the road. For those that are not familiar with Gye-Nyame's system we work with the Nguzo Saba to change our lives, from what

Breaking Umoja Down To Its Very Last Compound

Great Umoja: We are in the week of kujichagulia and now we have to figure out how to see these powerful, life changing principles through the lense of Kujichagulia. To get things started let's look at what the principle Kujichagulia is: Kujichagulia speaks of us defining ourselves, naming ourselves, creating for ourselves and speaking for ourselves. This principle is about creating reality. Using the power of words to shape the world we exist in. Now to apply that concept to the other principles will be a joy. Today we are on the principle of unity, and kujichagulia demands that we take the time to define what this principle is. "We need to break it down to it's very last compound." Let's be clear we can't do anything until we have a clear definition of what this principle is. Unity is being or existing together as one; undivided or unbroken completeness or totality with nothing wanting; harmonious cooperation; agreement; unification; uniformity; consistency;

Kuumba - The Illusion Of Disunity 2

  Great Kuumba: Second day without a podcast I am going to have to make this one twofer. We are going to continue with the discussion about the illusion of disunity. Today of course coming from the principle of Kuumba. Kuumba for those of you that are new to the culture means creativity. I am throwing out the idea that disunity is not a problem in our community. I believe that it is a manufactured illusion that is being powered by us. Wisdom — as it goes — is knowing what to do next. And creativity is the ability to seek out solutions to our problems. Consequently, wisdom and creativity go together like peanut butter and jelly. But what happens when we use our creative powers to create ignorance? What happens when we use our wisdom to create foolishness? We get ideas running through our communities and lives causing pain and suffering. The illusion of disunity is a major focus for today, although I could hit on many others. The reason why it's important is because it affects how we

Nia- The Illusion of Disunity

So today I want to focus on these trouble makers who keep us divided. Let's call them the illusionists because they are magicians of sorts. They are skilled at getting us to believe that we are separate and not united. They are masters at getting us to see and even create the differences between us and others. They know that if we see ourselves as different from each other then we will not come together as one. Now there are different types of illusionists, but for now I want to focus on the ones that come from within. These are the illusionists that in most cases we can recognize once we know what to look for. These people have a need to have drama in their lives and in our lives, so they try to create it when there is none. They do this by manipulating information and distorting reality, sometimes they do this to intentionally hurt someone or a group of people, but most of the time they do it because they don't know any other way to live. See these illusionists have been taug

Pushing Our Resources Toward Umoja

Revolutions are not simply about tearing down the old and building up a new. They are about creating an environment to sustain change in a manner that has never been done before. In order for us to do that we must have an understanding of our resources and how to invest them into the things that will make change possible. In order for us to be successful in our revolution, we have to understand how we can create communities that support the development of future leaders. I know it sounds like a stretch but as you continue to read you will begin to see that it is necessary if we want change. The reason why this is so important is because our children are our future and if we do not teach them properly then we will get the same results over and over again. This is why Umoja & Ujamaa have been connected from the beginning of time - they are symbiotic with each other. If you want the freedom of Umoja then you have to have Ujamaa or else it will wither away like a flower without water.

Umoja in Motion (Sample)

Ujima is nothing but our Umoja in motion. What I mean is that everything that the definition of Umoja calls for is used in motion and in action through the principle of Ujima. The first part of this principle calls for us to build and maintain our community together and to make our brothers' and sisters' problems our problems, and to solve them together. We have an obligation to each other if we are going to be successful in life, because no one person has all the answers, no one person knows how to solve all the problems. The second part of this principle calls for us to remember our past, so we don't repeat it. We should know that there were others before us who had a lot of good ideas about how to solve different kinds of problems. We can learn from their mistakes, too — so that we don't have to repeat them. That's what history means. Now we need to gather the lessons recognize what we have and move into the future boldly. We can no longer be held back by the ill

The Key To Unity Is Defining What It Is

Growing up, I remember hearing people talk about the importance of unity. Now, as an adult, I hear it more than ever before. But the thing is, I know that unity isn't achieved by talking about how important it is; it's achieved by actually being clear on what it looks like and then going out and creating it. What does unity look like to you? Have you taken the time to think about it? Does your tribe or collective have a clear mission statement that has been agreed upon by everyone? Or are you blindly following some vague idea of what “unity” should be? I'm not saying that we shouldn't have our own individual opinions and beliefs. What I am saying is that if we are trying to create change in our communities and in this world, we need to be clear on what those beliefs are so that we can actually work together toward a common goal. And if you've ever seen a group of people talking about how important having a single unified vision is, only to turn around and do somethi

