
Showing posts with the label gye nyame journey

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Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future

  Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future In a world where words often lose their meaning amidst the noise, "Honor" stands tall, embodying a profound truth that resonates deeply within the soul of our community. As we navigate the complexities of modern existence, it's essential to return to the roots that define us, leveraging the timeless principles of Honor, Loyalty, and Sacrifice to forge a path forward. This exploration isn't just about understanding a concept; it's about redefining our collective destiny through the lens of integrity and truth. As a community committed to empowerment and personal growth, we dive deep into the essence of Honor—dissecting its impact on our lives and our interactions with each other. This isn't just an article; it's a manifesto for those ready to embody the true meaning of Honor in their lives, propelling our tribe towards unprecedented heights of unity and strength. The Core of Honor: H

Daily Toast- Nia 310171 (Play & practice your position)

Peace Fam Today's toast is a celebration of the follower, those unnamed heroes who have made civilization possible. Those people who may have known more and spoke better than the person they were following but kept their mouth shut, and played their part. Many of you may cringe when you read these words, but you have to face the fact that everyone is not a leader, in fact most people are not. I know you will probably fall into the "we are all leaders in our own life" argument but I could argue you there as well. History or at least the way we want to see it does not hoist the follower into the spot light. They teach us to focus on the leader, rather than looking at individuals that gave him the very thing that he needed, people to lead. It is these people who bring the know how to make the vision of the leader possible. It is these individuals that help and remind the leader to stay in line. It is these individuals that raise the money, and balance the books. It is the

Daily Toast- Ujamaa 38171 (You Inc.)

Peace Fam: Taking my time to review the proverb of the week , and attemping to connect it with the principle of the day. "Right practice is true knowing", in this practice is the key. The question I want my family to focus on is what are you practicing daily. We have to begin to look at ourselves as vaulable businesses, that have a story to tell. Many of us our not active in building our brand because deep down inside we may feel that we are not worthy. Wake up and face the fact that many of your struggles were not given to you for just you, but to teach others. Get up and begin to share your most powerful resource beside your time, yourself and your story.  Let's bring to practice living, and sharing our life lessons. We have been born in a time where we can leave tons, of information for our children and for those in need. Stop wasting your time and your storage space on looking for the next fight, and point the camera at your life and begin to record history in the

Daily Toast- Ujima 38171 (3 levels of Learning)

Peace Fam: Today we start out with the proverb that will take the lead this week "Right practice is true knowing". This proverb is definitely needed in these days and times of the slick talker. We have plenty of speakers and no leaders. Checkout the video let me know what you think and be sure to join the show tonight @ 9pm streaming live on my FB page. Hopefully in the next week we will be able to stream live through the site again.

Daily Toast- Kujichagulia 36171 (5 parts of Being)

Peace Fam: It was an exciting week, and I have been getting hits about "That Ambrosia" and question in general. Today let's look at the 5 aspect of our being (Intuition, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual, and Physical). Staying aligned with the Proverb of the week "Say the knowledge-holders, true home is the place which the sun breaks", for many people this is cryptic, but for the few who have been studying this proverb is clear. To me it speaks about the unseen part of reality which makes up at least 90% of existence. That is right, a majority of the universe can not be perceived by us. Our ancestors through altered states of consciousness were able to become aware of this bigger reality, and was able to incorporate this knowledge into their daily lives. We lost our way and need to focus in on some basics so that we can get back in touch. With today being Kujichagulia and the Hermetic law being correspondence we can look at breaking through some of the mysteries

Daily Toast- Umoja 36171 (Attack Of Soreness & The Voices)

Peace FAM I woke up this morning and began moving on the toast, but I was sore beyond belief. I feel like I was in a car accident. I attempted to do my workout after the axe' breaths, and had to give up the ghost. At that time I took some advice that one of my elders gave me about health. He told me that when ever he didn't feel right that he would back track 3 days, and find what brought on the ailment. Of course I followed this wisdom and found what was going on. Except mine did not start 3 days ago, but maybe 6 months. For a majority of my adult life I had been sleeping on a futon, a firm mat that was laid over wood or directly on the floor. When we moved I started sleeping on a bed, and the mattress is wearing me out. Combine that with not getting enough sleep over the past few days, keeping a regular light workout regiment, and viola'. Today you will get the toast, clean up, axe' breath, and discussion. I had to keep it short. My apologies. stay tuned because we

Daily Toast- Kuumba 34171 Warrior Training)

Today I thought I would share some of the training we have going on in Columbus, Ohio. Checkout the video and if you want more info about our bi weekly meeting hit me up. We have Boxing lead by Brother Anthony Nesbit, Vedic math lead By Mz. Traci Ford, African drum and dance (was canceled today), and lastly Discussion lead by myself. Checkout the video and let me know what you think, Let's Build!!!


"Say the Knowledge holders, true home is the place from which the sun breaks" Fam, it has been a busy 48 hours, as you can see I had to work over time to get you this video, and I am still running behind. I have started to focus all my post for 7 days on a proverb or story, and up above is the proverb of this week.  Dealing with suffering consciously, denying ourselves for the greater good, and moving toward freedom requires us to suffer. All suffering is not bad, when we are able to suffer for those things and people that matter, we transform that pain into something divine. We have problems with suffering because many of us have forgot where home is. Home is not our bodies, not the houses or apartments that we reside in. Home is beyond this plane of existence. We are here for a time, and we have a mission to complete. This requires us to suffer from time to time. Always being able to reflect back on our Nia will help you/us pull through. Checkout the video and let me k

Daily Toast- Ujamaa 32171 (Stop wasting resources)

