
Showing posts with the label warrior

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Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future

  Unlocking the Power of Honor: A Guiding Light for Our Tribe's Future In a world where words often lose their meaning amidst the noise, "Honor" stands tall, embodying a profound truth that resonates deeply within the soul of our community. As we navigate the complexities of modern existence, it's essential to return to the roots that define us, leveraging the timeless principles of Honor, Loyalty, and Sacrifice to forge a path forward. This exploration isn't just about understanding a concept; it's about redefining our collective destiny through the lens of integrity and truth. As a community committed to empowerment and personal growth, we dive deep into the essence of Honor—dissecting its impact on our lives and our interactions with each other. This isn't just an article; it's a manifesto for those ready to embody the true meaning of Honor in their lives, propelling our tribe towards unprecedented heights of unity and strength. The Core of Honor: H

My Mojo is workin

Image by Logan Sakai via Flickr This a house cut from one of my favorite House spots. take a listen as he use some old old school Muddywaters to get your feet and fingers moving why you are up late nite doing as I'm doing. searching the internet... hahahahaa Nuff saidc sit back and listen to the world famous DJ Daleford   Chadbourne

The Baba chapter 5- Part I

Image via Wikipedia   Chapter 5 I felt like I have been in this process for years, but it has only been 6 months. When they told us that this experience will change you on all levels they were not kidding. I don’t recognize my own body. I am learning large amounts of information, and have committed a large amount of money. They say during this process you suffer from a disease called the “ups”. When ever you mess up, forget something, late, or etc. you do “ups”, pushups, situps, pull-ups , chair ups, and a whole lot more ‘ups’ until you correct what’s wrong. We had to learn the basic information and apply it to memory. What they say they were trying to do was to get us to develop the “intelligence of the heart.” In the NB Club this is the highest form of intelligence as they see it. The process consist of memorization through reciting and scribing. Once we have the information memorized we begin to test it and apply it to our lives. We are constantly tested on the material, and c

Simba Circle Fund Raiser

It is that time of year once again  where we are reaching out to our family and friends to help us keep Simba moving. For those that don't know Simba/Simsa also known as Rescue, Release, and Restore is an organization that has helped hundreds of African- American young men and now ladies go to our summer camp . Their they are not only introduce to the woods, swimming, basketball, and all of the typical camping experiences. They are also introduced to a committed core of adults that interested in their growth, they become part of a family and a nationwide network, they are introduced to Africentric principles as well as other cultures, and for at least 10 days out of the year they are some place safe (Simba Land). In this letter I am including some video footage for those who want more info on Rescue,Release,and Restore and a link to where you can go and donate. Just follow the link and click on the Columbus chapter . Each chapter has to raise a certain amount so I want to make s

Be a Victor

Image via Wikipedia Check out my E-book Player's Pyramid paperback will be out soon Victim or victor/ Live life, dont' let life live u/ All stories end same/ This is choice that at some point we all will have to make especially if we are going to walk this Journey moving toward SelfMastery. We have to learn to be Victors, or settle for being victims. One is active the other is passive.One pro acts and expands, and the other reacts and recoils. This is something that we have to sit down and decide. Although on the exterior the choice seems simple. Being a Victor means that all my excuses have been eliminated. It means that you begin to take responsibility for everything in your life and experience. This does not mean that you accept injustice, but we acknowledge it, then deal with it. We look within and find the lesson that may have been their for us. We conquer it and add it to our warrior story that we tell around the fire of life. by doing this we are able to become g

A Journey - short tale

Image via Wikipedia You have traveled world/ seeking the secret of life,/ have you found it yet?/ This is the question that was asked of me by my Master, as I returned from a 2 year journey. I was so embarrassed being that it seemed that I had failed myself, my Tribe, and my master. What made it worse was he had gathered the elders and leaders of our tribe to listen to what I had discovered. Maybe it might help you to understand how I ended up in this situation if I start at the beginning. My journey began years ago (when I was a Child) in front of a fire as I heard the older men and elders tell stories about our Mythic Hero ( to get story leave a comment and request it and I will send it to you) . Gye (mythic heroes name) was said to be the  founder of our tribe. The elders and high ranked members of the tribe sat up all night discussing the things he had done and how it effected our lives today. I was in love with these stories and more so with the discussions, I was able to sn


Image by M.C. Martin via Flickr What do you intend/ intention is your weapon/ Use to cut threw life/   For those on the journey the challenge is to learn to find your lessons not out of the mouth of wo/men, but to find them in the world and your experiences. Your story is the text book of your life and the lessons you can gain from studying yourself are vast. Dont ever under estimate the wealth of wisdom sitting unattended in your personal journey. We are all being prepared for greatness in some way, but sometimes we miss the lesson because we get caught up in life. Now that I have that out the way let me tell you a short story to help make my point and to cover the lesson in my Ha2ku. When I was younger (alot younger) I use to play football (which is full of life lessons). I was alright, and was told by many coaches that I had potential for greatness in the game. I recently ran into an old coach of mine that gave me a lesson that I had to share. This coach remembered m