A Look At Our Current Reality - Reaching Umoja

Unity is important, because it helps us to see that we can be like the branches of a tree — each with our own unique size, shape and position. But when we come together as one strong trunk, great things happen! We can help others in so many ways. Think about all the times you have been helped by someone else — a parent or older sister; perhaps a teacher at school — maybe even someone you don’t know! Now think about the times when you have helped others — when you have encouraged your little brother to persevere through his homework; or maybe when you took care of stray dogs in your neighborhood. Lastly, think about how helping other people makes you feel inside. It’s good for them and it’s good for us too! You may not realize it but helping others is part of Unity. By doing this we make each other stronger. We lift each other up, and Life becomes easier for everyone concerned. And when we live Life this way then everything works better: families get on better; communities work better t

The Secret Sauce of Umoja (sample)

For any type of Umoja to happen in our lives, we must first be unified within ourselves. This requires a high level of faith and trust in yourself. The strength of your Imani is the foundation of the Umoja principle. Umoja can take place on multiple levels. There is internal unity, which means you are unified within yourself; and there is external unity, which means that you work with other people and form a union. Internal unity is essential because it allows us to build strong relationships with ourselves and others. External unity can be defined as how well different groups can work together for a common goal or purpose.  The Imani principle turns on the light of Umoja, it shines so bright that it will help you see yourself through the eyes of great love, self-respect, and compassion. It will also help you see others through the same light, they too become worthy of your respect and love when you have activated Imani before attempting to connect with them.  Internal Umoja helps us g

Creating Your Story of Power

The Power of Unity can be enhanced by the power of the stories we tell ourselves about our circumstances. Many overlook the power of a story and the benefits of creating a story of power over a story of victimhood. These stories can help inspire us and put things into perspective. Here are 5 ways to see the power in your story: 1) Storytelling is one of the most powerful universal means for transmitting information, modeling behavior, and encouraging change in any situation. 2) Stories have an uncanny ability to generate creativity and innovation. They are vehicles for problem solving, activating dormant resources, and even developing technological breakthroughs. 3) Stories have been proven to improve focus, reduce anxiety and stress, strengthen resilience, and increase productivity through their impact on attention, mood, motivation, perception, and performance. 4) Stories are powerful tools for self-expression and personal growth. We often create them to deal with problems or challen

5 Reasons To Set Up Rituals In Your Life

To start with, rituals are an important part of any and all success. Now you might be thinking, "Oh wow this guy is going to get all religious on us" Not quite. Rituals are a way that we focus our energies towards a desired outcome and they are definitely not just for religious folks. The thing about rituals is that anyone can do them, and you don't have to have any religious beliefs to use them-actually it's better if you don't have religious beliefs when it comes to doing rituals. If you are starting out on the path of personal development my book ``The Player's Pyramid" would be a great place for you to start and then after reading my book it would be good to start reading other books on personal development. Once you understand how rituals work in your life they can be an incredibly powerful tool to help you achieve whatever you desire. Some of the things that might be keeping you from setting up some rituals in your life right now might be: 1.) You

How To Use Your Tribe To Motivate You When You Are Feeling Low

I'm here to give you permission to take a break. It's not that it's hard to find things to talk about—it's that sometimes we just don't feel like talking. And that's okay! Sometimes, we need to take time off from our broadcast schedule and just listen instead of speak. We can turn the mic over to someone else, or we can keep it shut off while we observe the world around us and recharge. But even taking a break, we still have a responsibility: to do what we do best. For me, that means being an observer, a listener, and an advocate for others. It means keeping my eyes open at all times so I can affirm the people I know are out there doing their part, too. I didn't make it through this past year by pretending as though nothing was happening outside of my own little bubble—in fact, I made it by getting out there and meeting everyone else who is also braving this time in history with me and for me. And my tribe is out there inspiring me every day. So when I come

The Revolutionary Practice Of Umoja

In today's show, we're going to look at the Umoja principle, and I'm going to try to explain it in a way that makes it more accessible. We need to bring the power of Umoja into our own lives. The first step is to understand and incorporate the principle into our day-to-day life. Then, we can begin to spread it within our tribes and communities, and then, hopefully, around the world. Follow Listen to "Umoja Toast - The Revolutionary Practice Of Umoja" on Spreaker.