Great Ujamaa: We will begin moving into a new phase of the #nguzosabachallenge, I will begin to focus more on some resources that I have been wasting when it comes to doing these videos. I have been jumping right over the proverbs and folktales that I podcast about weekly rather than using their wisdom to help with these daily post. I am guilty of wasting two powerful and overlooked resources in the universe. The first and most important resource that we all have access to is time. By me not helping you as well as my self focus on the words of our ancestors during our morning toast I have been wasting your time. I would do FFGF on Kujichagulia, and then Tribal Quotes on Ujima, and then jump into a discussion of the principles the following morning and rarely pull on the wisdom that came during the shows. This from my view is a terrible waste of time. Rather than helping you get a deeper understanding of the principle through the wisdom of the ancestors, I would randomly discuss issues

Daily Toast- Kujichagulia 128171 (who is defining you & your reality)

Great Kujichagulia: On this day we reflect not only on Kujichagulia, but upon the other principles, and laws that fall on this day.Today is not only the day of self-determination, but it also serves to bring us time to work with Justice and  the Law of Correspondence. Keeping with the theme from last week we will reflect on these principles through the lens of the quote from the "Book Of Coming Forth By Day", that has sparked all kinds of thoughts. " Awaken from thy suffering O thou who lye prostrate! ", we will stop the quote there, because this part illustrates what we need. Kujichagulia is about defining our self for our self, but how is this done? Unfortunately most people have been lulled into a deep sleep, they were cultured, and socially designed into a prostrate state. We have been submitted to a systematic process that strives to keep us unconscious. In the state of unconsciousness we experience self inflicted suffering. Now I believe that this point is i

Daily Toast- Imani 226171 (The Conspiracy Of You)

The greatest conspiracy that is never talked about is the conspiracy of "YOU". I am here to tell you as we step into Imani, that it is important that you consider this fact. Take time to reflect on your life and recognize that everything that has happened to you good or bad has lead you to this very moment. I know many of you can't believe this because we have been condition to believe that we are little cogs in a machine called the universe, and our existence is not worthy of cosmic intervention. I am here to tell you that you are worthy, and you need to etch this idea into your mind. You need to look at the evidence called your life. Look at the things that have happened in your past, I mean even before you were born that set the stage for you. You are the star of your life, and you need to embrace this fact, and wake up and catch the hints that have been coming your way, and will continue coming your way. The very universe is working on your behalf. So take some time d

Daily Toast- Umoja 227171

We have made it to another Umoja, and almost made it through another month. We are going strong with these toast, and by now you should be seeing the effects. Umoja is the point in our principle system where all of the principles we have been working on come together to produce results. Today take some time to notice where the principle Umoja has been working in your life. Where have things been coming together for you. Umoja is unity, but also on this day we deal with the Maatic principle of Truth, and the Hermetic Law of Mentalism. Speaking of the Law Of Mentalism, let's explore this law throught the lense of Umoja. The principle of Umoja reminds that everything is connected and and interdependent. If we take this as Truth (Maat) we can take our principles to another level.  The Law of Metalism states that "Everything is mental, and everything is a mental creation of the All", now this means that the entire Creation is formed through mental energy. Mental energy pro

Daily Toast- Kuumba 225171

Oh my, we have made it to another kuumba, and I am wore out. The flame of my Nia is burning me up and I can't stop. The powerful thing that I have realized about Kuumba is the fact that it sits between Nia & Imani. In my book the Player's Pyramid  we progress through the Nguzo Saba backwards. For Gye-Nyame Imani is the base upon which the rest of the principle sits. kuumba is next in the progression. This demonstrates to all those on the gye-Nyame Journey that  in order to create we have to have a strong belief in our ability to create. on the top of Kuumba, We have the fire of Nia, which we spoke about yesterday. The consciousness that activates Nia is good, but it only becomes great when we are abl to apply our Kuumba to the new information that our consciousness brings to our awareness. It is our Kuumba that allows us to take advantage of the opportunities that the beacon of Nia brings our way. Believe it or not the universe conspiring to move you toward your greatness.

DailyToast- Ujamaa 223171 (This $#!+ IS HARD)

I have set a difficult challenge for myself. I plan to create at least 1 video a day. I was doing great till early this morning when I fell asleep during my workout. I have it on video and it is hilarious, but it demonstrates that this shit is hard. Setting up the shot, testing new angles, creating new intros, writing for each show, remembering what I say to put in to the description, creating post for my site, podcasting twice a week, and etc.. Please take notice that this issue lines up with the principle of the day. I have to more effectively use my personal resources to make this new addition to my lifestyle work. Just as many of you who have made changes in your life have to also do. The idea about taking a challenge is that you will receive push back, you will find wholes in your game, and weaknesses will be exposed, but it is all toward your greatness. Don't be ashamed, take your feedback and use it in your continuing efforts to build. Back to the video: the two resources

Daily Toast- Kujichagulia 221171 (To much of a good thing)

This was my first session with my new phone, and it is unbelievable. I mean it is so good the camera is great, the speakers are outstanding. I have 64 gigs to use plus another 64 gigs on the sd card. So now i'm ready to go, or so you would think. My camera is to good, it picks up all the light, and makes all the videos at least from the selfie side look shadowy, so I cut off lights, and my black self disappear. I guess you can have to much of a good thing. I'm not complaining on this glorious day of Kuji (this days nickname). Kuji and myself have a real great relationship. Kuji has helped me mold myself into who I am and will help me get to where I am going. She will do the same for you. In a prior conversation I spoke with you about setting up small steps/goals to build your faith. Now let's use the same process for Kuji. A short term goal is to push myslef into a split before the summer. A small goal that has been a life time challenge. I figure if I can get my old body