
Showing posts with the label spirituality

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The Subtle but Powerful Shifts of Fasting: A Journey of Discipline and Transformation

The Subtle but Powerful Shifts of Fasting: A Journey of Discipline and Transformation Fasting is often reduced to a conversation about weight loss, but my journey has been about so much more. From January 6 to January 27 , I undertook a fast that challenged not just my body, but also my mind and spirit. It wasn’t easy, but the process gave me clarity, self-discipline, and a deeper understanding of my body’s resilience. I want to share my experience—not just the numbers, but the way fasting reshaped my daily habits, my mental clarity, and my approach to health. Tracking the Physical Shifts 📉 Weight Loss During the Fast – I started at 197.8 lbs on January 6, and by January 27, I weighed 172.8 lbs . That’s over 25 pounds lost , but what mattered more was how my body felt . 💖 Blood Pressure Improvement – My BP started at 150/102 and by the end of my fast, I recorded 120/80 on January 21 and even 108/67 on January 27. My cardiovascular system was responding to the cleansing effects ...

The Subtle but Powerful Shifts of Fasting: A Journey of Discipline and Transformation

The Subtle but Powerful Shifts of Fasting: A Journey of Discipline and Transformation Fasting is often reduced to a conversation about weight loss, but my journey has been about so much more. From January 6 to January 27 , I undertook a fast that challenged not just my body, but also my mind and spirit. It wasn’t easy, but the process gave me clarity, self-discipline, and a deeper understanding of my body’s resilience. I want to share my experience—not just the numbers, but the way fasting reshaped my daily habits, my mental clarity, and my approach to health. Tracking the Physical Shifts 📉 Weight Loss During the Fast – I started at 197.8 lbs on January 6, and by January 27, I weighed 172.8 lbs . That’s over 25 pounds lost , but what mattered more was how my body felt . 💖 Blood Pressure Improvement – My BP started at 150/102 and by the end of my fast, I recorded 120/80 on January 21 and even 108/67 on January 27. My cardiovascular system was responding to the cleansing effects ...


I woke up this morning and realized that I was dreaming about one of my elders, and I was faced with the fact that he had passed away. At first I was sad , but then remembering some of the lessons that he had given me during our time together I began to celebrate and it made it easier for me. Mourning is a process that we must go through in order to let go of what was and face what is. Mourning helps us embrace the present moment whole. When we refuse to mourn we hold onto old things that no longer serve a purpose in our life. They begin to weigh us down and make our journey harder than it needs to be. I realized why the words mourning and morning sound so much alike, because they are in essence the same thing. When we first awake a part of us wants to stay sleep, because sleep is comfortable, and in most cases in the western world it is safe, but the fact is that we must get up at some point and face the day, So we have to say goodbye to the dream world, push the covers off, rise, g...

First Interview with a Witch in the Journey

I was challenged today as I prepared for my weekly "FreeStyle Friday Show" . As I was preparing my mic and checking the music that I was going to play, a young man approached me and asked what type of music I was listening to. I explained that I was preparing to broadcast my show as I untangled myself from all the wires. He Took an immediate interest and asked if I do interviews. I said sure and welcomed him to come over and join the show, and what a show it was. It turns out that the young man was a High Priest in a Wiccan Covenant near Columbus. Now here is the challenge.... Should I give in to the fear of my old beliefs..... fears of public criticism.....fear of spells and potions.... Hell no, I jumped in and had a good interview and discussion. The show might turn some heads and scare some people, but it is a big world and I am going to run into a lot of different things, and have run into some different things. So I challenge my listeners to get through your fear a...

The Power of your Family Pyrmid

During a recent class I had the pleasure of giving, I challenged the participants to build a "Family Pyramid". A family pyramid is simple a family tree flipped upside down. The idea of this exercise to help the participant to recognize their greatness as well as to help them develop a sense of destiny. Most of the participants completed the assignment. I moved into a discussion about each individual being on earth  for a purpose and the way I used to prove this to them was showing them how many people had to come together in their personal pyramid in order for them to exist. I explained that each individual within their personal pyramid had to come together exactly at the right time in order for them to exist. I further asked them to imagine that everybody within their personal pyramid was brought together by destiny just to produce them. Then I threw out the question "if these people were brought together in the past just so that you can have this moment what are you do...

Imagination- tool of success o

Imagination is the tool that we use to develop our life or the weapon of our destruction. When we use our imagination to make away, things begin to happen in our life. When we focus our imagination on things, we recieve nothing. We become stuck where we are with visions of possessing the things, but we come up with no means to get it. Focus your imagination on creating the way to wealth rather than focusing on the things of wealth. When we focus on the the things of wealth rather than the means of attaining them we become stuck. We are burning up our axe' (life energy) fantasizing about the rewards of hard work. We have the ability to create within focus our axe' on that and move ourselves along the path we imagined.

