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It’s Okay to Be Lost

  I’ve always called my job an adventure, and I’m proud of that. I love what I do, even with all its challenges. But more than just my work, life itself is an adventure. And for anyone reading this—whether young or old—let me assure you: it’s okay to be lost . Being lost is part of the journey. It’s part of the process. Nothing is always going to line up perfectly. Things won’t always go according to plan, and that’s fine. The key is to learn how to be lost without panicking . Learn how to be lost and still keep your mind steady . Learn how to take a breath, be still, and move forward without fear . Too many of us stress out when we don’t have all the answers. We feel like if we don’t know exactly what’s next, something must be wrong. But that’s not the case. Some of the greatest growth happens in the confusion . Some of the best lessons are learned in the wandering . Embracing the Unknown Right now, I’m in a season of my own uncertainty. For a long time, I didn’t want to leav...

Let's Take It To The Next Level - 21 Day Nguzo Saba Challenge

Peace FAM: It is time that I move to another level. I have spoke enough about sacrifice, suffering, embracing the bitter. Now it is time for us to see these things totally in action. I have decided to commit to completing another 21 Day Nguzo Saba Challenge with a fast. It is about to get hard. This time I will not be doing the intermittent fasting I will be doing a straight liquid fast. The goal is to demonstrate that it can be done, to help me workout some of my personal fears, and to solidify my vision for GNJ. I am not playing with this platform I have been blessed with, and I am not playing with this product that the Ancestors have dropped in my lap. I decided to call it the Gye-Nyame Quest. Now what I will have to workout is a system that will help me make it through the rough times. I will follow everything that we do within the challenge, plus the fast. My system will look like this: Week 1 Breathing Exercise Toast Movement Cold shower/ bath proverb & folktale of...

The Skin & African Sponge - Daily Toast Kujichagulia 613171

Peace FAM: I shared some information about the largest organ in the body, and the importance of its care. Most people do not think of the skin as an organ, but it is. In fact when you start learning about it is incredible. It is our bodies first line of defense from the world. It helps regulate the temperature of the body, and helps eliminate toxic waste. On top of all that it helps us look good. Unfortunately we are poisining ourselves with all of the products that we are putting on our skin. Not really reading about the chemicals that we are absorbing into our bodies. The skin is super absorbent, you may just think that you are putting on deodorant orrubbing in lotion, but the fact is you our introducing poison to your system. I also talk about my personal experience with what is called the African sponge. It is great for helping you clean your skin, it also helps with blood flow, and helps remove dead cells. This simple tool or cloth that I found being used in Ghana everywhere ...

How Your Feelings Stop You From Growing - Daily Toast 611171

Peace FAM: On this powerful day of Imani, I was hit by the thought of feelings. I know the power of feelings when they are properly directed, but I have been held hostage by them as well. Often times we find that how we feel about some task will freeze us up, and stop us from doing certain task. We have to learn to push past how we feel on some of our quest, because our feelings are helping to hold us back. It is human instinct to want to stay comfortable, we seek comfortable position, and we thrive in predictable situations. Even if the thriving is moving us on  a long train ride to destruction. We hang on to old habits even though we can see that they are making us obeist, lazy, sick, miserable, and etc.. We have to be willing sometimes to jump over how we are feeling and get things accomplished. This is a tough process but often for us to make break throughs we have to do this. Our feelings are a guidance system, not a ruler that should command our lives and limit our actions....

Folktales & Proverbs - Daily Toast Nia 69171

Peace FAM: I have been on the grind for years now with, blogging, podcasting, vlogging and now brewing I am finally making inroads on a platform, but I feel I need to explain why I do what I do. I believe that I need to express the Nia that is flowing through me at this time. My purpose is to enlighten, uplift, encourage, and I must be honest to talk. Those that know me, know that this the truth. I believe and have believed for a long time that I was born to talk. I have supported my family with my mouth, I have provided jobs with my mouth, I have raised money with my mouth, and I can continue but I won't. I am driven to do this, and to the dismay of many in my life I continue. I will get up early in the morning to make sure that I am able to reach those that are taking the time out to listen. Hell I will do a show if no one is there, and I fell I need to explain this desire. Because the fact is that I am not alone, many if not all of my readers, listeners, viewers, and drinkers h...