Prolonged Fasting - Daily Toast Umoja 529171

Peace FAM: Just when you thought it couldn't get any better, we jump into the world of prolonged fasting. I must say that I am amazed. I knew about fasting, but as far as the renewing of the body, and the immune system I am shocked and this will definately be adding this to my regiment. Accord to the small amount of research we have conducted the only things that you really need to maintain a healthy life is proper breathing, water, fasting, and proper food (check out the African Heritage Diet I will be doing another video on it soon) I also unveiled another Ginseg root  that has been sitting undisturbed for 8 days in "That Ambrosia", and I must admit that it is good. It has a nice earthy, slightly woody taste, it is a bit on the bitter side, but very drinkable, and I am going to be rolling this out soon. This kind will only be availible in half, and whole gallons, this willonly be availible with pre-orders. Let me know if you are interested

Daily Toast- Umoja 424171 "Drama"

Peace FAM: I hope this day finds you standing in Peace, Power, & Joy, our true natural state. Unfortunately we are bombarded with anti-virtues that strives to pull us from this natural state into a spiral that often ends in a wreck. One of these your anti-virtues that i will focus on today is "drama". Drama is an inescapable part of life, but the issue is when it is magnified, stressed upon by others, and then thrust into your existence. FAM the truth of the matter is that you do not have to buy into others over dramatization of life events. Actually it will benefit you greatly if you did not. We are surrounded by these over dramatic episodes today in ways that our ancestors never were. We are bombraded with news, timelines, comments, phone calls, tweets, photos, and etc., that strive to keep us involved and a part of needless drama. This need is driven by a lack of attention, and a lack of purpose. the drama springs up and begin to eat at the unity of the group, and eve

Daily Toast- Umoja 417171 Sex

Peace FAM: We will look at sex today, and discuss how it can become a point of contention, as well as a powerful tool to move you toward your goal. When seeking SelfMastery, as well as Nationbuilding all aspects of our lives need to help us move toward our goals. Especially those that are necessities, like eating, and sex. It is incredible to me that people will move toward change and leave the same old attitudes about sex in place. Sex is one of the most powerful things that we do in our life time. We literally create life during this act, but we neglect it when it comes to changing our lives. You can create the best life in the bedroom, as well as erect your own private hell. We have to be wise enough to use all of the tools we have been given on our journey to greatness. To overlook the major necessities of life is like trying to build a house with no hammer. Check the video and let me know what you think: Nuff Said Peace, Power, Joy and 1hunidyears

Daily Toast- Umoja 410171 (confusing being scared with being mad is stopping Unity in our communiity)

Peace, Power, and Joy FAM Umoja has swooped in upon me like a hawk, and snatched me up before I was ready. Now I am playing catch up, but I am grateful for another opportunity to greet you on this Great day. It is incredible what new information can do for you. It is like having a blind spot your whole life and someone comes around with a cure, and all of the sudden you can see of the world. I feel that another blind spot has been cleared up for me after  this weekends WHB workshop. I received information this weekend that has changed my view of the world, and if I put it to work it will change the world I'm in. Confusion is a powerful force, that cause us to mislabel and misplace things. In our confusion about our emotions we have mislabeled scared, and misplaced it in the wrong emotions group. This has caused so much confusion for me. For years I thought I was angry, and I get never understand fully why. I struggled with this anger, I fought with this anger, and  I spoke about

Daily Toast- Umoja 43171

Peace FAM We have made it into another week, and I have lost count, but I thank you for reading these post, and following me on my personal challenge, and journey. Hopefully you have found some inspiration, and we have brought some value to your life. Unity is a powerful principle that when applied can conquer any obstacle that is placed before you as an individual. Unity is a principle that has to be exercise individually before it can be effective as a group. Unity empowers us to work as a whole unity, pulling on all the resources of our whole being (IMESP). I have to stress this because many of us look for collective groups, families or tribes, but have not truly unified within. When this happen the group dissolves because all of the members are looking for a wholeness from the group, that can only start from within. Now is the time to begin working on yourself, learning to harness the Umoja force. When you begin doing this you will start attracting other whole people, and from t

Daily Toast- Umoja 313171 (take time to review)

Peace FAM: Great Umoja, and welcome to the start of new cycle. Take time in this cycle and review all of the principles and how you have practiced each one. Now is the time of manifesting all of the work from the previous cycle. We also talk about being careful about what we allow into our minds, and how by not monitoring our thoughts we allow things into our mind that manifest in our lives to hold us back. Checkout the video and let me know what you think. Peace &1hunidyears

Daily Toast- Umoja 227171

We have made it to another Umoja, and almost made it through another month. We are going strong with these toast, and by now you should be seeing the effects. Umoja is the point in our principle system where all of the principles we have been working on come together to produce results. Today take some time to notice where the principle Umoja has been working in your life. Where have things been coming together for you. Umoja is unity, but also on this day we deal with the Maatic principle of Truth, and the Hermetic Law of Mentalism. Speaking of the Law Of Mentalism, let's explore this law throught the lense of Umoja. The principle of Umoja reminds that everything is connected and and interdependent. If we take this as Truth (Maat) we can take our principles to another level.  The Law of Metalism states that "Everything is mental, and everything is a mental creation of the All", now this means that the entire Creation is formed through mental energy. Mental energy pro