False hustle-Ha2ku

Image by animm via Flickr Hustle means to move/ To move faster and better/ Than competition / Are you a hustler or are you being hustled ? Living life so busy that you have no time. Moving from pillar to post, but in all your motion going no where. We are surrounded by so called hustlers, people who are in motion building monuments to nothingness. Not realizing  the true definition of hustler. To be a hustler  we have to not only be in motion, but we have to be moving toward a goal.  Hustlers have to be moving better and faster than our competition. As we travel on this Journey we have take time to lay out our goals. We have to figure out who is our competition, and we have to continually move toward improving what we do. One of the major things we have to be willing to do is find ourselves a model to learn from. Being a hustler is a learned skill and is better  for us when we can follow the paths that has been blazed. We have to always be open to new information that helps u


Image via Wikipedia What do you expect?/ That is what you will recieve/ Look for what you want/ What are you looking for in this life? The sad truth is that we usually find what it is we seek. Although this could be viewed negatively, through the lens of our training in this life. When we view this fact From another angle we empower ourselves. If it is true that we find what look for ,and the world gives us what we expect then be bold, and look for what it is you want in life. Expect the best. Expect to be treated as royalty, and expect to succeed. I know some of you skeptics are reading this and stating that that is not realistic, but I am issueing a challenge. I am betting that this view of the world is as real as yours. I have personally seen in my experiences as a coach that many of the people that have a realistic view of the world get exactly what they expect. A big "nothing", the expect disappointment and get it, the expect saddness and get it, they expect lie

Opportunities Knocks - Ha2ku by ha2tim

Image via Wikipedia Opportunities/ Are like the wind; when they blow/ Have your sails prepared/ Opportunities/ Are like bugs, they come toward light/ Increase inner light / Listen I think opportunity is knocking, but you may not be able to hear it, because the TV (tellievision) is to loud, maybe the radio is drowning it out, or maybe the bullshit of life has your ears plug.Maybe your arguments in bad or stagnet relationships is drowning it out. Maybe the howl of your personal fear is to load. Maybe the chains of your job are rattling to loud loud for you to hear that sweet knock. We are living in a time of heroes, and it is in times like these that those heroes rise and accomplish the impossible. They hear opportunity, and hunt it down. They take the needed risk, cut, and/or add what is needed in their life and get moving to making the impossible possible. Where are you on the hero scale in your life. Be honest with yourself, are you waiting for someones permission, creden

Thank you Hip Hop- Ha2ku

Image via Wikipedia Hip Hop or hip-hop/ Which one do you represent/ Culture or coperate/ Had to change title/ Embracing my Hip Hop roots/ That inspired growth/ "Never judge a book by its cover", is what I was always told, but it seems that is exactly what's happening to Hip Hop. There are a lot of attacks that are being launched on this culture . i know i just probably pissed some of you off again by calling Hip Hop a culture, but that is what it is. I want go into the scientific , or anthropological definitions to prove my point, because if I have to do that then this is not the article for you. I just had to finally share what Hip Hop means to me and what it has done in my life. The thought hit me after I was viewing some You Tube videos, and there were good commentary, and then there was the other. the internet is full of experts and I try to respect them all, but what gives people the right to look at one piece in a puzzle and then define the

Fear vs. Vision-Ha2ku by ha2ti

Image by v:MarinO:a *SiiNeSteSiiA* via Flickr Vision inspires/ Fear paralyzes people/ Follow your vision/ The world needs more inspiration and less fear. Right now it seems that fear comes at us from all angles. Fear is the major element that is being broadcast through the media . The problem with fear is that it does not motivate in most cases, it paralyzes. When something is paralyzed it can not take the best action to solve a problem. In fact being paralyzed increases the problem, and puts the person, or society, that is experiencing the fear in more danger. When we are paralyzed we can not move, or think our way out of an issue. We are stuck in time, frozen in place. When we look at what is going on today we can see that fear is the true " weapon of mass destruction ". Whole countries are frozen with fear today because of factors that seem out of their control. this is not only happening on the larger level of life, but it may be happening in some of live's ofth

Gye-Nyame Tribe

Join this blog and join me on this Journey. Also join us at our ning site posted up above. Before I get into the subject that I was scheduled to discuss, I need to announce that Gye-Nyame Tribe is not something you belong to when it is convenient for you. You are either part or not. Either you are helping us build or you are not. I have been part of many organizations that have been destroyed by fringe membership it is ridiculous. There is a process of membership if you have not been through it or are not going through it now you are not in the Tribe. So please do not throw membership up in my face if you are not. The history of this tribe is something that I need to go into so that people can really understand. Gye-Nyame Tribe is the result of years of work and study of what was going on in our community. It belongs to and owes a lot to several organizations that came before it. I will take you for a brief walk in the history of our tribe so hold on. The beginning of our tribe roots r

Warriors/Heroes return

After returning from a successful weekend and being blessed to be on a spiritual high for that weekend. I can not describe the amount of despair I felt returning back to the city. It is hard for a warrior/hero to return back home after their adventure. Why is this? It is hard to return to a world that does not understand you. It is hard to return to this plain reality when you have been a witness to miracles and the true power of the Creator. What all warriors/heroes must understand that our real test is never in the alternate realities that we experience or create, but right here in this world. Our true conflicts are in our homes and neighborhoods. We are allowed these rest periods to give us hope of things to come and to remind us of what we are fighting for. If you look into ancient myths you will see this theme being played over and over again. The heroes of old found it hard to adjust to everyday life when they knew that they have slayed dragons, and witnessed miracles. Not realiz