The P's Of Politricks- Daily Journey 69171

Peace FAM: I am proud to say that today was the day that I decided to begin shipping "That Ambrosia", first shipment was sent out west, and i mean way out west. The shipping cost is workable, and for those that want to get their hands on this drink, it is worth it. i have decided that the goal of GNJ's "That Ambrosia" is to help heal all ailments affecting our Tribe that are connected to gut health. The list of those type of diseases is long and I will not go into it. I will save that for another video. For those family & friends that want to get hold of "That Ambrosia" it is as a simple process. By you supporting our efforts you get access to the drink. For those interested feel free to click the link "That Ambrosia" , and follow the instructions. Now to the P's of politricks, these are simply my observation. check them out and let, me know what you think: Politics vs. Policy Politicians (personalities) vs. Platforms Parties...

Culture & Food- Daily Toast Kuumba 63171

My FAM: I appreciate your eyes & the time you spend reading my post. It is amazing that through your dedication and inspiration I have been able to post daily. I thank you a thousand times and pray and toast that our ancestors will push you on your chosen path to success. Yesterday we had an opportunity to discuss the connection between food and Culture. We were introduced to a field that was created to explore this relationship and with that information I believe help in further conquest of other's Culture. We explored the difference between one feeding and one eating, and I ask the question which one are you involved with. Because one is directly linked to culture and the other is just about getting energy to work. Our relationship with food defines us as well as our connection with our ancestors and have direct effects on our health. So take some time and and view this long video ( I promise I am trying to reduce the amount of time I spend on the video but sometimes m...

Dandelion Root & Other Tonics (take control of your life) - Ujamaa Daily Toast 61171

Peace FAM: Of courser you know that if you follow my videos, I am always a day behind with the post. Morning rush catches up with me, and a majority of the stuff that I do is from the heart (except when I am reading to you). It is marvelous that we are growing, I believe that "If it comes fast it don't last, but if it comes slow it's good to go".  I personally believe that as the audience builds we will be able to do great things. As more people begin to read, and take the 21 Day Nguzo Saba Challenge , we will build a tribe like no other on the Internet. My goal is to eventually be able to meet with some of my distant family members in workshops, and on my travels. Just the other day I was sitting sleep in the barber chair when a Young man came in and woke me up asking was "I the guy that do the Daily Toast", I couldn't do anything but smile because slowly but surely the message is getting out. The fact of the matter is that we lift our Ancestors up the...

Parasitic Invasion- Daily Toast Kujichagulia 530171

Peace FAM: I have the creeps, after doing this research looking into parasites. I am shocked that these little critters effect almost every part of our body. They are even known to influence our choices, as far as food, and even effect our emotions. There are Protozoan parasites that are famous for causing  sickneses like malaria, tapeworms, flukes, roundworms, and the many different varities that each of these bugs come in. They sit inside of us growing off of us causing all forms illness, and now is the tie for you to take control back. In Gye-Nyame Journey I constantly stress that all of the principles we practice start from with in. I guess liberation starts within as well. We have to make major moves to get rid of these critters within us, so that we can focus the energy to take our lives and tribes back. What bothers me the most is that these little bastards inside of us appear to be working for our enemies. They contribute to us eating less vegitables, by making them unde...

Music & Culture - Daily Toast Kuumba 527171

Peace FAM: We once again talk about culture, at the beginning I was joined by my girls, but they soon abandoned ship for a movie. This left me the space to have some adult conversation with y'all. We are neglecting the power of culture and the tools of culture, and we will not be able to march very much further in this highly competitive, and race based world if we don't start learning the lessons, and building for our future. Music is such a powerful tool that we have allowed to be hijacked. I recently was at a talent show, and the young people sang, and danced, but all of the songs that my (our) children chose were from white artist. All the songs were about pushing beyond limits and inspirational. I had to laugh because I could not think of any age appropriate songs by a Black artist that my kids could sing that fit that model. We have allowed our culture to be pimped, and turned into a weapon against us. I for one will not stand for it. We have radio stations in our com...