The Warrior Spirit

The warrior spirit is important for anyone who wants change their life. A warrior is "one who is experienced or involved with conflict" and anyone that is looking to change is going to experience conflict. The conflicts that will come will start internally and then work themselves out into the world. Conflict is unavoidable when one is seeking any sort of change. Conflict is necessary in our lives because it is only through conflict we grow. Reflect on your own life and look at all the conflicts you had to endure to become who you are today. I humbily suggest that we are a products of conflict, individually and collectively. When we look at the definitiopn of a warrior we can see that it is bigger than a physical war. When we limit the warrior spirit to the battlefeilds of humanity, we limit are ability to tap into the force. We limit our access to the part of ourselves that has helped man/woman evolve beyond our fear, and self imposed  limits. It was the warrior spirit ...

Have You Shaken The Dust From Your Feet

Shaking the Dust from your feet is a command that I learned that Jesus gave to his disciples. They were instructed to shake the dust from there feet when they left a town, or house where people did not accept what they had to offer. When you look at it from a purely physical level this command can be confusing, but when we put on our symbolic glasses we see a whole new idea. Dust is defined as " Fine, dry powder consisting of tiny particles of earth or waste matter lying on the ground or on surfaces or carried in the air."   By shaking the dust from your feet when leaving a place means to leave the waste matter, and decayed particles where you found them.  On the Journey we have to have the same mind state, we want to begin shaking the dust from our feet when we leave not just places, but also when we leave negative people. We don't want to be carrying around the old waste from past situations because they may contaminate any new situation that we may enter. shaking t...

"Your Lever Is Long Enough"

I know that this sounds strange but the idea came to me as I was doing research and found a Greek philosopher by the name of Archimedes. Archimedes was quoted to have said "give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world". In this modern time a lever and a fulcrum big enough to move the world has been presented to us all. The lever I'm speaking of is the internet. This lever if it is used properly can help you move your business, your personal life, and anything else you want to move. Through the social network aspect we can set up support networks for just about anything that we want, and leverage the information and inspiration that they provide. We can seek out information that just 10 years ago would have belong to a rare few, and use it on a daily basis to bring success, peace, and happiness into our lives if we choose to. The fulcrum in this idea is the devices that have been developed to experience the internet....

"It Is Time For You To Leave"

Before you read please check out the video so that you will not get lost, some of my readers are to young to remember the show Kung Fu, and will not understand my references.  What I loved about Kung fu was that it introduced me to different way of thinking. The scene that I am discussing today is the test that was set up in this fictional shaolin temple that determined when it was time for a student to leave. The test was basically the head monk (Master Khan) standing before the student every so often, and challenging the student to snatch the pebble from his hand. When the student missed he went back to his daily practice in the temple as a student. When he was finally able to snatch the pebble he and the master knew that it was time for him to leave. In other words it was made clear to the student and the teacher that student had no more to learn in the temple and it was time for him to continue his studies in the world. If only real life was this simple, and clear cut. ...

I am a Hip-Hop Philospha

I am  a Hip-Hop Philosopha and Spiritualist this means that I have a unique way of seeing the world, and the way it runs. I have the pleasure of being part of a culture that does not mind borrowing. In Hip-Hop we have always borrowed the best and created something greater. You can see it in the fashion world, in art, dance, and music just to name a few areas of life where this culture as been a big influence. Growing up in this culture and developing the mindstate that goes with it, has opened many doors for me, and has created what you are reading today. In philosophy, and spirituality I have only done what my culture has guided me to do. Just like the DJ who would mix the old with the older and create something new, I did the same. When I developed Gye-Nyame and all of the other organizations before that I was motivated and inspired by the vibe of creating something useful from old ignored elements, and changing the world. Like that DJ I was able to look at the gosp...


Image via Wikipedia Here is an old blog from 11-18-10 discussing spirituality read and then check out my podcast " what is spirituality ". Connection to all/ True spirituality/ Based on relations/ Spirituality is simply about relationships. Managing and maintaining relationships with the living, and those who have made their transition. The four legged, the rocks, the plants, the Earth as an organism, and mother.When we deal with these relationships and humble ourselves and understand that we are "No higher than a Blade of grass, and no lower than its roots", when we strive to feel this connection to all life, and work with it; this my friend is true Spirituality. If a person does not work to cultivate relationships in their life, I dont care how many books they read,how much they know, how many rituals they participate in or even lead. I don't care how many times a week they go to a service, its not spiritual, and the practice of spirituality is not t...

Two Stories about the Truth

Here are two stories about Truth that struck me as powerful. The first is from a class that I took in my college days that stuck with me until today, and the second I recently ran into while going over some Zen tales. So check them out: In the beginning the first man and woman were sitting wondering and discussing Truth. They approached the Creator and asked that they be given the Truth. The Creator denied their request, saying that they were not ready for the Truth. They continued to ask over and over again when ever they got a chance. Finally after a time the Creator respecting their persistence gave in to their request. Before the truth was given to them, they were warned that the Truth is a heavy burden and that they may live to regret their request. Man and woman were excited and prepared themselves for this gift. The Creator formed the Truth into a giant mirror and placed this new burden on the shoulders of Man and Woman. At first the Truth didn't seem to heavy or much of...