The Lymphatic System 2

Peace FAM: This subject was so important I felt that I needed to add more time to it. All of the information that I am running into I am throwing out to you to do with as you will. Take some time review, think about and begin to make changes to improve your life. As my ancient ancestors would say, "Physician heal thyself", we are living in a time where we have access to so much information, that anyone that is not taking advantage is truly choosing to be sick. The lymphatic system is in need of your help, and we will explore how to assist it further tomorrow.

The Ambrosia Chronicles

Here is a view of what goes on behind the scenes of GNJ's "That Ambrosia", come on in and  checkout part of the brewing process. For those who want to brew their own Jun, I am now able to provide SCOBYs. Hit me up also if you are interested in getting the super ginseng. This Ginseng drink will sit longer and have the root in it. This of course will be more expensive but if you know what ginseng does you know that it will be worth it. Right now this will only be available in the gallon, and half gallon, I'm still working out the price, but for those that are interested hit me up @ That Ambrosia . Peace, Power, Joy & 1hunidyears Don't forget to sign up for the 21 Day Nguzo Saba Challenge  also be sure to link up with us on Blaqspot , a social network with us in mind. Gye-Nyame Journey, and Brother ha2tim is on the site and we are loving it, so join and support the creation of a Black Digital Territory.

Daily Toast- Ujamaa 518171 "The wasted resource of Black Manhood & Black Womanhood

Peace FAM: Wasted resources are killing our community. Especially resources that we have control over. I am going to hit on some sensitive ideas in this article and the video so I need to warn you advance. I woke up and started thinking about the role of gender in a culture, and asked why were they important. Gender roles were established to help bring order in the culture. Each individual was assigned roles at birth, as well as from the community. These roles helped to advance the society. The interaction between the genders produced the life that enabled the culture to exist as well as the community that adhered to the role. Now in these days and times these roles have been allowed to slip into each other forming whole other groups of individuals. Now where you stand on this is your business, and is not part of my discussion, but it is something that I felt that I need to cover. We as Africans in America, also known as Black folks are in no position to be arguing about these gend...

I'm Moving!!!! Be sure to come visit

That's right I'm packing up some of my content and moving over to the BlaqSpot . Finally I have a spot made for us by us, and I am going to take full advantage. I'm planning to run adds, and introduce new products over there as well. Of course I will keep my territory out here, but I will be doing some real Culture Building on safe ground. Hopefully many of you will come and visit so that you can get some exclusive stuff. I wonder how many people over there will be willing to take the 21 Day Nguzo Saba Challenge . I thought about building a network but the amount of work and skill it would take to get something like that working and keep it working was beyond me. So I salute the brothers and sisters that spearheaded this project. Now here is where I'm going to loose many of you, BlaqSpot  is not free. Now listen before you take your eyes off  the page, If we want to build we have to pay. Freedom has never been free, nor can it be handed to you. Freedom has to be bought...

Daily Toast- Kujichagulia 516171 "This World Is Ours"

We have to change our mindset about the world we exist in. We live here as if we are visitors or this planet, when in fact this entire planet is ours. When we start changing this mind state we can start moving as a group in the direction that we need. When we act as a beggar in the world the world treats you as such. Human rights cant be given, freedom can't be given, sovereignty can't be given, all of these must be taken. In order to take these things we have to activate the power of Kujichagulia. We have to re-establish a collective sense of ownership. The fact is that this planet is ours, and we have been allowing others to squat on our inheritance. We have been trained to not compete, and to be satisfied, better yet feel luck to come in last place. We believe other peoples myths, treat them as fact, and allow them to take hold of land, possessions, our children, and even our lives with a fight. No one has more right to the land and resources of this planet than you. The on...

Daily Toast- Imani 515171 "Hold your Breath"

Peace FAM: I have been pushing heavy on the breathing and will continue to do so family. The breathing exercises that I am sharing and talking about will change your life. On this powerful day of Imani I discussed the retention of the breath. Family, breathing right not only contributes to your physical health it helps you with the other 4 parts of your being. I am stressing this in the blog, 21 Day Nguzo Saba Challenge , and especially those in GNJ's Warrior training (coming soon). Breath is the key that helps unlock the trauma, correct the body, clear the mind, and provide us with the energy needed to build the culture that a nation can spring from. I am saying that how we breath set us into a rythm that will either put us in time with oppression, or  freedom. Most of us are breathing in the rythm of slavery, and oppression. Now let's look at the retention of the breath. When you consciously hold your breath you are making an effort to take control of your your being. Bre...

Daily Toast- Nia 55171 "The Tao Of Ignorance"

Peace FAM: Great Nia, and welcome to GNJ. I was excited about this video, it came together in a dream. I began to question the idea of ignorance, and the role it plays in the life of my people. After reflecting I began to notice the role it plays in my own personal development. I have been held back because of my ignorance, or my ability to ignore. As a people we have been well trained in the art of ignoring. Ignorance when I think about it is an art, and has been perfected by certain segments of our family. Checkout the video, join the 21 Day Nguzo Saba Challenge , and be on the lookout for GNJ's 21 week warrior training click the link to stay in the loop.

Daily Toast- Ujamaa 427171 "You Are not breathing right"

Peace FAM: Food is important, water is more important, but air is the true staple of life. If your air supply stops and you are dead in a few minutes. This is a fact that none can deny. This is why I wanted to do a video talking about breathing and the proper way to breath. We need to pay more attention to the breath, just mastering this one exercise and consciously breathing we can increase our health, strength, and power of our immune system. Many of us our suffering from the effects of improper breathing, and dehydration. If we water our bodies, and breath properly we can eliminate the need for many of the supplements and drugs that we are taking. Our bodies are malfunctioning because we have not been handling the basics. Breathing correctly is the key, if we perfect this skill our life would jump by leaps and bonds. When we bring air into our body it enables us to transform the food we eat into the energy that we need to make it through the day. We must become conscious of our bre...

Daily Toast- Umoja 424171 "Drama"

Peace FAM: I hope this day finds you standing in Peace, Power, & Joy, our true natural state. Unfortunately we are bombarded with anti-virtues that strives to pull us from this natural state into a spiral that often ends in a wreck. One of these your anti-virtues that i will focus on today is "drama". Drama is an inescapable part of life, but the issue is when it is magnified, stressed upon by others, and then thrust into your existence. FAM the truth of the matter is that you do not have to buy into others over dramatization of life events. Actually it will benefit you greatly if you did not. We are surrounded by these over dramatic episodes today in ways that our ancestors never were. We are bombraded with news, timelines, comments, phone calls, tweets, photos, and etc., that strive to keep us involved and a part of needless drama. This need is driven by a lack of attention, and a lack of purpose. the drama springs up and begin to eat at the unity of the group, and eve...

Daily Toast- Nia 46171 (Helping Others Find There Nia Through A Challenge)

Peace FAM: I greet you on this beautiful Day of Nia. I am up and ready to get at the world. I have recently launched the 21 Day Nguzo Saba Challenge , and I feel good. I have Identified my purpose and now I have found a mechanism to share it with the world. Click the link and allow me to help you identify your purpose, or if you know your purpose already allow me to help you intensify your pursuit. It is time that we stop living our lives according to other peoples rules. Especially when those others base their economic growth on your failure. Nia is the day where we are able to refocus our efforts and get after what it is we were born to do. Stop wasting the little bit of time you have on this earth making others reality better, future secure. Let's begin to plug into our true power and unleash it on the world. This is exactly why I have developed the challenge . I have spent my life watching my people struggle under others banners, we learned the language and that wasn't eno...