New Definition of Power

"On mile 3" my spreaker radio show I discussed a new definition of power but left out the connection of humbleness to true power. To be Humble = to be empty...? I have come to understand humbleness in this way from a ancient Zen story: A Zen master was being visited by someone wanting to know about Zen. Visitor began asking alot of questions. The Master served the visitor the visitor tea. As the visitor kept talking the Master kept pouring. The visitor watched the cup over flow and the tea rolled down the table into his lap. The visitor jumped and said "the cup is to full you are wasting tea everywhere!" The Master replied "like this cup you are full of your own opinions and speculations. How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup?" Listen to show and learn  the power of emptiness/a void.  New Definition of Power

The Gye-Nyame Journey's 360 Mile Quest Challenge

The Gye-Nyame Journey's 360 Mile Quest Challenge : 'via Blog this'

Gye-Nyame training session I

TRAIN SPIRIT & MIND/ TO BUILD A MUCH BETTER LIFE/ SELF IS FOUNDATION/ For those coming to class and for those who are unsure, you can keep up with what will be happening by tuning in to the Journey blog. before each session I will lay down what we will attempt to cover. The class will follow the axe' or vibe of the class so that i can make sure that everyone gets what it is they need. The rule of the training is that you will get as much as you invest in the class. the requirement for the class is the books if you buy them from me at the class i will let them go for $30 for all three. You can also order them off the internet. just look on the rightside of the blog click on book and purchase. This Sunday we will cover: Gye-Nyame meditation basics we will explore the Self and discuss the difference between the self and the Self. we will discuss mastery and what we need to work to mastering in our live introduction to books, and read and discuss intro in all 3 books que...

Tribal quote

Image by Getty Images via @daylife Worrying about it takes precious time and attention away from your priorities and increases your feelings of dissatisfaction about life. ~ Christina Winsey-Rudd I apologize for the lateness. Was experimenting with a new program on phone and I see it failed miserably.... here is your quotes.. Unless you're willing to have a go, fail miserably, and have another go, success won't happen. ~ Phillip Adams With shoes you can get on in the midst of thorns. - Jamaica Brother Ha2tim SelfMasteryCoach Nation Builder HipHop Philosopha & Shaman

The Baba - capter 8 part 1

Image via Wikipedia Chapter 8 When I made it to the Men’s House, it was time for workout . Every morning we are up for prayer, meditation, and workout. This morning Silace was leading workout. He had been in the Club four years and made it to the level of Royal. He was reaching for his promotion to Grand. He still lived in the Men’s house to save his money, for what I don’t know. He was upset with me for coming in late. We worked  out and ran 3 miles. After the workout everyone came in prepared for day and left. I waited for everyone to leave before I packed up my few belongings to keep questions down. At 7:55 Malik pulled up in a black Benz. I was waiting on the front porch. I was going to miss the house. I had spent the last six months communing with brothers from Gye-Nyame House. We did everything together, I finally found a home where I could call home and I was leaving it for what I had no idea. The best part of the Men’s House was the it was safe. I never had to worry abou...

Tribal quote

Image via Wikipedia All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsions, habit, reason, passion, desire. ~ Aristotle People who lean on logic and philosophy and rational exposition end by starving the best part of the mind. ~ William Butler Yeats No one dreams of going to where they will kill him. -Ashanti Brother Ha2tim SelfMasteryCoach Nation Builder HipHop Philosopha & Shaman

Number 7

Image by Leo Reynolds via Flickr Seven looks backward/ Study, rest, and perfection/ It's view of the world/ Discovered that I had not completed the number system so here you go and we complete the reat of the numbers before the end of the year. After this one we only have 2 more to go, and then maybe in 2012 I will try to wrestle with the zero... Seven is the masculine number that represents study rest and perfection. This is a crucial number in the process of development. Because in order to move forward it mus look to the past. This number is very similar to the indinkra symbol Sankofa. To look back the number 7 must stop, and rest and in its resting it builds power to move to the next level.  Perfection is a process that requires proper rest and study. When we study we sit still and focus our mind, and that is important when we are dealing with this number. It is said that if we do not obey the mandate of 7 and continue to try to move forward. The universe will find...

Change the story

Image via Wikipedia Unhappy with life/ Be bold and use your magic/ To change the story/ Many are held prisoner to their story. This interesting to me. Those that follow the Journey know how important stories are as we travel the road of life. So we must move to control our narrative. This is not a new concept. If you have been paying attention to the news you will hear about and see the importance of the story (narrative). In the marketing world  I see that those with the best stories rule. When the story no longer fits the product either the story needs to change or the product suffers. In the same way that coperations and countries strive to control their stories, you have the same power. If the story of your life no longer fits where you are or where you are going you need to simply change your story. Your life in a sense is your brand and you are the CEO and marketing executive in charge of your brand. So move forward and change it if you need to. Of course you will have pe...